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Prima Page 10

by Carolyn Faulkner

  He found he couldn't contain himself any longer – he wanted to be buried – deep – inside her. Quickly, Joseph adjusted himself out of the running shorts he'd been wearing around the house, grabbed her arm none-too-gently, wrapped his arm around her waist and lifted her off the ground. Mid-air, he barked out, "Spread your legs!" The second she complied, he let go of her and gravity impaled her on his rigid organ in one swift fall. Her face was priceless as she sank helplessly down over him, her body forced to stretch to accommodate him, given no choice in the matter. Joseph reached up and brought her mouth down to his, his hands spread on her bare back under the top, working it up and off as his hips met hers and she slowly accepted his shaft into her pussy.

  Katherine's pleasured sigh as he filled her warmed his loins even further, but then she made a grab at her shirt, holding it down over her breasts in front. It had already gone over her head and she was Godiva-naked from behind, hair ribboning in waves down her back. "Katherine, let go," he ordered.

  On moans of ecstasy from his hard riding, she moved with him sensuously, up and down at his behest, but Katherine did manage to give him a pleading look as he pulled on the shirt. She kept a slender hold on it, wanting to preserve some modesty and not wanting to be entirely nude out of doors.

  Joseph knew how to solve this problem quickly enough, reaching around with one hand to where she straddled his hips and pinching a good hunk of sore bottom flesh, repeatedly, on each cheek until she gave up the shirt with a squeal that cracked before it was over. Her small hands flew back to rescue her poor butt, which gave him the opportunity to throw the smock well away from them before practically falling on the shy globes with his mouth and tongue, growling, "Naughty girl." His hands clenched her hips firmly, controlling their race towards pleasure while his lips feasted on the sun-kissed nipples, tugging and tonguing avidly as she arched under his oral lash and the undeniably wonderful feeling of being completely opened and filled, over and over.

  Prima found her arms folded behind her back before she knew it, held there, useless, as Joseph took advantage of her helplessness to force her further down on him with each stroke, increasing her enjoyment to a fever pitch.

  Arching and moaning, filled to overflowing – almost to discomfort – nipples stiffened and aching from his zealous attentions, Katherine's breathing became incredibly heavy, and she thought she would expire from the heavy throb between her legs. "Please – Sir – I-I-I – can't – I can't – stand –" she barely got out through the pounding madness.

  His response was to redouble his efforts, grinding his hips to hers as he ground out between clenched teeth, "Oh, you'll bear it, all right. You have no choice. Cum good for me, honey, or I'll fuck you until you do." Three more powerful, wild strokes all the way in and out of her, and he knew he had her surrender. Her muscles tightened around him as she shimmied those beautiful breasts against his face. The low, sexy tone of his voice was a great tool in his arsenal to quell resistance from her. She succumbed to it almost as well as she succumbed to his touch. "That's it, Katherine. You know you want to. You know you have to. That's it. Cum for me, baby. Cum hard for me."

  And, like a trained poodle, she did as she was bid, groaning in ecstatic agony, gripping him internally like a fist, throwing her head back with the force of her orgasm. Katherine hated that her arms were held behind her during her orgasm, that he exerted his physical control over her even then. "That's it. That's my good girl." Tears burst from her eyes as her body continued to milk him, making his own end begin, squeezing the tribute from his penis to splash violently against her cunt walls again and again as his hips flexed uncontrollably, driving himself deep into her velvet depths.

  His breath bellowing out of his lungs, Joseph tried to recover quickly but was not very successful. He couldn't believe what he'd done. He'd really only come out here to tell her about this evening, but there was something about Katherine – when he got close to her his libido went crazy! He'd taken her in the dirt, for Chrissakes, when there were several comfortable beds not a hundred feet away! He was too old for this kind of teenage hormonal crap!

  Prima tried to scramble off him, but the hand holding her wrists at the small of her back stilled her. She was crying, he could hear it. Joseph didn't know why she cried sometimes after the ultimate ecstasy, but she did, and he tried not to make a big deal about it. But he didn't like that she sometimes tried to get away from him, too. She tried to wiggle off to the other side, and he growled between puffs, "Stay," pulling her down to him and arranging her on top of his chest, his hand buried in her hair.

  "Please let me go!"

  With an exasperated sigh, he asked, "What did I just say to you?" Silence. "Prima! Answer my question."

  She seemed to be trying to make herself small on him, as if she didn't want him to notice her – like that could ever happen. "Y-you s-said to st-stay."

  Her tears sometimes tore at him, and this was one of those times. Joseph kissed the top of her head. "And that's what I meant. Or do you want a spanking?"

  An anguished cry greeted his question when his hand drifted down to cup a bottom cheek in warning, as she shook her head then buried her face in his chest hair, sobbing inconsolably.

  His big, strong arms wrapped around her in a move that was supposed to be comforting, but all it did was maker her cry harder. Women, he thought. They were just about the most contrary creatures on Earth!

  Before she knew it, Katherine found herself back in their bedroom, on her tummy, even though it was ten in the morning, with Joseph sitting beside her on the bed, rubbing her back and somewhat concerned. "I want you to take a nap." He saw her small grimace and almost chuckled. "The reason I went out into the backyard was that I wanted to tell you something I've decided about tonight."

  She turned on her side towards him, and he knew he had her full attention. Katherine was silently chanting, praying, really, that he would call off her Punishment Night. It was the only humane thing to do, as far as she was concerned.

  He stroked her ivory cheek with the backs of his fingers. "I'm going to eliminate the spanking portion of the punishment, in lieu of earlier this week. I want you to have some more time to heal."

  Prima swallowed hard. But she would be punished tonight – the litany of how the weeks would go was forever burned into her mind: a humiliating examination of all of her most private parts, then him 'attending' to her breasts, the next week torturing her bottom hole, then spanking her the final week. And then the whole thing would begin again. Over and over. For the rest of her life.

  Tonight, her breasts would be subject to his tender touch. Remembering what he had done to her butt, it was in her mind and halfway out her lips to beg him not to – to give her a reprieve. But she clamped her lips firmly shut. Katherine felt she had done enough begging and knew she would do more in the future; it was unavoidable considering the severity of his punishments. Each time it ate away at her. She thought she should be stronger than that.

  Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

  Yeah, right.

  Chapter Ten

  That evening, she fixed his meal but spent her dinnertime in the corner, this time completely naked with her hands laced on the top of her head. She served him each time he demanded, then resumed her position. When Joseph was done, he got up, and she followed him meekly into the bedroom, biting her lip all the way.

  He positioned her near the end of the bed. A thick, polished wooden pole, well padded to be even thicker, was bolted to the floor. Joseph stood her in front of it, then backed her against it, bringing her arms behind her back and pulling the elbows as closely together as he could to bind them. There was a deliberately placed swell in the padding behind her shoulder blades, and between that and how her elbows were tied, Prima was mortified at the way her breasts stuck out as if she was trying to attract his attention to them. Soft leather cuffs that were attached to the pole were wrapped around her wrists and buckled securely. In the front of the bottom of the pole, there were padded st
ocks for her ankles that would spread her legs obscenely. The stocks came apart while she was being placed in them, then locked together with a padlock on one side.

  Joseph, who was a master carpenter among other things, had been a busy boy while he'd waited for his 'package' to arrive.

  He stood in front of her, drinking in the glory of having a woman – and his woman at that – trussed up like this, solely for his own enjoyment, his pleasure. She looked like a Serpieri illustration. His own real-life Druuna. His Prima was certainly built along those lines – curvy and firmly packed. Joseph couldn't keep his hands to himself, not that he had to anyway, letting his palms caress from her shoulders down to cup those considerable titties that were calling to him, teasing him, distracting him with their wonderful prominence. His penis already tented his gym shorts long before he'd gotten her into the bedroom – the sight of her standing nude in the corner of his kitchen like a recalcitrant little girl, hands on her head, nipples peaked from the cold, had kept him aroused all through dinner. Looking at her, feeling her in his hands, smelling her hot woman's scent made him want to cream in his pants.

  But there was work – correction – to be done to those fine, full breasts.

  Hands on his hips, he considered what to do about her head. There was, of course, a stock piece for her neck, but he'd never really been satisfied with it. It was cumbersome, and he knew it would disturb the pretty, arched line of her body. And frankly, he was nervous about things around her neck. It just didn't sit right with him. Instead, he substituted what he already knew he loved the looks of, that sexy head-bridle thing.

  When he presented the bit to her, the one that still retained the teeth marks she had put there less than a week ago, Prima out and out balked. She did not want that thing in her mouth again!

  For a woman who was pretty well immobilized, she was doing a hell of a lot of moving. "Katherine! Hold your head still!" His orders didn't even seem to faze her, and he could not tolerate that. Joseph dropped the bridle entirely, grabbed a nipple between his thumb and the side of each forefinger, pinching and twisting as hard as he could at the same time he lifted her breast away from her body just by the tips he was man-handling.

  Prima screamed as well as she could, throwing her head back against the pole with the force of it. Basically, she'd never really had much pain in her breasts; this was an entirely new and completely unwanted development for her. She didn't know how she was going to handle it. Katherine knew he was going to take her nipples clean off. And he just kept pinching. Wiggling and squirming only pulled against his hold, causing her more pain so she learned quickly to stand stock still and just bear it. He didn't need any help in the hurting her area.

  After several long, torturous minutes, he pressed himself lewdly up against her, still keeping her titties high and tightly pinched. "Do you want to know how to get me to let go?" he asked gently.

  She nodded, sobbing already, and he hadn't even finished getting her set up.

  He rolled her nipples harder as he spoke, watching her face scrunch up with the pain he was causing and feeling her moving slightly to try to avoid the unavoidable. "Stand still!" he yelled, and she obeyed instantly. "Very good. You were a very naughty girl to fight against the bit. Maybe I'll have you wear it constantly for a week or so, and then you'll not be so naughty the next time I strap you into it, hmm?" This idea seemed to sober her. When he spoke again, his voice was soft. "This is what you need to do to get me to release these lovely little nips of yours –" He pulled each breast up even further. "You need to put your head back against the pole, and ask me –very politely – to put the bit in your mouth and buckle it tight. Then you need to open your mouth wide – as wide as you can – and wait. If you've been polite enough, I'll do as you ask. If not, you'll have to wait until I give you permission to try again."

  A whimper. It made his cock clench.

  "Do you understand me?"

  "Y-yes, S-sir," shakily.

  "Well, then?" He watched as she did exactly what he'd said, putting her head back against the pole.

  "Sir, w-would you p-please put – put the b-bit in my mouth, please, Sir, and buckle – buckle it tight?" her voice broke on the last word, rising as high as it could and then fading out completely. "Please?" Katherine was mortified. Her body flushed bright red with her embarrassment, not that it would deter him. Her feelings were not going to be taken into consideration, except her ability to feel searing pain.

  Before he let those luscious globes down, he tweaked them viciously again, then let them fall as she squealed, but Prima kept her mouth open like a good girl. He secured her head with no further problems, pulling the bit cruelly into her mouth, forcing her lips awkwardly back. Then he put a blindfold on her, which seemed to make her a little crazy, wrestling against her bonds again. He just let her writhe and wriggle, thoroughly enjoying the show of bouncing female flesh as he brought a tray of utensils to the end of the bed, within easy reach.

  Since this was her first time, he wasn't going to do any play piercings. As breast punishments went, this would be a less exotic session, since he didn't want to start out with the worst stuff. He would bring her along gradually. After all, they had the rest of their lives. And he already knew that her breasts were exceptionally sensitive. Even the easy stuff will be enough to make her howl.

  A length of fairly thin rope was settled at the base of each breast then wrapped several times around the teat, tightly binding it and forcing it to jut painfully away from her body even more so than it had before, also making the unbound flesh unbearably taut. When he was done setting her up, there were very few parts of her body left that she could move, and he loved that idea, no interference, even very little writhing, nothing defending the delightfully blushing, nude smorgasbord in front of him. Joseph's palms itched to cup her breasts, and, with minds of their own, they did. "Ahh, Christ, Katherine, these –" He hefted them as if judging their weight. "Are absolutely beautiful." He tipped them each up, squeezing gently then latching onto an only slightly plumped nipple to worry and lap and suck on it, entirely unimpeded, moving with undignified greed from one to the other, leaving a wet trail across the scented valley of her chest.

  Oh, God, no! Blindfolded, her whole being was concentrating on every other sensory clue it could get. Her nipples were beginning to harden within the liquid cavity of his mouth, and she could feel the trickle of moisture starting already between her widely separated legs. Why, oh why, was she cursed with a body that seemed to respond to anything he did to her, whether it was intensely painful or immensely pleasurable? If it came from him, her sex reveled in it, while the rest of her body twisted in misery. Katherine didn't want to acknowledge what he was doing one way or the other, but it seemed that, in some unconscious conspiracy between himself and her hormones, he denied her even the basic fantasy of trying to remain sexually neutral in the face of his abuse.

  Her body betrayed and humiliated her each and every time.

  The bit forced her lips back so severely and occupied so much of her mouth that she couldn't really form intelligible words, and, between the gag and the blindfold, moving her head much was completely out. All she could do was keen behind it what should have been the word "please" but it just came out sounding like "eeeeeee". Not that it mattered, anyway. Nothing she said or did would stop him from doing with her exactly as pleased.

  And he pleased to hurt her.

  When Joseph had those luscious nubs all hard and tight, he reached down to the tray and picked out two plastic clothespins. "Your nipples are big and swollen, honey. Do you like this?" A tiny, tiny shake of her head. His mouth made a total liar out of her, settling on each nipple ravenously, flicking and suckling until he could hear the rhythm of her breath change, and her wail had descended several octaves to an almost sexy moan. "I think you do, but you don't want to. I have something here you're probably not going to like. It's going to hurt, and it's not supposed to arouse you, but we both know that doesn't hold true with you, does i

  He pulled on the nipple of her right breast just enough to give him something to clamp the clothespin onto. Then he opened its jaws wide, positioned it over its intended victim, and, as he eased it down onto that pale pink nub, he said, "Here it comes."

  It settled picture perfect onto the plump tit, standing straight out from her breast.

  The wail was back, louder and higher than before. Useless struggles only served to increase her suffering, jiggling the offended mound and waving the clothespin in the air. The second bit into her left one in just the same bondage-fantasy way, raising the volume of the wail but making it more intermittent as she struggled to deal with the harsh pinch. Joseph stepped back to admire his artistry, rubbing a hand over his erection casually at the sight. He took several steps closer, pressing himself against his woman. "Never had clamps put on your tits, Katherine?" She didn't really answer him. She couldn't, she was still trying to come to grips with what had a grip on two very tender portions of her anatomy. "Well, I don't think it's something you'll ever quite get used to, really, but it is something you'll definitely become extremely familiar with it, shall we say?"

  He lifted a breast in each hand, from the underside, the flattened nubs and their tormenters poking out between the thumb and forefinger of each hand as he shook her teats, gently at first, then with more force, making the pins wobble back and forth as far as they could while anchored firmly to her flesh. As he avidly watched, his hands cruelly squeezed and massaged and agitated her ample flesh, then his gaze flicked up to her face. Tears trickled from beneath the padded blindfold, dropping onto his field of play, and she was still testing her bonds as well as she could, just enough to make her look like she was writhing hotly to entice him.

  Before he got too involved, he took a piece of slim rope and put it through the holes at the end of the clothespins, lacing them together and pulling them towards each other. Ahh. Another groan of misery, music to his ears. Then he tied the whole contraption to an eyehook on the pole, lifting and suspending her breasts by the clamps on her nipples while she whimpered and cried.


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