Le Roi Du Sang

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Le Roi Du Sang Page 12

by Tiana Laveen

  “I didn’t sense you there. I didn’t see you, either. You were supposed to be in court.” She reached for a roll and bit into it.

  “I was in court. I watched right afterward. I had a camera placed in your classroom to record your lecture.” Her lips curled in a tight smile. “You’re quite astute. Those students seem to like you. You have a rapport with them.”

  “Where did you go to law school and why are you practicing law?”

  “I went to law school in France, initially. Every fifty years or so, I start all over again, pretending that I am a new student just for the fun of it when I must travel for lengthy periods of time abroad, amongst humans and have extended stays. I pass the bar exam in various countries, I set up an office or firm. That’s simply the way it has been. I have plenty of money now so that was never the incentive. I must say this though—this time around has proved to be the most fun and lucrative. There are some interesting people here in New York.” He picked up the glass apple, a spoon and a fork, and began to juggle them as he continued to speak. “I practice law because I need to be able to vouch for the how and why of my existence.”

  He placed the items back down and lifted his arms up and around, pointing to his surroundings.

  “So basically it’s a cover for explaining how you could afford a home such as this, in the middle of Manhattan.”

  “Yes! I can’t live here undisturbed in these lavish surroundings and not have to provide further justification. Who the fuck is going to believe a school teacher could afford this, huh? Or a nurse? I knew from an early age that one must cover their tracks well. I’m sure it’ll go over real well if I told everyone the truth though, right?” The woman grunted and rolled her eyes. “‘Hey everybody! No need to worry about little ol’ me! I’m just a fuckin’ four-hundred-year-old Royal vampire that kills your girlfriends ’nd husbands, and sometimes your little dog, too… sucks their blood outta their damn neck. I don’t need your money, so settle your tits! I own plenty of land all over the world, and I have enough money to start my own country and buy anything I want! Including your grandma Bessie!’ Nah, that’s obviously not gonna fly, now is it?” He picked up the paperweight once again and twirled it back and forth in his palm as he leaned back in his chair. “Not only that, it’s a hobby. I enjoy it. Law suits me.”

  “It feeds into your enormous ego… your need to destroy people, to be their judge and jury.”

  “Actually, I’m an attorney so me being judge and jury isn’t quite accurate,” he teased.

  She laughed and shook her head. “You know what I mean.”

  “Yeah, I know what you mean, but you’ve gotten off the subject. Let me help you get back on. Now, let’s talk about you schooling me on the human condition again. Let’s see… oh, I’ve got it.” He slammed the glass apple down onto the table and stared at her, a grin spread across his face. “Tell me the top three wonderful things you miss about being human?”

  “I was a slave, so my experiences are a bit jaded, naturally.” She swallowed a bite of bread, then pinched off another taste. “But uh, I enjoyed basking in the sunlight. Now, yeah, unlike the myth, you and I can go out in the daytime but it gets uncomfortable if I’m out too long. Exposure to the sun wreaks havoc on my immune system. I miss wanting and enjoying food, too… real food.” She wrinkled her nose at the glass of blood. “So, I sit here, pretending. In the mornings, just about each and every day, I make myself a pot of coffee. I sit down with a newspaper or watch the news… newspapers are becoming a rarer commodity. I work out on my old exercise bike, lift my little weights. I sing, I cry, I dance. I miss love.”

  He leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms. A heavy cloud drifted in the room. The immensity had no eyes and no feet, it was blind and couldn’t walk, but it entered somehow anyway… and it was enormous.

  “I can help you with the sunlight issue.” He lit a cigarette and blew smoke out the corner of his mouth.


  “I’m not as sensitive to it as you. Of course, that took my family centuries’ worth of evolution to achieve. The first vampires to roam the world could not step out into daylight for even one second or they’d burn, but you and I are advanced… evolved. That was like Cro-Magnon, so to speak. Anyway, there are measures you can take to help protect yourself. We’ll go over them. Now, regarding the food, I can’t help you there.” He threw up his hands. “We just don’t want it. We don’t crave it and it actually sickens me to watch you doing what you’re doing right now to that plate. But I understand that you’re a creature of habit and it makes you feel less ghastly, I suppose. Lastly, love is abstract to me, Venus. I understand the basic definition, I’m not an idiot, but I can’t grasp the full 3-D concept, if you will.”

  “Well, what do you want to know about it?” She crossed her legs and rested her hands on her knee.

  “How is it different from like? Is it just a more intense version? I can like people… I like a few. I like you.” He winked at her.

  “No, they aren’t the same… not even close. You can like a car. You can like a stranger you just met five minutes ago. You can like one blood type over another. You don’t love that car. It’s an inanimate object. You can’t love someone you just met five minutes ago or a blood type, either. People use the word love so loosely nowadays.”

  The woman stood from her chair and made her way over to him. He sipped some more on his blood beverage and hooked her gaze. “Explain it to me then. Teach me…” He reached for her hand, his heart racing. He placed her palm against his chest, then lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed her fingertips. It came so naturally, like fucking and feeding.

  “That. Did you feel how your heartrate changed? I felt it through your touch. That’s the beginning stages of love.”

  “That’s ridiculous.” He chortled, snatching his hand away.

  “It’s not. Have you ever felt that way with anyone else?”

  He stared at her for a moment, then looked away.

  “No.” He sucked air as he felt her take hold of his fingers and place them against her lower lip, one at a time. His breathing accelerated and his eyes glazed over with pure, unadulterated lust. He observed as she sucked each finger one by one. His dick stiffened, twisted and turned in his pants, begging to slip into her mouth, her pussy… any fucking orifice would do. His fangs began to push through the pink, soft tissue of his gums and the veins in his neck throbbed, right along with his dick.

  “Love is the way you looked at me when I was being attacked by the bear. You stepped close to intervene instead of being your typical ruthless self and allowing me to fend for myself. I handled the situation, but if I couldn’t, we both know you would have killed the beast on my behalf.” She sucked another finger, sliding her wet, warm tongue against it.

  “Of course I would have…” His chest swelled as his breathing quickened and his heart beat like a loud ticking clock.

  “Love is the way I looked at you when you admitted you had cameras in my classroom, knowing you owed me no explanation. You wanted to get to know me better, see me in my natural element, but you’re too hardheaded to admit it. It had little to do with control. It had to do with a genuine wish to see what makes me happy.”

  She sucked his thumb, moving it in and out of her mouth like a cock, taking her sweet time with the fellatio simulation. He fell under her horrible, tantalizing spell… he was doomed. “Love is when you had art books on my nightstand my first night here. Love is when you watched me sleep to ensure I was comfortable and okay. Love is you preparing food that I don’t need, that I can’t digest, that we both know I will vomit up later because my body can no longer tolerate it, but I still need to do it… I need to pretend… I need to believe that I can still experience love!”

  “Venus, I don’t love you.” His eyes turned to black slits.

  “I don’t believe you.” She smiled sadly at him as she wrapped her hands around his face.

  He looked at her neck, back into her eyes, then close
d his own. He couldn’t bear to look at her. What was happening? Had he been running from the truth for weeks, perhaps months on end? Had he been trudging through the forest, racing from the reality that stood before him? Was he a slave trying to get away from anything that challenged what he’d been told? What he’d learned? What he believed in? No. It couldn’t be.

  “That’s not love. That’s protecting my property… my bride. No, you’re not my slave, but you do in fact belong to me. That’s vested interest. There’s a difference, Venus.” He looked her in the eye, making sure he didn’t flinch.

  “No, Count Alexandre Marseille.” She regarded him as if he were some poor sap, a fledgling soul, an unfortunate being. “You’re wrong. I don’t need your love, so please don’t get it twisted, but I have it. I know what I know. And I said what I said.” She raised her finger in the air, making her point. “You can deny it all of you want. You know truth from fiction, fact from fantasy. You’re an intelligent, violent, vile entity who’s capable of love… great, obsessive, fantastic love. I’ve seen it over my time with you, Lord. You’ve shocked me. Your kindness and loyalty have taken me by surprise. You don’t say the words, you show through action. You’ve just realized that, too, and it scares the shit out of you.”

  He swallowed as his entire body warmed with anxiety.

  He’d never sent a woman or Vamp flowers. He’d never treated anyone as well as he treated Venus. He even cooked for the damn woman… something he’d never done for another. Stood in a grocery store and bought the bullshit that made him want to hurl. When they weren’t together, he was thinking about her. When they were together, he was savoring every moment, hoping that one day soon she’d want him the same way he wanted her.

  “You’ve never been in love before.” She caressed his cheek and he pulled away, out of her reach, baring his fangs. She wasn’t troubled or deterred. “You’ve bought the notion that you are incapable of passion and compassion, Alexandre Marseille, because that’s what you’ve been taught. You became a slave to the idea that it was to never be a part of your many lifetimes. It takes work to break a mold. You’ve already done so by pursuing someone your ancestors would have scoffed at. I’m a Turned Vampire… considered beneath you.”

  Bending down, she kissed his forehead. Nothing had ever felt so sweet… Flashes of when he’d been a youth flooded his mind. He recalled laughing one time while swimming in the Bay of Biscay with his brother, Victor, during one of the few times they didn’t have to train for war or fight. It had been a perfect day…

  “Don’t do this, Venus…”

  “How can I not do something that’s already been done?” He could barely breathe. Barely contain himself. “Love, to you, is a weakness. And you’re right; it is… but it’s also a beautiful gift.”

  She released his hand and straddled him, planting a devastating kiss on his lips.

  He eagerly wrapped his arms around her waist and they tore at one another, clothing flying in shreds all around them like confetti. He snarled as his fangs fully descended. Grabbing the glass before him, he broke it on the table and sliced his wrist with the jagged edge. Placing the wound to her mouth, she devoured him, hungrily and viciously. He rocked his pelvis against her moist garden as she sucked his blood. He had to clutch the arm of the chair to keep his composure, but it was no use. He screamed out, a sound that echoed throughout the place, a deep, rumbling growl from the pit of his gut. Wood splintered off the arm of the chair, making sawdust. His face burst with sweat as she swayed her hips back and forth along his erect cock, fucking him over his pants.

  “You’re going to start something that I won’t be able to stop! Shit! You don’t want this right now, Venus!” He groaned.

  “I do!” Her dark eyes pleaded as she continued to nurse from him. “Make love to me, Alexandre. I can take it! Come on, baby! Let me feel your big dick inside me! Fuck me raw! Hurt me! Please me!” Her fangs descended and her eyes turned pitch black.

  “Tu m’excites!” he roared.

  His eyes rolled back and for a split second, he went blind with lust and desire. He picked her up with one arm and swiped all the food and drinks off the table with the other. Loud crashing ensued when plates and glasses hit the floor, shattering. Slamming her hard against the table, he towered over her. Her eyes grew large with excitement. He undid his belt and discarded what remained of his clothing, including his underwear, exposing his large, rock-hard cock.

  He delighted in how her eyes and fangs glistened at the sight of it, her lips, smeared with blood, curving in delight. The flesh of his shaft was paler than snow, lined with blue, thick veins from the base to the top. Tearing her pants from her body, he caught her neck with one hand and shoved her thighs apart. She screamed in a way he’d never heard in his life, an earthshattering sound, when he sank his teeth violently into her neck. Blood spilled into his mouth, its richness so divine. She clutched him to her, shaking from his intrusion. In a matter of moments, he penetrated her again, this time with his needy dick.

  “OH GOD! OH GOD!” Her back arched as he thrust deep and hard within her, with no build up, no warning… fully engulfed in her soft, hot passage.

  The table broke beneath them, but he heard it splintering and picked her up in his arms, cradling her close as he continued to jostle his mate up and down his shaft, deep inside her pussy, stretching it wide.

  “You feel like new death and sweet rebirth! You feel like sunset and full moons! You feel like myths and legends! I can’t stop, Venus! You should’ve never asked for this! Years of wanting you… feeling you feeding off my dreams! I’m going to get what I need from you now. I’m going to fuck you to death then bring you back to life!”

  “It hurts so good, baby! You’re killing my pussy, tearing it to pieces! SHIT!”

  Tears ran down her face as she laughed then shuddered, going through a gamut of emotions. Her body was fast covering with bruises as he tugged at her arms, pulled her into his deep lunges, balls deep inside of her tight, wet pussy. She gripped his hair with one hand and yelled curses as he made her take every thick, long inch he had to offer. Carrying her over to the other side of the dining room, he laid her on the floor. Folding her legs so her knees rested against his shoulders, he made love to her face to face…

  He could feel the strain within him, and he fought letting completely go. He could see his reflection in her dark eyes… it stole his breath away.

  There he was, moving back and forth like a fucking rabbit, plunging so deep he could practically feel her womb. The vein in the middle of his forehead protruded—he felt it—as he rammed her over and over again. She held him tight, a smile on her face. Her pussy muscles squeezed the shit out of his piston; it felt so damn delightful, he couldn’t describe it even if he had to. Cupping her ass, he brought her impossibly closer and angled himself just so, to get his pelvis to rub against her clit.

  He slowed to envelop her right nipple into his mouth. The dark chocolate goodness was smooth and sweet. She sighed with pleasure. As the sound of his balls slapping against her pussy echoed in the room, her sticky essence ran down his shaft and nuts. He gently kissed the spot where he’d bitten her on the neck, taking the hurt away.

  He’d claimed her. Their fate was sealed.

  Shifting his body, he dislocated his spine, pushed and compressed the muscles in his back. The woman watched in wonder as he contorted and twisted until he was doubled over, his tongue now curled tight against her swollen clit.


  He jammed his cock faster inside of her, while slowly licking and sucking on her bud. Gliding a finger in her ass, he fucked the small, puckered hole with his digit, lavishing her pussy, clit, and ass with much deserved attention.

  “I’m cumming!”

  Sweet, sticky goodness trickled out of her pussy, down his shaft, across his tongue… making a beautiful mess. He kept fucking her, needing her, loving her.

  With a single kiss to her clit, he sat up, cracked his vertebrae back into place, and pep
pered kisses all the way back up her body. The woman trembled as if having a seizure. Her eyes rolled until there was nothing but white showing. Her fangs remained extended and her claws were tinted with his blood when she raked them up and down his arms in ecstasy. With the gentleness of a lamb, he slipped out of her sheath, then glided back inside her, much slower this time. Kissing her collarbone and breasts, he fucked her nice and slow, while they held on to one another for dear life. When he looked into her eyes, his body began to shake.

  He could see within her…

  Her most precious desires! Her greatest fears! She’d allowed him in, leaving no barriers… no more walls between them.

  “You want me too now, don’t you, my Love?”

  She smiled at him and nodded, running her fingers through his hair. “Yes, I want you!”

  He possessed her, holding her tight against his needy flesh. He roared, and his seed spilled deep within her, over and over again. Their sweaty bodies collided as he milked the last of himself within her sweet valley… and when it was over, he lay nestled on top of her, holding her close.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a shadow exit the room…


  She was a notorious voyeur. Perhaps she’d grown curious as to how their first tryst would go. Nevertheless, he pushed it out of his mind and enjoyed a brief rest with his bride-to-be. He clutched her to him, and a new horrid wave of possessiveness overcame him.

  She’s mine… MINE!

  “We have to finish your training, Venus. We’re almost there, but not quite. I need you to take off work for at least a week. It’s imperative. Do you understand me?” He rose up and tilted her chin, forcing her to look him in the eye.

  “Yes, I understand.” He outstretched his hand, noting the large, dark bruises between her legs from his forceful thrusting, as well as the redness from his bites and licks that covered her body.


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