Le Roi Du Sang

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Le Roi Du Sang Page 32

by Tiana Laveen

  The little guy turned around to leave but Alexandre tapped on his shoulder.

  “Let me ask you something, vampire to vampire…” The little man seemed surprised to be spoken to that way, but his socio-economic status didn’t make him any less of a man in Alexandre’s eyes. “So, you believe those candles really work, huh?”

  The merchant gave a toothy grin and nodded. “Only if the one using it believes it does. It comes down to a matter of faith.” And then, the guy scurried off into the night.

  Alexandre sucked his fanged teeth and looked around, nodding at people who were waving or raising their thumbs in his direction. The energy in the garden was magnificent, tangible, electric. He could smell the excitement; it raced within him, contagious as it was. Moments later, he and Whiskey stood surrounded by his groomsmen, all of them looking amazing in their black and red tuxedos. Bruce arrived with all the flowers, a greasy grin on his face as if he’d just finished plowing some primo pussy… Perhaps he had.

  “Alexandre, please step into the circle,” a Vampire Priestess directed as she pointed to the area directly in the center of the semi-circle of chairs. It was time for the wedding to officially begin…

  Alexandre stood on the gold pedestal. All around him, his groomsmen, including Whiskey, were on bended knee, their gazes lowered to the ground. A red wine silk runner was placed before him, then spread towards the white house inside of which was his soon-to-be wife. Rahsaan Patterson serenaded ‘Feels Good,’ setting up the right atmosphere. The guests remained in their seats and turned to see the door of the cottage opening. Out stepped Venus, and the chatter began. The song melded into another, ‘Butterflies’ by Queen Naija, now playing at full volume. The snapping and flash of cameras commenced and the videographer moved his large equipment around, catching her from all angles. Alexandre swallowed as he stood erect, in more ways than one, his eyes keenly upon her while she glided on in a breathtaking black and red gown…

  She reminded him of a dark fairytale princess. The petticoat layers had the skirt puffing out dramatically. The sweetheart shaped neckline flowed into a perfectly fitted bodice, her soft breasts partly spilling out, begging for a taste. Black layers of fabric adorned the skirt, followed by a row of red, then black once more. Her waist was cinched with a red and gold sash. As she drew closer, he could see the details of her makeup, her sparkling rare diamond jewelry, and his mother’s ring on her right hand. A long, cathedral style black and red train trailed behind her, and atop her head sat the crown his own mother had worn during her wedding ceremony to his father.

  “Si belle!” He placed his hand over his heart and couldn’t help but smile proudly. She was his… they belonged to one another.

  When Venus reached the halfway point, the guests stood up. Alexandre waved his hand towards her, forcing her body forward, making her float towards him.

  “Come to me, my Love.” Venus floated to him, so graceful. When they were finally face to face, he waved his fingers again and placed her down onto her feet, which were clad in delicate lace-up boots. The Vampire Priestess positioned one hand over Venus’ and the other over Alexandre’s. She spoke in French.

  “Tonight, we join King Alexandre Marseille and Venus Margaret Anderson in matrimony. King Marseille, please proceed.” The Priestess reached for a golden chalice filled with blood and water from the fountain of lovers, then placed it to his lips. He sipped, then offered it to Venus. She tasted the rich libation, then handed it back to the Priestess. He then removed his top hat, and out fluttered red butterflies, causing applause to erupt from their guests. He tossed the hat onto the ground, and one of his groomsmen quickly picked it up.

  “Venus Anderson, please proceed.” The Priestess picked up an ornate dagger.

  Venus took it and made a small cut across her wrist. She handed Alexandre the dagger, and he did the same. They pressed their wrists together and kissed one another. Her soft, juicy lips were the sweetest thing he’d ever known… Venus then took the lotus flower that he’d given her during her blood bath, the one she’d kept inside her for twenty-four hours, and handed it to him.

  “The lotus flower is a sign of King Marseille’s acceptance of his bride, and her mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and sexual devotion to him.”

  He placed it in his mouth and swallowed. One by one, the groomsmen stood to their feet and walked away, sprinkling white lotus petals along the way. Seventy-two bridesmaids came down the runner, two by two, arm-in-arm, donning long white gowns and black and gold chokers. They tossed red rose petals, each dipped in blood, in the air, then went to sit cross-legged around the couple. Alexandre wrapped his hand around Venus’ neck and she did the same. Resting their lips against each other’s throats, they closed their eyes and breathed, holding tight to one another as the Priestess spoke…

  “‘Aimer ce n’est pas se regarder l’un l’autre, c’est regarder ensemble dans la même direction.’ This is a quote by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. King Alexandre, please proceed.”

  Alexandre took a deep breath then fell to his knees.

  “I did not know what love was for over four hundred years… and now, I do. I am not ashamed anymore. I tell you all that I feel things for this woman I have never felt for another and I say it proudly. I am the King of Blood, le Roi Du Sang, and I have met and fallen deeply in love with my Bloodmate, Venus Margaret Anderson, my Reine Du Sang. I am weak for no one but her. I am not in control of myself when we are together, and I love it. I have hoped for her since I was a youth and was told she would come my way.

  “I have been to so many places in search of my Blood Queen, but only when the time was right did she appear. I found her in a strange place, a laundromat in Manhattan. She was trying to get blood stains out of her clothing while watching DIY birdhouse videos on her phone. She lived in the city, so I am not certain what for.” Snickering ensued, and Venus chuckled. “But her being in that place meant so much more… She wanted to wash her sins away, and I wanted her to embrace them and not see them as sins at all. She was so different from me.

  “How could we find common ground? Our beliefs were so dissimilar, we came from two different worlds. I come from a people that rule over others, she came from a people that were treated as lesser than, and controlled. But then, I remembered—she too came from kings and queens… long ago, in Africa.”

  His bride’s chest rose and fell in a choppy fashion, her emotions rising, striking him, making him feel something deep and filling him with longing.

  “She is the descendant of not only slaves, but of royalty, too. What type of man would I be to deny my heart of its true desire?” Blood flowed down his cheek as he poured out his heart. “I have fallen in love with a Turned Vamp, the first to be wed to a French Royal Pure Blood in the history of the country. I could not pick and choose the parts I wanted of her. I had to accept her in her totality. This week, I was on trial. This week, I was stripped of my status, my crown taken away. This week, my rank was reimbursed, my crown returned. This week, I had to kill my brother while my mother watched. This week, I had to pay for the burial of my brother, while my mother attended his memorial.

  “This week, I marry my one true love.” He stood to his feet, and the beautiful woman before him reached up and wiped the blood from his face. He took a moment, then turned to his mother, who sat, stoic, in her black lace gown, her head held high.

  “Thank you, Mother, for finding my Queen and preparing her for me. There is no need for a wedding present, when you supplied the main attraction, the Blood Bride.”

  Mother nodded, and he returned his focus to Venus.

  “Please exchange your gifts.” The Priestess held out her palm, on which sat two black and gold wedding bands. Venus reached for the bigger one and placed it on his finger. He did the same with hers. “I pronounce you, King Alexandre and Queen Venus, Vampire Monarchs of France. You may bite your bride.”

  He undid the tie from his cape and let the expanse of fabric fall at his feet. He then loosened his su
it tie and collar. The priestess smiled as Alexandre took Venus into his arms. She shuddered in sweet anticipation. Slowly, he slicked his tongue along the side of her neck and he inhaled her delectable scent. His fangs descended and his heart began to race, beating within his chest like wild horses.

  “Mmmm!” He pierced her flesh and drank from her rich, delicious blood. His cock strained against his pants as his desires for her leaped and clawed at his resolve.

  “Venus, you may now bite your groom.”

  In her weakened state, her body wracking with orgasm after orgasm, she tried to hold tight to him. He helped her, bringing his neck a bit closer to her mouth after lightly flicking his tongue along her dripping wound. He groaned when her teeth sank into his flesh, drawing blood. He shook with emotion as they embraced, dancing in euphoria. Soft music played and black feathers started to fall all around them. The crowd cheered when she pulled away from his throat and he pressed his lips against hers. When the kiss ended, she looked into his eyes. Lust danced within them, then spilled out, making him weak at the knees.

  “Je te veux. Baise-moi.”

  “Ahhh!” He laughed. “Your French is superb now!” Then he whispered, “I want you, too … and yes, I’m going to fuck you senseless.” She draped her arms around his neck and kissed him hard. He looked into her eyes as they shimmered a bright orange. “I can’t resist you…” He slicked his tongue within her mouth, holding her close as the cheers grew louder and their friends and family playfully bounced around, singing and dancing.

  Le Roi Du Sang had done the unthinkable.

  He’d fallen madly in love.


  I Can See the Fire in Her Eyes…

  The Parisians knew how to party. These motherfuckers really did it big. Venus was spent; her voice had grown hoarse from laughing at the top of her lungs. She’d danced with ten different kings, spinning and carrying on and being passed around like a joint. A few even felt her up, the raunchy, horny bastards. She made sure not to let Alexandre know—his jealous rage was not something she was in the mood to experience that night. It would ruin the entire evening. She delighted in watching him dance with his mother.

  Her mistress slipped him a small bottle while the two danced. She whispered in his ear, then he glided it into his suit pocket and Venus was curious as to what it contained. She’d never seen Alexandre fast dance before—it was absolutely hilarious! Her man was 6’6, and though he could fuck his ass off in the sack, he seemed a little bewildered about how to do the Wop dance the youth vampires were trying to teach him. But, he was quite determined. After the third try, he finally got it and they cheered him on. There was a buffet of various blood treats and beverages, but the sparkling blood fountain was a big hit. It was mostly water, but it was lovely nevertheless.

  King Zhang Wei and Syà were the life of the party, making everyone feel tipsy with mirth as they danced the night away, showing some of their cultural moves. The Queen had brought something magical to share with the crowd—a glass pipe filled with something rich and mind bending. Puffs of red smoke emanated from it, likely aiding in everyone’s giddiness. At the end of the night, Venus pulled the zany Queen aside and kissed her cheek, loving her so. Syà hugged her close and pressed her head against hers.

  “We’ll be friends forever, Venus. Call me. I shall see you soon! I promise! Oh, and enjoy tonight!” The vixen winked and off she went as she and Alexandre retreated into a black carriage, fit for an upside-down fairytale. Initially, Alexandre seemed happy as could be, just as joyous as she was, but soon, his mood seemed to shift to a dark place.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, baby.” He forced a smile. Alexandre balled up his fists, looking preoccupied and not speaking much on the ride to their private sanctuary, a retreat set up just for their special wedding night. He sniffed her, drawing closer, his expression intense … perplexed, even. He adjusted himself on the seat as if his balls were hurting, and then sniffed her again. When they entered the premises for their honeymoon night, which looked rather unassuming from the outside, more like a small hotel, he walked up to an empty reception area. He rang the silver bell that reminded Venus of a little tit, and a tall, elegant man with silver hair approached.

  The two shared no words, but a black paper bag was placed in her husband’s grip before they went to their private chamber. Now, here she was, trying to understand what she was seeing… feeling… doing… Alexandre stated he’d be right back and before she could say anything, he disappeared. The balls of her feet throbbed as she slipped her boots off and dragged herself farther into the room.

  “Shit.” She looked around, unprepared for what she saw.

  A small, shallow black marble hot tub stood in one corner, a waterfall of blood cascading from the rock walls into it. Sensual jazz music played, and she was all alone, looking to and fro… wanting him beside her.

  “Alexandre?” she called out.

  On both sides of the room, gorgeous portraits of the two of them hung on the wide red walls.

  “I’ll be there in a second, baby.”

  She heard him speak, but where was he? She couldn’t figure it out. Perhaps it was the blinding red lights that bathed the room in deeper hues of burgundy, or maybe the strong incense and flickering candles that made her head a bit woozy. She went to pull back several layers of curtains that framed something rectangular in the middle of the room.

  A massive steel and black bed.

  Sitting high, the bed was equipped with thick chains and restraints at the headboard and footrest. She smirked, her pussy throbbing at the sight. Tiptoeing up the stepstool, she sat on the black and white comforter. Soon, she realized she wasn’t alone. She pulled the curtain back a little more to find Alexandre standing naked from head to toe, with the exception of his wedding band and the black chain around his neck. His muscles glistened as if he’d just stepped out of the shower, though he didn’t appear wet. He picked up a remote and the music changed, the room turned a deeper shade of red, and one wall opened, exposing a huge fireplace already blazing. She smiled with delight.

  As he approached her, she couldn’t help but lick her lips as she sized up his thick, long, juicy dick that swayed with each step he took. He sat next to her and presented a white box with a white satin bow on it.

  “This is for you, my Love.” He leaned close and kissed her forehead.

  Curiosity gripped her. She opened it and found a watch with a thick band inside, nestled on the satin lining, the face cracked. “That belonged to a friend of mine in New York. He was a Turned Vamp, like you. He was also an attorney. I had much respect for him. One day, he was murdered by another vampire. The reason doesn’t even matter. Anyway, when he was knocked to the ground during the altercation, his watch had stopped right at the time of his death.

  “I found out who killed him and avenged his death, but it was yet another time in my life, when I denied what I was feeling… I was alone again. Just like me and the little human boy who betrayed me… looking for you and wondering if I’d ever find you… I was all alone again.”

  He shook his head. She reached out to touch him, but he grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers. “I hurt from that loss…” He hung his head for a brief spell. “I went out and killed and killed for seven days straight, Venus, and still wasn’t satisfied. This watch reminds me of him. It’s a testament to the fact that we must always be aware of our surroundings, not take this time here for granted, but it also reminds me of something he once said to me.”

  She wrapped her other hand around his and squeezed.

  “What did he say?”

  “He told me a last breath can never replace a first kiss.” He pressed his lips to hers and the coolness of his flesh sent shivers down her spine. “What that meant was, he missed at times being human, feeling those emotions. His last breath as a human was transcending, but he’d died long before he was slain. His existence in my life, even though for only a brief time, made it easier
for me to accept you, to stop running from our differences. He made me want to reach out a bit more, learn to trust. Not soon after that, I found Whiskey on the street. I began to look for people to gather around me, so I could feel… or at least, pretend to. I could pick up their energy… knew their fears and desires. All Whiskey wanted was to be cared about, to be trusted, to be wanted. There is nothing wrong with you, my beautiful Bloodmate, but maybe there is something wrong with me.”

  “Nothing is wrong with you, baby!” She released his hand and drew him in for a kiss.

  “Every time we make love, you make me feel so much better… I need to be inside you, baby.” He took her in his arms and ran his hands roughly through her hair, laying her down onto the hard, massive bed.

  Venus snarled and hissed as they clawed at one another. Her flesh stung from him dragging his teeth along her body, up and down, ravishing her as he ripped her dress apart with his bare hands.

  “Fuck me… Shit!” Her body radiated with passion and desire. Perhaps this was what her mother-in-law had truly meant by being in heat. It was the worst yet most lovely feeling, like an addict needing a hit so badly. Alexandre gave a deep growl and snatched every stitch of clothing off her like some beast. He yanked her down the bed, jerked her thighs apart, and eyed the fresh tattoo between her thighs…

  It was his full name, not just the initials, along with a white lotus flower. In a flash, he buried his face between her thighs, kissing and sucking on her clit as he ran trembling fingers against her tattoo. He devoured her like a final meal.

  “Tu est à moi!” he roared between tense licks.

  “Yes, baby… I’m yours, all yours.”

  Crawling up her body, he wrapped one strong arm around her waist then enveloped her hard nipple into his mouth. The heat from his tongue drove her crazy as he licked and sucked all over her tits. His hands roamed all over her ass and he cupped and squeezed her cheeks over and over.


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