Bohemian Law (Traveler Book 1)

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Bohemian Law (Traveler Book 1) Page 21

by Misty Walker

  I pull the set of strings dangling down her back, then the set on the back of her neck. The bikini falls away and my hands go right to her bare breasts. Her nipples pebble against my palm. I trap the tiny buds between two of my fingers and squeeze them shut again. I swallow the gasp she lets out and plunge my tongue into her mouth. Warmth spreads throughout my body as my hard length gets worked over by her jean clad pussy.

  I reluctantly remove my hands from her breasts to move them lower and unbutton her shorts. She rises and pulls them off, along with her bikini bottoms, exposing her bare pussy. She sits back down and her hands first shoot to my shirt, where she pulls it over my head, then those nimble fingers are unbuttoning my shorts. I lift my ass up so I can pull them down, but she pants out. “I can’t wait.” She frees my cock and with no preamble, takes me in to the hilt. We let out a collective moan of pleasure.

  “Bend back, baby. I want to play with your clit.” She arches her back and I can’t help but suck a nipple into my mouth. I roll it with my tongue and Thea lets out a breathy whimper. I release it and drag my hand down her torso before settling my thumb on her clit. It’s swollen and wet. I wish I could fuck her and lick her pussy at the same time, but I digress. I’ll figure that out later.

  “I need more,” she says between thrusts.

  “Can’t have that, now can we?” I grip her hips and stop her bouncing. “Lie back.” I move with her so I don’t have to leave the silky wet sheath of her pussy. When I’m finally on top, I thrust into her. Hard. “Is that better?”

  “Yes. Law. So good.”

  I continue to deliver hard, solid thrusts when my balls begin to tingle, alerting me to my orgasm.

  I grab her hand that has been clawing its way through the skin of my shoulder. Licking her fingers, I then bring it between our bodies. “Play with your clit,” I demand. She listens and within seconds she’s writhing underneath me, her breaths coming out short and shallow.

  “I’m coming. Oh my God!” she shouts and I quickly cover her mouth with my hand. We have been given the illusion of privacy, but I’m not sure how soundproof this thing is. Her next shouts are muffled and the vice-like grip of pussy, followed by the spasms clenching down on my dick, tell me she’s coming. I lose any last semblance of self-control I possessed. I orgasm. I orgasm so hard I see black spots in my vision. After a few last, slower thrusts, I fall on top of Thea. She laughs and pats my back soothingly.

  “I think you broke me.” My words are muffled against her hair.

  “I think you are breaking me right now.” I realize she can hardly breathe with my body weight on top of her. I push myself to lie at her side, freeing my cock.

  “Sorry,” I grit out. She traces a finger along my hairline, no doubt stopping the beads of sweat from worming their way down my face. She looks pensive as she follows the path of her fingers with her eyes. “What’s going on in that head of yours?”

  “I’m just wondering if you have an extra set of sheets because your semen is spilling out of me as we speak.” She giggles, as if she’s happy to be dirtying up my bed.

  “I’ll have you know I have four extra sets of sheets.” I tickle her sides and she rolls around, laughing.

  “I’d expect nothing else.”

  The following morning, Thea and I wake early. She goes back to her family so she can pack up and I get everything organized with the motorhome so we can start our journey when she gets back.

  “Get out here, asshole!” a man’s voice shouts from outside the screen door. I walk over to the door and find a pretty pissed off Wen.

  “Wen,” I cautiously greet as I step outside.

  “I’m not letting you take her from me.” He is pacing back and forth, his eyes trained on the ground.

  I cross my arms in front of my chest and widen my stance, hoping it doesn’t come to a fight, but prepared if it does.

  “I’m not taking her anywhere, but we are leaving together. She can make her own decisions.” I watch him pace.

  “No. She can’t. She was given to me. She belongs to me.” He stops his pacing two feet in front of me. He fists clenched at his sides and wholly focused on me.

  “I don’t know what I have to do to get it through your head. Women are not property, no matter your culture or traditions.” I keep my tone calm, but give no room for argument.

  I see his fist coming before it lands and am able to sidestep it. Unfortunately for Wen, I was standing inches in front of my behemoth motorhome, so his fist slams into the fiberglass and aluminum.

  “Fuck!” he shouts, holding his fist. He whips around quickly, ready to throw another punch, but I hold my hands up like I’m trying to calm a wild animal.

  “Listen, we can keep doing this. You can keep trying to kick my ass, and maybe I deserve it because Thea probably would be marrying you still if she and I hadn’t met. But trust me, she would always resent you. She would wake up every morning and look out the window, imagining what her life could’ve been had she been able to make her own decisions. You could never own her heart. You could never possess her spirit. She would be yours in body only. Is that what you want?” I throw my arms out to my sides in frustration. Getting through to him is like trying to demolish generations of beliefs. It’s impossible.

  “You know she and I were in diapers together?” He lowers his voice, but his brow is heavy and bunched together in anger.

  “She told me.” I take a step back and lower my defensive stance, confused if his emotion is growing or tapering. Honestly, he is such a wild card.

  “Our future was written the day we were born. You’re ruining that. You think she would resent me for keeping her, but she’ll resent you for taking her away from her family.” Every word is bit out in anger, every period punctuated with a gnash of his teeth.

  “She can come back whenever she wants. This whole freedom thing seems to be a difficult concept for you to grasp but listen when I say this. She isn’t owned by me. Every choice she makes, every place she goes, will be of her own free will. Accept it.” I walk past him on my way back into the RV, but pause before I close the door. “Or don’t. Honestly, I don’t care. I need to get back to this.”

  “Whatever,” he mutters as he walks away with his head down. Poor schmuck. My girl leaves broken hearts wherever she goes.

  Moments later the door is opening and I hear Thea huffing up the stairs.

  “You will fit, you fuckin’ piece of—”

  I watch her struggle with a duffle bag, trying to make it fit through the doorway.

  “You need help?” I ask. She drops the bag and looks up at me with strings of hair dangling across her face.

  “Please!” she says as she brushes her hair off her face with the back of her hand. I sneak past her and grab her bag, twisting it until it fits.

  “Is this all you’re bringing?” There’s a large duffel and her guitar, but it can’t be all she wants to take to her new life.

  She pats me on the chest. “Yeah, Richie Rich. I travel light. Unlike you.” She motions to my giant vehicle.

  I put her bag in the closet and then pull her into my arms, searching her face for any signs of distress or uncertainty. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m good. I’m sad, but we’ll keep in touch and maybe we can come visit often.” Her hands snake around my neck.

  “Whatever you want, Trouble.”

  She beams at my answer.

  I kiss her briefly, but then pull away. “If we don’t stop, we’ll never make it out of here.”

  “You’re right. Besides, road head sounds fun.” She shrugs a shoulder and moves to the passenger seat up front. I shake my head and follow her to the captain’s chair.

  When we’re buckled, and the engine is running, I put the beast in drive. But my foot doesn’t leave the brake. Standing in front of us is Leander, a duffel bag of his own on the ground next to him.

  “What the hell?” Thea is jumping out of the RV in an instant and heading to Leander. They talk for a bit, Thea drawing him
in for an embrace and patting his back. Leander with his head lowered and rubbing his nose. Thea looks in my direction, thinking for a moment. They both make their way to the driver’s side and I jump down from the cab.

  “What’s going on?” I ask.

  “Leander had just started college courses when we left. He was hoping he could come with us so he can get back to school.” Thea pleads with me, but there’s no question in my mind.

  “Of course. I think that’s a great idea.” I turn to Leander. “Your dad know?”

  “Um, he doesn’t know I started up at the community college. Hell, he doesn’t know I graduated high school. He thinks I want to go back to work and marry some girl he arranged for me. He’s cool with it.” Leander’s dark hair hangs over his forehead and he flips his head to move it to the side.

  “Okay. Let’s get going then.” I climb back up to the driver’s seat and buckle in. Thea settles Leander in the back and then comes back to the cab. She leans over and kisses me full on the mouth, her tongue dancing lightly with mine. My hand sneaks up to the back of head and I hold there, taking her in to all of my senses. I taste citrus on her tongue, I see long lashes brushing the tops of her cheeks, I hear the slightest moan only loud enough for me to hear, I feel her wild and curly locks between my fingers, and I smell the incense that permeates her pores. For the rest of my life, this is all I want and need.

  I pull away, but only barely. My lips still brushing hers.

  “Marry me, Trouble,” I whisper.

  She giggles and I feel the small puffs of air against my lips. “You wanna marry me? The bohemian girl?”

  “Please?” My serious eyes are trained on hers, who dance with mirth.

  “I’ll marry you, Law.”

  I draw her in for another kiss I feel down to my toes.

  She pulls away and bounces onto the passenger seat. “I guess I’ll have to get legal.”

  “There they are!” I call out. “The newest legal U.S. citizens!”

  Thea and Leander make their way toward Mark and me where we have been waiting. We’re all having dinner to celebrate finally getting them both social security numbers and birth certificates. It’s taken over a year, an expensive lawyer, and so many hoops, but they’ve finally got the papers in hand.

  Thea waves the small, blue card and a sheet of paper that will make it possible for her to get a driver’s license, a job if she wants, but most importantly, now we can get married.

  I stand up and bring her in for a hug and kiss. Leander stands to the side awkwardly. His documentation was a little more difficult and required me to pay a few fines. He used a false identification to enroll in school and seeing as that’s a crime, he’s lucky he didn’t go to jail. My lawyer is just as good as she is pricey, so he got away with only a few hefty fines.

  I pull away from my fiancée. “Leander! You remember Mark?”

  Mark stands and shakes Leander’s hand.

  “I do. How are you?” The boy has grown into a man this last year. Gone is the shaggy hair and teenage attitude. What’s left is a confident man who is in his second year of college. Thea is so proud of him and never wastes a chance to brag at how smart he is.

  “My lawd, you’ve really grown up since I last saw you,” Mark drawls, holding Leander’s hand too long and peeping him up and down. I elbow him in the gut and his hand drops. To Leander’s credit, he just chuckles and takes a seat.

  Thea looks around. “You couldn’t get us a table by the window?”

  “There will be none of that,” I scold. “Not today.” When Thea suggested having this celebration at The Green Olive, I put my foot down. I had no intention of ever returning. She convinced me, though. Well, she convinced my dick. Asking me important questions while she’s sucking me off is her preferred method of getting what she wants.

  “I wasn’t suggesting anything. I just wanted to be at our old table. Relive our first real date.” She removes the napkin from atop her plate and settles it in her lap.

  “What happened on your first date?” Leander asks. A mischievous smile creeps up Thea’s lips and lights her eyes.

  “It was nothing,” I say at the same time Thea says, “We dine and dashed.”

  “Whaaaaaat?” Mark dramatically holds a hand to his chest. “The Chief Financial Officer of the biggest and best casino in Reno dine and dashed? I don’t believe it.”

  “I, unknowingly, was the getaway car.” I defend and Leander snickers.

  “You guys should have seen him when he finally realized what I’d done.” Thea jumps from the table and starts pacing with her head in her hands. Her performance is drawing the attention of the other diners and I lean over the table, my hands covering my face. “He was all, ‘I think they got my license plate. I’m going to jail. No wait. Is it a felony? Maybe I’m going to prison.’”

  I yank Thea’s arm and pull her into my lap, having enough of her antics. “It’s not funny,” I say with my arms wrapped tightly around her waist, but the entire table is cracking up. I release my future bride and she settles in her own chair again.

  We all order saffron lamb kebobs and mint lemonades. The dinner is full of laughter and talk of future plans. Leander is getting his engineering degree in renewable resources. It’s the perfect job for someone who has spent his whole life living outside of the box. He’s managed to delay his arranged marriage so far, despite their dad’s growing impatience.

  Thea has been taking some online adult literacy courses. Next, she’ll be taking classes at the community college for adults who dropped out of high school, or like Thea, have hardly any education at all. My girl is like a sponge and to her surprise, she loves learning. At night, after I’ve gotten her naked and under me, she’ll read me chapters from books she has been reading. I love seeing her confidence grow. She amazes me.

  I look over and see Mark and Leander have their own quiet conversation, so I get down to business with Thea. I put my hand over hers and give it a squeeze. She beams up at me.

  “When are you going to marry me?” I ask with an eyebrow quirked. “We have a home. Your dad finally approves of me. Now you have your documents. There’s nothing left to do.” When we returned from Florida, we lived out of the motorhome for about a month. Just until we found a house on the outskirts of Reno on some land. Thea has room to roam and the wild horses live in our backyard. It’s gorgeous. Even her dad approves. It took him a few months of conversations over the phone before he agreed to visit. He still calls me a gorger and he’s still not ready to move back, but he’s been here twice. He loves the land we own. At some point, I’d like to build a home for him, the girls, and Freedom. Our own little commune.

  “I’ll marry you after I get my GED.” It’s the same answer every time, but I’m growing impatient. I want my ring weighing down her finger so she can never forget she’s mine.

  “I’m just going to put a baby in you then.” I smirk and she rolls her eyes.

  “No babies. Yet.”

  “You guys are having a baby?” Mark shrieks and the restaurant looks over at us. The women swoon and the men smile a smile that says ‘your life is ending.’

  “No!” Thea whisper shouts at the same time I say, “Yes!” Her angry stare is like a slap to the face, but it just makes my dick harden. I don’t think that look delivered the desired effect.

  “Not yet.” I clarify.

  Mark dismisses me with a wave of his hand. He and Leander go back to their conversation.

  “I’m ready to get out of here,” I say, bringing Thea’s hand to my dick. Her eyebrows shoot up in surprise. She grips my length and leans toward me.

  “Let’s dash,” she says, full of playfulness. She stands up and takes a few slow steps from the table. I discreetly adjust myself and then jump up and follow her.

  “Where are you two lovebirds going?” Mark calls out. But we don’t answer. I grab Thea’s hand. We run outside and straight to the car, laughing the whole way.

  When we settle in the car, Thea’s out of b
reath and the smile I love so much is being prominently displayed.

  “I think we just did the adult version of dining and dashing.” Her hand cups my cheek and she drags her nails over my scruff.

  “Was it still fun?” I ask. Thea has given up her life of crime for the sake of my sanity. I know she misses the thrill. She loves to brag about different cons she has gotten away with.

  “It was still fun.” She assures me. We drive away to the sound of both of our phones chirping, no doubt Mark and Leander wondering what hell has gotten into us. But that’s love, I guess. Two people with different life experiences coming together, giving and taking until you create a combined existence full of everything good from the both of you. It’s difficult, and sometimes it’s not pretty, but when you get to where the two prongs of the fork meld into one road, the result is fantastic.

  I watch as my toddling little boy creeps up to my husband. He can barely walk, but Hanzi, or Hanz as we call him, is stealthy. His big brown eyes look at me for reassurance and I shoo him on with a wave of my hand. I’m sitting on a blanket in the park at Law’s company picnic. He’s been playing boss all day and Hanz is bored. So, we decided to work on his skills.

  His pudgy little fingers get ahold of Law’s wallet and he pulls it out. He’s almost gone undetected until Law catches him in his periphery. He scoops up the tiny brown-haired boy and tosses him in the air. Law holds him in his arms, talking quietly in his ear. The little traitor points over to me. Law follows the direction of his finger and spots me. I fall over and roll to my side, laughing.

  My two men make their way over to me, Hanzi giggling and playing with Law’s wallet, pulling out the cash and sticking it down his shirt. Good boy, I think to myself.

  “Did you really teach our two-year-old son how to pickpocket?” he scolds, setting our baby next to me. Hanz pulls the cash from his shirt.

  “Here, Mama.” He places the bills in my hand.

  “It’s a reputable skill.” I argue.


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