Rule of Nightmare

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Rule of Nightmare Page 10

by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  “That is so cool,” Jean exclaimed. “We’ll work with him too. Deke… the wonder dog.”

  Deke’s ears perked up, waiting for follow through, but let out a ‘grumpf’ when not directed as expected.

  They approached the school with all out concentration. The military aspect made Nick smile. He remembered his training. In many ways, people train like dogs when danger threatens. If reaction falls short of solution, a soldier dies. Sonny’s description of a planned mode of attack honed both concentration and thwarted a combat flaw: hesitation. Nick noted far too many adolescents meandering around, unaware of danger, while they texted, gamed, or vaped out in some other way mentally. Survival instinct in today’s generation dropped right off in the face of a new text message. The only time he ever saw Jean, Sonny, or Jay with phone or tablet out involved crime scenes and important facts they observed needing recorded.

  Nick installed one rule with anyone chauffeuring the kids anywhere – make sure to walk them to the door or very close to it. Because of his size, Nick walked Deke to the outer curb around the entrance and waited until the kids entered the school before leaving. Today would not be a day for leaving right away. He saw the kids accosted by a Middle Eastern man at the entrance with a security guard. Nick knew most of the security guards but did not recognize this one. He smiled as Jean took lead, listening intently to what the guy blabbered about. When he finished, Jean pointed at Nick and walked by with Sonny and Jay in tow.

  Nick watched the guy frothing at the mouth to grab Jean, but even he wasn’t stupid enough to lay hands on an underage girl, at least not until his Sharia Law travesty became the law of the land. I won’t need to worry about that, Nick thought, because I’ll be dead. The man motioned the security guard to follow him out to confront Nick.

  “This man is an Islamophobe! He has murdered and pillaged true believers overseas. He brainwashes children into believing Islam to be a cult, and disrespects the Prophet Muhammed! He should be detained for the police. I know for a fact he has a weapon. This unclean animal does not belong anywhere near a school, or in public, for that matter!”

  The security guard listened with uneasiness. Nick showed him his US Marshal and FBI identification. “There must be some mistake. As a federal agent, I am permitted and even ordered to be armed. I never disrespected the Prophet Muhammed. He did that on his own long ago by marrying a six-year-old little girl and consummating his marriage when she was nine. How in the world could I say anything that gets lower in respect than Muhammed’s pedophilia in real life? Islam is a cult and a political ideology of conquest. The only things Islam is famous for are misogyny with female genital mutilation, stonings, and Muslim honor killings of their own children. They continue to rape, murder, and pillage across the world, while at the same time pulling the victim card of being ‘offended’, whatever that means to a sixth century, Sharia Law loving mutant.”

  The security guard listened with suppressed amusement. Nick could tell this guy had been in combat somewhere for America against just what Nick described. He wore no rose-colored glasses in relation to Islam. The accuser was ready to launch. The trimmed half beard and wide-eyed outraged look signaled the discussion ended probably after Nick’s first statement. He gestured wildly at Nick.

  “You see! You hear the disrespect!”

  A meandering group of parents were congregating nearby. They knew Nick very well and the fact he was a killer. They didn’t need to read it in the paper. They had seen him in action on school grounds. They merely remained at a respectful distance.

  The young security guard turned to his companion with a sigh. “According to you and Ms. Weller, the children practically attacked you and Marshal McCarty personally caused it all. As to what Islam is or isn’t has nothing to do with the school. I served two years in Afghanistan. We stopped Muslims within our purview from doing exactly what Marshal McCarty stated: pedophilia with underage kids, female genital mutilation, honor killings, and stonings. I’ve read the Quran. I know it is stated in the books of Hadith, Aisha married the Prophet Muhammed at age six and the marriage consummated at her age of nine. I don’t know about your definition of pedophilia, but that fits mine.”

  A loud cheering affirmation of the security guard’s reply drove his offended companion over the edge. He tried to sucker punch the security guard, but Nick caught his wrist. With a simple twist, the man writhed at Nick’s feet, squealing in pain.

  The security guard smiled at Nick. “Thank you, but let him up, Sir.”

  Nick released the man and stepped back by Deke. The security guard helped the man to his feet and then faced off with him.

  “You tried to sucker-punch me. Want to do it face to face when I’m ready?”

  One look at the security guard’s features and the man gestured no while stepping away. “I…I will-”

  Nick watched the man closely while he gestured in surrender with his left hand, but reached behind him with his right. The flash under his shirt of a holstered automatic brought an instant command from Nick to Deke.

  “Weapon, Deke!” Nick pointed at the man.

  Deke tore the man to the ground by his right arm, shifting to his throat while watching Nick. Kneeling next to the man, Nick extracted the hideaway automatic with his handkerchief, a Glock 9mm. He set it on the walkway. “We’d better bag this. Let’s get him restrained. Then, you can have him arrested. I will back up your testimony so we can put this idiot in jail.”

  “You cannot arrest me! I will sue this school for discrimination! Get this beast away from me!”

  “Attention, Deke,” Nick ordered. Deke popped into a sitting position. Nick flipped their prisoner over and the security guard handcuffed him.

  “You had better save your money for a lawyer. You brought a loaded weapon into a school. That alone is a felony, Sir,” the security guard explained. “Trying to draw it on a federal officer and school security guard carries another felony. Concealing the weapon on your person within a thousand feet of a school carries a five-year prison sentence and five-thousand-dollar fine.”

  “You will die for this outrage!”

  Nick smiled. “Threatening the life of a federal officer is also a felony. If you keep talking, I don’t see you getting out of prison before you’re eighty.”

  Nick held on to the man’s arm, handing the guard a pair of Nitrile gloves. “Go ahead and frisk him. I’ll keep him still until you put his belongings into a bag for the police.”

  The security guard frisked the man as Nick suggested, bagging everything as another security guard hurriedly joined them. “Did you guys just start here at the school?”

  “Yeah, the other guys got on the Monterey police force. I’m Ed Jergins and this is Larry Marin.”

  Nick showed Marin his US Marshal’s identification and shook hands with both men. “What’s this guy’s name?”

  “Yala Arian, Marshal,” Larry replied. “I called the police. They’ll be here shortly.”

  A blonde woman ran from the school building, her face red with rage. Jergins blocked her from invading Nick’s airspace. “Hold on, Ms. Weber. This does not concern you.”

  “The hell it doesn’t. You have my fiancé in handcuffs! What’s this about. McCarty should be the one in handcuffs.”

  “Mr. Arian attacked us and is in possession of a loaded firearm,” Ed told her. “He will be arrested and charged with multiple felonies.”

  “Call a lawyer, Brit! This persecution is a hate crime against Muslims.”

  Arian’s statement drew laughter and catcalls from the parents observing the confrontation. Jergins waved at them. “Please leave your name and phone number with me if you witnessed this attack and arrest.”

  Weber hung on to Arian’s arm, shaking her head. “Say nothing, Yala. I will contact a lawyer. This is your fault, McCarty!”

  “How is it my fault your boyfriend brought a loaded weapon into the school and attacked Officer Jergins and me? We certainly didn’t make him do it.”

ey entrapped me!”

  Nick handed Jergins his card. “Call me anytime. I will testify. Lieutenant Dickerson on the Pacific Grove police force is an associate of mine.”

  “Thanks, Marshal. We’ll handle it. Your dog sure is well trained.”

  “Deke loves entertaining. Take care, guys. Ms. Weber? If you have any thought of taking this out on my daughter Jean and her friends, think again. I have lawyers too. That you allowed your fiancé inside the school, knowing he was armed and unstable, can also lead to criminal prosecution. Keep those facts in mind.”

  Weber wisely clamped her mouth shut as Nick walked off with Deke, pausing to shake hands and exchange pleasantries with the other parents remaining to give their names.

  “We know what you’ve done for the school in the past, Nick,” a woman he knew by the first name of Jennette said as Nick walked on. “You should have shot the prick.”

  “I’m trying to quit, Jenn. Marshal Deke the Dog handles all my light work now.”

  Chapter Five

  Rattler Rescue

  “Rough day in the water, Cheese.” Lynn, Clint, and Clint Jr. joined us at our table. Clint Jr. waved at us happily from his mom’s arms.

  I shrugged. “I phoned it in and got whooped. The workout keeps me in the greatest shape of my life. Like all of you, I’m a bit addicted to the glamor of Las Vegas.”

  “Tommy said you were only a split-second off on your timing,” Clint replied. “Did Dev tell you Carl Logan’s rehab for his hip pointer proceeded better than expected. He’s already talking crap to the media, calling you a chicken for not signing on for a boxing match instead of MMA.”

  “Yep… that’s me… Mr. Chicken. That will not happen. For one thing, I’ve been fighting MMA for so long, I’d do a leg kick by accident during the match and get disqualified. I don’t need the money. If we get Eugene back, maybe I’ll see how he feels about a straight up boxing match with Logan. I’d even spar with him. It would improve my boxing skills and put him in line for a great payday.”

  “Do you think he’s still alive, John.”

  I covered Lora’s hand with mine. “We all think he is. Amir’s using him for bait. He’s no good as bait if he’s dead. We did think Amir would have contacted us by now.”

  “I hated Rattler when he beat you, Dad,” Al chimed in. “He gave you your Cheeseburger nickname.”

  Al elicited amusement for my nickname’s origin. The Rattler turned my face to mush, hence the ‘Hamburger’ nickname first, followed by ‘Cheeseburger’. “He did it fair and square, Al. I don’t hold grudges against other fighters in the cage. He has a wife and kid. We will try to bring him home in one piece so he can be with them again.”

  “I understand. He was always nice when he comes in here. I hoped you wouldn’t need to fight him again, but the way Uncle Tommy talked, he did great in the fight against the ‘Destroyer’, even though he had to fight him overseas.”

  “He deserves another shot at the title,” I agreed. “Besides, I gave him my word he’d get the next fight.”

  “There’s Mr. Fiialkov.” Al pointed at the side entrance to the Warehouse. “He doesn’t look happy.”

  Alexi, indeed did not look happy. He said hi to his bride to be, Marla. They would be married soon.

  “I better go to the bar and greet him. Alexi seems like he wants a conference. I’ll be back.” I walked to the bar.

  Alexi shook hands with me. Marla brought me over the brothers Beam and Bud. “Thank you for coming over to the bar, John. Darius would like a meeting with you. I feel it will be regarding Eugene. He arrived yesterday and called me. I asked him straight out if he knew what happened to Eugene. He smiled and said Eugene was fine and not to worry. We both know what that means.”

  “Where does he want to meet? Obviously, he didn’t want to come here.”

  “He wants you to meet him in his hotel suite at the Waterfront Hotel.”

  I grinned. I may look like a troll but I’m not stupid. “Tell him I’ll meet him at the bar in Scott’s. I’ll bring backup and he can bring backup.”

  “I will call him now and see if that’s acceptable. I see in your manner you believe this is a trap.”

  “I wouldn’t know, Alexi. I doubt blowing me away on his suite floor could be considered a good idea. Maybe I should go to his suite. I can bring Clint along. He’s an army of one. We need to know about Eugene. I have a plan in the works to offset this Amir’s taking of Eugene. We’re nearing the final stage. That’s why Clint and Lynn met us for dinner tonight.”

  I paused to sip some Beam brother. “I’ll do it. Call him. I’ll meet Darius at his suite.”

  “I’ll go with you.”

  “Nope. I can’t have someone around me in danger that’s not trained. You’re a tough old coot, Alexi, but I need a Monster with me. If we met in here, I’d call Tommy, and we’d play this fight game cover deal in a perfectly safe place.”

  “You are my best man at the wedding, John. I can have an army surrounding the hotel in half an hour. This is a dangerous meeting. I know you will not be blackmailed into fighting him in Abu Dhabi to save Eugene. I would like to pay some of my people to go over and blow him up in his suite. I hate being played. I thought the fight would be legitimate in Abu Dhabi, and it was. When Eugene disappeared, I knew I had been screwed. That was bad business, typical of these Islamic sadists. Your friend, Nick, made me consider everything in a different light with the experiment your Monsters helped with in the City of Hope.”

  No doubt about that. “He forged City of Hope together into an alternative to Islam. It’s working because the people now know they can believe in God without the Sharia Law travesty. What we accomplished overseas haunts us. We prepared for it with our notoriety and visibility problems. Amir taking Eugene threw us a bit, but we’re on it. Call him, Alexi. I will meet with this poser and find out how many people we need to kill.”

  Alexi chuckled. “Excuse me, while I go outside and see this done.”

  “Of course.” I returned to my table and informed them of what was happening.

  “Hell yeah! I go with you brother,” Clint stated. “They won’t mix it up in a hotel suite, as you’ve surmised. This deals with Eugene. Darius playing coy with Alexi is a dead giveaway. He’s a pug… just like you.”

  Everyone, including me, enjoyed that zinger a little too much. Alexi reentered the bar, and gestured me to him. Marla had guarded our spots, replenishing my Beam brother.

  “He agreed to meet you at the suite with Clint. Are you sure this meeting should take place, John?”

  “It has to, Alexi. No one knows what we have planned as a bartering chip. If I avoid the meeting, Amir may get suspicious. I need to hear what Darius has to say.”

  “If Lora will watch Clint Jr, I’ll come too. There may be more happening than you think,” Lynn said. “I’ll wander around the hotel. I may be able to spot something going on concerning Darius’s entourage. It won’t be difficult for me to learn whether he has an army of guys around.”

  “I’d love to watch the baby,” Lora offered.

  “I like the idea. What suite is Darius in, Alexi?” I had another more ominous thought.

  “A waterfront bay suite.”

  “I’ve had clients stay in bay view suites. There are a lot of windows. We need to stay away from them if the curtains are open, Clint.”

  “That could be a good ice breaker in the conversation,” Clint replied. “Someone escorts us in. We see all the curtains are open and we request they be closed. Watching their reactions will give us some perspective. I’ve trained Lynn to recognize the best spot for a sniper attack. I brought my satellite laptop along. With the room number, I’ll find the plans for the hotel and Lynn can check for anything fishy at the most likely spots.”

  “We have our equipment bag in the Toyota. I’ll drive while Clint checks the building plans and surrounding area in view of the room.” Lynn passed the baby to Lora. “We have those new dot type ear inserts too that are undetectable. We’l
l take Alexi along in the Highlander with us. He can monitor the network on Clint’s satellite and tip you guys if something said is off in some way.”

  “I would be happy to do it,” Alexi agreed.

  * * *

  “Testing,” Lynn said. “I’m on the waterfront now. It’s a crystal-clear night. Every building across the water with good visibility on the hotel can be seen from my position. Once you make sure the curtains are closed, I’ll go blend into the scenery inside. If I see anything, I’ll let you know.”

  “You’re loud and clear, Lynn,” I answered. “We’re entering the hotel now. Are we clear to you, Alexi?”

  “Yes. After seeing the size of those inserts, I cannot believe the range and clarity. We are good to go. I will be recording everything.”

  Outside the waterfront suite, Clint knocked on the door. A well-dressed professional opened the door. Although dressed casually, I could tell his slacks and shirt were expensively tailored just for him. A little over six feet tall, his shirt did nothing to hide the holstered sidearm. His trim, black, half beard rounded his lean face into the trimmed short haircut, giving him an austere featured appearance. He gestured us inside, where two more men of similar appearance stood near the cornered balcony. The curtains were open. Darius sat on one of the cushioned chairs.

  Darius stood to greet us.

  Although my height, Darius carried a little more bulk. I could tell it wasn’t steroid induced. This was a big guy. Rattler went toe to toe with him at many instances during their fight. They fought five tough rounds. I would have judged the fight to be a Eugene Cummings win because he was the aggressor. He was probably lucky to get a draw in Abu Dhabi. Clean shaven with buzz-cut black hair, Darius wore black slacks and white pullover sweater. He shook hands with both of us with a slight smile.

  “This is an associate of mine, Clint Dostiene. Alexi told me tonight you needed to talk with me. I hope it is news about finding where Eugene Cummings has been taken.”


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