Blood of Night: An Enemies to Lovers Paranormal Romance (Kings of Sterling Book 2)

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Blood of Night: An Enemies to Lovers Paranormal Romance (Kings of Sterling Book 2) Page 22

by Leeah Taylor

  She shook her head, trying to understand. “Why were you even up at Val Valena? Vampires were never welcome there.”

  “Your mother drew a lot of attention to herself. Your father had abandoned her over the madness, and she spiraled for years after. I’d be damned if I was going to sit by while Ann Marie crafted and tried to use some spell that might kill the vampires.”

  “Why did you let Damien bring me home then?”

  Lucien huffed. “The minute we stepped into the Great Room and laid eyes on you, I was fucked three ways to Sunday. My brother was already gone and lost in those eyes. I could have tried to fight him, but it would have all ended the same.”

  “Which was?”

  “You.” He pointed at her. “Coming home with us. Few things I’ve learned about my brother, and when he sets his mind to something, there’s no challenging it. Except you.” Lucien pushed up from the chair with a chuckle. “And by the cheery voice of my brother on the phone this morning…”

  Juliette rolled her eyes. “We just spent the night together.”

  And he had me blissfully strung out twice. But who was counting?

  Heat crept up into her cheeks. Lucien went over to the bar, poured two bourbons, and met her at the door, handing her one.

  “If it’s any consolation, Darling, I’ve carried a lot of guilt for that night.”

  “It’s not.” She smiled. “I think I’m more upset that you let Ramsey tell the secret for you.”

  He buried a smirk in his glass. “So, you and Damien…”

  She turned toward the stairs. “Moment of weakness.”

  He laughed. “His or yours?”

  She stopped, glancing back at him from the bottom step. “Both?”

  “Which points to something.”

  “It was a nice night.”

  Lucien laughed. “Oh, I bet it was.”

  She glared at him. “That didn’t happen.”

  Damned fingers though.

  Was it possible the morning was even more idyllic than the night before? The ache still pulsing between her legs was ready for round three.

  “You’re blushing, Juliette,” he said.

  “Go to hell, Lucien.”

  His laughter followed her up the stairs. Damn impossible brothers. She paused on the top step and eyed Damien’s bedroom door. I could persuade him for round three. She downed the rest of her drink, hissing against the burn.

  He tastes so good and delicious and…

  “Fuck,” she muttered. Lucien laughed from the study. “Screw off, Lucien Frost!”

  Another laugh, deep and husky, came from the door she’d lingered on.

  She growled and forced her feet to move toward her own bedroom. She’d just handle things herself. Her hand closed around the knob to her door, and she paused when she heard the familiar creak behind her.

  She turned to find Ollie leaning into the frame of his bedroom door. “Okay, fine, you can come make it better now.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest. “Maybe I don’t want to anymore.”

  Bullshit, you brat.

  “Fine,” she dismissed him with a shrug. “Be that way.”

  If eye rolls could be heard, then he gave her the loudest eye roll in the history of eye rolls. She giggled as he crossed the hall. He grabbed her fingers and kissed them, flashing her his most charming smile before kissing her fingers again.

  “Breakfast? Me, you, and Riley?”

  Oh, and Riley?

  Riley leaned into the frame of his door watching them in one of his tees and panties.

  Juliette giggled. “Comfy?”

  “Indeed.” Riley grinned. “Have a good night?”

  “I’m going to take a shower.”

  “Before or after you rub one out?”

  There was Riley’s humor she’d been missing.

  Laughter erupted throughout the entire house.

  Cheeks blazing, she glared over at Riley. “I hate you.”

  “Nope, you don’t.”

  “Do I need to go give that brother of mine some pointers?” Ollie teased. “Know a thing or two when it comes to you, Doll.”

  Her mouth hit the floor as heat crept into her cheeks. “Oh my god.”

  “Screw off, Oliver,” Damien boomed from his bedroom.

  “Is she blushing again?” Lucien yelled.

  “You are horrible.” She shoved her door open. “All of you!”

  She slammed it behind her as more laughter filled the home she’d yearned to have back, and she couldn’t find a reason to be upset about the teasing.

  She was finally home.



  Juliette adjusted the pink shirt, trying to figure out which shoulder to let it hang from. The shower was refreshing, though it did nothing for her newfound horniness. Thanks a lot, Damien.

  Piling her hair on top of her head and allowing loose strands to fall around her face, she stopped fussing over the shirt and went to the doors that opened onto the terrace. Hot and humid air pushed in around her.

  Stepping out onto the balcony, she took in the spot that used to be her favorite in the house. On a summer night, with a clear sky, she could sit out there and admire the garden. She looked down at the old courtyard, missing the vibrant colors of the flower garden that used to be there. It hurt that they let it die.

  She heard him and the gentle lull of his heart she’d become so attuned to before he stepped out on the terrace.

  “When did you let it die?” she asked.

  Damien rested against the railing. “Not long after you were gone.”

  “Seems fitting.”

  He nodded. “I guess.”

  If you gave flowers water, love, and attention, they’d grow and thrive. But stop and they’d die. The irony wasn’t lost on her.

  “How was your shower?” He smirked.

  “Don’t start.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

  She glared at him. “Damned liar.”

  He chuckled with a light she hadn’t seen in his eyes in a long time.

  Damien blew out a breath. “So, um, I wanted to ask you something.” He straightened up, rubbing at the back of his neck, without looking at her. He looked adorable all vulnerable and awkward.

  Juliette moved closer. “What is it?”

  He cleared his throat. “Do you want to go to the street gala with me tonight?”

  “Like a date?” She giggled.

  “Don’t make this harder on me than it already is.”

  She laced her fingers with his, smiling up at him. “You never had an issue asking me before.”

  He tugged her closer. “This isn’t like before.”

  Riley walked in, laughing, with Ollie behind her.

  “Hey, ready to go get some breakfast?” she asked.

  Ollie looked between the two of them. “Unless you have other plans?”

  He didn’t try to hide the suggestion in his tone. If anyone rooted for team Juliette and Damien, it was Ollie.

  “Nope, she’s all yours.” Damien kissed her on the forehead. “I’ll see you tonight, Luv. Seven?”

  She nodded. “Seven.”

  Damien lingered with his fingers still intertwined with hers and almost looked like he wanted to stay but finally pulled away toward the door.

  “You see Chelsea?” he asked.

  “She’s in the Riverfront with Lucien making sure everything is perfect. Ya know, like she does,” Ollie said.

  Damien chuckled. “For the man that is all about numbers, you’d figure he’d think twice before handing Chelsea the credit card.”

  Before leaving, he looked back at her with the signature Frost smile she loved It was intoxicating. It felt good not to be the only one dancing anymore.

  Ollie smirked. “That’s going to take some getting used to.”

  Juliette came in from the terrace and grabbed her purse. “What?”

  “Damien being all sweet and awkward.”

  She laughed. “I
t really is adorable.”

  “He looks right out of his element. Where he belongs too.” Ollie offered his arms to both women. “Now, are you ladies ready for breakfast?”

  “I’m always ready for food.” Juliette hooked her arm through his. “Anything new on Ramsey?”

  “Nope, quiet as a church mouse,” he said. “Suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. The bastard is our brother, so I’d expect nothing else but perfect execution on his part.”

  Every available vampire was searching high and low for him. He didn’t want to be found. All there was left to do was live their lives until he was.

  “Hey.” Ollie nudged her at the top of the stairs. “We’re going to find him and end this.”

  She hoped he was right. If Ramsey succeeded in whatever he was planning, she might lose the chance she’d always wanted with Damien, and she wasn’t ready yet. Not when he was finally in the game and not sitting on the sidelines.



  Juliette felt like a third wheel watching Ollie and Riley during breakfast. They were a match made, and he was smitten with her. Ollie was too sweet and charming. Riley was too sassy and challenging.

  The house was quiet when she walked through the door. It felt weird having it to herself. She headed upstairs to agonize over what to wear for the gala. Is this what a first date is supposed to feel like? At the top of the stairs she paused when she found Damien’s door open. He never left his door open, and panic edged in, stealing away any joy she’d finally grasped despite everything.

  She crossed the hall and stopped at the door with a smile, anxiety fading away. He had his back to her, but she didn’t doubt he knew she was standing there. The window that faced her bedroom was open, letting in the sunlight and warm breeze. She crossed her arms and leaned into the frame to watch him.

  He was shirtless, wearing only paint-stained light denim jeans. They hung low on his hips, but her eyes lingered on the wolf taking up his entire back. It was perched on a hillside with a full moon behind it. It stared back at her with eyes that made her shudder. They were so realistic. She longed to touch it. Explore the dips and curves of his backside but she tightened her arms across her chest.

  “Why did you get a tattoo of the very thing we hunted?” she asked.

  If she startled him, he didn’t let it show. The brush glided smoothly across the canvas of the unfinished galaxy. Vibrant turquoise popped in contrast to the dark purples.

  “I was born one, Luv.” He set the brush down and reached for the black t-shirt beside him, pulling it on before turning to her. “And I hunted them for nothing more than trying to take you from me.”

  “Do you ever wish you’d been left to be just the wolf?”

  He half-shrugged. “Sometimes. I guess. We were never given the chance to know what a pack was. But I guess in a way my brothers and I have always been our own pack.”

  They were passionately loyal to one another like a pack would be. Family, blood or not, always mattered above anything else.

  “Did you find Chelsea?” she asked.

  A sneaky smile ghosted on his lips. “I did.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “What are you up to?”

  “Only the best kind of something.” He winked at her. “I promise.”

  “Making a lot of promises these days.”

  He nodded. “And I’m good at keeping them.”

  “Most of the time.”

  “I screwed up with the grimoires.”

  “And you didn’t actually try to kill me on sight.”

  Damien swallowed up the distance between them.

  “Luv,” he said, reaching for her, “it was a promise that I could only follow through with if I’d follow you through death’s door.” He dragged her into his chest. “There is no good in the world without you in it.”

  She blew out a breath. “You can’t say things like that.”

  He backed her up against the wall with his lips a whisper over hers. “But I’m just getting started, Luv.”

  She reached for the hardness in his jeans and squeezed before he caught her by the hand with a hiss.

  “Can we just jump to the part where you cave and give us both what we want?”

  “Shit, Luv. Why can’t you just let me do things my way?” he pleaded but didn’t drag her hand away either.

  She smirked up at him, giving him another hard squeeze. “Because I’m having more fun doing it my way.”

  He growled low. “You’re not playing fair.”

  She jabbed a finger in his chest. “Mark my words, Damien Frost, by tonight I’ll have what I want.”

  “That so?”

  She wiggled away from him. “Yep, or I’m just going to grab Ollie and go out on one of our nights.”

  He grabbed her hand and jerked her back. His lips on hers, pushing her back against the wall, with a deep, vibrating growl from his chest while his tongue invaded her, tasting wicked.

  “I don’t do ultimatums, Luv.”

  “What are you going to do about it?”

  “Kill my brother if he even entertains letting any other man touch you ever again.” Damien buried his lips into her neck, dragging a fang over the skin. “Don’t be fooled, Luv. Words be damned, you’re mine to have.”

  She was and knew it.

  Hot breath bathed her ear with a low, husky laugh.

  “Nothing to say, Luv?” he asked. “Seven on the dot.” He let go and put space between them. “I’ll see you tonight.”

  She sagged against the wall. “Seriously?”

  He grinned. “I’ve never been more serious.”

  Whatever he had planned better be fucking over the top. Romantic. She was done waiting. Her patience had been stripped. He was making big promises, and Juliette was determined to see him make good on them. Tonight.



  He loved all the ways she challenged him. Pushed his buttons to rile him up. But this one time she was trying his very little resolve to keep from ripping her clothes off and having her. He knew he could say the words anywhere, in any way, and it would mean the world to her. But he wanted it to be a moment she looked back on for decades and knew that it had meant just as much to him. He also knew, when she saw what he had planned, she’d understand.

  One hundred and fifty years, and he needed it to be perfect.

  So, when the front door opened fifteen minutes before he was supposed to take Juliette to the gala, he scrambled down the stairs. Chelsea froze as she closed the door.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked.

  “Um…” She gestured to her duffel bag.

  “Shhhh, she’s upstairs.”

  She bit back a smirk. “And?”

  “She’s going to wonder why you’re here and not with Lucien,” he whispered.

  She shrugged it off. “I forgot something.”

  “That is completely weak.”

  Chelsea laughed. “Would you relax? I’m the queen of secret big moments.”

  “She already knows I’m up to something.”

  “And? That’s not my fault. Be sneakier.” She adjusted the bag over her shoulder. “Can I get to work, or do you want me to wait for her to catch me?”

  He stepped out of the way, heart slamming in his chest. Being nervous was something he could do without. It made him feel vulnerable and exposed. This was Juliette. He knew her inside and out. He shouldn’t feel so helpless.

  “You look like you’re going to be sick,” Chelsea said on her way to the kitchen. “You don’t have to go through all of this.”

  “It’s important, Chelsea.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “Why did it take Lucien walking away from you to finally come to your senses?”

  She froze as the hurt and weight of his words worked into her expression. “Because I was scared.”

  “Exactly. I’ve been scared for over a century. I’m still scared. Cut me some slack.”

  Losing Juliette to any threat wasn’t an option. Ever
. Now he’d protect her and love her at the same time. No matter the cost.

  “Sorry.” Chelsea cleared her throat. “Look, it’s going to take me a couple of hours at least.”

  “Juliette will keep me plenty busy at the street gala.” He chuckled. “Nothing that girl loves more than street food and trinkets and dancing. I’ll be lucky to have her home before midnight.”

  Chelsea giggled. “Well, she won’t turn into a pumpkin if you don’t.”

  No, but he’d have a raging hard on and be barely hanging on by a thread before the end of the night. Every time he backed her into a wall was another crack in his resolve when she looked up at him pleading for more.

  “Thank you for doing this,” he said.

  “You’re welcome.”

  He headed for the steps. “I’m sure we’ll see you later.”



  Chelsea put on a winning smile. “Hey, Jules.”

  Damien turned and froze. She was absolutely stunning. Even with her brown curls piled up on the top of her head. Perfectly placed strands framing her face. The pure white sun dress, almost glowing against her sun kissed skin, hugged every curve, doing nothing for his need to have her.

  “Wipe your mouth,” Chelsea teased. “You’re drooling.”

  “What are you doing here?” Juliette asked.

  “I wanted to change.” Chelsea hefted the bag over her shoulder. “If I’m going to be officially hanging off a Frost’s arm, I need to look like perfection.”

  As if Lucien even gave a damn. Pretty sure she could wear a paper bag, and he’d be pushing her into the office.

  “But I’ll see you later?” Juliette asked. “It isn’t the Fourth of July if we don’t all watch the fireworks together.”

  Chelsea nodded. “I’ll be there soon.”

  She disappeared up the stairs.

  “Ready, Luv?”

  She raked hungry eyes over him. “Hmmm, how is it you make jeans and a button-up look so casually sexy?”

  He pulled her to him. “It’s the sleeves. Women can’t resist the rolled-up sleeves.”

  Juliette laughed. “So that’s Ollie’s secret?”

  He nudged her toward the door. “Don’t you start with that.”


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