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Anubis Page 21

by Kris Michaels

  "Ready here." He pulled his paperwork closer to him and looked up at the screen. "Alpha, all parties are on the line. The video call is secure." Zane facilitated the call.

  "Great. Alright, Kaeden and Zane, this is your baby, so let's get started."

  Zane pointed at the screen, and Kaeden took his cue. "Sir, I've sent the brief to you, but I'd like to run through it so I can answer any questions. First, we have the initial layout of the organization. We suggest the lines of authority be altered to accommodate the organization's organic flow. Both Zane and I need access to all lines of support at any given time. Having one section report to him and the other half of the section report to me may cause delays. We suggest a co-command if you will."

  "Will accountability or masking our Shadows be affected?" That comment came from Gabriel.

  "No, sir. The system we have in effect to mask the Shadows is solid. Of course, we will continue to ensure our entire operation remains off the grid. We will utilize only standalone systems with cryptology that will fry the internal hardware if not accessed correctly. The operator system works very well, and reporting in will continue through those secure communications lines. The majority of the changeup will be the way we assign dossiers and the potential for teaming two or three assets together depending on the mission."

  "How are the facilities coming along?" Archangel's gravelly voice chimed in.

  "Since it is twenty degrees below zero, there isn't a lot happening. Chief has the plans drawn up, and we've made some changes based on the unique needs of our assets, but when we have them up and running, we will have a safe place for our assets to rehab without exposing them to the general populace of the complex."

  "How are you going to do that?"

  "Underground tunnels, sir." Anubis smiled when all three of his bosses shot their eyes up to the camera.

  "Double D came up with the idea. They want to upgrade the water and sewer capabilities by adding a water treatment plant in the spring. Using that construction as our cover, we will build tunnels from the flight line to the Shadow facilities and from the facilities to other structures as needed. There will be four points of security before anyone gets into the facility so the assets who are more… recognizable, shall we say, won't be identified as our assets."

  Anubis glanced at the folders on his desk. He now knew the identity of every asset Guardian employed in the Shadow World. Three of the assets… fuck, he had no idea how Gabriel managed to obtain them. The implications of what the man was building were extraordinary-

  and frightening if in the wrong hands.

  "Alright. Well, unless anyone has any objections, I vote we give them the go-ahead to construct the facilities and realign the lines of authority." Alpha spoke to the others.

  "Approved." Archangel concurred.

  "I'm no longer a voting member, just an interested bystander." Gabriel smiled when both Alpha and Archangel snorted. "Alright, I'll concede to a pushy bystander."

  "That's the truth," Alpha mumbled.

  "What was that?" Gabriel asked.

  "Nothing, sir." Alpha's smirk belied his answer.

  Jason snorted. "Right, be careful, or you'll get fired."

  "Again." Everyone echoed the word at the same time. Laughter at his boss's expense followed the comments.

  "Zane, give us a rundown on the build-up of personnel," Alpha barked over the dying chuckles.

  "Roger that, sir. We have four more computer programmers in the vetting process. Two won't have any problems qualifying for the security clearance we need. I'm waiting on information about the other two. One has some background issues that could be exploited. I'll probably farm him out to one of the outlying detachments. The other I'm having Jewell put through the paces. No formal education, but he's off the charts smart when it comes to coding, programming, and cyber warfare. I'm talking spooky smart."

  Jason leaned forward and tapped his pen on his desk. "I want a brief on this guy. Tell Jewell I want to know the smallest detail. Anyonethat smart could either be a priceless asset or a formidable enemy."

  "Roger that, sir."

  "Kaeden, the council is meeting tomorrow. There are three dossiers on the table. Be ready for the cases to drop." Alpha glanced up from whatever he was reading after he spoke.

  "Roger that, sir."

  "Alright, it looks like we are set. Unless there are any other questions, I'm giving the new Shadow World Operations Center a thumbs up." Archangel glanced up at his screen. "Good. Kaeden, Zane, make this work. Take care of my people, and they will take care of you." Archangel reached over, and the screen went black on his and Gabriel's camera.

  "Where's Asp?"

  Zane's question surprised him, but Anubis rolled his eyes and answered, "Probably eating the boss's mom out of house and home. He passed his eval after his last mission but doesn't show any signs of leaving. I think the guy likes it up here."

  "Don't let him out of the area." Alpha leaned forward. "One of those dossiers is on a rogue agent. One who stole some of this country's top weapons' intelligence and is rumored to be in the process of setting up an auction. Asp has personal knowledge of the man."

  Anubis leaned back. "His old handler?"

  Alpha nodded confirming his guess. "I don't think it's wise to give him the case."

  Both Bengal and Anubis leaned forward, but Anubis beat his friend to the punch. "That's bullshit, sir. He has a personal interest in this case, granted, but that man used Asp. If the council drops this dossier, Asp has earned the right to go after him."

  Bengal broke in before Alpha could speak, "I concur, sir. If I were in Asp's position and I found out the man who used me to kill one of his political obstacles was given to another asset, I'd walk away from the organization. You've basically stated you don't trust him, and that means he can't trust you. You don't want Asp out there on his own. Hell, none of us want Asp as a potential enemy."

  "Agreed," Anubis chimed in.

  Alpha blew out a long exhale and nodded. "Agreed." He leaned forward. "You're sanctioned and endorsed. Call if you need me." The screen went to black and Anubis turned his gaze to Bengal.

  "We have a shit storm coming down the pike." No sense sugarcoating the truth.

  "Asp can handle it." Bengal acknowledged the essence of the problem.

  "I hope you're right." Anubis glanced at his friend. Asp wouldn't survive the consequences if he wasn't.

  The End

  About Kris

  USA Today and Amazon Bestselling Author, Kris Michaels is the alter ego of a happily married wife and mother. She writes romance, usually with characters from military and law enforcement backgrounds.

  Kris was born and raised in South Dakota. She graduated many years ago from a high school class consisting of 13 students (yes that is thirteen, eleven girls and two boys… lucky boys). She joined the military, met her husband, and traveled the world. Today she lives on the Gulf Coast and writes full time.

  Kris is an avid people watcher and dreamer. The stories she writes are crafted around the hopes and dreams of a true romantic. She believes love is essential, people are beautiful, and everyone deserves a happy ending.

  When she isn't writing Kris enjoys a full life revolving around family, friends, laughing, whiskey, and cold red wine. (Yes cold… don't judge.)

  Connect With Kris Online:






  Other Books by Kris Michaels

  The Kings of Guardian Series:










  Guardians Security—Shadow World Series:


  Everlight Series:

  An Evidence of Magic

  An Incident of Magic

  Stand Alone:

  A Heart’s Desire




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