The Billionaire's Fake Marriage (A Romance Collection Boxed Set)

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The Billionaire's Fake Marriage (A Romance Collection Boxed Set) Page 17

by Amanda Horton

  An hour later she was smiling up at him from an overstuffed chair in his office. He tried not to notice how her flaming hair spilled down her shoulders, or how the green of her eyes made them sparkle. Instead, he was doing his best to explain the situation to her, but without the parts she wouldn’t believe anyway.

  “All expenses, room, board, a stipend. You will have to say with me, we are engaged after all, or soon will be.” He arched a brow at her.

  “How do I know you’re not some crazy person out to kill me or something?” She swallowed hard.

  “You don’t, not really. If it helps I have a background check ready, and can give you anything else you may need. And as I said, it’s just for a few days”

  He was serious and she looked at him with a frown on her face.

  “Ok, I’m in. Tell me where to begin and what to do.” She sat up quickly, her mind racing. She knew he was attractive and she could really use a job right now. This was an odd offer but what the hell, how bad could it be, she thought.

  “I also want you to feel assured that this is in name only, and photo ops. I would never ask you to do anything you didn’t want to do Melody.” He stood in front of her now, his gaze intent as he watched the array of emotions cross her face.

  He leaned down to kiss her lightly, his lips were hot and despite his efforts, he soon found himself wrapped up in her kiss, deepening it and the heat was rising within them both. When the kiss broke, she found herself taking in air deeply. She felt his hands on her arms to steady her and she smiled up at him.

  “We will have to kiss I’m afraid, and you will have to play that part just as convincingly, based on that, you will do fine. Gather some things at your place. I’ll send a car for you tonight, in time for dinner.”

  He needed to go, but he found himself lost in thought about her. When she nodded, he slipped off to his car. He smiled thinking how she did not object to the kiss and how he had enjoyed that far more than he thought he would. This was going to be interesting.


  She spun around, looking at her reflection. She had never owned anything like this. The dark purple of the gown and the rich highlights that she had endured that afternoon was more than any one person could handle in one day. She would see him tonight, and he had yet to see her like this. She stepped out of the curtains and into the main room, her heart thumping as she walked. The dinner was important to him, that’s what he’d said. Something about an old friend, and even though she knew this was all for show, she wanted to make a good impression.

  Together they had created a story about how they met, and their future plans. She had been going over it in her head now for days and she felt pretty good about all of it. She grabbed her clutch as she took the long strides out of the room where she dressed and into the foyer to meet him. She was smiling as she rounded the corner, until he spun to face her.

  He was striking in his black suit and tie. His hair was slicked back, laying against his head and enhancing his features. He had shaved for the occasion, which made her a little sad, but he gave her a once over and his smile seemed genuine enough.

  “You look amazing Melody, just beautiful.”

  “You’re not so shabby yourself.” She gave him an impish grin and they made their way out to the car and into the night.

  As they rode along she felt him take her hand in his, slipping a ring onto her delicate finger. She glanced up at him in surprise.

  “We are engaged now, I should have given this too you from the beginning, but I wasn’t sure how.” He shrugged, giving her a smile, not once moving his hand from hers.

  The restaurant was bustling with activity and they both moved through the people with ease. One of the perks he enjoyed was always having a standing table. They settled into the corner, both enjoying the evening, though she sensed some tension rolling off his back.

  “So, you gonna tell me what’s up with you tonight Rafe?” She sipped at her water casually.

  “I don’t know what you mean,” he countered with a smile.

  “We have been putting this thing together for a week now, I think I know you pretty well. I know when something is bothering you.”

  He lifted a finger to the waiter, who scurried off to get him a drink.

  “I am fine, Melody dear, just fine.”

  She saw the woman as she approached. She gave the impression that she was far more than just anyone. Her blond hair was perfectly arranged on her head, and her body, which could only be described as flawless, was encased in a tight form-fitting dress in blue silk. She smiled at Rafe easily, seemingly ignoring Melody altogether. Finally, after a brief hug from Rafe, she turned her eyes on Melody.

  “So, you’re the girl who has snatched up Rafe then?” Much like Rafe, she signaled the waiter for a drink. It was obvious she had been here before.

  “I wouldn’t call it snatched up, but yes. I do my best to make him happy.” She gave Rafe a smile, which he appreciated.

  “Well, I know my Rafe, and I know when he doesn’t respond to me, he must be occupied.”

  Melody felt her body start to burn. It was obvious this woman had some previous arrangement with Rafe, but whatever it was she was certainly still hung up about it. She glanced at Rafe, who seemed to be more than a little uncomfortable. She would have to stand up for herself, or lose everything they had worked for.

  “Well.” She smiled sweetly. “I know my Rafe, and he always responds to me, so I’m sure I don’t know what that must be like.”

  She watched the other woman’s eyes narrow slightly. “So, tell me how you two met, I’m sure it must be a good story.”

  “It was at a café, he bumped into me and I have been with him ever since.” She gave Rafe a loving look, which he returned.

  “Do tell me, how is it serving people? I’ve never had to do such menial labor before?”

  “I was a customer, not an employee.” Breathe Melody, she told herself. “However, generosity is a virtue I am proud to have.”

  “Oh, that is sweet. I am a giver too, just in different ways.” She gave Rafe a longing look, and Melody was ready to fight. Not because she was jealous, but because of the blatant disrespect.

  “Speaking of giving, Rafe is quite a giver himself.” She smiled at him, her ring twinkling in the light of the room. She watched Angel narrow her eyes and she could have sworn she heard a slight hiss.

  “How sweet, and cute.” She blinked, doing her best to seem unaffected.

  “If you two will excuse me, I need to go to the restroom.” She stood, carefully making her way to the back of the restaurant. She slipped into the bathroom, pacing slightly before she exploded. Who the hell was that woman anyway? She would need to regain her composure if she was going to have the upper hand in dealing with someone like her.


  “What the hell Angel. I agreed to this dinner because you wanted to meet her, not so you could bully her.” Rafe threw his napkin down on the table in disgust.

  “I am doing you a favor Rafe, look at the little lamb. She can barely hold a conversation with me, much less be there for you, especially with everything you have going on.” She paused, waiting for him to say something.

  “I don’t need your help, or your advice Angel. I told you I would look into a solution, but this thing with you and me has been done for a long time. I care about her, so leave her alone. She’s not bitter and angry like you are and I don’t want her to become that way.”

  He stood and she felt herself losing this fight. She knew then she would have to find a little finesse with it. She touched his hand, trying to pull him back in.

  “Fine, I’m sorry Rafe. Please just talk to me for a minute.” She waited and finally he settled back into the chair. “Do you remember when we met, the afternoon with Bobby, and how I yelled and screamed to get what I wanted?”

  “I remember that you almost got yourself killed, that’s what I remember.”

  “I was angry, and full of hot air, but you calmed me down.
You always have this ability in you to give me peace Rafe. We are good for each other, no matter if you see it or not. I know everything about you, and I could be a better fit, that’s all I am saying. She would never make it in our world Rafe, not really.” She stood, gathering her things.

  She felt Melody’s presence as she came back into the area where their table was and she glanced her way. She saw the pink hues surrounding her as she smiled at Rafe, and Angel felt the pressure of what she was here to do even more. Melody liked Rafe, liked him a lot, even if she didn’t know it. Based on the way he was looking back at her, she had a suspicion that he liked her too. Damn, if only she could read his aura as well. She smiled at Melody who now looked her way, a steely look to her now.

  “Well, I have to get going. Something has come up. I do hope to get to do this again soon.” She smiled sweetly at them both before she left, but gave Rafe a knowing look that he seemed to be aware of.

  The air was cool against her skin as she made her way home. There had to be some way to get to him, but for now, as long as he had a fiancé, she would never get what she wanted.


  She knew something was wrong the minute she walked back to the table. She’d taken a moment to compose herself, doing her best to keep her cool. That alone was something new for her. She had never been any good at keeping her emotions in check, and starting now seemed unlikely. Growing up, she had to fight for everything she had, and she was fully prepared to do so now. Finding herself faced with a viper like Angel had pushed her into a dark place, and she realized that this job was far more complicated than she had expected it to be.

  Angel sneaked out of the restaurant and once more she was alone with Rafe. She felt the tension between them, though she had no doubt it was from a conversation he had been involved in before she came back. She settled into her seat, just as the food was being cleared, smiling as the waiter took everything away. She finally let her gaze meet his and felt his gaze on her like a fire. His look was so intense she wasn’t sure what to do next, and she smiled at him sweetly, doing anything to change the mood.

  “I’m sorry about Angel, she can be intense,” he offered.

  “I see that. I suppose she is still upset over the break up.”

  He frowned. “I never said we were together.”

  “Ahh, well call it women’s intuition.” She sipped a drink of water. “I just knew.”

  He held her chair as she stood to go, and she linked her arm with his as if it were the most natural thing in the world. She felt his arm, enjoying the pressure of him, once more thinking of how her feelings for him had developed so quickly. They made it back to his place, and she climbed into the elevator, a small tingle in her stomach as she thought about how he had looked at her tonight. It was changing with them, shifting somehow.

  As they entered the living room, she gave him a sweet smile as she made her way to her own room. He had given her plenty of her own space, a room and a massive closet. His rooms were on the opposite site of the apartment. Her thoughts raced as she thought about the evening. She felt the heaviness of the ring on her hand, and she spun it on her finger subconsciously. She thought about what would happen if she was actually his wife and they had returned from dinner together. She would be in his room right now making love to him. Using her hands to scan every inch of his perfect body and getting a good taste of his luscious lips.

  There were so many sides of Rafe that she had yet to learn of, but the parts of him she did know made her heart race. His eyes made her feel heat deep in the pit of her stomach. She wanted him to feel the same way, but if he didn’t at least she was getting paid to kiss him and play the part. She left her room to go into the kitchen for some water and stared out the window, into the night. She heard him behind her and she turned just in time to feel his lips on hers. There was no pretense and no reasoning for the kiss. There was no one to impress, and no one was watching.

  He let her go, tracing her cheek with his finger. “Goodnight Melody.”

  She could still feel the tingle on her lips as she watched him go to his room.


  She was under his skin and he liked it. There was something about her that made him feel things he hadn’t felt in a long time… if ever. He had kissed her only two days ago, just because he wanted to. He was waiting for her now, for a dinner together as he had requested. He wanted her, and badly. He swore not to cross a line with her, to keep things professional, but as they had gotten closer, and the outfits she wore were more and more suited to her, he wanted nothing more than to rip the clothes from her body and have all of her. He let his thoughts drift to Angel once more. She was persistent, though she had calmed down considerably since the dinner the three had shared.

  Melody walked towards him on the street. He looked at her and saw her lithe frame encased in designer clothes, and he knew tonight he would take it as far as she let him. He smiled as he took her arm.

  “You look beautiful, as always.”

  She blushed slightly. “Thank you Rafe, as always.” She gave him a slight smile and he shut the door behind her.

  He saw a flash of light out of the corner of his eye. He knew almost immediately that it was Angel. For some reason, she knew his locations, and it freaked him out. But then again, he was not a stranger to people’s special powers. She walked up to them as they stood in front of the restaurant. She looked at them, pausing for a long moment to look at Melody. She swallowed hard, and shifted her focus back on Rafe.

  “Hello, Rafe. I just wanted to see how you were, and about the situation we have been talking about.”

  He sighed. “Angel, can you stop acting crazy. I already told you I am with Melody and that won’t change.” He glanced over at Melody who was lost in conversation with a friend she bumped into.

  “Ok, Rafe.” Angel said, defeated. “I’ll leave it alone. When can the three of us meet again?”

  He cut her off. “Not anytime soon Angel, not after how you acted the last time. Now just please leave us alone will ya?”

  He didn’t say another word and watched her walk away into the night.

  Dinner was a beautiful affair; he had specifically asked for every detail to be just right. He wanted to ask every question he had in his mind, but he could only think of one.

  “Tell me what you want Melody.”

  She looked at him, startled. “What do you mean?” She shrugged. “In life, in work, what do you want to know?”

  “No… what do you want from me?” He focused on her, his mind pushing and prodding to get more from her than she wanted to give. And he knew he would have it his way.

  He watched her shift in her seat, and her hand began to tremble slightly as she looked at him. Rafe was quick to hold her hand.

  “I want you... to… love… me.” She whispered out each word, as if they were pulled from her mouth.

  He smiled to her, letting his hold on her go and she sighed, her body relaxing in her seat. All he could think of now was Melody’s naked body on top of him, her beautiful large breasts out of her dress, left free for him to play with. He looked right into her eyes and she blinked rapidly as she looked around.

  “Rafe, do I seem ok to you?” She smoothed down her dress self-consciously.

  “You are fine, Melody. You are beautiful.”

  After dinner, he held her hand in his, feeling the tension leaving his body as she relaxed with him. He was apprehensive, guilt creeping in slightly as he thought about how he had used his power to be sure that she wanted him as much as he did her.

  She was chatting happily as they entered the building, her gaze lingering on him from time to time. He was happy she wanted things to be casual, just like he did. She had said the words he needed to hear. She wanted him to make love to her, it was her deepest thought and he would give her exactly what she wanted.


  She was not herself. She had blacked out, or that’s what it felt like at least. She entered the apartment still in a good m
ood, chatting happily about the details of their upcoming trip. They had planned to go to New York for some work he had, a dream she’d had for a long time. She spun around to face him, breathing in just in time to feel his hands on her, covering her everywhere at once. This was no normal kiss, not like the ones before. No, this was demanding, and loving. Far more than anything she’d experienced with him before.

  He moved quickly to remove first her clothes and then his. She felt the coolness of the night air on her skin as his hands set her body aflame. She felt him move, shifting until he had her standing before him naked, pulling her body into his. She wasn’t in control of how or when her body moved, as it was being controlled by Rafe’s comforting yet powerful touch. She had waited so long to love him, precisely since the day at the coffee shop and he was finally there all to herself. He kissed her once more, his mouth seeking and tasting her. She felt him moving and shifting then, until he was on top of her, looking down. She smiled up as she looked into his eyes.

  She felt outside of herself as she moved, her hands touching him everywhere at once. She grabbed his face, pulling his head down to hers, her mouth now kissing him. He pushed, filling her completely. He stopped moving then, letting her body adjust to him. Soon she was pulling him down to her, moving with him as he shifted. She looked at him, noting the gleam in his eye and she suddenly felt a surge of energy fill her to her core. She moved, feeling him lift her and turn around to lie back on the bed, this time allowing her to easily slide down the length of him as she straddled his hips. She looked up at him and saw his lazy smile. She heard him tell her to take what she wanted, to move until she had pleasured herself.

  She did as he asked, moving on him, loving him as she moved her hips over him. He gripped her hips then, and she smiled wickedly as she felt his fingertips digging into the flesh of her hips, pulling her down even more onto him. She felt her head clear. Somehow, she felt more like herself as she found a rhythm with him; somehow despite the position never changing, he was back in charge, moving her with him and not the other way around. She looked down at him once more, enjoying the feel of his body against hers and love filling her heart as they moved.


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