Take It Down A Notch

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Take It Down A Notch Page 12

by Weston Parker

  Declan drew away, but the weight of his body remained on mine. It was delicious and torturous at the same time, since we were both still fully dressed and what I was about to tell him very well might make him walk away.

  “How long?” he asked, his eyes hot but somehow still patient on mine.

  I searched their piercing green depths, hoping that I wasn’t about to scare him off. From what little I knew about men and sex, I didn’t want him to think I was going to be clingy and demanding of his time after this.

  I wouldn’t be. I simply wanted him to know before he found out for himself and wondered if I’d had ulterior motives for not telling him. And he would find out for himself. Not only was I tremendously inexperienced and bound to be awkward at some point, but I was also pretty sure we were going to have to take things slowly when the time came.

  “When I said earlier that this was my first date since Lawson, I meant it in every way,” I whispered into the darkness of my bedroom. “I haven’t been with anyone since I found out I was pregnant, and that guy had been my first.”

  Moonlight was streaming in through the smallish windows, but we hadn’t turned on any of the lights. In that moment, I was thankful that we hadn’t. I didn’t know if I wanted him to see clearly how vulnerable I felt by admitting that to him.

  “Holy fuck.” He closed his eyes and dragged in a few deep breaths before blinking them open again. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”

  Not wanting him to mistake my lack of experience for being a wallflower or totally sexually inept and uncertain, I took his hand and wedged it between us for it to settle between my thighs. My dress had ridden up as we kissed. While I was still wearing my lacy panties and thin stockings, they were pretty much soaked through.

  I gasped at the contact on my sensitive flesh down there, but the sound only worked with me to prove my point. “Can you feel how wet I am for you? Trust me, I want this. You don’t have to worry about that, and I don’t want to stop. I just wanted to be honest with you in case we need to take things a little slower than you’re used to.”

  Something dark flashed in his eyes, but it was so intense that I saw it despite the low light. “You’re worried that I’m going to hurt you?”

  I swallowed but shook my head. “No, it’s not that. I just… might need more time than others.”

  “Whoever this asshole was, he hurt you, didn’t he?” Declan’s voice was little more than a growl now, a possessive note in it that stunned me. He pinned me with the intensity of his gaze, and finally, I nodded.

  “He said he liked it rough. It wasn’t like he hurt me badly or anything. I just didn’t feel like I was already ready for him to move the way he did.”

  A sound ripped out of the back of his throat, and he moved to support his weight on his elbows as his hands came up to cup my face. “No, he didn’t like it rough. He liked it selfish and stupid. That’s all. I’ll show you rough one day, and I can promise you that you’re still going to fucking love it.”

  My thighs clenched at his words as much as from the sudden fierceness in his tone. His voice was low and still growly, but there was a note in it that made me feel confident that he wouldn’t hurt me.

  Adam hadn’t done anything I didn’t want him to do. It was more that he lacked whatever finesse was necessary and plunged into me like a piston before doing anything to warm me up. It hadn’t been the most enjoyable experience, and I’d promised myself that the next time I slept with someone, I would be a little more assertive about what I wanted. I’d waited a long time for this, and I planned on keeping that promise to myself.

  Declan’s eyes burned into mine, and it was like he saw right through me. “I’m not a child and I would never hurt you. We’re in this together, okay? So we’re going to start by you showing me how you like to be touched, and then I’ll take it from there.”

  I found myself nodding, even though I had no clue what he meant by showing him how I liked to be touched. It sounded embarrassing, especially since the last few times I’d touched myself had been with him doing the touching in my mind.

  My self-doubt disappeared as soon as he shed his clothes. Confident in his nakedness, he simply stood up and stripped before standing at the foot of the bed to let me look at him. I lay sprawled on the mattress, unable to tear my eyes away from him while also wondering whether he ate demi-gods for breakfast and that was why he looked like one.

  Every one of his lean muscles was carved and defined, like each one had a specific purpose. Broad shoulders tapered off to a narrower waist where—I’d been right—that stupidly sexy V I’d only ever seen from afar in real life cut between his hips.

  Perhaps even more impressive was the erection that curved almost gracefully toward his navel, a stark contrast to the only other dick I’d ever seen up close. That one had been fat and short, jutting out before it just kind of ended.

  Declan’s, however, was almost beautiful, even though dicks couldn’t usually be described that way. It was long and thick. Darker edges that I assumed were veins wrapped around it as his shaft reached for the sky. I also didn’t know exactly where he was going to go with the whole length of it if he was going to keep his promise of not hurting me, but I decided to let him worry about that.

  I trusted him. He’d promised it wouldn’t hurt, and I wasn’t going to ruin this moment by deciding he was wrong before we even did anything. Besides, I was already wetter than I’d ever been. So that was a good sign.

  Declan’s hand slid down his ripped torso, his fist closing around his cock as he watched me watching him. It was the single hottest thing I’d ever seen in my life and caused a flood between my damn legs.

  Lips curving into a deliciously dirty smile, he tipped his head at me. “Your turn to get naked. Care if I help?”

  I shook my head, my mouth dry as I twisted around to present him with my back. Without saying a word, he undid the zipper and then waited for me to slide the fabric down my arms before taking charge again.

  As soon as it fell past my bra, he took the material in his hands and helped me get it the rest of the way off. The mattress dipped when he put his knees on it to climb back onto the bed. He took my mouth in a searing kiss that turned the dull ache between my legs into a full-on throb.

  His big hands curled around my back and unhooked my bra, his thumbs grazing against my hard nipples as he took it off. I trembled against him, feeling his lips inching up into yet another smile when I did.

  “Are you enjoying this that much?” I asked, groaning when he brought his palms up again to cup my breasts.

  He murmured in between kisses to my neck, my shoulders, and my chest, finally glancing up to answer me before closing his warm mouth over one of my nipples. “You have no fucking idea how much I’m enjoying this.”

  “Pretty sure I do,” I gasped as my back arched and my hands flew into his hair. His tongue swirled a burning path around me while his fingers went on a crusade of their own. Sparks of pleasure flew behind my eyelids, and he wasn’t even touching me properly yet.

  His free hand reached down and rolled my panties and stockings off, balling them up before he tossed them off into the darkness. I might have been embarrassed that he now knew how wet they were, but I was too turned on to care.

  “Do you like it when I touch you like this?” he asked, lifting his head away from my breast with genuine concern mixed into the heat in his eyes.

  I nodded, nearly crying out in protest when he lifted himself off me by balancing on his hands and came to lie next to me instead. “What are you doing?”

  “Letting you show me how you like to be touched, remember?” The strain in his voice told me this wasn’t much easier for him than it was for me, but I appreciated this give and take we had going on.

  There was no doubt that Declan was a hundred percent in control here, but he was taking it in a way that made me comfortable with him. He was giving me exactly what I needed after so long, taking charge while still letting me se
t the pace. Not an easy feat to pull off, but he did it remarkably well.

  My next breath shuddered out of me as he dragged his fingers up the insides of my thighs. “I don’t know what to show you.”

  “Don’t you touch yourself?” he asked, his lips brushing against my throat as he planted some more soft kisses there.

  My skin burst into flame under his hands but also because of the question he had asked. “Oh. I didn’t think that was what you were talking about.”

  “If that one asshole didn’t do anything you liked, just show me how you touch yourself when you’re alone. All I need is for you to show me what you like so I don’t unintentionally do something you don’t, and I’ll pick it up from there.”

  “How are you so patient right now?” My body was burning up, and I was one touch away from writhing under his touches.

  “Trust me, I’m not,” he bit out. “But we’re doing this the right way. I want this to feel good for you, which it should have to fucking begin with. So show me, baby. Now, please.”

  My tummy fluttered, and my eyes closed, but I took his hand and dragged it farther up my thigh until his fingers reached the dampness between my legs. I moaned when they slid into me, hearing him let out a sound that was suspiciously like a hiss.

  I kept my hand with his for a few minutes, guiding him in gentle but firm touches. I was already getting close, my breathing getting labored and heat coursing from my center to my toes.

  “Okay, I’ve got it,” he whispered just before lifting his head away from my neck and slanting his mouth over mine. He kissed me senseless while stroking me to the most powerful climax I’d ever had. It felt like my body was about to explode into nothing but atoms, but Declan kept me anchored with his hands, his mouth, and even his hips.

  I saw the stars and touched the moon before I eventually came back down to find him staring at me like he was in awe of something. “What?”

  He shook his head slightly. “Nothing really. That was just fucking hot. I want to see it again.”

  Before I could protest and tell him that I didn’t think I was one of those mythical multi-orgasmic people, his mouth was on me. His tongue licked around my clit, and he made me see the entire milky way this time.

  It took him much less time than I would have thought before I was coming all over him again, my hips bucking wildly and his name a shout that I was sure my neighbors heard. Dizzying pleasure dragged me under, leaving me with the most palpable relief I’d ever felt when it finally subsided.

  My limbs were loose and languid. I didn’t think I’d be able to move again for the rest of the week, but then I felt him crawling over me. He kissed my mouth softly, his tongue probing when he slid it inside.

  I tasted myself on his lips, and strangely, I kind of liked it. It made me feel like I’d marked him somehow, for the night anyway.

  “You still okay?” he asked as he lifted his lips only a fraction of an inch away from mine.

  “Never been better,” I said lazily, running my hands up and down the ropes of muscle in his back. “You?”

  “Never been hornier,” he joked, but the heat in his eyes told me it might have been true, too.

  “I’m not sure I can move,” I whispered against his lips when I felt his broad cock against my entrance. Panic flared through me. “We need a condom.”

  “Already wearing one.” He guided my hand down to where he was positioned just right to slide into me, allowing me to feel the ring of latex at the base of his shaft. “Trust me, Raeanne. You never have to worry about anything when you’re with me. I promise I’ll take care of you.”

  His words soothed me, lulling me into feeling safe with a man for the first time in my life. But he’d kept his promises to me so far, so I had no reason to doubt him now.

  “You still sure you want to do this?” he asked, his hard length pressing slightly into me now.

  I was so sensitive that my body roared back to life at the feel of him there and I moaned louder than I was proud of. “Yes.”

  “Good.” He surprised me when he reached for my hands, holding them and kissing my mouth as he inched slowly inside. I felt his ragged breathing against my chest, telling me that holding back wasn’t easy for him. But he did it. For me.

  My muscles stretched to accommodate him, but he’d prepared me so well that it turned out he’d kept another promise. By the time that massive cock of his was buried all the way to the hilt inside me several lifetimes later, he hadn’t hurt me once.

  “Jesus Christ,” he muttered under his breath, his hips twitching against mine even as he held still. “Fuck, Raeanne. Just… Fuck.”

  “Yeah, I know.” I clenched my muscles to test if I’d adjusted yet, drawing a deep growl out of his chest. The sound sent another flood of wetness to the space between my legs, and his hips jerked in response.

  “You’re killing me here,” he ground out. “Please tell me I can move already.”

  “You can move already.” I smiled despite how insanely hot all this was. Knowing that I had him on edge right along with me made me feel a tiny rush of power that encouraged me to thrust my hips up into his.

  That was all he needed to spur him into action. When Declan moved, it was like the entire world disappeared. I didn’t know what the hell I’d had before, but if this was sex, then that hadn’t been it.

  He captained me into a sea of sensation and then got me lost in it. I hadn’t thought I’d have another orgasm tonight, but he proved me wrong.

  Oh, so very, very wrong. My orgasm crept up on me, but when it hit, it hit harder than ever before. My muscles seized up, and my existence became wrapped up in a ball of pure pleasure that flew me to a different solar system.

  “Fuck, baby. Fuck… I can’t… I’m gonna…” Declan’s words became incomprehensible as he followed close after me, the low moans of release in my ears bringing on a wave of aftershocks that made me moan right along with him once more.

  It felt like it took forever to get my breathing and my heart rate back to normal. In that time, I lay in Declan’s arms and reveled in the wonders of mind-blowing sex.

  Because for the first time in my life, I’d definitely say my mind had been blown.

  Declan was stroking my back, his breathing evening out along with mine. With his insanely hot, hard body pressed up against my side, it was difficult to imagine ever seeing him again without instantly thinking about the spectacular orgasms he’d given me.

  My head shook as Declan’s chest bounced on a chuckle. “That’s the general idea, babe.”

  “What?” Had I said that out loud?

  He propped himself up on his elbows and peered down at me. “Yeah, and you said that out loud too.”

  “Damn. I think my brain may be fried.”

  He slid his hands around my neck and gently brought my face closer to his. “I’ll take that as a compliment. Sleep now, and I’ll be happy to fry it all over again in the morning.”

  While my body reacted to what he was saying, definitely on board with the idea, my brain had cleared enough to know what he was suggesting couldn’t happen. I ran my nose along the length of his and smiled as I pressed a lingering kiss to his lips.

  “I’d love for you to spend the night, but I don’t want to confuse Lawson. Tessa will have him here first thing in the morning, and I don’t want to risk him seeing you here. It might give him the wrong idea.”

  I held my breath as I waited for his reaction, pleasantly surprised when I saw understanding softening his gaze. “Yeah, I agree. I wasn’t thinking about that, but you’re right. Finding me in bed with his mom at the crack of dawn will be difficult to explain.”

  “Thank you for understanding.” I planted another kiss on his mouth, hating that he had to leave but knowing that it was for the best. “You’re not going to disappear on us now, are you?”

  “Not a chance.” After claiming my mouth one last time, he heaved out a sigh and rolled out of my bed. “But I’d better go now or else I’m going to start somet
hing I’m not going to want to stop.”

  He tossed a sexy smile my way, winked, and grabbed his pants after disposing of the condom. Covering up his wonderfully naked body way too fast for my liking, he shook his head when I made to get out of bed too.

  “I can see myself out.” He came back to the bed with his tie hanging loosely around his neck and jacket over his arm, bending over to drop the sweetest of kisses to my forehead and against each of my eyelids. “Sleep tight, Raeanne. Thank you for dinner.”

  My eyes were still closed from his kisses when I heard the door opening, and when I looked again, he was gone. Collapsing back against the bed, I sighed contentedly and wished I could have taken him up on his offer to do it all over again in the morning.

  Perhaps the day would come when we could, but it wasn’t today. What I did feel good about was that I’d believed him when he said he wouldn’t disappear on Lawson and me after this. Sated and exhausted but more relaxed than I’d been in a long time, I decided to trust him and not worry about it.

  When I drifted off to sleep a few minutes later, I was already dreaming about the next time we could be together. And about all the things I still wanted to do with him.

  Chapter 19


  “You got time for lunch?” I asked Finley, watching as he jerked in surprise before turning on his ladder to face me.

  He lifted the protective gear off his face and wiped the sweat off his brow with his forearm. “Sure, man. My break technically isn’t for another hour or so, but Jackson here will figure it out.”

  The coworker he jerked his thumb at flipped him the bird. “Are you really going to leave me stranded?”

  Finley shrugged, tossing him a winning grin. “I’ll get you next time, man. You know I’m good for it.”

  Jackson shook his head but went back to work without an argument. Finley stripped out of his construction jacket and left it, along with his helmet and other safety gear, on a worktable in the building they were renovating before coming over to join me.


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