Talosian Chronicles 3: Talosian Alliance

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Talosian Chronicles 3: Talosian Alliance Page 6

by Ben Winston

  “We have similar technologies that we can release that have already been discovered, but will have to be released slowly and with care. Cold fusion, room temperature superconductors, the list goes on. However, none of the advanced weapons systems, or any technology that can be adapted into weapons, will be released. We will not give you better toys to kill each other with. If you want them, you’ll have to figure them out on your own, we won’t stop you. So, yes Ambassador, we will be releasing some of the tech we have discovered, but we will do it with care and forethought to your economies,” Luke explained and was about to change mental gears. But was asked a question.

  “What about propulsion technology? Flight systems so we too can leave the planet if we wish?” the British Ambassador asked.

  “That is still under discussion by our Council, Mr. Ambassador. The fact is that the energy systems we use are so far in advance of what you know, we are having a hard time deciding on what the fallout from releasing it would be. We will continue to debate the matter, and let you know what we decide.”

  “You are all former Americans. How will we defend ourselves from the American military if you do not release your technology to us? You said you intended to work with the UN, what if we order you to surrender your technology?” the Russian Federation Ambassador asked.

  “Mr. Ambassador, while it is true that many of us are former American citizens, not all of us are. Further, and let me stress this, we are no longer citizens of any country, but consider ourselves to be citizens of the planet instead. What technology we release will be released to everyone, equally, without bias or prejudice.

  “That is where the involvement from this assembly comes in. How you handle relations with us, we will leave up to you, however, you will not have control over us, or our military. We will entertain as well as accept requests as well as emergency support requests from the UN. Any contact for trade agreements, or anything like that should be made through the UN. We are citizens of the planet, and feel a responsibility to the people of the planet as a whole, not to any single country or government. We will do all we can to improve life here while we work to mitigate the petty quarrels and the damage you are doing to yourselves and your environment.”

  “How would you have us address your people, Councilor?” the Secretary General asked.

  “We call ourselves Terrans, Mr. Secretary. We considered Earthlings, but had some pretty bad flash-backs to some black and white 1950’s science fiction movies,” Luke answered, grinning. “We would like to send an Ambassador of our own here, if one would be welcomed, to facilitate contact and communications between ourselves and the rest of the world.”

  “We have been told that you have taken up residence on the moon, is that correct?” the Chinese Ambassador asked.

  “We do have a base on the moon, yes, Mr. Ambassador,” Luke replied.

  “Then you are in violation of a treaty signed by many of the signatories here. This agreement was reached to ensure that we did not go to war over who got to colonize the moon. You will need to vacate your lunar facilities immediately,” The Ambassador said.

  “That will not happen, Mr. Ambassador. Simply put, we are there, you are not. We claim the part of the moon we are on by right of homestead. The same applies to all other facilities and installations we have, regardless of their location. What land we do own here on the planet, was bought and paid for according to the local laws of that area. We will not swindle anyone intentionally, but we will not be bullied either,” Luke replied.

  The Chinese Ambassador did not look happy at that announcement, and looked ready to argue, but the Ambassador from the United States unexpectedly agreed with him.

  “I’m sorry to say it, but I have to agree with my esteemed colleague from China. In fact, I would go so far as to say that the ship that was salvaged from the moon is actually the property of the country that claimed that area. Now, no one is accusing anyone else of theft, since the common citizen isn’t normally aware of international agreements. I’m sure the whole matter can be quietly forgotten if you simply surrender the stolen equipment to its rightful owner,” the man said and sat down, smugly. Most of the dark side of the moon had been claimed by the United States.

  Luke smirked at the man. “Mr. Ambassador, with respect, the ship in question contains a self-aware, sentient, artificial intelligence that selected Commander Williams, from everyone else on Earth. Commander Williams, after hearing what the AI told him, responded. Since the AI is sentient, it cannot be claimed as property any more than an illegal alien entering the United States could be considered property. Aid was given, and the AI was removed from the moon as quickly as possible. As for the installation that was built, we would be more than happy to remove that too, if you were capable of defending yourselves from the rest of the Universe. Simply put Sir, if you are releasing us from our oaths to protect this planet and the people on it, we would be more than happy to pack up and leave you to your own devices. It will be harder to do, but we would then return after the governments of the world have fallen and do our best to free the remaining citizens from which ever race has enslaved you. That is, assuming that’s all they did,” Luke replied. “So, Mr. Ambassador, your choices are this; accept us, and our installations as they are, or don’t. If you don’t, we will leave, and that will be that.”

  “Are you telling us we cannot explore the moon any further, or pursue space flight?” the British ambassador asked.

  “Not at all, Mr. Ambassador. We might even be inclined to assist you in such endeavors, dependent on their use and their purposes. No, if you want to figure out how to peaceably get off this planet, we applaud you,” Luke replied.

  “You have just told us that there are a lot of dangerous species out there, yet you are telling us we cannot launch armed space craft to defend ourselves!” the Ambassador from the Russian Federation replied.

  “That’s not exactly what I said, Mr. Ambassador. We see Earth as one people, not two hundred plus different countries. We have taken it upon ourselves to defend you against anyone that may want to attack us. What I’m trying to tell you is that you won’t need to build and launch armed space craft, because we already have them. To do so would be redundant and a massive waste of your resources.

  “We are here to help you, but we will not let ourselves be used against anyone else on this planet. Nor will we knowingly allow you to use weapons of mass destruction against each other. Anything else you want to do is none of our business. If we have a problem with something, we’ll tell you about it and try to reach a peaceful and mutually beneficial resolution.

  “We are not interested in making deals, or in mutual defense treaties. We are already defending you, we will not fire on our own people unless they are trying to use WMDs or are doing something else equally as devastating. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s that simple. We will from time to time offer our services to humanitarian causes and we will release technology that will improve the lives of the people and help heal the planet.

  “We came here today to brief you on the actions that took place over the United States and in the rest of the solar system. We did this as a courtesy to you. We also wanted to let you know we are out there, watching over the planet. What you decide to do with that information is your concern. We are protecting you, but we are not, and will not, be ruled by you at this time," Luke finished.

  “So you’re telling us we have no control over the military that is ‘protecting’ us?” the French Ambassador said. “What if we would like to meet or perhaps enter into trade agreements with some of these other races? Will you ‘protect' us from them as well?”

  “I never said you didn’t have control over our military, Madam Ambassador. I said you didn’t rule us. That is what we are trying to accomplish here today. We are asking for permission to station an Ambassador here to keep you informed of our actions, as well as bring some decisions to you so you have some say in the decisions made in regards to the defense of this planet. Other matter
s not directly affecting this planet will be handled by our own ruling council.

  “So you are reserving the right to enter into your own treaties and agreements without our input?” The woman from France replied.

  “For now, yes, that is exactly what I’m saying. Because, quite frankly, you have no idea what’s out there or how those politics work. I'm not saying we are experts in that area, but we do have more of an idea of what’s really going on out there than you do,” Luke explained. “We are currently considering treaties and agreements with two separate intergalactic ruling bodies to improve our defenses here.” Luke looked at Star who nodded to him. “I’ve taken the liberty to send each of you a report on the political structure of the galaxy as we currently know it. In a few days, delegates from one of those governments will be arriving to discuss those very issues.

  “Before you get too nervous, they will not be coming to the planet. Instead, they are coming here to tour our facilities and discuss entering into a treaty assisting us in our defenses in exchange for servicing and upgrading their warships. There is also an issue they wish to discuss that claims ownership of Star Dancer, Terra’s only functional warship.” Luke held up his hand to prevent several of the Ambassadors from speaking out. “Rest assured they will have no better luck with that than you did. Even by their own laws and traditions, they have no legal claim.”

  “What can you tell us of this race that is coming here, Councilor?” the Secretary General asked.

  “All of the information is in the documents I sent to you, Mr. Secretary. However, the race that is coming here are human. They are called Talosians, and are the descendants of the survivors from the destruction of the Talos system Commander Williams spoke of earlier,” Luke replied.

  “From what Commander Williams told us, are we not all descendants of the Talosians?” The Nigerian Ambassador asked.

  “Not all of us, no, but a good share of us are. The surviving crew members escaped to our planet and added their genetic legacy to our own. However, there simply were not that many of them to influence the whole population.”

  Centurion T.A.S Borderlands

  Low Geosynchronous Interdiction Orbit

  India, near Pakastani border

  Earth, Sol System

  “Star-Con, this is Borderlands. Both the Pakistani’s and the Indians have armies massed near their borders. We are detecting nuclear signatures, and have pinpointed them. There are also several hundred fighters and bombers down there. This is a hell of a mess, control.”

  “Understood Borderlands. That’s why the Council wanted us there,” the controller replied.

  “Yeah, I understand that, control, but I don’t think one wing is going to be enough to stop everything. We’re looking at cruise missiles and a very short range. I would like to request the rest of the squadron join us out here. I just can’t help but think no matter how good our technology is, we’re still only going to get one shot at this,” Fireball asked. His real name was Captain Grant Frie, and he was a seasoned veteran of aerial combat.

  Chloe had been listening and monitoring the data feeds from the ships on patrol there. She agreed with Fireball, and approved the deployment. “Borderlands, this is Gamemaster, scrambling the rest of your squadron. Maintain stealth profile and continue mission. I know waiting games are never fun, but the diplomats are still doing their thing, so there's still hope.” Chloe replied.

  “It’s only a matter of time before one of those fighters crosses the line and gets fired on. This is insanity. Their buzzing around down there like a bunch of angry hornets,” Fireball said.

  “It’s been like that for a long time down there. Although, not quite this bad, I think. No one actually believes they’ll do it," Chloe replied. “Fighters are launched, ETA is ten minutes. I ordered them to get there ASAP.”

  “Fuck! I knew it! All fighters drop to one-hundred thousand and arm weapons! Control, they just went hot. One of the Pakistani MiGs got too close to the line, and was shot down by an Indian ground to air cannon. The Pakistani’s immediately started shooting back, and now the whole border is opening up!” Fireball reported.

  “Fireball, the Commander’s orders are very clear on this. If they toss any WMD, you are to shut them down. Not just the WMD’s, but everything. Understand?” Chloe said. She opened another channel. “Jenny, are you monitoring?”

  “I have been since the alert, I assume they started shooting at each other?” Jenny asked.

  “Yeah, no big firecrackers yet, but they have started killing each other,” Chloe replied.

  “Okay, executing Operation Wet Blanket. Navigation, put us in Earth orbit, and park us right on top of those idiots. As close as you can get us,” Jenny ordered. “Tactical, raise shields, and wake up our Marines. Flight, prepare the evac shuttles and bring the rest of our fighters to standby. Medical, stand by for wounded.”

  Chloe could hear the replies to Jenny’s orders, but didn’t actually feel the big ship start to move.

  “I will inform the Commander, Colonel. We are still in session with the Security Council, but I am sure they would like to know as well,” Star said. She had split her hologram so she could be in two places at once. For her, it was a daily occurrence since she usually was in multiple places at once during the normal execution of her duties.

  Jenny nodded. “Please do, then try to get us some audio from the fight if you would.”

  “There are several hundred radio frequencies currently in use in the battle, Colonel. I will try to find a command frequency for you,” Star replied, looking concerned.

  “Thank you, Major,” Jenny said, but her attention was on the tactical display which now showed the ground battle taking place on Earth. “Chloe, is Borderlands scanning for Chemical and Biological weapons as well?”

  Yeah, but hasn’t found anything yet. That could simply mean they are still hidden since the rest of the planet has been searching for them for years,” the British woman replied.

  “Colonel, I am seeing two separate nuclear devices in New Dehli that are not missiles. In fact, they are in very densely populated areas,” Star reported. “I believe they are intended to detonate where they are.”

  “Chloe, it’s time for our Marines to earn their pay!” Jenny said. “Make sure they take shield units strong enough to contain the blast.”

  “Understood, dispatching four squads, two per location. They will be taking a drone with them capable of removing the bombs.”

  “Non-lethal force only, they can bring back anyone they feel needs to be talked to,” Jenny specified. “I swear, these idiots are going to give me grey hair!"

  UN Security Council chambers

  United Nations Building

  New York City, United States

  Earth, Sol System

  “Sir, the situation in the Middle East has gotten worse. Fighting has broken out, but so far it is limited to conventional weapons,” Star reported, leaning over and whispering to Ian.

  Ian stood, getting Luke’s attention. Seeing the look on Ian’s face, he nodded to him.

  “Please forgive the interruption, Ladies and Gentleman. War has broken out between the countries of Pakistan and India. They have not used their nuclear arsenals yet, but we thought you would like to be advised of the now open hostilities,” Ian replied. Ian turned to Star. "Major, could you display the live images from the Borderlands?”

  Star stood, and without standing at the podium, she was heard by each delegate in their own language. “This image is taken from one of our long-range interdiction ships called a Centurion. This ship is currently in geo-synchronous orbit over the conflict area.”

  An image taken from extreme altitude took shape in the air over the center of the circular tables. The image of the ground was at a level just below the edge of the tables, so everyone could see the same things. “The image is computer enhanced but only for clarity and has not been modified in any way. I will place a line denoting the current, border between the two countries. Disputed bo
rders are broken lines.” The image zoomed in rapidly toward the southernmost area of fighting, which was currently near the village of Fazilka in the Punjab district of India. Star inserted what geographic labels she could so there was a frame of reference for the delegates.

  The images showed armored vehicles, tanks and fighters engaged in violent and ferocious fighting. Several buildings that had been part of the town were nothing but smoking rubble. The view zoomed in far enough to see, if only barely, the small forms of dead civilians and soldiers. A woman in a brightly colored sarong caught the camera’s focus and it zoomed in as she hurriedly tried to herd a group of children away from the fighting. Smoke obscured the view momentarily, and a second later a huge explosion could be seen. When the smoke cleared the area had been destroyed, bits of brightly colored scorched cloth could be seen, as well as the mangled bodies that had once been children.

  The image pulled back and focused on an exchange between two groups of tanks with infantry soldiers between them. In an effort to kill each other, the tanks killed more of the soldiers than they did of each other, however, in an act of defiance, one small group of soldiers fired a rocket that destroyed a Pakistani tank.

  The view pulled back and moved north to another area of fighting. Where much the same was seen before the view again moved north.

  “By order of Colonel Jennifer Williams, we are currently undertaking two ground missions within the city of New Dehli. Orbital sensors have detected two multi-kiloton nuclear devices within the city. Our Marines are to remove the threat of those two devices and withdraw. Only non-lethal force has been authorized, and they are allowed to detain suspects for questioning. Once they have neutralized the explosives, they will return to our ship,” Star explained.

  “We must stop this!” the Ambassador from France said. She had tears in her eyes, from looking at the horror on the faces of the men women and children, soldier and civilian alike as they died.


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