The Night Wolf

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The Night Wolf Page 14

by Parker Williams

  “It’s just a simple ceremony, you know.”

  Obviously Dani wasn’t happy. “This is Sean’s first child and his only wedding. Do you really think simple is going to cut it?” She wagged a finger. “I don’t think so.”

  Explosive laughter burst from Sean at seeing this slip of a woman snarling at her Alpha. Then he sobered. Gareth mated him, wanted to marry him.

  What would happen when Gareth found out the secret that Sean was keeping? Would Gareth cast him aside, or would he still be able to love Sean for what he was?

  “EXPLAIN TO me again why I have to wear this.” Gareth looked at his reflection and groaned. Fine, the tuxedo looked nice, but was it really necessary? “And why can’t I see Sean?”

  Dani sat in the corner, watching as Trevor from the tailor shop did the alterations. “Because you’re doing this for Sean. Or isn’t that a good enough reason? Tomorrow you’ll see him when Lyram pronounces you married.”

  Thoughts of Sean made Gareth’s insides gooey. The look on Sean’s face when Gareth offered him the ring was worth any price, as far as Gareth was concerned.

  “That’s more than good enough.”

  “Good. As for why, it’s bad luck to see your spouse before the wedding.”

  “Wives’ tale! And it’s not like Sean and I are blushing virgins. He is….” He stopped and looked down at Trevor, then back to Dani as he mouthed, “Pregnant.”

  “When I got married, we did everything the traditional way. It was big and bold and scary and wonderful. It’s a memory that will last a lifetime. Give that to Sean, who has very few memories to hold on to.”

  When she said it that way, Gareth felt like an absolute heel. “You’re right. Thank you for your counsel.” He gave her a wink. “See, I told you.”

  “You did, and you’re right. You obviously need help.” Then she did the strangest thing. She stuck her tongue out at him. Dani teased, but rarely played. It was a good look. He peered at her. “Could you go check on Sean? I want to be sure he’s okay.”

  “He’s fine, I promise. Caleb is with him, and they’re gorging on pizza. And besides, you need a lot of help.”

  He liked this new Dani. “You know, I don’t know that I like you so much. I miss the old Dani.”

  She frowned. “I’m sorry, Alpha, I—”

  He held up a hand, which had Trevor sighing. “Don’t. Please. Gareth. Especially since you’ve been my family for many years. And I’m kidding. I like that the woman who helped me to become the man I am will one day help me in other ways. You set up this amazing wedding with next to no time. You helped me get the ring that I’m going to put on Sean’s finger. And you’ve opened my eyes and made me understand that all this, everything we’re doing here, is for Sean.”

  And their future pup.

  Tomorrow would be perfect. Gareth would stand up in front of the pack and claim Sean’s human half, just as the wolf had claimed him for his own. Once that happened, Gareth’s life would be complete.

  And he couldn’t wait.

  THE NIGHT before his wedding, and Sean was on his knees in the bathroom, his arms wrapped around the toilet bowl, throwing up the best-tasting pizza he’d ever had. Again. Dani stood behind him, stroking his hair and assuring him that it was normal.

  “That was a hundred-dollar steak, and now it’s going down the toilet. Why can’t this kid want normal things? And why does he keep making me barf it up?”

  He retched again, and the smells overwhelmed his sensitive nose, which caused more gagging.

  Dani chuckled. “Sometimes what we want, our bodies don’t agree with. I know it sounds awful, but it’s a fact of biology, apparently even for a pregnant male.”

  When he’d gotten his stomach under control, Sean leaned back. Dani was there, a warm, wet towel in hand, wiping his mouth and face. She reached over and flushed the toilet, then closed the lid. Sean hated that she had to do this for him.

  “I’m disgusting.”

  “You’re not. You’re beautiful. Trust me, I’ve seen it happen before. Well, with the female wolves, but you know what I mean.”

  “But I’m not a woman!” He bit back his anger. “I’m sorry.”

  She ran a hand over his cheek. “Don’t be. I’m not going to get upset because you’re scared or hurting or have to get up every few minutes to pee.”

  Sean opened his eyes wide. “Wait. That’s a thing?”

  “It was for me, and I know others have experienced it as well.” She helped Sean to his feet.

  “Great. What else do I have to look forward to?”

  “Oh, swollen feet is a fun one. Your shoes won’t fit, and you’re going to feel gross, but Gareth will assure you how amazing you are, and he’s right. You’re the first Omega in centuries, and the first man to give birth ever as far as I know.”

  As a pep talk went, it was pretty good. Sean went to the sink to brush his teeth, because the taste lingered.

  “You don’t think Gareth is going to be upset about the steak, do you? I mean, that’s the second one I… you know.”

  “No, he most definitely won’t. He’s going to smile and say he’s glad you’re feeling better, and that will be it.”

  That made Sean feel a bit better. He hated the thought that Gareth might get sick of Sean’s constant ups and downs before the baby was even born. He put a hand on his stomach. He was really pregnant.

  “I’m hungry again.”

  God, how could he think of food now?

  “And what are you in the mood for?”

  He curled his lip. “Pickle juice. I don’t even like pickles.”

  “For me, it was spinach. I hate spinach with a passion, but when I was pregnant with Caleb, I needed it in everything. After he was born, I couldn’t stand the stuff again.” She went to the door. “If Caleb didn’t eat them all, we have a jar of sweet pickles in the refrigerator. I’ll bring you some up and put a bit of the juice in a glass for you.”

  She continued to amaze him. “How can you be so calm about this?”

  Dani sighed. “You’re our Omega, Sean. Even if you weren’t, you’re still one of our pack. Anyone here would do whatever it takes to make you happy. We love you.”

  Without giving him time to reply, she left, and Sean headed back to the bedroom. He crawled under the covers and nestled into the pillows, Dani’s words ringing in his head.

  They love me, and I don’t think it’s just because I’m an Omega. I think they really care.

  And that thought calmed him enough that he fell asleep.

  “I HAVE to pee.”

  Caleb groaned. “Again? We’ve been in here thirty minutes, and you’ve already gone six times. Can’t you hold it until we’re done with the ceremony?”

  Sean scowled. “You try having a kid tap-dancing on your bladder, then tell me how good it feels.” He sighed. “This is your mother’s fault, you know. She had to go and mention peeing, and now I have to go, pretty much constantly.”

  That earned him a frown from Caleb.

  “Fine. I can hold it a few minutes, I guess.”

  “Good. They’re going to start the song shortly, and then I get to walk you down the aisle and give you to Gareth. Once you both say your vows, you can run to the bathroom and pee a river.” He smiled. “You look amazing.” Caleb did a slow walk around Sean, picking off small pieces of lint from his tuxedo. “Trevor did a great job on such short notice.”

  Sean stared at his reflection. Never did he dream he could look like he did. His hair wasn’t standing up like straw. His cheeks were rosy. And his eyes were filled with all the hopes and promises that Gareth had given him. He owed it to Gareth to tell him the truth. Tonight. No, now. He had to do it before the wedding, in case Gareth decided Sean wasn’t worth marrying.

  “Caleb, I need Gareth.”

  “No can do. Mom said not before the wedding.”

  Sean had opened his mouth to say he needed Gareth desperately when he scented it. Blood. A lot of it. “Go get Gareth. Now!”

p; A low growl escaped Caleb as he stepped in front of Sean. Goddamn it, Sean must be leaking pheromones, and Caleb was coming to his rescue. He grabbed Caleb’s hand and started for the door, but a huge man stepped around the corner and slammed a hand against Sean’s chest, knocking him back onto the floor. He was starting to stand when a cold voice washed over him.

  “You thought I wouldn’t find you? After the bastard Alpha sent someone to try to buy me out? Me? My people are loyal, and they would never help him.”

  Sean looked up into the face of evil. “Ryker.”

  The cold, menacing gaze, the long, choppy jet-black hair, and the perpetual sneer were all in evidence, and suddenly Sean felt like a kid again, being told he was next. But Sean wasn’t that kid anymore, and he belonged to Gareth.

  “Get out of my house.”

  Ryker bent over, his face inches from Sean’s. The hand flashed out so fast, Sean barely registered it before it hit him.

  “You don’t talk to your Alpha like that. Where’s your respect?”

  The taste of blood trickled in Sean’s mouth. He swiped a hand over his face as he glared at Ryker. “I never had any for you. I will never have any for you.”

  Another slap, this one twice as hard. Caleb cried out, but his voice was cut off into a strangled gurgle. Sean’s gaze snapped to him and found Kristopher, holding Caleb.

  Ryker knelt beside Sean. “Get up.”

  Sean spit the mouthful of blood at Ryker, who wiped it from his cheek, then sucked the finger into his mouth.

  “Still every bit as sweet as it always was.” He grabbed Sean’s hair and yanked him off the floor. Ryker was Sean’s bogeyman, the shadow that haunted Sean’s dreams. Beside him stood his enforcer, Kristopher, a wicked-looking blade pressed to Caleb’s throat.

  “Let him go.”

  Ryker sneered. “You don’t give me orders. You’re mine.”

  Sean reached down and stroked a hand over his belly. He had to protect the baby at all costs, but what if the price was Caleb? “No, I’m not.”

  When Ryker’s nose twitched, Sean realized he could tell that Sean was carrying a child.

  His face twisted into a hideous mask of anger. “You ungrateful bastard. We could have had it all.”

  “Yes, if I let you chain me. I’m a wolf, goddamn you, not a fucking dog. Gareth treats me with respect—he thinks I’ve got worth.”

  “You have no idea what you’ve got. You’re coming with us.”

  “Like hell.”

  He glanced toward Kristopher. “If he doesn’t come, kill the boy.”

  Caleb’s eyes went wide. “Don’t listen to them. Run and get Gareth.”

  Kristopher pressed the blade deeper, drawing a rivulet of blood. Caleb closed his eyes and shuddered as tears ran down his cheeks.

  “Don’t hurt him. Please.”

  “You’ll come with me?”

  Sean nodded.

  Ryker reached into his pocket and extracted that fucking collar. He marched over to Sean and clipped it around Sean’s neck. The instant he locked it, weakness flowed through Sean, and he had to put a hand on the wall to steady himself.

  “You’re mine now.” He turned to Kristopher. “Kill the boy.”

  When the blade drew across Caleb’s throat, blood spurting onto the floor, Sean screamed and tried to reach him, but Ryker yanked the chain attached to the collar.

  “Heel, boy.” He jerked the chain again. “Leave him. Let’s go.”

  Kristopher dropped Caleb’s body, which landed in a pool of blood as he choked and gasped.

  “Please, let me help him. You said you wouldn’t hurt him.”

  “And now you know what happens when you don’t do what you’re told.”

  They dragged Sean from the room as Caleb lay there, staring at him, pleading for him to do something. Only he was helpless now, and because of it, Caleb was going to die.

  Chapter Fifteen

  THE MUSIC started and Gareth stood in front of Lyram, who was grinning at him. In a matter of minutes, Sean would belong to him in both forms, and Gareth knew his excitement was palpable.

  As he turned to face the doors that Sean and Caleb would be coming through, he was hit by a wave of terror unlike any he’d ever experienced before, and the coppery tang of blood.

  “Sean!” Gareth’s voice rang through the room. Needing the fastest form, he gave himself over to his wolf, shredding the tuxedo. As soon as all four paws hit the ground, he was racing for the room where Sean was supposed to be. He shifted again as he got to the door, only to freeze at what he found. Caleb lay on the ground, his throat slit, blood gurgling from a gaping wound. He rushed to Caleb’s side and knelt down.


  His eyes wide, Caleb glanced at the other door, and Gareth knew that was where Sean had been taken. He was torn, because that was his mate and child, but Caleb was his as well. He put a hand on Caleb’s head, wanting to make his passing easier, even though Gareth’s heart was breaking.

  “Get the fuck out of my way!”

  Lyram stood over him, huffing. He shoved Gareth, who sprawled on his ass. Lyram knelt down by Caleb, tears streaming down his face. “You will not leave me, do you understand?” He leaned in and placed a kiss on Caleb’s head. “You can’t. I haven’t even been able to tell you….” His voice cracked. “Please, don’t die.”

  It seemed inevitable, though. Even if Frank were here, they wouldn’t be able to fix a slashed throat. Lyram growled, a sound that actually made Gareth shiver.

  “You will not die!” Lyram’s voice boomed. He leaned in closer. “Take my power. Take my life. But you will not die. You’re going to shift. Do you hear me?”

  But it was impossible. The first shift wouldn’t occur for another month and—

  The thought died in Gareth’s head as Caleb’s body shuddered. First his fingers grew shorter, thinner, and then his face extended, the muzzle forming. Gareth was stunned, seeing Caleb undergo the transformation. It was slow, and while it should have hurt, he actually seemed to calm as his body was twisted and turned inside out.

  “That’s right. Shift for me. I need you to be by my side, do you understand? I can’t lose you, Caleb. You’re my whole world.”

  Caleb’s eyes fluttered open, deep and gold. He fixed his gaze on Lyram, who knelt there, stroking his side. Gareth had never seen anything like it before. Somehow Lyram had forced a shift in Caleb.

  “You saved him.”

  The enormity of the words wasn’t lost on Gareth. For years he’d thought of Lyram as his Beta, but the truth was, he was an Alpha. Or maybe it was seeing Caleb on the floor near death that pushed him beyond his station. Either way, Lyram was now a true Alpha.

  Though his legs wobbled, Caleb stood. He was a gorgeous wolf, despite the blood. All burnished gold from the tip of his nose to the end of his tail. He tried to run for the door, but tripped on his feet and fell face-first against the wood. He got up again, doing his best to run.

  Lyram wrapped his arms around Caleb. “Relax. You’re going nowhere. You need time to heal, okay?”

  Caleb whimpered and nudged Gareth.

  “Where’s Sean?”

  A whine slipped out of Caleb as he once more tried to get to the door.

  Gareth had to make a hard decision. “Let him go, Lyram.”

  “No. He’s not going—”

  “They took Sean!”

  That seemed to get Lyram’s attention. “Oh my God, I didn’t….” He leaned in close to Caleb. “Do you know who it was?”

  Caleb chuffed.

  “It was Ryker. I’m sure of it. I can smell two scents here, and a lot of blood. Get some people to find our men, and see if Dr. Frank can help them. I’m going after Sean.”

  “Alpha, wait for—”

  Gareth spun on his heel and snarled. “My mate and child are in the hands of the man who killed Ethan. He threatened to rape Sean, and he did rape—” Gareth squeezed the bridge of his nose. “You think I’m waiting for anything? Take care of things. If…
.” He sighed deeply. If something happened to Sean, Gareth wouldn’t be coming back. He would follow him to whatever lay beyond this world. “You’re in charge.”

  “Alpha, I’ll go with—”

  “Stay here, protect Caleb.” Gareth smiled at Lyram, who still clutched Caleb close to him. “He’s the one who needs you. Caleb, tell Dani I’m….” He shrugged. What did the words matter now? “Just tell her I’m grateful for everything she’s done.”

  Caleb tilted his head up and howled, a long, mournful sound. With Caleb being the son of a very powerful seer, Gareth shuddered at what that sound might mean.

  Gareth shifted again and raced out the door. Sean’s scent was strong, and the tang of his fear evoked emotions that Gareth couldn’t put to words.

  We can’t lose him. He’s our mate.

  The words were his, but the emotions were ones he and his wolf shared. For years, Gareth had done his best to avoid violence. He’d always gone the distance to ensure no one was hurt, but this time? He vowed he would kill Ryker for what he’d done to Sean in the past and now. It no longer mattered if he gave Sean back without having harmed him, because Ryker was a dead man.

  SEAN LAY in the back of a beat-up van, hands tied in front of him and his head muzzy. He could see two men in the front, but wasn’t sure which was Ryker and which was Kristopher. A shiver coursed through Sean. He should be with Gareth, getting married, but instead he was right back where he’d started all those years ago, and this time it wasn’t likely he was going to escape. The damned collar sapped his strength, and he knew why. Ryker had laced it with silver, then coated it with leather so it would remove Sean’s ability to shift but not kill him.

  He put a hand on his belly, pleading with his child to forgive him. He couldn’t let them kill Caleb, and thought he’d saved his friend’s life. Tears streaked his cheeks as he realized how wrong he was. And Gareth…. If Ryker killed Sean, he hoped Gareth would be able to find new love. Anyone who was lucky enough to catch his attention should count their blessings every day.

  The vehicle hit a bump, and Sean was tossed in the air, then landed with a thud, the pressure causing him to wet himself. Without access to his wolf, Sean would be a mass of bruises by the time they took him out of the vehicle. But what would they do to him? He’d already tied himself to Gareth, and that should stop whatever it was Ryker had planned. Shouldn’t it?


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