The Night Wolf

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The Night Wolf Page 18

by Parker Williams

  Gareth grabbed him and lifted him from the ground. “What’s wrong?”

  “My stomach. I—” Sean screamed. “Gareth, I need Dr. Frank.”

  Faster than Sean thought possible, Gareth sped to the SUV, then raced back to Lydon. He called Lyram and told him to get Dr. Frank to the clinic before they arrived. It wasn’t hard, considering they were hours away. When they pulled in, Dr. Frank was there, as was Lyram. Gareth carried Sean into the building, then placed him gently on the table. Dr. Frank shoved Gareth aside and hurried Sean into another room.

  For the next two hours, Sean writhed in agony as Frank checked scans, did tests on the baby, and more. When he finished, he called Gareth into the room.

  “What the hell’s wrong with him?”

  Dr. Frank grinned. “Would you believe the eggs have shifted and lowered into the pouch?”

  Gareth’s eyes went wide. “Eggs?”

  “Twins, Alpha. And at the rate they’re growing, I suspect Sean will give birth sooner rather than later.”

  Cool hands stroked Sean’s forehead. “Twins?” He gave a watery smile. “We’re going to have a family, love.”

  It was too soon. Everything was happening so fast, Sean couldn’t catch up. If the babies decided to put in an appearance before the challenge, Gareth was as good as dead.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “DON’T EVEN think about getting out of that bed.” Gareth fussed as he fluffed Sean’s pillow and handed him another puzzle book. “Frank said rest and plenty of it.”

  “I’m fine.” Sean stuck out his lip. “See? Sean has a sad because he can’t get up and do things.”

  Dani chuckled. “Let Daddy worry, because it’s only going to get worse from here. The first sniffles, the bumps, bruises, and contusions—every little thing that happens to those kids will send Gareth into a tizzy.” She put a tray laden with sandwiches over Sean’s lap. “When Caleb was three, he ran into a wall and got a knot on his head the size of an apple. Micah was on the phone with Frank before the wailing even started. Frank put an ice pack on Caleb’s head, but Micah was certain there was more he could have done. He wanted Frank to take X-rays and CAT scans and….” She sighed. “Caleb was Micah’s world.”

  “How is Caleb?” Sean hadn’t seen him in the last few days. “I miss him.”

  “He’s okay. He’s been spending a lot of time with Lyram, who is treating him pretty much the same way Gareth is treating you. It must be an Alpha thing.”

  Gareth’s eyes went wide. “You knew?”

  Dani waved him off. “Of course. I can feel the power radiating from him. It’s like yours, only different. And he carries himself with much more… authority. Don’t worry, though. Like I said, it’s not the same as yours. His is like… oh, let’s say a candle. Yours is like the sun.”

  “That’s laying it on a little thick, isn’t it?”

  “No, I don’t think it is. You’ve both changed recently, grown stronger. There’s something different about both of you. The people in the pack see it. They’re giving Lyram more respect, and you? They’re just short of falling to their knees in worship.”

  “I admit, I feel different. Especially since I found out we were going to have a baby.” He grinned. “Well, two.” He put a hand on Sean’s shoulder. “Is it wrong I want to wrap them all up in a cocoon and never let them out of my sight?”

  “No,” Sean assured him. “I want the same thing, but I think it needs to be an economy-size, because we have to take Dani, Caleb, and Quinn with us.”

  “Oh, Sean. I wanted to tell you. I’m not sure what to do. Quinn still isn’t eating. I can’t stand by as he wastes away, I just can’t. When Lyram lets Caleb alone, he’s been going into Quinn’s room and sleeping at the foot of his bed. I think Quinn’s delighted to have a friend. I’ve heard him talking to Caleb and telling him things…. Well, let’s just say they’re things he wouldn’t say to any of us.”

  “He knows Caleb is a shifter, right?” That worried Sean. “I don’t want him to think he’s telling secrets to a regular wolf.”

  “No, he’s aware. I told him already. It doesn’t seem to matter, though. He asks for Caleb when he needs to talk, and Caleb is more than happy to lay there and listen. Personally, I think it’s for the rubs he’s getting, but that’s just an opinion.” She sighed. “I wish he could tell Quinn to eat.”

  Guilt weighed on Sean. On the one hand, he wanted to be the one Quinn told his problems to, but on the other, he was grateful for Caleb’s willingness to lend an ear.

  “Tell Caleb thank you for me, would you?”

  “Tell him yourself.” She opened the door and whistled. “Come here, boy!”

  Caleb trotted around the corner, his eyes narrowed.

  “He’s been hoping to get to see you.” She pointed to the bed. “Up.”

  “Careful, Dani. Don’t tease him too much. He peed in my shoe.”

  A wolfy grin crossed Caleb’s muzzle. He leaped on the bed and flopped down beside Sean.

  “Are you hungry? Your mom made me way too much food.” Sean held out a sandwich, which Caleb had gone in two bites. Sean ran his fingers through the coarse hair. “How long before you’ll shift back?”

  Dani frowned. “Lyram said he could shift back now. It’s been long enough, and the damage seems healed.”

  Sean looked from Dani to Gareth. “Could you excuse us a few minutes? I’d like to talk to Caleb a while.”

  Gareth waggled a finger in Caleb’s direction. “Caleb, I’m trusting you not to let this one out of bed. Got it?”

  A soft sigh slid out of Caleb.

  Dani and Gareth left the room, closing the door behind them.

  “Okay, so either you don’t want to shift back, or you can’t. Which is it?”

  Caleb moved forward and nudged Sean’s stomach.

  “Don’t try to change the subject. If you need help shifting, you can ask Lyram. He’s the one who—oh.” Like pieces to a puzzle, everything fell into place. “You don’t want to change back, because you’re enjoying having Lyram looking after you.”

  A chuff was Sean’s only answer.

  “Not good enough. Shift so we can talk. I won’t tell anyone if you’d rather I didn’t.”

  As he got to his feet, Caleb leaned over and snagged another sandwich, much to Sean’s delight. Then he jumped down onto the floor and looked up. A few moments later, Caleb was there, pale and wobbly. He flopped down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling.

  “Okay, so talk.”

  Caleb sighed and closed his eyes. He pointed to a long, jagged scar across his throat.

  “Ah, I see. It hurts to talk.”

  He shook his head, and Sean noticed the glitter of tears on Caleb’s cheeks.

  “Oh. You can’t talk.” Sean lay beside Caleb and reached for his hand. “It’s temporary, I think. Your body went through an intense experience. Having Lyram pull you through a shift is… I can’t even imagine how hard it was for you. I’m… I’m sorry I couldn’t stop them from hurting you.”

  In a flash, Caleb was off the bed and staring down at Sean. He shook his head harshly, then got up and hurried to the desk. He opened a drawer, then another, and finally pulled out a pad of paper. He reached for the pen on the desk and scribbled a note, which he then handed to Sean.

  “No, it is my fault. I let things get too far. I should have… I should have trusted Gareth with my secret. Maybe if I had, this all could have been over long before you got hurt.”

  Caleb cocked his head, his eyes saying what he could not.

  “I’m sorry. I wish I could tell you. Until the challenge is completed, I can’t say anything to anybody. You don’t know how many times I wanted to talk to you, to ask for your opinion. Then I got….” Sean waved a hand over his stomach. “And so many things changed for me. I used to think it was just me, but now that I look at it through the eyes of someone who is going to be a parent, I can see how many people are actually hurting. I want to do what I can to help everyone, but I’m an Om
ega, and I should have been able to do that since the start.”

  More frantic writing, then another note. Sean read it, and he smiled.

  “I’m glad you think I helped. Thank you.”

  Caleb began jotting something down on the paper, then tossed the pad aside, stalked over to the bed, and pulled Sean down into a hug. It was warm, soothing, and Sean enjoyed the comfort from someone who just wanted to be near him.

  They stayed like that, wrapped in each other’s arms, until Sean drifted off.

  GARETH CAME down the stairs and went into the kitchen. Dani was at the stove, stirring a pot of chili. He went and stuck his finger in, which earned him a whack with the spoon she was using. He popped his finger into his mouth, then grinned at her.

  “That was totally worth it. This is delicious.”

  “How’s Sean?”

  “Sleeping. He and Caleb are wrapped up together, and Sean’s buried his face in Caleb’s fur.”

  “I’m glad Sean’s getting some rest.” She put the spoon down and turned around to face Gareth. “Can I tell you how pleased I am that Sean’s with us? He’s had this effect on us all, even if he doesn’t know it. There’s a lightness when he’s around, and the people of Lydon are better for it.”

  Gareth nodded sagely. “It’s hard to believe he’s only been here a short time. He fits here, with us.”

  She chuckled. “With you, you mean.” She picked up the spoon and scooped some chili into a bowl, then placed it in front of Gareth. “You’re a different person now than you were before Sean came.”

  “Lyram said the same thing. I thought it was impossible to fall in love over the course of a few weeks, but my wolf knew Sean was meant for us. I needed to reconnect our feelings, the wolf’s and mine. We’re not two separate entities in different bodies. We are one, no matter which form we take.”

  “That’s a good way to look at it. I wish more people could see it that way.”

  As he went to take a mouthful of chili, Gareth paused with the spoon halfway to his mouth. “Why do you think Sean is so certain I can win this challenge? And why aren’t the people more freaked out over the fact that Ryker could take over Lydon?”

  “We trust in you, Alpha. You’ve grown into a man your father would be proud of.”

  Gareth found it hard to speak. He’d always hoped to be the same type of Alpha his father had been: kind, courteous, gentle. He’d never fought either. Not because he was averse to it, but because he always found a better way to deal with problems. And now, years later, Gareth was going to do something no Alpha from Lydon had ever done. He was going to take the life of another wolf.

  “What do you think he’d say if he knew what I was about to do?”

  Dani took a seat next to Gareth, her own bowl of chili steaming in front of her. “He’d look you in the eye and say, ‘You need to do what you have to, son. The world isn’t the same as it was when I was Alpha. There will always be good people, but there’s going to be bad things on the horizon, and we have to deal with them when they come up.’”

  The words soothed his troubled mind. He believed Dani was right. His father had always said that as the world changed, wolves would need to change with it. Their secrecy was in constant jeopardy, what with new surveillance techniques, more and more people moving into less populated areas, and the constant interactions between human and wolf. Eventually they wouldn’t be able to hide who they were anymore, and they would have to adapt.

  “Would you like another bowl?”

  Gareth’s gaze dropped to his empty bowl. He didn’t even taste what he’d been eating.

  “No, I’m good.”

  Dani laughed. “That’s mine. I swapped while you were off in another world.” She put his back in front of him. “Eat.”

  “You know, when I asked you to be on my council, I didn’t realize you were going to get so bossy.”

  She flipped her hair as she got up and went to the sink. “I’ve always been bossy, but you do things my way, so we’re good.”

  He laughed.

  A few moments later, Sean came down, rubbing his eyes. “I smelled the chili upstairs. Is there more?”

  The smile Dani gave him lit up her whole face. “Of course there is, sweetheart. Have a seat. How’d things go with Caleb?”

  “Oh, fine. You know, I talked with him, but he didn’t answer.”

  She sighed. “I wish he’d shift back. I miss seeing him gorge on breakfast.”

  Sean shifted uncomfortably. Gareth reached out, trying to initiate contact between them again, but nothing happened. Still, Gareth could sense Sean was hiding something. It was his business if he wanted to share, though.

  “I saw the two of you snuggled up together.”

  “You did?” Sean’s eyes went wide, and panic rolled off him. “When?”

  “About thirty minutes ago, give or take a few. You had your face buried in his fur.”

  “Oh.” Sean relaxed visibly. “He’s good people. He let me talk his ear off, and then I got tired and fell asleep. When I woke up, he was still snoring, so I left him there.”

  “I’m surprised you came down. I distinctly remember telling you to rest.” Gareth raised his eyebrows. “Or was that some other mate I was speaking with?”

  The corner of Sean’s lip curled up. “Mate. I like how that sounds.”

  A noise behind them had Gareth and Sean looking toward the stairs. There stood Quinn, his arms wrapped around his waist. He’d put on jeans and a shirt that Dani had raided from Caleb’s closet. They hung off him like curtains, but he was at least comfortable enough to come downstairs.

  “It… it smells good down here.” His voice was tremulous, and his gaze constantly darted around the room.

  “Would you like a bowl of chili, Quinn?”

  He gave a hesitant nod. “Yes, please, Master.”

  Gareth sighed. “I’m not your master, Quinn. No one is.”

  His lip wobbled. “But… I need someone to tell me what to do. I can’t….” He clutched his hair. “I can’t think. It hurts.”

  Sean got up and went to Quinn, who collapsed into his arms. “It’s okay. We’re going to help you. I swear.”

  Dani smiled at him. “Why not sit down and let me feed you, Quinn? It’ll make you feel better.”

  He turned to Gareth. “Where… where should I sit, M—Alpha?”

  “At the table, please.”

  Quinn’s eyes went wide. “On the furniture? We’re only allowed to eat scraps from Master’s hand.”

  “Not anymore. Do you remember eating with silverware?”

  Quinn nodded.

  “That’s what we do here.”

  The chair Quinn took was right beside Sean’s. In fact, he scooted closer until their arms touched. When a knock sounded at the door, Quinn was up and ready to bolt. Only Sean’s hand on his kept him in the room. Dani answered the door for Deke, who wheeled himself into the kitchen. When he noticed Quinn, Deke’s nostrils flared and his pupils grew large.

  “Good evening, Alpha.” His voice was broken and rough. “Good evening, Dani.”

  “Hi, Deke. We’re having some chili, if you’d care to join us.”

  “Yes, I’d like that very much.” He rolled up to the table, but Gareth noticed he never stopped looking at Quinn.

  “Deke Simmons, this is Sean’s brother, Quinn. Quinn, this is Deke, the man who is going to be taking care of our property.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Quinn.” Deke held out a hand but drew it back when Quinn didn’t move. “I’m looking forward to working here.”

  “Quinn, sit down and eat, please.”

  “Y-yes, Master.” He took his seat and dipped his spoon into the chili. When he put it in his mouth, he shot Sean a panicked look.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “This is people food. We don’t eat people food!” he wailed, pushing the bowl back.

  For every word Quinn spoke, Gareth was going to take another piece out of Ryker’s hide. He could only imagine
Ryker doing this to Margaret or any other child. Before he could say anything, Deke spoke up.

  “Hey, look at me.”

  Quinn didn’t move.

  “Quinn, I said look at me.”

  The movement was slow and deliberate, but he turned his gaze to Deke.

  “This is people food. You are people. Therefore, you will eat it. Do you understand?”

  Quinn breathed a sigh, then gave a slight smile. “Yes, Master.” He picked up his spoon and dug in. He ate like he’d never had food before. When he finished, he picked up the bowl and brought it to his mouth.

  Deke must have realized Quinn was intending on licking the bowl. “Put the bowl down, Quinn.”

  Without hesitation, Quinn did. “I’m sorry, Master.”

  “You did nothing wrong. If you’d like more, you need to ask Dani if you can have some.”

  Quinn tilted his head. “Excuse me, Dani. May I please have more?”

  She grabbed the bowl and went back to the stove. “You can have as much as you want.”

  “How can I help you?”

  She opened her mouth, but once again Deke piped up. “When you’re done with dinner, you can wash dishes. Okay?”

  “Oh yes, Master. Thank you.”

  Though he didn’t say anything, inside Gareth seethed. Who the hell was this man to come into his home and boss Quinn around? He would definitely be talking to him about it.

  “Dani, before you serve Deke, I need to have a word with him, okay?”

  “Of course, Alpha.”

  “Deke, come with me.”

  Before anyone could reply, Gareth strode from the room. The soft rubber of the chair’s wheels squeaked on the floor behind him. He led the way to his office, and once Deke was inside, Gareth slammed the door.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  Deke grinned. “Giving Quinn what he needs. Lyram told me about him and about what Ryker did to him. I know you want him to be this perfect young man again, but that’s not going to happen. Right now he needs structure. Because he’s had it drilled into his head for so long that he’s worthless, a nothing, that’s how he expects to be treated. When he asked what he could do, what were you going to say?”


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