Filthy Coach: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance

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Filthy Coach: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance Page 61

by Amy Brent

  He needed her, she had married him and he had been in more precarious situations with his drinking than she cared to recall. If she wasn’t there he would likely drink himself to death, or worse yet drive that way and get someone else killed. She was always there at night to get him in the bed, before he did anything foolish. He needed her, without her there is no telling where he would end up. She married him, and now he was her responsibility after all.

  Sadly, with a woman things were completely different. She was weak and mild with Tony but in her other world she was the dominant one, and she liked being the one in charge. There were days when she missed the happiness she had with a woman, and the touch of one as well.


  She frowned, picking up the binoculars again to peer outside the window into the car across the street.

  “Come on you son of bitch.” She waited and watched.

  She knew it was him, she had known it for a long time. Even still she felt like someone had kicked her in the stomach as she watched her husband walk out of the house, turning only to kiss that woman goodbye. She slumped down lower in her car, resting her head back against the seat. She had known deep down he was having an affair, every sign had been present and she had been a fool to think otherwise. She pulled out of the long road and headed home, unsure what to do now.

  He was older than her by 14 years, and often referred to her as his trophy wife. He enjoyed the idea that she was younger, and more active than women his age. But it was becoming obvious that it was no longer enough for him. As they grew, she was doing everything she could to hold on. But he seemed to be doing nothing more than trying out newer models.

  She was 28 now, and they had been married for 4 years. Most of the times had been great, he was an excellent lover, teaching her new and wonderful things about her body. He was dominant, and she loved that part of him. Being a part time musician, he was often on the road, and often playing with his band all over the state.

  She had first confronted him about other women at a performance one night. It was a dive bar, nothing spectacular, but he had been alive on the stage, a part of why she loved him. As the night came to a close she watched him hug and chat happily with other women, often giving them his number as a way to “keep the business going”. She had believed him at first, until he had slowly stopped touching her. What had once been an active, healthy sex life had become once a month, and she knew something was wrong.

  She pulled into the house they shared and sighed as she went upstairs to her room. He was on his way to work; paperwork he had told her. He had left over an hour earlier and the paperwork had just been some woman near his job. Even his job in construction made him seem more masculine to her, and his long hours made her love him and comfort him when he came home every day. Now she just felt stupid. Fortunately for her she was starting a new job today, maybe she could find herself again.

  Her red hair was long, too long for most people’s tastes, but she loved it. She pulled it back into a slick ponytail right after the shower. She slipped into a dress, smooth and silky but only after she slid on her matching bra and panties. Everything had to be just right, and just so organized. She wasn’t skinny, or overweight. In fact, she was somewhere in the middle. She had a curvy frame, accented by a smaller waist and rounded hips. Her breasts were too big for her frame, but she always did her best to be tasteful about what she wore. She blinked back at her blue eyes in the reflection in the mirror. She was still young, she deserved better. She sighed.

  With her bills being what they were she had no money to do anything right now. Sadly, she was stuck and he knew it. Some part of her, deep down knew that soon she would rather sleep in her car than be the dumb wife who let her husband cheat on her.

  One last look and she slipped on her pumps, making her way to the car, and to something new.


  Working in HR had its perks, She was able to meet new people all the time, and to be honest she loved paperwork. It also gave her a sense of purpose to stay focused on something, especially since her home life was so precarious. She put on a smile as she called the four people in she had to do orientation this week with. The firm was a large one and typically everyone had a different branch to go to, whether it was business, drugs or family, each section of the firm had specialized lawyers in everything. She called for them all and was happy to see a woman in the group. So often the firm was a parade of men, all moving up in the company it was nice to see someone with a fresh face.

  They all settled into the room and, as usual, she had everyone say a little about themselves.

  “I’m Roger, I am a paralegal. This is a good place I hear. Married, no kids and two dogs. Not much else about me.” He crossed his arms, obviously bored by the fact he was here. He was short, round and rude. It may be a much longer week than she had anticipated.

  “What about you.” She gestured at another young man this one full of energy.

  “I’m Alex, I am also a paralegal. From Boston, single and just excited to get started. He was cute, almost too cute. The sharks in this place would likely eat him up. She hated thinking it, but it was the truth.

  Before she could say anything to the woman quietly sitting in the corner, she was interrupted by the other guy.

  “Hey y'all, I am James. I am actually a lawyer here moving to the city. However, my wife’s water just broke so I am going to have to go.” He jumped up, his actions frantic. “She’s not due for another three weeks so I don’t know what’s going on.” He sprinted to the front of the room pumping her hand wildly before he ran towards the door.

  It took a few minutes for everyone to regain some sense of composure before they started again. The girl had giggled, making her even more beautiful than she obviously already was.

  “I guess that leaves me.” She smiled. “I am Dorian, live here in the upstate. I am an administrator. Love fish… fish everything really. I mean I don’t eat them, but I like fish decorations and stuff like that.” She frowned and immediately sat back down.”

  There was something almost innocent about her that was beautiful at first, Leslie found herself drawn to the girl and she smiled at her.

  “Well, we have a long week, so let’s get started.”

  The day was long, and she knew it was exhausting listening to the same tapes, the same rules time and time again. She knew it was welcomed when they broke for lunch. She was surprised when she heard someone clear their throat. Turning, she noticed Dorian.

  “So I don’t know anyone and was thinking maybe you’d like to have lunch together?” She chewed on her bottom lip and Leslie felt her stomach give a lurch.

  She wasn’t just beautiful, she was also sexy as hell. The best part was she had no idea just how attractive she was. It had been a long time, very long actually, since Leslie had felt the stirring she felt deep down as Dorian continued to talk.

  “…and there is Italian too. I mean I’m fairly open.”

  Leslie blinked twice, refocusing. “Sure sounds good let me grab my bag.” She turned to go and

  Dorian waved to her. “Don’t worry about it my treat, you can get me tomorrow.”

  She slipped into Dorian’s car, a tiny little thing perfectly suited to her and her style. They drove along making small talk and arrived at the restaurant, slipping into a booth. She watched as Dorian perused the menu, all the while chewing on her full bottom lip, which was simultaneously driving her crazy, and making her wonder what was going on with her.

  “So Dorian, do you like it here?”

  “It's fine, I moved here for my husband’s job, so I didn’t have much choice in the matter.” Leslie noticed how she ripped at the bread in front of her as she mentioned him. Maybe she wasn’t the only one having issues.

  “I know that feeling, it’s hard to give up sometimes, for others.” She mumbled it, but she noticed the gleam in Dorians eye.

  “Your husband must be as wonderful as mine is.” Dorian frowned, taking a drink. “That was rude, I�
��m sorry.” She blushed the red running up into her face.

  Leslie laughed. “No your fine. He is… well complicated, but I was really talking about my girlfriend before him. She had me uproot and move all the way to London once.” She glanced back at her menu, waiting to see if Dorian picked up on the information.

  “Wow, London I bet that was something.” She paused. “So you had a girlfriend, and now a husband. That must be interesting?” She shrugged as she asked.

  Leslie laughed lightly. “Most people don’t know about that part of my life, I don’t know why I am even telling you all this.”

  “No, it's fine. You are nice I like talking to you. Besides, I’m in admin so we will be working together. It’s good to know who you’re working with.” Dorian gave her a huge smile and Leslie felt herself relax.

  As they ate, they chatted more about work, and home life. They were surprised to discover how much they really did have in common. As the week ended and they started working together, it only made their relationship grow.


  She knew she would like her from the start. Leslie had a way about her, the way she carried herself that was something she wanted to adopt. Making a friend was not something she had expected, but it was certainly welcomed. They were going to once a week now, especially since Charles was out of town so much now. She felt her phone ringing just as she put the final touches on dinner.

  “Hey there, dinner is ready where are you?” She felt her stomach sink just slightly.

  “I’m gonna have to stay late baby, I’m sorry. I wish I didn’t have to do this all the time, but I do.”

  She felt the sting of it, but she knew this was how it would be, more and more late nights to follow.

  “You know Charlie, its fine. IM just going to eat and put it up.”

  “I love you baby, don’t wait up.”

  She tossed the phone back on the counter, refusing to be upset. It had been 3 weeks since she saw him that morning, and now his days ran late too. She was more than a little upset. She quickly sent a message to Leslie.

  “Men suck, want to get a drink?”

  “Marjorie’s bar, 20 min.”

  Dorian smiled. Leslie would slip out, unbeknownst to her husband who was likely passed out by now. Leslie had opened up about his alcoholism, and how bad things had gotten. Somehow she had found a balance and things had been quiet for a couple weeks now. She slipped into a black dress, something a little sexier than usual. Maybe she was tired of the games and tired of being left behind. Two could play at his game after all. She made her way to her car and slipped off to the bar which, thankfully, was only ten minutes away.

  She saw Leslie as she walked up. She looked different somehow, her black hair a tousled cascade of curls down her back. She smiled, waving her on as they slipped inside for a drink.

  She felt Leslie’s appraisal of her outfit. She knew Leslie wouldn’t say anything, but she felt the way she looked at her from time to time. Leslie liked woman, and just knowing that Leslie checked her out gave her a boost of confidence. Being with a woman wasn’t something she had ever done, or contemplated. There had simply never been an opportunity for her to venture out that was, so she had no biased opinion about it at all.

  “You ok?” She leaned in to ask Leslie.

  “I’m ok, just a long night.” She gave her a smile and they both settled into the bar stools, lost in their own thoughts for a moment. Finally, Leslie asked.

  “SO what did he do tonight? I know you didn’t just want to hang out.” She gave her a smile.

  “He is with one of his women, bailed on dinner… again.” Dorian rolled her eyes.

  “Men suck.” Leslie smiled.

  “Yes, they do, that’s why I don’t usually don’t like to deal with them.” She smiled and ordered a second drink.

  Dorian thought a moment. “What’s it like, being with a woman I mean?"

  Leslie shrugged. “It’s virtually the same thing, relationships have the same ins and outs, but women understand each other on a different level. Plus, the sex is so much better.” She laughed.

  “What really?” Dorian seemed skeptical.

  “It’s true, women know what they like. Plus, women are just beautiful to look at, much prettier naked than men.” They both laughed.

  “What about me, I mean I’m just an average girl, would a woman like me?” Dorian was curious, more than any time before.

  “You!” Leslie smiled at her. “You already know the answer to that.” She took another drink.

  “No, I don’t really.” She swatted at Leslies arm in jest.

  “You are beautiful Dorian, and sexy, there is no woman in the world who wouldn’t want you.” Leslie said it seriously enough that Dorian felt something deep down shift.

  “You're too good to me Leslie.” She leaned her head down on Leslie’s shoulder and sighed. “Does it bother you if I ask questions about this stuff?”

  “No, I actually find it amusing.” Leslie smiled at her, glancing at her phone. “They are closing up soon, guess we should get going.”

  “What already?” Dorian frowned. “Let’s go to my house, we can watch TV or something.” Without waiting for a response she jumped up and grabbed Leslie’s hand, leading her to the parking lot to their cars.

  “Just follow me, I’m right up the street.” She pulled out and within minutes they were there.


  She was playing with fire and she knew it. Deep down she had developed feelings for Dorian along the way, and she had been fighting it off for weeks now. She was not only married and off limits, but she didn’t like women. Leslie had been avoiding alone time with her, just so she didn’t look like a blundering idiot when they were together.

  Tonight had been a first, Dorian calling her out of the blue, wanting to get a drink. She took her time getting ready, paying attention to what she wore, and how she carried herself. It may not be a date, but she wanted to look nice nonetheless. She set off for the bar after checking to see if Tony was asleep.

  The questions were funny, to a point. But when Dorian asked her if a woman would like her Leslie had no choice but to be 100% honest with her. On more than a couple occasions Leslie had fantasized about Dorian, despite her efforts not too. But, she was too pretty, too sweet to put out of her mind altogether.

  She followed Dorian until they pulled up to the house, a quiet place in a cul-de-sac. As they went inside she noticed how comfortable, and relaxed the atmosphere was. She waited as Dorian found the lights and poured them both a glass of wine. Only then did they walk to the back of the house and the massive living room where they could relax.

  The plush of the black leather couch was comfortable and Leslie knew she was pushing her alcohol intake. She rarely drank at all, mainly because of Tony. He would say something about it, and it would end in a fight. Not to mention she never had an opportunity to do anything more than take care of him, unless she did this, slipping off into the night on occasion.

  Dorian was firing her another line of questioning and Leslie was feeling the heat rise up in her. There was no way that this conversation would end without her being extremely excited.

  “What are women most attracted to?”

  “It depends; I mean there is beauty in all women.”

  Dorian rolled her eyes. “OK, what do you like then?”

  Damn, she was pushing, and this would go nowhere good. She squirmed slightly, feeling the deep ache as she contemplated what she would say next.

  “I don’t know. I like women who are sweet, funny and caring.”

  “Pwwt.” Dorian playfully swatted at her arm.

  “What does that mean?” She knew what was coming before Dorian said it.

  “I mean what do you like… you know like…”

  “You're drunk Dorian.” She laughed as Dorian nodded her head in agreement.

  “Yes, just slightly.” She hiccupped loudly. She picked up her phone and glanced down, peering at the message. “Wow, so guess wh
at news flash. Charles is going to be even later than he thought.” She sobered slightly.

  “Why do we put up with all their crap Dorian?” Leslie sighed, leaning back in the chair.

  “I don’t know.” Dorian leaned over towards her even more, and Leslie felt the heat creep up once again. “You didn’t answer me.”

  “I like all the same things everyone likes I guess. I like breasts, especially pretty ones, I love hygiene, everything looking in order, and they have to be able to kiss.” She laughed slightly.

  The mood shifted and they both knew it when it happened. Maybe it was the alcohol, or the text from Charles but it was obvious there was some sexual tension in the air. Dorian moved first, closer to her than before.


  She was good and drunk and pissed at Charles. The combination of the three was not good, but she was certainly enjoying the conversation with Leslie. There was something thrilling about the way she talked about a woman, and the curves they had. She wanted to know more.

  “Would you kiss me? I mean have you thought about it?” She moved closer waiting.

  “All the time I think about kissing you Dorian, you know that.” Leslie moved slowly at first her hand reaching up to tuck a lock of hair behind Dorians ear.

  “So do it, kiss me.” She puckered up her lips and waited for the feel of Leslies on hers.

  “It’s not that simple Dorian.” She smiled at her. “I worry if I kiss you I won’t want to stop.”

  She knew Leslie meant it, and she felt something aching deep down. She wasn’t sure if she wanted her to stop either. She turned her face slightly, and chewed on her bottom lip, lost in thought.

  “Come here Dorian.”

  She watched as Leslie shifted slightly, leaning back more on the couch, her mass of black hair fanning out around her. She knew Leslie wanted her, could hear it in her tone. She stood then, moving just enough to stand before her.


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