A Santini's Heart (The Santinis Book 10)

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A Santini's Heart (The Santinis Book 10) Page 12

by Melissa Schroeder

Damn. She had been avoiding him for about an hour, but there was no way out of it now. He was standing there smiling at her like he was the prize she had always dreamed of. There was definitely something off with him.

  “Yes. You should come over and say hello. I’m sure they would love to talk to you.”

  He glanced over at her father, then back at her. “I will. I will. I heard that there are some people interested in your land.”

  She blinked at the abrupt change in topic. What the hell was he talking about now? Better yet, how much longer did she have to play nice?

  “My land?”

  He frowned and nodded. “At the ranch.”

  This was a really odd conversation. It had been two years since Adrian had died, and until this week, she hadn’t heard from Chet.

  “I haven’t talked to anyone who wants the ranch; but the truth is, anyone who wanted to know about that would contact Carlos. I wouldn’t want to handle that myself.”

  “You defer to Santini on this?”

  She didn’t miss the slight condemnation in Chet’s voice. It wasn’t always the most progressive of actions, but she hated the paperwork. Carlos always went over it with her, explaining everything. But he handled the bulk of that crap, and she was happy for it. Ordering hay, supplies, all that stuff was more her forte, because it had to do with horses.

  “As I did with my brother. I like handling everything horse related. Money and paperwork really is Carlos’ thing. You might want to ask him.”

  “You know, your brother asked me to be an investor.”

  “And?” This conversation was going from strange to bat crap crazy in less than five minutes. She was aware they were doing a benefit in her brother’s memory, but her land really had nothing to do with this. Truthfully, she found it a bit rude to bring business up at this time.

  “I just thought that maybe he would have mentioned it to you.”

  “Yes. He did.” She crossed her arms to ward off the sudden chill she felt. “You turned him down.”

  “I thought maybe after the funeral, you would come to me.”

  She blinked. Okay, this conversation made the Mad Hatter’s tea party seem like a Mensa meeting.

  “To sell?”

  He nodded.

  “I might have if it hadn’t been for Carlos. Of course, he always says the only way it runs is with me handling all the therapy. And I have to agree with him. He would never be able to run it without me.” That was a bit of a fib. She knew without a doubt, Carlos could definitely run the ranch without her. She offered Chet a big smile. “Apparently, we were the perfect fit. So it all turned out good in the end, and I still control fifty percent.”

  Anger flashed in his eyes before he suppressed it. It was a particular look she had seen on Chet’s face before. He was a spoiled boy who grew into a man who felt he should be treated better than everyone else. She had never really understood her brother’s friendship with Chet, but for some reason, they seemed to enjoy each other’s company.

  “But if there were some land developers, you could sell and be rich.”

  Money. It was all the man ever worried about. And it didn’t make any sense. He always had more than anyone she knew, but it never seemed to be enough. “I don’t care about that, really. Oh, look, my dad is waving at me. Talk to you later.”

  She hurried off before Chet could say anything else. When she sat down next to her father, he glanced at her.

  “What was that about?”

  “Chet. He was going on about how Adrian had asked for help with capital when he first bought the ranch. Where’s mom?”

  He motioned to the dance floor. Her mother loved to dance, her father did not. Carlos apparently picked up on that and got her mother out on the floor. He moved her around expertly, as both of the other Santini men did with their wives. They all seemed to know how to make their way around a dance floor.

  “So, this Carlos Santini?”

  She glanced at her father. He looked older, much older, than he had a year ago, but he looked a bit happier. Part of her was sad about that. She hated that they lived so far away now, but another part of her was relieved. Her father had taken Adrian’s death so hard.


  “What’s going on there?”

  Her father was progressive when it came to women. However, when it came to his daughter, he still lived in the eighteenth century. If she wasn’t careful, Carlos would find himself at the end of a shotgun. Not that she didn’t think Carlos couldn’t handle himself. He could. But she did not want her father embarrassing her by asking his intentions. They had just started their relationship, whatever it would be, and she didn’t need her father butting in.

  “Nothing much.”

  “Really? I would have thought by kissing him, you were declaring that he was yours.”

  Was that what she was saying? “No. I was thanking him for my surprise. I miss you and Mom.”


  She glanced at him and softened at the expression on his face. “Dad, I understand. I really do.”

  “But you stay.”

  She nodded. “A piece of Adrian is in that ranch. Being there makes me feel closer to him.”

  He took her hand and squeezed it. Many people would find it unfulfilling, but her father had never been able to express his feelings. That little show was more than she had ever gotten from him before.

  “Did we miss something?” her mother asked.

  She turned and found her mother and Carlos standing near the table.

  “No. Dad and I were just chatting.”

  Her mother took her seat again next to her father.

  “Thank you very much, Carlos, for the wonderful dance.”

  “You are very welcome, Mrs. Mendoza.”

  The beginning strains of At Last started.

  He smiled at Tia. “I think I have this dance.”

  He took her out to the dance floor and pulled her into his arms.

  “Thank you for dancing with my mom.”

  “You’re welcome, but it was easy to do. She was very chatty during those three minutes.”

  She watched him. “Is that a fact?”

  He chuckled. “Yes. She had lots of wonderful things to say about you and me. She thinks we will have beautiful babies.”

  Horrified, she looked back at her mother, who was talking to Marcella and Joey now. When she looked back at Carlos, he was smiling.

  “She did not.”

  He shrugged. “Not in so many words.”


  “No pressure,” he said as he urged her closer. “But I let her know that I completely agree.”

  She pulled back and looked at him. He was serious.

  “I didn’t say that was what I wanted.”

  “No, but I’ll wait. Don’t worry.”

  She opened her mouth, but apparently he didn’t want to argue. He swooped down and gave her a fast, hard kiss.

  “Just enjoy tonight, Tia. We’ve got a lot of time to worry about the rest of it.”

  Carlos drew her into his room later that night. The Adrian Mendoza Benefit had raised enough money for them to offer many scholarships, along with training some new people. It had been deemed a success by everyone's standards.

  The best part about it was that Tia was there by his side.

  “Everyone seemed to have a good time,” Tia said.

  He smiled and took off his jacket, unfastened his cufflinks and undid his bowtie. “They did. And, there is talk that we will do this as a yearly thing.”

  “I know. Your mother is already talking about working with other ranches, starting a network to raise money.”

  He pulled her into his arms. “Give that woman a little power, and she can go crazy. She's always been good at raising money.”

  “Thank you.”

  “What for?”

  “Getting my parents to come. It meant a lot to have them here.”

  He knew that it meant a lot to them too. He was glad he had g
one with his instincts and pushed them to come. It was something the three of them would never forget, and they would have this happy memory of Adrian to share.

  “And thank you, Ms. Mendoza.”

  “Now what are you thanking me for?”

  “For wearing that dress. It is sensational.”

  She smiled and ducked her head, but not before he saw the fine blush in her cheeks. He loved the hard-headed, tough-as-nails woman, completely admired her. But he was definitely falling head-over-heels for this softer side.

  “Your mother has good taste.”

  “I would have to say that I have good taste.”

  She chuckled and raised her head just as he lowered his. They met in a kiss that he had been dying to give her all night. He'd kissed her several times, and along with his thank you kiss, they had served as the appetizer for tonight's entree.

  He swung her around and walked her back to the bed. When they reached the edge, he pulled back from the kiss and turned her around. He had been dreaming of peeling her out of the dress all night.

  He slid the zipper down, skimming his fingers just inside the delicate fabric. She shivered, then moaned, as he leaned forward to press his mouth against the back of her neck. He kissed her down her spine, then back up. The scent of her filled his senses and had his head spinning.

  “I always look at you and think you are so strong. And you are. But there is this delicate side to you. This vulnerability that seems to tug at me all the time.”

  “Carlos,” she said, her voice a choked whisper.

  “It's true. I love the amazing woman that you are. You stand by my side every day, but you know what? I love being there and letting you know I will catch you if you fall.”

  He slipped the dressed off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor at her feet. Good God, he was going to die. She was wearing a strapless corset thing, thigh highs, and a very small, barely there, thong. All white. Innocent, but also fucking sexy.

  He turned her around. Damn. The sight of her about took his breath away. If he had been stunned before, he was mesmerized by her now. Cupping her face, he kissed her, softly, just a brush of the lips.

  “I love you, Tia.”


  Tia was looking around the room to make sure she didn’t leave anything behind when Carlos tried once more to get her to go to brunch.

  “You know you should come with us.”

  She glanced at Carlos. He was right. She should probably go with him. At the moment, though, she couldn’t think straight. After he told her he loved her the night before, she hadn’t been able to come up with any clear thoughts. The fact that he hadn’t pressured her into saying it to him was a point in his corner.

  “I want to take Mom and Dad to the airport, and you know I need to check on some things.”

  “They can wait.”

  She chuckled. “No. They have to get back. Dad has a meeting tomorrow morning. You know this.”

  He sighed and rose from the bed. “I know, but I want some more time with you.”

  She rolled her eyes. “We see each other every, flipping day. Plus, this way I can go check on things at my house and pick up a few things to stay over at the ranch.”

  His mouth curved. “Yeah?”


  “Okay. Let me get my things out of the bathroom, and I’ll walk you down.”

  As he left her alone, she looked up at the mirror and saw her reflection. She had a damned stupid smile on her face and she didn’t care. She might not know just what the heck was going on, but she had a sexy Santini in love with her, and just telling him she was staying over at his house made him smile. That was enough for her right now.

  When he stepped back into the room, he cocked his head. “What?”



  She laughed. “I’m just happy.”

  He set his bag down on the floor and took too steps towards her.

  “Let’s be happy together.”

  He bent his head and gave her one of those mind blowing kisses. It took a lot of effort to set her hand on his chest and urge him back.

  “No. I have to take my folks to the airport. My father hates to be late.”

  He sighed. “Okay. Let’s go before I change my mind.”

  They were in the elevator when he asked, “Who was the guy I saw you talking to when I was dancing with your mother?”


  “First, I take an interest in what you do. Secondly, you did not look that happy talking to him.”

  “Chet Miller. He was a good friend of my brother’s.”

  “That name is very familiar.”

  “Adrian asked him for capital when he started the ranch. Chet declined.”

  “Oh yeah. Adrian said that they used to be really good friends.”

  “They were. That is, until Adrian returned injured. Then, he wasn’t so much fun for Chet to hang with.”

  “Gee, he sounds like he a winner.”

  “I never really liked him. Even in school.”

  “So, he was trying to make up for it last night with the benefit?”

  “I guess. I don’t know what he was talking about. He said something about land developers wanting the ranch.”


  She glanced at him. “What?”

  “Dad asked me if anyone had called. I said no.”

  “Odd. Anyway, I told him that you handled all of that. In fact, I told him that you handled the money and I handled the other stuff. So basically, you couldn’t run the place without me.”

  He stared at her for a second. “You know that’s true, right?”

  She rolled her eyes. “No. You could handle it.”

  The door dinged open to the elevator, and she stepped off in the direction of the lobby, but he grabbed her hand and tugged her into the side hallway.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I think something needs to be said before you take off.”

  “Okay, but you didn’t need to manhandle me to get me to listen.”

  “Yeah right.” She opened her mouth, but he shook his head. “Let me talk. You might think I could replace you, but I can’t.”

  “There are a lot of trainers who could help you with the ranch.”

  “First, I don’t want just any kind of trainer. I want you. Second, you don’t realize what you are to the ranch, to our clients, and to me. Do you?”

  She could tell by his tone that he was serious. She shook her head.

  “You are the very heart and soul of that place. Without you, I would rather not be out there at all.”


  She trailed off because she had nothing more to say.

  “Wow, twice in less than twenty-four hours I have left you speechless. That is a record.” He set his bag on the floor then cupped her face. “I love you for all you are to me and to everyone at the ranch. You care, and that is what makes you the most amazing and beautiful woman I know.”

  This time when he kissed her, it was short, sweet, and over before she was ready for it to end.

  “Now, take your parents to the airport. I’m looking forward to a night at the ranch with no interfering younger brother.”

  Carlos was just a few minutes late when he arrived at his mother’s favorite brunch place. He was hurrying in the door when Dave Jackson met him. An older, established rancher, Dave had been a big help when Carlos took over the ranch. He was one of those home and hearth kind of men who never hesitated to help out when needed. He was tall, over six-five, weighed close to two eighty—most of it muscle from hard work. His overgrown mustache and simple clothing hid a truly brilliant businessman.

  “Hey there, Santini.”

  “Mr. Jackson, how are you?”

  “I’m doing okay. I heard you might be selling the ranch.”

  He frowned. “What?”

  “I was just talking to Chet Miller. He told me that there were rumors that you were going to sell.

  “Kind of hard to do that when I just held a benefit for the ranch.”

  Dave snorted. “That’s what I said. Of course, he’s not too good with business. His daddy was, but Chet, boy was always looking for the easy way to make money.”

  He nodded. “Well, just know we aren’t selling. Tia and I plan on being there for many years.”

  “Good to hear. See you later.”

  He made his way to the table and his mother, who was frowning at him.

  “What did I do?”

  “You’re late and you didn’t bring Tia.”

  “I find her disgusting so I decided to toss her out on the side of the road.”

  She sighed. “That’s not funny, Carlos.”

  “She wanted to take her parents to the airport. Her father has an early meeting to get to tomorrow, so they couldn’t join us.”

  “I guess that’s okay.”

  “So, when’s the wedding?” Joey asked.

  “One of the things I love about you is how non-confrontational you are, Aunt Joey.”

  She shook her head. “One of these days the kids in this family will appreciate me.”

  “We appreciate you, especially your lasagna. And just so you know, we haven’t talked marriage, but I will let you know as soon as we do. So, Mom, what are you having?”

  Carlos was on his way back home when his phone rang. He was going to ignore it, but it was the sheriff’s department.


  “Santini. Have you seen your partner?”

  “This morning. She was on her way back to her house. We had a function in Tucson last night and her family was in town. Did you need something?”

  “I tried calling a few times and haven’t been able to get her.”

  “Cell service is spotty out this way. Can I help you with something?”

  “We did get a hit on the fingerprints at her house. There were a few on the outside of the window.”


  “Do you know a Chet Miller?”

  “Funny you should say that. His name has come up a lot recently. Why?”

  “His fingerprints were on the ledge outside of her window, and the back door of her house. We went by his place but he wasn’t there..”

  “He was here last night. I mean, he was at the benefit we held.”


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