by Shana Galen
Behind them Maddie muttered, “Marriage of convenience. Ha!”
Nick gave her a look. “Is that what you told her?”
Ashley shrugged and whispered, “She would never believe me if I said I was madly in love with you and had been for a year. Besides, I like having our little secret for the moment.”
Up ahead, two figures emerged on the path and waved. Ashley recognized Josie and Catie. They looked lovely as always, Catie with her dark hair and regal gait and Josie with her cropped hair and that impish grin she wore. The four embraced, and Ashley saw Nick and Lord Blackthorne walk ahead to give them privacy.
“We’re together again!” Catie said. “I’ve missed you three.”
“You saw us not two hours ago,” Josie remarked.
Catie shook her head. “I meant, I missed the four of us together. Our Spinster’s Club.”
“But we’re not spinsters any longer,” Ashley said. “Not that we ever were.”
“Then it’s true,” Josie said. “You are married to Lord Nicholas.”
“I am, and I am trying to make the best of it.”
Maddie rolled her eyes. “Do not believe a word she says. She’s in love with the scamp.”
“Really?” Catie’s brown eyes widened. “How did that come about?”
“Maybe some other time,” Ashley said with a wave. “Right now I want to hear all about your adventures.”
“You mean our misadventures,” Maddie said.
“That’s right. We’ve formed a new club.” Ashley linked arms with Maddie and Josie, who took Catie’s arm. The four walked together, like they had as children.
“We’re calling it Misadventures in Matrimony.”
First of all, I want to say thanks to the many readers who wrote (and wrote) to ask for this book. If you hadn’t kept bugging me, I might never have written it.
In particular, thank you to Danielle Egan-Miller and Joanna MacKenzie, my agents, for encouraging me to try my hand at self-publishing.
Thank you to my husband for taking on extra responsibilities, so I could find a few more hours in the week.
Thanks also to
Susan Knight for suggesting the title of this novel.
Fellow author Elizabeth Essex, whose books I adore, for answering my emails about ships even from her hospital bed!
My dad, who spent countless hours explaining naval warfare tactics to a very poor student, indeed. Any and all mistakes are mine completely.
Gayle Cochrane and Susan Gorman for beta reading the book and suggesting revisions.
Kim Killion for the lovely cover, which I think goes very well with the other covers in the series.
Lindsay Marsh for copyediting the book for me.
Jessica Lewis for all the help with formatting and uploading.
Shana Galen is the bestselling author of fast-paced adventurous Regency historicals, including the RT Reviewers’ ChoiceThe Making of a Gentleman. Booklist says “Galen expertly entwines espionage-flavored intrigue with sizzling passion,” and RT Bookreviews calls her “a grand mistress of the action/adventure subgenre.” She taught English at the middle and high school level off and on for eleven years. Most of those years were spent working in Houston’s inner city. Now she writes full time. She’s happily married and has a daughter who is most definitely a romance heroine in the making. Shana loves to hear from readers, so send her an email or see what she’s up to daily on Facebook and Twitter.
For more information on Shana’s other books or the Misadventures in Matrimony series, click here.