Eight Little Letters (I Love You)

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Eight Little Letters (I Love You) Page 4

by Breanna Hayse

  Donavon lifted her to straddle his lap and kissed her through the wet tears, whispering his love and forgiveness. Faith's sobs slowly subsided as she accepted his comfort, and she soon began to kiss him in return. He slipped the camisole over her head and released her tiny breasts from the snowy demi-bra. Her pink nipples crinkled in response to the change in temperature and strained to be touched. Donavon ran his hands down the sides of her arms and gently ran the pads of his thumbs over the pebbled tips.

  "You are beautiful," he said as he engulfed the skin of her throat with his mouth.

  Faith was breathless as his hands and mouth covered every inch, her throaty purrs increasing as he slowly peeled the thigh highs and garter belt from her body after he placed her upon the bed. He stretched out over her, still in his trousers, locking her wrists over her head as he trailed his mouth along the underside of her arms to her pert nipples. Faith gasped as he rolled the peaks in his mouth, pausing only to kiss the soft undersides, and became acutely aware of the hard bulge that pressed into her thigh through the material of his pants.

  Donavon stood to divest himself of the remainder of his clothing. Faith's eyes fell to the bobbing rigidness of the long, thick cock that rose in response to his desire.

  "Donavon..." Faith said nervously.

  "Trust me, baby," he whispered. "I will never hurt you."

  His mouth covered hers as he again brought her to a place of lustful moans, this time rubbing the underside of his cock gently against her clit. Faith began to arch her hips towards him, her body begging for his entrance. The bulbous tip easily found her wetness and he slowly eased inside of her, little by little to allow her time to adjust to his size. Faith relaxed in his strong arms and wrapped her legs around the backs of his thighs, joining his kiss as he began to carefully rock inside of her tight sheath.

  "Oh, Don... oh..." Faith whimpered as the ridges of his shaft rubbed over her g-spot, making her want to open for him further. Her body felt as though it were dying of thirst and Donavon's cock was a tall glass of cool water, filling a wordless need within her. His pelvis rubbed her clit as he plunged in and out, and she felt herself tightening for the on coming climax.

  Just when she thought he could not grow any larger, she felt him swell inside of her. The extra pressure was enough to send her over the brink, and Donavon joined her, his shaft throbbing as he spilled his seed into her womb. He carefully lowered himself and wrapped his arms around her before turning to his back with her laying on top.

  "I love you," he said again, stroking her hair as he felt his cock slip from her body.

  "I love you, too. You're a great mattress," Faith murmured in return as she cuddled on top of her new husband.

  "Extra firm in all the right places, too," Donavon chuckled, his hand moving down to caress her still hot bottom.

  "That is one area you don't need to be firm in. I got the message." Faith yawned, her heavily lidded eyes closing in exhausted repose.

  "We'll see about that. I have my doubts about your ability to stay out of trouble, my little pixie," Donavon mumbled back as he, too, drifted into a deep, restful sleep.


  Letter #2

  "Faith? It's Mom! Where are you?" Marcy called, entering the house.

  "Right here. I was working on this," Faith said, holding out a lavender quilt.

  "These look like the handkerchiefs from your wedding. Oh, how clever! This is Donavon's in the center, isn't it?"

  "Yeah. I thought it would be a pretty blanket for the couch. It helps me remember why I love him so much. Mom..."

  "I know you miss him, honey. We all do. I have a little surprise waiting for you, by the way. Are you ready to leave?"

  "Putting on these big family dinners every week has got to be stressful for you. Please don't do it on account of me."

  "You are my baby and I would do anything to help you. It is an added plus that I enjoy entertaining. Let's get going." Marcy held the door open, "Daddy is starving and grumpy."

  "I'm sure he's enjoying the prospect of a fancy meal every week." Faith forced a laugh, grabbing her coat and following her mother outside. The air was shiny and brisk as they walked the short distance through the neighborhood. The trees hovered overhead, dressed in copper, red and gold leaves, and the smell of wood smoke drifted past their noses.

  "I love the autumn," Marcy murmured, holding her daughter’s arm as they walked, "It always smells so alive and hopeful."

  "Me too. Plus, it is your pumpkin spice cookie time. Donavon's favorite."

  "I have fresh pumpkin in the freezer for when he comes home. There is no way I would withhold cookies from my favorite son-in-law," Marcy hugged her.

  "Thanks, Mom. You're my rock, you know that, right?"

  "No, honey, I am better. I'm your mother. Go into the den and say hello to your father," Marcy said as they entered the old Victorian.

  Faith dropped her coat on the rack and headed back to the sound of voices in her father's study. A smile broke across her face as she greeted her in-laws.

  "Sylvia! Ray! I had no idea you were coming!" she squealed, hugging them tightly.

  "We wanted to see the bump before it started making too much noise, " Ray Fuller announced, picking the girl up and spinning her around.

  "Put the child down! Men!" Sylvia stated, reaching to embrace her daughter-in-law. "How are you feeling, honey? How’s our grandbaby?"

  "Both of us are doing fine. I'm so glad you're here. How are you holding up?" Faith asked them with concern.

  Sylvia patted her shoulder, "As long as there is hope, we can move forward. This is not the first time I've experienced this type of thing. Ray went MIA during Lebanon. It took them over a year to find him and get him out."

  "That is horrible! How did you deal with the waiting?"

  "I was blessed with a loving family, good friends and a strong belief system. Faith and hope got me through. It will get you through, too."

  "That seems to be the theme. It's so much easier said than done though," Faith sighed, leaning back in her mother's arms.

  Marcy kissed her cheek. "We will get through this together. Your heart tells you things are okay, right?"

  "Yes. That's the weird thing. I don't have that feeling of dread. Not yet."

  "I'm starving," Nicholas announced, breaking the silence that filled the room. "Is dinner ready?"

  "We will eat as soon as the boys get here with their families. I made some deviled eggs and a veggie platter for you to snack on."

  "How about your famous cookies?" Ray asked hopefully. "Don has dangled those things in my face since the very first time he tasted them."

  "There is a platter in the microwave. Help yourself..."

  Ray was gone before Marcy finished her statement

  * * * * *

  Faith eyed the letter sitting on the place setting at the end of the table. Her mother had also set a platter of cookies atop of the plate. Bribery, Marcy explained. Maybe the smell of his favorite treat would bring him home.

  Faith had to admit that being surrounded by the large, loud and happy family eased some of her loneliness and fear. The baby stirred frequently inside of her, perhaps responding to the multiple voices and laughter in the room. She stroked her tummy, gazing at the growing bump with affection. This child would be born into a family that was pure love and no drama, and she could not be happier. That is, with the exception of Donavon's absence.

  "Are you okay, sweetheart?" Sylvia asked, reaching across and squeezing Faith's forearm.

  Faith wiped a tear from her cheek, "I was just thinking about how much love this baby is going to get. I just wish Donavon knew I was pregnant. It would give him something to fight for."

  "I know my son, " Ray said firmly, "He loves you. He will fight with everything he has to get home to you, kid. Try to remember that."

  "It is so difficult at times. And I get angry with him for leaving and then feel guilty for feeling that way."

  "It is the way things are i
n this career, kiddo," Ray said gently. "You marry the service, not just the man. We don't like being away anymore than you do, but the work we do for our country and our families is our passion. Even after I retired, I could not escape that need to serve. Drove Syl nuts."

  "He started running ROTC groups so he had someone to boss around," Sylvia said, laughing. "But he's right. Being a military spouse is as difficult as being the one in service. We sacrifice as much as our boys do, and it’s out of love for our men, our country and our children's future."

  "That's what the ladies in the MIA support groups say, " Faith admitted, "The Captain's wife runs the meetings, but everything feels so contrived. She doesn't even shed a tear when she talks about her husband being gone. She is so matter-of-fact with me. It felt....dismissive."

  "Everyone deals with fear and grief differently, Faith. And everyone's relationship is different than yours, too. How many of the men are missing?"

  "The whole squad. All six," Nicholas said. "We have no details except that the command lost all contact."

  "Weren't they training a platoon?" Ray asked with a frown as he sipped his wine.

  "Yes. We were told that the squad had been called out and then disappeared. We know nothing else," Nicholas responded.

  "The positive thing to remember is that they are all together. That gives them more chance of getting home. Faith? If I don't see a smile across that beautiful little face, I swear, I will put you across my knee. No more crying," Ray ordered firmly, ignoring the amused twitters around him.

  Faith blushed, as she forced a fake smile. "No need to make empty threats, Ray. See? A smile."

  "Humprf. That meal was incredible, Marcy. What's for dessert?" Ray grunted.

  "Pumpkin custard pie, homemade whipped cream and fresh boysenberries. But not until you gentlemen clear the plates and put the dishes in the dishwasher."

  "What?" all the men in the room groaned.

  "I didn't stutter. I cooked. You boys clean. Move it."

  Faith laughed as she watched her mother snap her fingers and hustle the six men to doing chores. The younger boys were also sent outside to gather firewood and stack it on the rack next to the fireplace while the women sat back and chatted, sipping coffee and listening to the grumbling from the kitchen.

  "Donavon never complains about doing dishes!" Faith giggled, listening to Ray bellow about having to do 'a woman's job'.

  "I raised my boys to be responsible for the house as well as themselves. Ignore Ray," Sylvia snickered, "he is just putting on a show for your dad. He likes doing dishes."

  "I hope I can be half the mom that you two are," Faith said, again stroking her tummy. "Oh! It's kicking! Come feel."

  * * * * *

  Faith was smiling when she returned home that night with a plate of cookies and Donavon's letter in her hand. She poured herself a glass of milk and sat down in front of the fireplace to read. A dried yellow flower and a tiny blue paper envelope slipped into her hand.

  My Dearest Faith,

  I have to start this letter by informing you that the stuff they feed us should be rendered unfit for human consumption. To make us eat this... whatever it is... needs to be listed as the top ten on the list of cruel and unusual punishments. Makes me really miss your mom!

  We spent a little time in Bangkok before we went to the field. I tried to find a way to mail this, but got dragged off. This is the national flower of Thailand. Its called a Ratchaphruek and the Thais associate it with both their religion and in the color of Monday, when their king was born. I never knew the days of the week had colors, did you?

  I also saw these green opals and had to get them for you. They reminded me of your eyes and the fire you have inside of you. I remembered how much you admired the opals when we went to Cancun, and the pouting session you gave me when I told you to wait until we got back from snorkeling so that they would not get lost. Do you remember the fit you threw when you found out they had been sold? How about that spanking you received afterwards? I still don't understand why you love to push me so much, especially knowing the results. We'll have to talk about that when I get home.

  I know I'm babbling. I've been on duty for the last three days and am beat, plus we are doing beach dives in bad weather. I'd much rather be holding you, kissing your lips and making love to you. I miss you so much, baby.

  Behave yourself and send my love to the 'zoo' we call a family.

  Forever yours,


  Faith opened the package and balanced the earring in her hand. They were captivating, the polished gems sparkling as though it had captured an aurora borealis within a tiny glass case. As for the Cancun spanking, she doubted she would ever be able to forget it....

  * * * * *

  Faith purred as she lounged in the early morning sunlight on the snow-white beach just outside their hotel, her body exhausted from the 'honeymoon bliss' that Donavon showered her with constantly. She lost count as to how many times they had made love in just the three days since they arrived. He decided it was time to 'come up for air' and see the sites of Cancun like a real tourist. They were scheduled to catch a bus to see the Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza and then go snorkeling in the netted bio reserves nearby.

  Donavon's shadow cast over her, making Faith squint as she looked at him.

  "Ready to go, Mrs. Fuller?"

  "I sure am. Do you have everything we need? Sun screen, towels..."

  "Everything is packed. Try to relax a bit and not worry about this stuff. It isn't important."

  "I can't help it. It's the girl scout in me."

  "Your mom said you got thrown out of the girl scouts." Donavon screwed his handsome face, pulling her up from the chair.

  "Yes, but for the ten minutes I was involved, it made a deep impression!" Faith grinned, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  "I would like to make a deep impression in you right now," Donavon hinted, his cock growing hard against her thigh as he kissed her.

  "I'm worried that it's gonna fall off if it keeps impressing me, Don," Faith said, giggling.

  "Nah, not gonna happen. Ready?"

  The bus ride to the Mayan temple was bumpy and hot, leaving Faith more than a little irritable. Donavon temporarily distracted her during their tour by stealing kisses, but that was short -lived.

  "I'm hot and sticky. Can we please go inside and look around in the AC?" Faith begged.

  The gift shop was where she saw the earrings, a pair of blue Mexican opals set in a simple silver frame. "Aren't they pretty?" she hinted.

  "They're okay. I've seen nicer," Donavon stated, glancing at his watch. "The bus is going to leave in a few minutes. Let's get going."

  "Can we get them? Please?"

  "I don't want to bring anything with us that might get lost. We'll be stopping back here after snorkeling and we can get them then."

  "But Donavon, I want them NOW."

  "I said no. You can wait. And stop your pouting."

  Faith pouted all the way to the bio reserve. She pouted as they entered the sparkling blue waters of the dive site. She even pouted (unsuccessfully) with the mask and snorkel in place. Donavon's patience was wearing thin as she resumed the pouting as they dried off and prepared to leave.

  "Faith Fuller, I swear, if you don't stop this attitude, you will be getting your bottom tanned when we return. Cut it out."

  "But I want... oh, fine. You're mean."

  "Yeah, yeah, I know."

  Faith quickly forgot the threat when they returned to the gift shop at Chichen Itza and discovered the opals had been sold. She soundlessly pointed to the empty case and glared at her husband angrily.

  Donavon shrugged. "It was not meant to be, babe. We will find nicer ones elsewhere."

  "But I wanted those!"

  "What you are wanting is a sound paddling for this spoiled rotten behavior. Ah... Do you want me to take you behind one of the ruins and put you across my knee or should we wait until we get to the hotel."

  "Don..." Faith
paled as she watched his twitching cheek. "That isn't necessary. I'm okay with not getting the earrings."

  "Too late, baby. You've earned this. Your bottom has a date with my belt this time."

  The ride back to the hotel was spent in silent anticipation. With every bump in the road, Faith was reminded about the future state of her backside. Several times during the journey, Donavon patted her hand as though to remind her of their 'appointment'. He led her by the elbow to their hotel room, closed the door and turned the television on loud enough to hopefully disguise what was to occur.

  "You have ten minutes to shower off the salt water and get your little, freckled nose into that corner," he pointed to the area on the far side of the room.

  "Honey, I'm sorry. I was hot and sticky and...."

  "Nine minutes, Faith."

  Biting her lip, Faith quickly retreated to the bathroom to rinse off the sand and salt from her skin. She winced, touching the sunburned areas of her body that the sunscreen missed, including the very tops of her thighs and bottom cheeks.

  "Two minutes, Faith," Donavon called from the other room.

  Faith threw one of Donavon's t-shirts over her head and shuffled from the bathroom and to the designated corner.

  "Lift that shirt away from your backside, young lady. Oh, nice sunburn," Donavon commented, "that is not going to feel very good being spanked. Stay where you are while I clean up."

  "Donavon, I'm sorry I was such a brat. I...."

  "Save your apologies for later. I will be back in a few minutes."

  Faith shifted back and forth on her feet, resting her forehead against the wall as she clutched the t-shirt over her hips. She chewed on her lower lip, berating herself for pushing her patient husband to this point. He had promised to use his belt this time, and she was more than a little apprehensive. He had never spanked her with anything but his hand before!

  Faith gulped as she listed to his movement in the room as he exited the shower and dressed. The telltale sound of the belt sliding from the loops of his jeans and the jangle of the buckle made her stomach churn. The bed squeaked as he sat down on the edge and he released a loud sigh.


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