Wicked Deception (The Rockford Security Series Book 5)

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Wicked Deception (The Rockford Security Series Book 5) Page 10

by Lee Anne Jones

  “Don’t know.” Pretty pink color suffused her cheeks again, and she looked away fast. His fingertips itched to stroke her skin. “Not the femme fatale though.”

  “Is that what you think Nikki is?”

  “Oh, please.” She laughed and took off when the light turned green. “With that Betty Paige haircut and stark red lipstick, she was classic bombshell. Where is your place? I’ll drop you so you don’t have to pay for a cab.”

  He considered her a moment, gaze narrowed. She was right. Nikki’s type wasn’t what he went for anymore. What he went for was sitting so close to him now he could feel her heat through the thin cotton of his shirt. “You sure about dropping me off?”

  “Absolutely. What’s the address?”

  He gave her the address then sank back in his seat. Giving out his demographics wasn’t usually his MO on these jobs, but she’d taken him into her family’s home. That indicated a certain level of trust he wanted to reciprocate.

  They pulled up outside the building where he had his latest modest rental a few minutes later, and Liv slid into a spot along the curb a few feet away from the entrance then cut the engine. “So, what is your type now?”

  Her voice sounded lower, huskier than before, and every fiber of his being sprang to life.

  Oh, the promise in that question.

  Slowly, so as not to spook her, Tom unbuckled his seat belt and hers, then leaned closer, so close that his breath ruffled the hair near her temple and he could inhale the warm, clean, wonderful scent of her. “Now I like my women strong and soft and sexy as hell.”

  Liv’s breath caught, and he cupped her cheek, finally glided his thumb over her silky skin as he turned her face toward his. The uncertainty in her beautiful eyes crumbled what remained of his stalwart defenses.

  “You do?”

  “Yeah, I do.” He captured her lips with his and tried to show her through his caresses what he couldn’t say out loud. That she was all he wanted, all he needed, all he thought about twenty-four seven these days.

  They separated at last, and her warm breath panted over his face, all mint and pure seduction.

  “Maybe I should come up?” She sat back and smiled. “You know, to discuss the case and stuff?”

  He grinned. “Hell, yes. To discuss the case and… stuff.”

  They hurried inside and up to his third-floor abode. No mahogany and marble here, just bland beige walls and cheap linoleum. Still, the place was clean and safe, the two most important factors these days.

  Tom unlocked his door and flicked on the lights, glad he’d gotten around to picking up a little earlier that day.

  Liv walked in and looked around, her smile pleasant. “This is nice.”

  “Yeah, it works for me.” He tossed his keys onto a side table and locked the door behind them, suddenly feeling awkward. She was seriously the best-looking woman he’d ever seen, and the fact the sexual tension between them damned near erupted like a volcano each time they were together still blew his mind. “Um, you want something to drink?”

  “Wine, maybe?”

  “Sorry.” He winced. “No wine. I’ve got beer though.”

  “Beer’s perfect.” She took a seat on his plain brown sofa while he rummaged in the fridge for their drinks.

  Play it cool, dude. This is the job, all part of the job.

  Except the more time Tom spent with Liv, the less it felt like work. There was an ease between them now, a kind of silent understanding that made things seem downright comfortable. He popped the tops off both bottles and joined her in the small living-room area. “So, about the case.”

  “Yeah.” She took the bottle he offered and sipped from it slowly. “About that.”

  He plopped down on the opposite end of the sofa, toed off his shoes, and stretched out his legs. Things had gotten pretty heated in the car, and he’d come up here with a good idea of what would transpire, but now he wasn’t sure. She sat with her legs crossed at the ankle and her gaze averted, looking prim and proper. His hesitation grew by the second. Maybe he’d read the whole situation wrong. After all, it had been a hell of a long time since he’d had time for more than a quickie with a woman, and they always knew the score going into it. No entanglements, no promises of more. Tap it and go. Satisfaction guaranteed. This would be different, he could feel it in his gut, both exciting and scary as hell. He exhaled and looked away, squinting at the peeling label on his amber-colored bottle. “Interesting information we got from Nikki.”

  “I don’t want to talk about Nikki, Tom.” Liv placed her drink on a coaster on the coffee table then flipped her hair over her shoulder. The move displayed a luscious expanse of her pale neck, and Tom licked his lips. What he wouldn’t give to taste her, nuzzle her warm skin, make her purr with pleasure beneath his touch. As if reading his thoughts, Liv slid off her heels before scooting closer to him, the flowery scent of her driving him half crazy with want. “Or anything else, for that matter.”

  Body tightening, he set aside his own beer and shifted slightly to face her. His doubts waning, Tom still wanted to give her one last chance to change her mind. Lord knew, he didn’t want to be that guy, the one who forced himself on a woman who didn’t really want him. “What, uh, would you like to do?”

  “This.” Liv was on him in an instant, the warm, soft curves of her pressed tight to his front, her legs straddling his hips. She kissed him hard and deep, as if her life depended on it, as if she was just as desperate for him as he was for her. Her breath quickened, and she tore her mouth from his, clutching the front of his shirt. “Please, God, I need this.”

  “Easy, Princess.” He took her hand in his and kissed her palm, warmth spreading outward from his chest to his extremities. His pulse raced and his mouth dried, and all he could do was stare into the depths of her deep green eyes. A man could get lost in those eyes. Could find himself there too. “We’ll get there.”

  Slipping his fingers through her hair, Tom cupped the back of her head, kissing her again, more gently this time. Toned as she was, she seemed to weigh next to nothing. He stood and carried her to his bed in the far corner, placing her down in the middle of the mattress then stretching out beside her.

  “I, um… I don’t usually do things like this.” An adorable little frown formed between her dark brows. He couldn’t resist kissing it before moving to her cheeks, her mouth again, that spot on her neck he’d been dying to nuzzle since the first day he saw her. She shivered, her whisper wobbly beneath his mouth. “I-I haven’t been with anybody for awhile.”

  The catch in her voice had him leaning up on one elbow to look down at her. Her eyes had taken on a dreamy quality, and her lips already were plump from his kisses. He’d never seen anything more beautiful in his life. Tom traced his thumb over her quivering bottom lip and smiled. “I haven’t either. Guess we’re both due, huh?”

  From her drop-dead gorgeous looks and spitfire attitude, he would’ve expected Liv to be dating constantly. Still, he couldn’t deny the small prick of satisfaction knowing he’d be her first in a long time. Unable to wait any longer, he drew the zip of that sexy-as-fuck red dress down, down, down her back. Her pale skin revealed itself inch by delectable inch as he slid the top of the garment down her arms to her waist. She wore a black lace bra underneath that showed far more than it concealed, and his cock grew painfully hard. He’d always had a thing for curvy women in lingerie, and she definitely hit all of his marks.

  Liv drew him to her for another open-mouthed kiss as her hands slid down his sides and beneath the hem of his T-shirt.

  Fuck it all, I need skin-to-skin contact.

  Without waiting, he whipped the shirt off over his head and tossed it aside, then bent to nuzzle her breasts through the bra. With one hand, he teased a stiff nipple while taking the other between his lips. She sighed and tipped her head back, pressing the heat between her legs against his straining erection. He wanted this fantasy to last all night long, but goddamn. If she kept that up, he’d embarrass himself like
a virgin schoolboy in minutes.

  Tom sat up and stripped off her dress, discovering an impossibly tiny black lace thong to compliment the frilly bra.

  Torture. That’s what this is. Sweet, sweet torture.

  The longer he looked, the more pretty pink color spread from her cheeks down her neck to her chest. “Not what you expected?” Liv asked, her voice hesitant.

  “No.” He blinked down at her, mesmerized by the expanse of creamy flesh begging for his touch. She started to roll away from him, and it took his passion-addled brain a minute to realize what he’d said. “Wait, no. That’s not what I meant. I meant it’s so much better.” Tom placed a hand on her shoulder and forced her to look at him. “Shit, Princess. You are so beautiful, I’m speechless.”

  Her gaze narrowed and a slow smile spread across her face. “Really?”


  With a wicked glint in her eyes, she reached between them and rubbed his aching cock. “Yeah, I’d say this is proof enough.”

  “Damn straight.”


  “So.” His words came out hot and heavy, and his libido surged. “I want to bury myself deep inside you.”

  Fucking hell.

  Lacking his usual finesse, he removed her bra with shaky hands then returned to the soft globes of her breasts. Her pale skin practically glowed in the soft lamplight, and he wanted to please her. Wanted to please her so damned bad it hurt. “Tell me what you like.”

  “I want you inside me too.” He nipped her sensitive flesh, grinning as she arched against him, her head falling back as she lost herself in desire. Her responsiveness drove him mad with lust.

  She raked her fingers through his hair again and tugged him closer, a bit of her usual bossiness returning. “Suck them.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He’d always been the leader in bed, but maybe there was something to be said for following too. “More?”

  “God, yes.”

  While he adored her breasts with his lips and tongue, Tom slipped his free hand lower to cup her wet heat through her damp panties. The spicy fragrance of her arousal nearly drove him to the edge of reason. They’d only just started, and already she was so damned ready. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so attuned to a woman, so sexually in sync.

  Slowly, Tom removed her thong then nudged her legs farther apart before settling between them, leaning forward to trace the tip of his tongue over her wet folds. She trembled, and he placed a steadying, reassuring hand on her quivering thigh. “Relax. I’ve got you.”

  Over and over he tasted her, savoring her soft cries of pleasure, until he finally sucked her swollen clitoris between his lips. Gently, he slid a finger inside her slick channel, opening her up for him. “That’s it, relax.”

  “Please, Tom.” She tangled her fingers through his hair. “Please.”

  “Please what, Princess?”

  “Please make me come.”


  Tom redoubled his efforts, and soon her body clenched tight, signaling her impending climax. He swirled his tongue over her again and again, heightening her response until she had nothing left to give. As she slowly relaxed in his arms, he finally pulled back and looked down at her, sated and beautiful. His heart stumbled.


  Surprised and alarmed by his possessive response, he pushed from the bed and tore off his jeans and socks in record time. Sex. This was all about sex, he reminded himself. Nothing more. Because it couldn’t be about anything more. Still, if sex was all they had tonight, then he refused to let the opportunity slip away.

  After fumbling in the nightstand drawer for a condom, he glanced over at Liv as he ripped the silver packet open with his teeth. She gave him the most wickedly seductive smile he’d ever seen. His cock pulsed in response, eager to take over this show, but he stopped with the condom poised over his tip. “What are you grinning about?”

  “Wait. Not yet.” Liv reached for him, and he moved closer. Close enough for her to stroke his length and make him grit his teeth in an effort to stem the tide of pleasure washing through him. She licked her lips, and he groaned, imagining what it would feel like to have those lips wrapped around his cock, what the warm, wet heat of her would feel like surrounding him as he brought them both to the brink of ecstasy.

  He hissed through his teeth and did his best not to thrust into her hand.

  She pulled back, her expression alarmed. “Did I hurt you?”

  Tom shook his head. “No. But if you keep that up, I won’t last.” He took a deep breath and narrowed his gaze. “And God, I want this to last.”

  “Me too.” With a sigh, she released him and fell back against the mattress, a perfect picture of wanton perfection, as he finished slicking on the condom then climbed back into bed.

  “Ready, Princess?”


  Tom stretched out atop her, and that damned possessive streak returned.


  Warning bells went off in some distant part of his brain, but he pushed them aside. This was one night, one wild, passionate, hot night, and then they’d go back to being only coworkers.

  Just one night…

  He positioned himself at her entrance then thrust into her in one long, slow movement. Sheathed inside her, he used all of his willpower to stay still and allow her time to adjust. In this room, in this bed, the world reduced to only now as he kissed his way back to her ear and whispered, “You feel so good.”

  She shivered. “This is exactly what I need.”

  With gentle hands, he tilted her hips to angle his penetration then set up a steady rhythm that left them both breathless. “I’m sorry, but I can’t hold out much longer.” He reached between them to fondle her swollen clitoris. “Tell me you’re close too.”

  “I am. So close.” She ground against his fingers, his palm, until she climaxed around him with a low groan.

  The tension in his abdomen coiled tighter too. Tighter, tighter until it shattered into a thousand glorious pieces of light and heat and sensation, cascading over him as he came hard deep inside her.

  Afterward, Tom slumped atop her, his face cradled in the valley between her breasts, while Liv toyed with his hair. He couldn’t help grinning as he rolled to his side and covered them both with the comforter then pulled her back against him, relaxed and comfortable and completely himself for the first time in such a long time, and he wanted it to last as long as possible. “Anything else you’d like to discuss?”

  She snuggled tighter against him. “Not right now, but give me a moment.”

  “Take all the time you need.” He kissed the nape of her neck and stroked the soft skin of her abdomen until her breath evened out into the patterns of sleep. After a few long moments of stillness, Tom clicked off the light beside him then closed his eyes. This had most likely been a monumental mistake given their precarious circumstances. But damn if he could bring himself to regret it.

  Not yet anyway.

  The next time he opened his eyes, the first rays of sunlight streamed through his windows.

  Tom blinked several times then squinted over at the clock on the nightstand—six a.m.—then reached beside him and found only cold mattress.


  He rolled over onto his back and stared at the stark white ceiling above, regret forming a hard knot in his gut.

  Liv hadn’t even woken him to say goodbye. Then again, why should he have expected her to? After all, this was just sex between two consenting adults. Nothing more.

  He sat up and rubbed his eyes then stood, his body still sore from their passion.

  As Tom headed for the shower, he did his best to concentrate on the workday ahead and not the gnawing sense of loss taking root inside of him. What had happened between him and Liv wasn’t meant to last—life had taught him that.

  Romance and flowers and happily ever afters weren’t meant for spooks like him.

  Never for him.


  The next morning
, Liv sat behind her desk at Rockford Security and did her best to concentrate on the month-end reports stacked in front of her and not her hedonistic night with Tom Bates.

  She’d left before sunrise, sneaking out like a coward in the dark with only a fleeting kiss on his forehead while he snored softly, not because she wanted to play hard to get but to maintain her own sanity. Wouldn’t do to lose her head or heart over a casual office fling. Even though Jace’s inability to find anything on Tom had mostly convinced her that he wasn’t the leak, she still couldn’t get involved. He worked for her! And office romances never ended well.

  So after stopping by her apartment for a quick shower and change of clothes, she’d headed to the office earlier, thinking she’d get a jump on their new clue about Malcolm and Remington.

  Except now, as she sat behind her desk and crunched numbers and analyzed business reports, all she could remember was the feel of Tom’s hands on her body, the taste of his lips, the smell of his cologne that still clung to her skin despite her bath.

  People arrived for work, and the buzz of conversation outside her door grew louder, drawing her out of her little fantasies and back to reality. She took a sip of her strong coffee and dug into a new pile of sales reports.


  Liv looked up to see the object of her most recent thoughts leaning one shoulder against her doorjamb, his tall, muscled body looking as delicious as always.

  Tom gave her a sexy little half grin, his blue-gray eyes sparkling with heat. “You were gone when I woke up.”

  “Yeah.” Flustered, she tucked a stray hank of hair behind her ear and fussed with her paperwork. “Lots to do today.”

  “I see that.” He straightened and walked over to her desk, moving closer to lean over her shoulder and peer down at her desktop. The heat of him penetrated her simple gray pantsuit and made her yearn to be naked against him once more. “Making any headway?”

  “Some.” The word emerged as more of a croak. Liv coughed and tried again. “Yeah.”

  “Good.” He propped his hip on the edge of the desk beside her, tracing his fingertip down the side of her face to her jawline. As good as it felt, she couldn’t have the rest of the office know they were sleeping together. She batted his hand away. “Not now. We’re at work and—”


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