Star Wars - Mist Encounter

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by Timothy Zahn

  “Of course,” the alien said, smiling. He looked at Barris, those glowing red eyes — as Barris had pointed out, so reminiscent of a Jawa’s — glittering in deep contrast to the darkness of his blue skin and blue-black hair. “Perhaps my core name would be easier for the average Fleet officer. Call me Thrawn.”

  “Thrawn it is, then,” Parck nodded. “And now, perhaps you’ll accompany me to the bridge. Your Imperial orientation might as well begin now.”

  From the mouth of the cave, Llollulion warbled urgently. “What are you talking about?” Terrik demanded, coming up beside him. “They’re not going to give up now.”

  The Borlovian warbled again, handing over the macrobinoculars. Muttering under his breath, Terrik jammed them against his eyes and peered upward.

  Just in time to see the Star Destroyer flicker with pseudomotion as it made the jump to lightspeed.

  “Well, I’ll be,” he mumbled, lowering the macrobinoculars in disbelief. A sudden thought struck him, and he lifted them again, searching the sky from horizon to horizon. But there were no other ships in sight that might have come here to take over the search. Unless they were lying in ambush on the other side of the planet…

  Terrik grinned. If they were skulking in wait around the horizon hoping to draw him out, they were in for a rude surprise. The Starwayman might be old and battered, but given a halfway decent head start she could outpace most anything out there. “Go fire up the converters,” he ordered Llollulion. “We’re getting out of here.”

  The Borlovian warbled acknowledgment and headed into the cave. Terrik gave the sky one last check; and then, almost unwillingly, found himself gazing across the forest toward where the encampment had been. Could something about that place have been the reason the Star Destroyer had left so suddenly? Terrik couldn’t imagine how or why that might happen, but the connection seemed inescapable.

  Still, it hardly mattered. Terrik had a cargo to deliver, and for whatever reason he now had a clear shot to do so. And whatever might have happened out there —

  Looping the macrobinoculars around his neck, he turned and headed back into the cave. Whatever had happened out there, it certainly had nothing to do with him.

  Roleplaying Game Statistics

  Captain Voss Parck

  Type: Victory Star Destroyer Captain


  Blaster 4D


  Alien species 4D+2, bureaucracy 8D, cultures 5D, intimidation 6D+2, law enforcement: Imperial 6D, planetary systems 7D, tactics: capital ships 8D


  Astrogation 9D+2, capital ship piloting 7D+1, communications 6D, sensors 6D+2


  Bargain 7D+2, command 9D, investigation 8D, persuasion 8D, search 6D



  Computer programming/repair 5D, security 6D

  Force Points: 1

  Character Points: 15

  Move: 10

  Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), comlink

  Capsule: Voss Parck comes from a long and proud lineage of capital ship captains. Born into a prominent and wealthy family on Corulag, he attended the Corulag Academy with his many siblings and cousins. He soon rose through the ranks and distinguished his service in the navy, eventually gaining command of his own ship — the Victory-class Star Destroyer Strikefast. Although many of his siblings and cousins have moved from active line duty to other prestigious administrative ranks, Parck has so far been relegated to commanding his own Star Destroyer. Rivalry between other family members in the naval administration keeps him from rising any further.

  Recent changes in galactic politics, however, have raised Parck’s concerns over the quality of recruits in the navy and the efficiency in which Imperial policies are formed and enforced. He can be a stern man, and expects orders to be carried out to the letter once they are given. He considers himself a by-the-books officer, even if he doesn’t always agree with the books. Parck tries to he tolerant of failure and inadequacy in others, but has been known to dismiss officers from active service for particularly severe mishaps.

  Captain Parck’s face is as stern as his manner, yet his eyes betray a hint of cunning patience and intelligence. His tall form often towers over the various officers scurrying beneath his gaze on the Strikefast’s bridge.

  Parck believes the glory of the past days serving on the line are gone. With new developments on Coruscant, he is slowly realizing that those within the Imperial bureaucracy wield the most power and have the best opportunities to gain prestige. He recently witnessed this bureaucratic power first-hand, as his ship was reassigned to patrol duties on the fringes of Imperial space, far from the mainstream patrol routes he and his crew enjoyed in the Mid-Rim. Parck has resented the transfer ever since, and has secretly vowed to regain his favor with the naval bureaucracy somehow. He keeps his ambitions to himself, slowly and silently building up his record. Parck believes his discovery of Thrawn will be the pivotal event to help him rise into the naval administration.

  Booster Terrik and Llollulion

  These two smugglers have joined the growing ranks of a resistance movement forming in the Outer Rim Territories. Many such resistance groups have been sprouting up lately, each opposing Emperor Palpatine’s New Order. Booster and Llollulion offered their services to one of these groups — Booster knows that radical political changes often negatively impact legitimate and illegitimate business dealings. Especially far away from Coruscant in the Outer Rim, where administrative decisions can often be misinterpreted and abused by the authorities.

  Booster has always been involved in shipping. Although piloting freighters for the larger corporations paid well, he found it severely limited his independence. He’s since tried several independent shipping ventures, mostly with bulk or light freighters. After going bankrupt several times over, and wading into debt with a crime lord, Booster met Llollulion, a Borlovian noble who bailed him out. Llollulion’s price was high — Booster had to promise to become the Borlovian’s partner in flying the Starwayman, and teaching Llollulion everything he could about the spacer’s trade.

  Booster Terrik. All stats are 2D except: Dexterity 3D+1, blaster 5D, dodge 4D, Languages: Borlovian 6D, planetary systems 5D, streetwise 4D, Mechanical 3D+2, astrogation 5D, space transports 7D, starship gunnery 5D, starship shields 4D, Perception 3D, bargain 4D+2, con 5D, Strength 3D, brawling 5D, space transports repair 5D+2. Move: 10. Character Points: 3. Blaster pistol (4D), comlink, starship tools.

  Borlovians are a timid, feathered species with a medieval social structure. Mobility and change are feared, since most Borlovians value stability. Most Borlovians never leave their home city or village, and space travel (until recently) has been an unthinkable subject.

  Llollulion is exceptional among his species. He is considered an explorer and traveler, although he has never fit in anywhere but his family’s baronial estate. When he inherited his family fortune, he converted most of it to valuable metals and jewels. Around this time Booster Terrik arrived on Borlov in a stolen light freighter — on the run from numerous bounty hunters and indebted to several powerful individuals. Llollulion met Terrik and offered his assistance. In return for paying off his debt and purchasing the stolen ship from the owner, Llollulion would accompany Terrik on his smuggler’s travels, learning about the vast galaxy beyond Borlov.

  Since then the two have become fast friends. Some of Llollulion’s noble sense of duty has rubbed off on Terrik, and the two soon agreed to aid the struggling resistance against Emperor Palpatine.

  Llollulion. All stats are 2D except: Dexterity 3D, dodge 4D, planetary systems 3D, willpower 5D, astrogation 3D, sensors 4D, space transports 3D, starship gunnery 3D, starship shields 3D, Perception 5D, search 6D, sneak 6D, Strength 3D, climbing/jumping 5D, first aid 3D, space transports repair 3D. Move: 10. Character Points: 7. Borlovian noble’s pendant, datapad.

  Starwayman. Starfighter, maneuverability 2D, space 4, atmosp
here 280; 800 kmh, hull 3D+2, shields 2D. Weapons: 1 triple laser cannon (fire control 2D, damage 5D).

  Colonel Mosh Barris

  Type: Imperial Army Officer


  Blaster 6D, blaster artillery 5D+2, brawling parry 4D, dodge 6D+2, grenade 5D+2, vehicle blasters 5D


  Bureaucracy 4D+2, intimidation 4D, planetary systems 4D+2, survival 5D, tactics: ground assault 5D


  Communications 4D, ground vehicle operation 5D, repulsorlift operation 5D, sensors 4D


  Command 5D+2, investigation 4D, persuasion 3D+2, search 4D, sneak 4D


  Brawling 5D, climbing/jumping 4D+2


  Armor repair 3D, first aid 4D, repulsorlift repair 4D+2

  Force Points: 1

  Character Points: 8

  Move: 10

  Equipment: Blast helmet (+1D physical, +1 energy), blast vest (+1D physical, +1D energy, torso only), blaster pistol (4D), comlink

  Capsule: Mosh Barris is a hardened field soldier who fought his way to the rank of colonel. He’s had plenty of experience on the battlefield, fighting with footsoldier platoons, artillery units and armored divisions. Although he’s now in a command position, he always remembers what it’s like to be one of the grunt troopers. Barris is concerned for his troops — to him they aren’t the nameless masses driven into battle, but individuals filled with both fear and bravery.

  Barris is proud of his service in the army, and often expects to be paid the respect he feels he deserves. He’s put in his grunt time; now he’s ready for some of the benefits of an officer’s life — an administrative position with relative power to shape the way the Imperial Army operates. Barris is often resentful of those in higher positions who don’t realize the ramifications of their strategic orders. He hopes someday to become one of them — not to be like them, but to change the way the army is run from within.

  Barris’ noble ambitions are cast aside, however, when he’s concentrating on his unit’s latest operation.

  He runs a tight ground operation, always keeping track of where his men are and where potential threats could be. He dislikes those superior officers who drive him into situations without having all the facts or thinking through the possible results of a ground action. When it comes to how an army operation should be run, Barris is certain he knows best. Barris tries to respect authority, but sometimes resents it when he feels that authority has betrayed him and his soldiers.

  Barris current commands the Imperial Army trooper contingent aboard the Victory Star Destroyer Strikefast. Although he is a higher rank. Barris defers to the Strikefast’s commanding officer, Captain Parck. Barris feels that Parck is a just and cool-headed officer, but sometimes thinks the naval captain is too detached from ground actions to make command decisions regarding planetary expeditions.

  Kappa-class Shuttle

  Designed back in the days before Republic Sienar Systems became Sienar Fleet Systems, the Kappa-class shuttle is an obsolete troop transport relegated to secondary ships in the Imperial fleet. The Kappa shuttles were eventually replaced by dropships which have greater troop capacity and the ability to transport AT-AT and AT-ST walkers.

  The Kappa shuttle carries one platoon of troopers. Two double blaster cannon turrets protect the shuttle during flight, and two forward-firing repeating blaster cannons clear the landing area of hostile forces and establish a safe zone for troopers to disembark. The Kappa shuttle has many features which were later incorporated into the Lambda shuttles, including the angled cockpit area with wide viewport, a ventral debarkation hatch, and three stubby stabilization fins.

  The Kappa shuttle capitalized on a revolutionary and short-lived idea for its time — it has an aft vehicle bay for two AT-PT walkers (the AT-PT walker was another new concept for the time). The AT-PTs provide heavy firepower and armor support to ground troops landing in a combat zone. Port and starboard exit hatches from the vehicle bay allow the AT-PT walkers to disembark over low ramps. The concept saw limited use on the battlefield, since the Kappa-class shuttles produced were eventually replaced with more modern dropships holding more troops and AT-ST and AT-AT walkers. Most Kappa shuttles’ AT-PTs have since been scrapped in favor of their more intimidating cousins — the vehicle bays are now used for cargo or other more conventional vehicles.

  Some Kappas found their way out of Imperial service and onto the general used starship market — some even with one or both of their AT-PTs in the vehicle bay. These shuttles and their walkers are highly illegal in civilian hands, and have been seen several times serving with certain mercenary groups.

  Kappa-class Shuttle

  Craft: Republic Sienar Systems Troop Shuttle

  Type: Kappa-class Shuttle

  Scale: Starfighter

  Length: 35 meters

  Skill: Space Transports: Kappa shuttle

  Crew: 2. gunners: 2

  Crew Skill: Space transports 5D, starship gunnery 4D+2, starship shields 4D

  Passengers: 40 (troops)

  Cargo Capacity: 50 metric tons

  Consumables: 1 Month

  Cost: Not available for sale

  Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1

  Hyperdrive Backup: x10

  Nav Computer: Yes

  Maneuverability: 1D

  Space: 5

  Atmosphere: 295; 850 kmh

  Hull: 4D

  Shields: 1D


  Passive: 20/0D

  Scan: 40/1D

  Search: 80/2D

  Focus: 4/2D+2


  2 Double Blaster Cannons

  Fire Arc: Turret

  Crew: 1

  Scale: Starfighter

  Skill: Starship gunnery

  Fire Control: 2D

  Space Range: 1-3/12/25

  Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km

  Damage: 4D

  2 Repeating Blaster Cannons (fire-linked)

  Fire Arc: Front

  Scale: Speeder

  Skill: Vehicle blasters

  Fire Control: 2D

  Atmosphere Range: 1-50/100/250

  Damage: 3D+2

  AT-PT Walker. Walker, maneuverability 2D, move 21; 60 kmh, body strength 2D. Weapons: 1 twin blaster cannon (fire control 1D, damage 4D), concussion grenade launcher (fire control 1D, damage 2D).


  Type: Exiled Alien Military Leader


  Blaster 5D+1, bows 5D+1, brawling parry 5D, dodge 7D, grenade 5D+1, melee combat 7D+2, melee parrv 7D+1


  Alien species 4D, art 9D+2, bureaucracy 5D, business 8D+2, cultures 4D, intimidation 8D, languages 4D+2, planetary systems 4D+1, streetwise 7D, survival 8D, tactics: ground assault 7D, value 7D, willpower 8D+2


  Astrogation 6D, beast riding 7D+2, capital ship piloting 4D, communications 6D+2, repulsorlift operation 4D+2, sensors 6D, space transports 5D+1


  Bargain 11D, command 9D+2, con 8D+1, hide 7D, investigation 9D, persuasion 8D+2, search 11D+1, sneak 7D+1


  Brawling 6D+1, stamina 9D+1, swimming 4D+2


  Computer programming/repair 4D+2, demolition 6D+2, first aid 7D, security 6D

  Force Points: 5

  Dark Side Points: 3

  Character Points: 28

  Move: 10

  Capsule: A highly decorated warrior and respected tactician. Mitth’raw’nuruodo was always the black sheep of his government’s ruling body. Although he always kept the welfare of his people as his highest priority, his methods in ensuring their welfare were sometimes less than acceptable to the more traditional thinking of his people.

  Mitth’raw’nuruodo is an imposing figure with his tall stature, blue skin, blue-black hair, and his glowing red eyes. He exudes a strong presen
ce and a sense of quiet pride. Although others may view his methods as unconventional and unnecessarily violent, Mitth’raw’nuruodo acts as if he is certain his methods are the best for his people. He is not a mindless killing machine — he is an intelligent, cunning and cool tactician who keeps his goal clear in mind and lets nothing stand in his way.


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