Colors of Love

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Colors of Love Page 7

by Jess Dee

  Then there was the last line. The bit about “painting my heart with colors of love”.

  Something about that line gave him the strongest sense of déjà vu. He liked it. Thought it fitted the song well, but what was it that jarred at his memory? Made him think instinctively of his grandmother?

  And then he gave it no more thought as the verse untangled in his mind.

  Yes! He had it. The third line.

  Seth grinned like a lunatic and scrawled down the words. Then he sang the whole verse out loud.

  “When I look in your eyes, I see the sun rising.

  “A new day on the horizon.

  “You’re the one I always dreamed of,

  “So paint my heart with colors of love.”

  Kaz’s eyes shone. “Perfect.”

  “Perfect, indeed.” Impulsively, Seth leaned forward, placed his hands on her cheeks, and planted a huge kiss smack bang on her lips.

  She laughed in delight. “What are you kissing me for, you idiot? It’s Luke you should be kissing.”

  “Luke didn’t help with these lines, you did.”

  “He gave you the pen,” Kaz pointed out.

  “You gave me the verse,” he pointed out right back.

  “Yeah, but he’s your inspiration.”

  Seth didn’t stop to wonder how Kaz knew that, he just went with the flow, thoroughly enjoying himself. “He is, but Luke doesn’t want my kisses, and I need to kiss someone in celebration, so you’ll have to do.”

  He placed another huge kiss on her lips.

  “Rubbish,” Kaz insisted—a little breathless. “Of course he wants your kisses. Just look at his face.”

  Seth looked. And there stood Luke, wearing a smug, satisfied expression.


  His eyes didn’t seem smug. They were dark, molten hot, filled with desire, passion and…pain?

  Seth blinked, taken aback, but when he looked again he saw only desire in Luke’s expression.

  He turned back to Kaz. “His face is telling me he wants me to kiss you. I want to kiss you too. So that’s just exactly what I’m gonna do.” This time when he held her cheeks between his palms, he didn’t smack a huge one on her mouth. Instead he slowly lowered his lips to hers and pressed them gently together.

  Her lips softened instantly beneath his, molding to their shape. She gave a soft sigh of surprise, and Seth took full advantage, dipping his tongue into her mouth for a taste. He gave himself a long, lazy minute to sample the subtle taste of champagne on her breath before he pulled away.

  “Mmm. Nice.” His body hardened, his cock stirring to life.

  Kaz blinked rapidly, and once again her cheeks blushed a becoming pink. “T-tell you what,” she stuttered. “You can give me as many…c-celebratory kisses as you like, if—”


  Her gaze moved to Luke. “If you kiss Luke now.”

  Seth’s mouth twitched. This was a first. He’d never shared a woman with Luke who’d insisted the two men pay each other attention. In fact, he didn’t think any other woman had noticed what Kaz seemed to see so obviously.

  He grinned at her. “Okay, then. You stay right where you are. When I’m done with Luke I’m coming to claim what you promised. And when I’m done kissing you, it’s Luke’s turn to sample your sweet lips.” Seth stood, and being so close to Kaz, at this angle he knew she’d see exactly what the taste of her had done to him.

  Her sharp inhalation proved him correct.

  “I’ll be back,” he promised and turned his attention to Luke.

  Luke frowned at him. “Not a good idea, kid.”

  He crossed the room, stopping an inch away from the man he loved. “I think it’s a great idea. So does Ms. Flaherty.”

  “I do,” Kaz breathed, her gaze pinned on them.

  “I didn’t bring her here to watch us, Seth,” Luke said very softly.

  “I know exactly why you brought her here,” Seth responded just as softly. “And when have we ever denied a woman what she wants when she’s with us?”

  He inhaled deeply, pulling Luke’s scent inside, relishing it. Kaz’s kiss may have woken his desire, but Luke’s proximity tore him apart. Lust washed over him, hot and hard. He stepped in and pressed his mouth to Luke’s, caressing the man’s lips with his own.

  Lust turned to yearning. And love. And passion. Christ, he couldn’t get enough. He kissed him more firmly, hating how Luke gave just enough to satisfy Kaz’s need to see the two of them together and no more.

  Fuck that. Seth was having none of it.

  He groaned against Luke’s lips, hooked an arm around his neck, pushed his hips close and dipped his tongue in the other man’s mouth.

  Luke’s body was a study in rigidity. His shoulders were inflexible, his body unforgiving and his cock rock solid against Seth’s.

  Oh yeah, Luke may not want to give an inch, but he didn’t have a choice. He reacted as instinctively as Seth did, rising to the call of their mutual attraction.

  Or maybe Luke had risen to Seth’s attraction to Kaz. Didn’t matter. He was aroused, he was hard, and he was in Seth’s arms.

  Seth deepened the kiss, running his tongue over Luke’s, caressing it with sensual strokes.

  Luke growled, the sound emanating from his throat. His hand landed on Seth’s back, slamming him against his body. Luke’s other hand tangled in his hair, holding him captive, keeping his face right where Luke wanted it.

  Seth was trapped, caught in Luke’s embrace, and Luke wasn’t letting go anytime soon.

  Suddenly it was Luke kissing Seth, Luke in control. Luke’s tongue was tracing devastating circles over his, his lips searing Seth’s. The tension eased from Luke’s muscles, and he molded himself against Seth, grinding their cocks together.

  Fuck, when Luke took control it did Seth’s head in. Made him crazy. Made him want to rip off his clothes and sacrifice himself to Luke. He’d gladly give up his body for the other man’s gratification, because as much pleasure as Luke took, he gave back a hundredfold.

  Seth would have kissed Luke forever had a strangled moan not echoed through the air. He pulled away reluctantly, hating the instant coolness of the air that wafted over his swollen lips.

  Luke’s breathing was unsteady, irregular. But at least he had the presence of mind to make sense of the sound and respond to it.

  “Kaz,” he rasped.

  Seth twisted around.

  Her face was flushed, her mouth rounded into an O. Those brown eyes were enormous, feverish even, staring at him and Luke with unsuppressed passion.

  “Oh, God,” she murmured. “That’s sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  Sexy? She wanted sexy? Seth held out his hand to her, and Kaz, as though in a daze, stood up and walked over to him, slipping her hand into his.

  He hauled her into his arms, positioning her right between himself and Luke. And as he pulled her tight against his body, so Luke pressed into her from behind. This time when Seth’s lips touched hers, there was nothing tentative about the kiss. Kaz opened up to him, accepting his tongue with greedy enthusiasm, kissing him back with as much fervor as he kissed her.

  She wasn’t Luke. She didn’t demand as forcefully or need quite so much cajoling, but now that she’d opened herself up to the experience, she kissed with a vehemence that made his balls ache.

  Half blind with desire, he tunneled his hand in her hair, pulling it aside and exposing her neck. Her soft whimper told him Luke had taken him up on his offer. He’d pressed his mouth to the hollow between Kaz’s neck and shoulder.

  Seth shuddered. He knew exactly how good Luke’s mouth felt in that spot. Knew just how sharply his teeth could nip as they nibbled their way upwards. Knew how the hot flicks of his tongue over that nibbled flesh could spur a lover into lust-induced madness.

  Kaz pressed her breasts against him, and Seth was almost blown away by her softness. It had been a while since he’d wanted a woman. Since he’d wanted anyone besides Luke. He was surprised by the attract
ion he felt for Kaz.

  It was pleasant, exciting, and with Luke behind her, it was electrifying.

  Kaz released his mouth and pressed her lips to his chin, tracing tiny kisses down his neck. He would have murmured his appreciation, but Luke struck, taking advantage of Seth’s free mouth and smashing his own down on it.

  Again they were kissing, only this time they weren’t alone. This time there were three of them, and the temperature in the room skyrocketed.

  It was Kaz who upped the ante. Kaz who squirmed between the two men, turning around so she now faced Luke. Kaz who trailed a path of kisses up Luke’s neck to his jaw, and nudged Seth out of the way so she could kiss Luke.

  Seth smiled languorously. He liked this girl. Liked her sass and her humor. Liked her looks and her body. Liked her perceptiveness and instinct. And he liked the way she kissed Luke, making him pant heavily in her arms.

  As Seth let his hand wander over her hourglass curves, four high-pitched beeps pierced the air.

  Luke tore his mouth away, swearing.

  “Shit.” His hair was mussed, his lips red and swollen. He ran the back of his hand over his mouth as he reached into his pocket for his phone.

  Kaz stumbled, losing her balance as Luke moved away to read his text message, and Seth hurried to steady her, pulling her back against his front. His erection lodged sweetly between her butt cheeks, and Kaz wiggled her ass, seating him more comfortably. They both breathed heavily.

  “I’ve gotta go.” Luke’s voice was little more than a hoarse rasp. “Your brother and Sophie are on their way up.”

  Chapter Six

  Luke knew his smile was tinged with pride.

  He’d been spot-on about Kaz. The moment he’d laid eyes on her, he’d known she was the one. The ideal woman for Seth. Pretty and feminine—all soft curves and lush roundness—smart, funny and…altogether too perceptive.

  She’d seen straight through his bullshit excuse about work being stressful. And she’d seen straight through his attempt to pretend that Seth meant nothing to him. How the hell had she done that?

  Even Seth had given no hint of their involvement, and yet she’d picked up on it. Plus, there was the fact that she’d worked out lyrics for Seth.

  Seriously? She could have been made for Seth.

  Luke hadn’t thought for a second it would be this easy to find the ideal match for Seth. He’d figured he’d need to look for weeks, months even. A part of him may have even hoped it would take longer. But he had neither the time nor the patience for that part.

  It was important for Seth to move on, move away from him, and Kaz was the ideal person to move with.

  It helped that Luke also found her damn sexy. Helped that the second he’d seen her, he’d had an overwhelming urge to pull her into bed with him and Seth. A threesome with Kaz appealed to no end. Luke was convinced it would be hot, arousing and satisfying.

  But a threesome was not all he looked forward to. He also anticipated the day he could withdraw from Seth and Kaz. Leave them alone together. Give them some privacy to…

  Christ. It hurt to say. Hurt to think.

  Some privacy to fall in love.

  His gut twisted. Who the fuck was he kidding? The thought of Seth falling in love with someone else made Luke physically ill. Made him want to throw up. But this wasn’t about Luke. This was about Seth and about freeing him from a man who was likely to hurt him.

  From a distance he watched Kaz speaking with Nathan and Sophie. Watched Seth approach them, his gaze on Kaz. When Luke had left the room to meet Nathan and Sophie at the elevator, Seth had escorted Kaz back to the party.

  “To be continued,” he’d promised Kaz. “Just as soon as Luke is free again.”

  Kaz watched Seth approach, a slight tremor shaking her body. Then she turned and looked Luke dead in the eye. The heightened color in her cheeks and the way she licked her lips told Luke she was more than ready to continue now.

  So was he. The quicker he got Seth and Kaz naked and comfortable with each other, the quicker he could leave them alone.

  Or maybe, the quicker he got them naked, the quicker he could find his own release. Because God knew he needed release. Needed to come so bad he about bust a nut. Watching Seth kiss her had been a turn-on. Kissing Kaz himself had gotten his blood pressure up to dangerous levels. But kissing Seth in front of Kaz? Christ, he’d nearly lost control there and then.

  No, the truth was, the quicker he got them naked, the quicker he could be inside Seth again.

  This was one part of the plan he liked altogether too much. The part that gave him permission to sleep with Seth without feeling guilty. Yes, it was for a limited time, just until Seth and Kaz were happy to be alone together. But at least Luke wouldn’t have to try to pull away from Seth like he usually did. Nor would he have to berate himself when he failed to pull away like he always did.

  Kaz said something to her friends, disengaged herself from their crowd and with a pointed look at Seth, made her way over to Luke. She reached him before Seth did.

  “Now you listen up.” She stood on tiptoe to whisper fiercely into his ear, “I have no idea what happened earlier, and I have no frame of reference with which to try to understand it. I am way out of my natural element here, drowning a little, actually. But I swear to God, if you don’t get me out of this room now and pick up where we all left off, I am going to…” She broke off as dramatically as she had spoken.

  “You’re going to what?” It was Seth who asked. He now stood close enough to hear every word.

  She blushed scarlet.

  “Don’t be shy, sweet pea,” Luke encouraged. “Tell us what you’re going to do.”

  She looked around, eyeing the crowds of people nervously, then shook her head. “Not in front of all of these people.”

  Seth raised an eyebrow at Luke. “Your room?”

  Luke shook his head. His room was full of memories of him fucking Seth. Him making love to Seth. And since he and Seth wouldn’t be making any new memories alone together, he kind of wanted to hold those ones close to his heart. “Yours is nearer.”

  It wasn’t until they were safely locked away in Seth’s suite that Luke demanded, “What are you going to do, Karen, if we don’t pick up where we left off?”

  Kaz squared her shoulders and looked at them with passion-drunk eyes. She didn’t answer his question, but her response was just as satisfying. “Do you blokes have any idea how fucking sexy you are together? How arousing it is watching you? God, one kiss between you, and I’m more turned on than I’ve ever been in my life.”

  “What has you aroused?” Luke asked. “The fact that Jordan and I kissed, or the fact that we both kissed you?”

  Kaz whimpered. “Both,” she whispered. “Please. Do it again.”

  Seth didn’t wait for specifics. He swooped in and kissed her again. Kissed her the way Luke loved being kissed by him. He ravaged her mouth, fucking her with his tongue, giving her no chance to think or catch her breath. He just kissed her until she trembled helplessly in his arms. And then he handed her over to Luke.

  She attacked his mouth with a vengeance, kissing him as deeply as Seth had just kissed her.

  Seth came from behind, wrapping his arms around her, cupping her breasts with his hands. She moaned against Luke’s lips. Her tongue stroked over his as Seth unbuttoned her blouse and disposed of her bra. She ate at Luke’s mouth hungrily when Seth ran his thumbs over her distended nipples, and she moaned helplessly as Seth tugged at Luke’s shirt, shoving it way up high so Kaz’s breasts pressed into his chest.

  Kaz bucked against Luke, arching into him, rubbing her groin against his rigid member.

  Oh, Christ, that felt so damn good.

  Then it was Luke kissing Kaz as Seth teased them both. Scraped his nails over Luke’s nipples then soothed the burn by cupping her breasts and sweeping them over the tender spots. Her nipples were hard buds that inflamed and aroused.

  “Touch them,” Seth whispered as he released Kaz.
br />   Luke took her luscious breasts in his palms—at the same time as Kaz found his nipples with her thumbs and forefingers, and tweaked them.

  The pressure against Luke’s cock eased slightly when Kaz moved her hips away.

  No, not Kaz. Seth. His hands were on her waist, moving her hips as his fingers worked their way around her jeans. The soft rasp of sound told him Seth had undone her zipper, and the way Kaz shifted against him hinted that her pants were being pushed down.

  And then Kaz stiffened in his arms and broke the kiss as she cried out.

  Luke gazed at her lustfully.

  Kaz’s head was now resting on Seth’s shoulder, her lips parted, her eyes closed. She panted softly, sexily. Seth’s arm was wound around her waist, his hand invisible below the line of her panties.

  A sensuous smile played on Seth’s lips, and he rubbed his cheek on Kaz’s dark hair as he stared into Luke’s eyes. So deep, Luke thought for sure Seth could see right past all his bullshit and into the most secret part of his brain.

  Impossible. He’d hidden his secrets too well for Seth to ever see them.

  “Should we tell him, Kaz?” Seth asked in a gruff voice. “Should we let him know how wet you are, how much our kisses turn you on?”

  Kaz shifted against Seth. “Sh-show him.”

  Seth grinned and removed his hand from her panties. Kaz cried out, shuddering against him. He raised two glistening fingers to Luke’s gaze.

  Luke swore under his breath and grasped Seth’s wrist. He waited a second, two, until Kaz opened her eyes, and when she did, when she looked at him with passion-glazed irises, Luke brought Seth’s hand to his mouth and sucked those fingers inside.

  They tasted good. Salty, musky and creamy all at once. They tasted familiar, like Seth, like years of lovemaking and raw fucking. Yet they tasted sweet too, unknown, exciting.

  “Oh, God.” It was Kaz who moaned, Kaz who couldn’t seem to tear her eyes away from Luke’s mouth.

  Luke laved Seth’s fingers clean, then released them inch by inch. “Put them back inside her, kid.”

  Seth needed no instruction. Already his hand was stroking over her belly, slipping beneath her panties. Much as Luke wanted to see everything, watch Seth slide his fingers inside Kaz’s pussy, her panties hid his view. He could see nothing but the outline of Seth’s hand against the material.


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