[Men of Inked 01.0 - 03.0] Volume 1

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[Men of Inked 01.0 - 03.0] Volume 1 Page 17

by Chelle Bliss

  I didn’t know where Suzy and I stood and what the future held for us. She was always so wrapped up in her fucking thoughts and second-guessing our relationship. She couldn’t get beyond the tattooed façade and the beat-up shack I called home. I needed to know that I was enough for her. I wanted to be liked for me—the good, bad, and the ugly.


  Friday Countdown


  I could hardly contain my excitement all week. City and I talked every night on the phone and texted during the day. I couldn’t stay away from him and couldn’t get him out of my mind. I tried to keep myself busy and find reasons not to be with him, but it didn’t work. I was falling for the man, and falling hard.

  Growing up, my mother had drilled in my head that I needed to find a man with a stable job. I needed to settle down, have a family, and live the American dream. I tried for years to find that man, the perfect mold, but all of them were just…boring as hell.

  I’d never been willing to settle for anything less than perfect. A picket fence and a beautiful home are worthless if you dread going home to the one you’re supposed to spend your life with. I prefer being single to the doldrums in which some of my friends currently dwelled. Sophia and Kayden were the happiest couple I knew, and they were complete opposites—they were the yin to the other’s yang.

  The students cleared the building as soon as the last bell blared at two in the afternoon on Friday. I had another thirty minutes left and couldn’t seem to function. All I could think of was tonight and what could be—what would be. I couldn’t stare at the clock and watch another minute tick away. I knew Sophia would be tidying up the library, and I needed to talk to her. She’d questioned me all week about City and when I’d see him again, but I hadn’t told her the plan we had. I needed her opinion.

  The lights in the library were dimmed, but I could see her wandering around, returning books to their rightful spots. I took a deep breath and walked through the door to the torrent of questions I knew I’d face.

  “Sophia,” I called out. I didn’t want to scare the hell out of her. I knew most of the staff had snuck out early, but the two of us never took the chance at losing our jobs for a few minutes of our time.

  She turned the corner with a stack of books in her hand and a smile on her face. “Hey, Suzy Q, what are you doing up here? Don’t you have any big plans for tonight?” She winked at me. I couldn’t hide the smile on my face. I felt like the electricity and joy radiated off my body. “How many hours until you see him?”

  “Maybe I’m not going to see him tonight.” I was so full of shit, and I knew I couldn’t fool Sophia, but sometimes I hated that she could read me like an open book.

  “Whatever, whore. It’s written all over your face. You’re going to get some cock tonight, and by the red creeping across your cheeks, I’d say it’s fucking amazing.”

  “Do you hear how you talk in a school?”

  “Prude ass. Every child has run away from this place screaming at two. There isn’t a soul within earshot except for us. What time are you meeting him tonight?”

  “We’re meeting at seven.” I plopped down on one of the comfy couches as Sophia placed the books on the table and sat down next to me.

  “My feet are freaking killing me in these damn heels.” She kicked off her shoes and rubbed her feet. “What’s the plan tonight?”

  “I don’t even know if I can repeat it.” I shrugged. My stomach was a jumbled mess from just thinking about the possibilities.

  “You can and you will. This is me, girl. I know all your darkest secrets. Shit, you used to lie in bed with Kayden and me and grill us on our sex life. We have no secrets. I know you’re a kinky bitch underneath that polished veneer.”

  “It’s your fault. I was happy with my bland sex life and you had to go and ruin me with all those trashy novels.”

  “Stop changing the subject. What’s the plan with the sexy-as-sin City?” She grinned and waggled her eyebrows up and down.

  I’d always wanted sex that was worthy of girl talk, and for years, I’d lived off the stories that Sophia and my other friends had shared with me. City had made sex worth talking about; I’d finally have some wild stories to share.

  “I kind of shared one of my fantasies with him and he’s going to make it happen tonight.” I covered my eyes with my hand, avoiding her stare. I was scared to tell her any more, but she knew every fantasy I had and always reassured me that I was normal, that my sanity hadn’t been replaced by impure thoughts.

  “Oh my God. Tell me, tell me.” She practically bounced on the couch cushion. “Don’t hold back now, bitch.” She slapped my arm.

  “I told him the darkest one.”

  “You didn’t?”

  I grinned, and my cheeks almost hurt from the smile that had been plastered on my face all day. “I did, and he said I’d have it.”

  “Kidnapping?” She looked shocked, but I saw the twinkle in her eye.

  “I can’t believe I told him, but yes. Oh my God, it’s happening tonight, Sophia.”

  “I’m so proud of you.” She wrapped her arms around me. “My baby’s all grown up.” She squeezed me and ran her palm down the back of my head. “Tell me more. I want to hear about him. Now.”

  “We’re going to meet at the Neon Cowboy, that biker bar out in the country. We’re going to have some dinner and drinks before I leave alone and he makes it become a reality.”

  “You’re going to chicken out. Oh God, he’s giving you time to change your mind.” She stood up and started pacing the room.

  “Calm down, Sophia. I’m not going to chicken out. I’ve wanted someone like him, and tonight I’m getting more than I could ever dream of—my fantasy becoming a reality.”

  “You’ve never done this shit. You’re like I used to be—Ms. Missionary Style. I expect details tomorrow, and I mean a full report.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I’ll give you a full briefing.”

  “I want every last fucking detail too, got me?”

  “I got ya, Sophia. I better go get my stuff and head home. I want to rest a bit before I see him.”

  “Good luck with resting.” She snickered.

  “I know. I could barely sleep last night.” I sighed.

  “I used to get that way when I would see Kayden after time apart. There’s no feeling like it.” She smiled and hugged me. “Now go. I have to finish up and get home to my fantasy man.”

  “You still feel that way about Kayden after all this time?”

  “I still get butterflies when I see him, Suzy. That’s the difference, you know—that feeling has never gone away. I’m still get excited like the first time we met.”

  “I envy you, Sophia.”

  “You’ll find your Kayden, babe. I think you may already have, if you don’t let your stupid OCD checklist get in the way.” She tapped me on the forehead.

  “I got to go. We’ll debate my sanity and compulsions another day.” I waved to her as I walked out the door. “Later, Soph.”

  “Don’t forget to call me, Suzy, or I’ll hunt your ass down,” she yelled to me as the door closed behind me.


  “Hey, sugar.” His voice filled my car via speakerphone, but he didn’t sound as excited as I felt.

  “Hey, City. I’m almost to the bar.”

  “I’m going to be fifteen minutes late. Fuck, I’m sorry. The tattoo I was working on took longer than I thought. Can you wait for me in the parking lot?”

  Damn. That bar gave me the heebie-jeebies, and I didn’t fit in, not even in the parking lot. “Yeah, City. I wouldn’t dream of walking in there alone.” I felt sick. “This isn’t part of your plan, is it?”

  “Hell no! We’re still having some drinks first. I need you to not overthink everything tonight. I want you a little tipsy for what I have planned.” He laughed.

  The excitement took over, and all second thoughts vanished. “Okay, City. I’ll be waiting for you.”

  “Do not go inside alone. Under
stand me?”

  “I won’t. I promise.”

  “See you soon, sugar.”

  After tossing my phone on the passenger seat, I rolled down the window, welcoming the cool air against my clammy skin. The events of the night played through my mind. City would be my kidnapper. My lungs burned as I screamed along with the song on the radio, ”Dark Horse” by Katy Perry, the bass causing my windows to rattle with each beat.

  Pulling into a spot hidden in the shadows, I turned off the lights and waited for City to arrive. In the rearview mirror I saw my face glistening from the humidity in the air, and I wanted to look flawless. City had seen me at my worst, but I wanted to look beautiful for him in front of his friends.

  The lighted mirror behind my visor was more forgiving as I blotted my face with an old napkin I found in the glove box. My lips lacked color as I smacked them together, making kissy lips. After slathering on some Buxom lip gloss from my purse, I rubbed my lips together with a pop. They tingled as the peppermint oil started to plump my lips, soaking into my skin.

  A loud knock on the window made me jump, and I hit my head on the visor. “Shit,” I said. I turned to get a glimpse at my knight in shining armor, but it wasn’t City outside my car. It was a guy that looked vaguely familiar. He stood there staring at me, and alarm bells went off in my head.

  I cracked my window an inch, thankful I had rolled them up when I arrived. “Can I help you?”

  “Why’s such a pretty lady sitting out here alone? Come inside, beautiful.”

  Hell, he creeped me out. “I’m waiting for someone.” I didn’t want to hold a conversation with him. His hair was a mess, gray hair lined his face, and dirt was smeared across his tattered t-shirt. A sour smell caused me to wrinkle my nose—he was the asshole that wouldn’t leave me alone the first time I came here, until City and Bear stepped in. Shit, where was City?

  “You can wait inside, let me buy you a drink.” His face came closer to the window, and I could smell the alcohol on his breath, mixing with the body odor that I couldn’t escape. My heart raced and my palms started to sweat. Just stay in the car.

  “Thanks, but I’m going to wait here.” I couldn’t stand looking at him anymore. Why won’t he just go away? I heard a motorcycle pull in the parking lot and come to a screeching halt next to my car. Peering through the passenger window, I saw City climbing off his bike quickly and coming at the scumbag outside my window.

  “Get the fuck away from her,” City roared as he stood toe to toe with the asshole.

  “I just asked her to come inside for a drink.” He looked City in the eye and didn’t move. He must have had a death wish.

  “She doesn’t want to be bothered. Go the fuck home, you drunk bastard. Stop bothering all the ladies here, or at least mine. Do I need to beat that message in your stupid-ass head?” City grabbed his shirt, crumpling it in his first.

  The man threw his hands up in surrender and tried to back away, but City had a firm grip on his shirt.

  “Come on, man. I didn’t know she’s yours. You need to keep better track of her. Pretty things disappear all the time around here.” He grinned, and my skin began to crawl.

  “Beat it, jackass. Next time I won’t speak. I’ll just bash your fucking head in so the only thing you can do with that mouth is drink through a goddamn straw.” City released him and shoved him backward. The man stumbled before falling on his ass.

  City opened my car door and held out his hand, but I couldn’t take my eyes off the guy on the ground. The look he gave me was pure hatred.

  “Come on, sugar. I’m here, he won’t bother you.”

  Placing my hand in his, I didn’t say a word as I closed my door. I stayed close as we approached the bar. My nerves were shot, and I needed that drink more than ever.

  He stopped, grabbing my arm and turning me to face him. “Are you okay, Suzy?”

  “Yeah, Joey. He didn’t hurt me, but he’s creepy as hell.”

  He wrapped his arms around me, cocooning me. Melting into him, I buried my face in his shirt. Unlike the man from the parking lot, City smelled amazing—the mix of musky cologne with his natural scent. My hand drifted across his chest until I found the piercing I’d become fond of touching.

  “Sugar, keep doing that and we won’t make it through the first drink before I take you in the bathroom and fuck you raw.”

  I leaned back with a smirk on my face. “I can’t help myself. It’s nice to finally touch you after such a long week.” I buried my face in his shirt again, not letting go of the little metal object attached to his body.

  “I have another piercing that could use some attention,” he said through clenched teeth as he ground his cock against me.

  “Nah, I’m good. Drink first, then you can do anything you want to me.”

  Did I just say that? I needed to learn to filter my promises—he was not a bland and boring lover, he liked his sex hard and fast, and he had mentioned my ass. Don’t even think about it.

  “Anything?” he whispered.

  “Within reason.” I smiled against his chest—thank God my face was hidden.

  “That’s my girl. Always thinking.” He laughed and wrapped me under his arm before walking through the doors of the Neon Cowboy and into the firing squad of males that had egos to protect and manhood to show off. Lord, help me.


  The guys I’d met the first night insisted that we sit with them. I reassured City that it was fine as long as he never left my side. The asshole in the parking lot had already put me on edge, and a tableful of strangers didn’t help put my mind at ease.

  Bear and Tank talked me into lemon drop shots and beer. I couldn’t exactly order my virgin daiquiri sitting at table full of bikers. I tried to fit in, calm my nerves, and get in the right frame of mind for my “kidnapping.” I listened to them talk about bikes and tats—a world foreign to me, but still entertaining. They looked scary, but they were good guys that just wanted to hang out, drink beer, and bullshit.

  Bear looked just like his nickname—wild, curly, overgrown hair; a beard; big and burly. When he stood, I could picture him like a grizzly bear on its hind legs ready to attack. When he spoke about his kids and old lady, he reminded me more of a teddy bear. I quickly learned my first impression of him had been wrong, and I needed to be more open-minded. Wilder shit had happened.

  “What are you two kids doing tonight?” Bear asked as he washed down the last sip of beer.

  I felt the heat crawling up my face, and I couldn’t answer his question. I sat there and stared at City. I’d let him field that question.

  “Nothing much, Bear. Just going to kidnap this beautiful creature and use her how I see fit.” He winked at me and looked at Bear with a cocky smile.

  I glanced around the table, and everyone was staring at me. I was sure the picture in their mind was accurate, minus the actual kidnapping part.

  Bear slapped City on the back. “That’s my boy,” he said with a laugh.

  City leaned over and nuzzled his face in my hair. “Why don’t you head out and I’ll find you, sugar,” he whispered in my ear. I shivered at his words. I wanted him to play this game.

  I turned my face and kissed him on the lips. “Yes, sir. Catch me if you can.” The guys at the table started to hoot and holler as I stood from the table, almost knocking over my chair as City caught it. “Sorry about that,” I said as I stood on shaky legs.

  “Get going, sugar.” City swatted me on the ass, and I yelped. I shouldn’t have done that last shot.

  I kept my eyes on the floor, making sure not to trip on my way out the door. My eyesight felt fuzzy, and my head was cloudy from the vodka. I turned to look back at City before walking out the door. Every man at that table stared at me. City looked excited as he winked at me with a tilted grin that made my panties wet, but the rest of them looked in shock. Maybe City had clued them in on our little role-playing adventure that lay ahead.

  I smiled and waved; the cool air touched my skin as I walked
outside to wait for my captor to find me. My heart thundered and my stomach gurgled as I made my way toward my car. I was ready for him.


  What Dreams Are Made Of…


  “Were you being fucking serious?” Tank leaned forward.

  “About what? Using her?”

  “Fuck, all of it,” he said with an eyebrow raised and one side of his mouth curved in a smile.

  “All of it. I got to go, boys. Time to go find my victim for the night.” I stood from the table and threw a fifty down. “You gentleman have a good night with that image rolling around in your head right now.”

  They couldn’t even begin to process what we were really going to do. They thought “kidnap” was just a nice way of saying I was going to take her away from the bar and have sex with her, but I was going to literally kidnap her.

  “Can one of you take my bike home tonight and I’ll grab it in the morning?” I asked before walking away.

  “I’ll take it,” Bear said. “I’ll tow it to Tank’s shop.”

  “Thanks, man—my dick thanks you too.” I laughed as I tossed him the keys.

  “At least someone’s prick will be happy tonight,” Bear mumbled as he placed the keys in his jacket pocket.

  I didn’t say anything, but couldn’t stop laughing. Poor bastards.

  I rolled my neck as I headed for the door, cracking it almost like I was prepping for a game. I’d give Suzy everything she wanted and more.

  “City!” a voice rang through the crowd. Fuck. “City!” A hand waved above the crowd, and I knew the voice but pretended not to hear her.

  I didn’t turn around, but walked faster until a hand wrapped around my arm.

  “Oh, Kaylee, I didn’t see you.”

  “I was screaming your name,” she huffed, trying to catch her breath.


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