Eager First Times

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Eager First Times Page 1

by Betsy Locke

  Copyright 2019

  All Rights Reserved.

  Disclaimer: This ebook is a work of fiction. Any resemblance characters in this story may have to real people is coincidental.

  No section of this book may be copied or reproduced without the author's permission.

  Table of Contents

  Story One

  Story Two

  Story Three

  Story Four

  Story Five

  Story Six

  Story Seven

  Story Eight

  Story Nine

  Story Ten

  Story Eleven

  Story Twelve

  Story Thirteen

  Story Fourteen

  Story Fifteen

  Story Sixteen

  Story Seventeen

  Story Eighteen

  Story Nineteen

  Story Twenty

  Story Twenty One

  Story Twenty Two

  Story Twenty Three

  Story Twenty Four

  Story Twenty Five

  Story Twenty Six

  Story Twenty Seven

  Story Twenty Eight

  Story Twenty Nine

  Story Thirty

  Story Thirty One

  Story Thirty Two

  Story Thirty Three

  Story Thirty Four

  Story Thirty Five

  Story Thirty Six

  Story Thirty Seven

  Story Thirty Eight

  Story Thirty Nine

  Story Forty

  Story Forty One

  Story Forty Two

  Story Forty Three

  Story Forty Four

  Story Forty Five

  Story One

  Copyright 2018

  All Rights Reserved.

  Disclaimer: This ebook is a work of fiction. Any resemblance characters in this story may have to real people is coincidental.

  No section of this book may be copied or reproduced without the author's permission.


  I'm used to my freedom at college.

  Now that I'm home for the summer, the man of the house is going to set the rules.

  Chapter One

  I never expected to love college so much. The parties, the people, and even the classes. I loved it all. I felt like I was a real adult now, going through life and experiencing things that I never had before.

  I never knew how much I craved my independence until I actually got a taste of it. Nobody around to tell you what to do. No more curfews. No more bed time.

  All-nighters were a common occurrence. Either staying up to cram for a test or dancing until dawn at a frat party. I did it all.

  The one thing that I didn't get to experience was sex. Movies always portrayed college as the biggest orgy. A revolving door of dick. And guess what, they were damn right.

  At least according to my roommate. I'd never knew anyone who could have so much sex. There were plenty of nights where I came back to my dorm and there would be a hair tie around the door knob. That was our cute code that told the other that they were getting fucked right now and to come back later.

  I couldn't even count how many nights I slept in that hallway, drunk as fuck, waiting for Ashley to finish moaning.

  I never got the chance to put a hair tie around the door knob.

  And it was all my fault. I'm the one that wanted the long-distance relationship. I'm the one that convinced Evan that it could work.

  Evan and I had met three years ago and hit it off pretty quickly. He was just the type of guy that I was into: hot, popular, and a jock. He was my first and I was his. My one and only. When I got my acceptance letter to a college two states away, there was a sinking feeling in my stomach.

  Evan would be staying home to go to community college. After two years he would try to transfer to my college. In the meantime, we'd have to get used to phone sex.

  I'd heard plenty of horror stories of long-distance relationships. The strain that eventually cracked. But I was smarter than all those people. I could make anything work. And it did work.

  At least at the beginning.

  Evan and I made it a point to call one another every day. Most of the time it was late at night. Evan was the first one to break the rule.

  If he didn't call me first, I'd call him. One night he never picked up his phone when I tried calling him. Countless texts to him did nothing. I stayed up all night worrying that something bad had happened to him.

  I got a call from him in the morning saying that he forgot to call and that he was out with the guys all night. I wasn't sure if he was telling the truth or not. Evan never really lied to me before so I had no reason to question him.

  Calling each other every night turned into every other night and then every few days. I even stopped trying to call him if he was supposed to call me that night. I knew that he wouldn't answer and I would get an apology in the morning.

  Soon we weren't even talking on the phone and just texting each other about the mundane things of life. Stuff like: What did you eat for dinner? Did you get all your homework done? He wasn't a boyfriend any longer. Just a distant acquaintance that I didn't really know anymore.

  That's what sparked my descent into parties. I didn't stay in my dorm any longer waiting for my boyfriend to call me. I went out and tried to live my life, going to any party that I could. Walking the streets at night until I found a house with an open door.

  There I would drink my sorrows away and dance until my shoes were about to break. It wasn't the healthiest way to deal with my problems but I felt like I was living the true college life.

  That's when I first knew that maybe this wasn't going to work.

  I figured he was cheating on me but I didn't have any concrete evidence. If Evan was getting some then I had the right to also. I thought about finding a guy at a party and letting him have his way with me. I needed to feel that release. Touching myself at night wasn't enough anymore. If my boyfriend wouldn't do it, then I needed to find somebody who would.

  There was always that doubt in the back of my head. What if Evan wasn't cheating on me? What if this was all in my head?

  What if he joined me at college in two years and everything went back to normal? Too many questions kept me from going through with it. Even though I got propositioned almost every night. And some of these guys were ten out of tens. It wouldn't be hard to say yes to one of them and let them bend me over a counter.

  When a relationship isn't working and both parties know it, who's the one that pulls the trigger?Who's the one that breaks up with the other one?

  I always figured it would be Evan. He was the one who made most of the decisions in the relationship. I figured it wouldn't be that long until I got a text from him telling me that it was over. I just kind of waited for it to happen.

  But it never came.

  Then things began to change as summer approached. Evan started to call me every night. He knew that I would be home for three months at a time and he wouldn't be able to dodge me any longer. He had the chance to break up with me and instead he wanted to make it work between us.

  It was beginning to feel like we were a couple again. I actually stayed home and stopped going to parties so I could talk to Evan on the phone all night. The urge to have random sex with a stranger went away. Evan and I actually would have phone sex with one another. It was the only thing that got me through finals.

  Things were looking up. Everything would go back to normal during the summer. Evan and I would make it through anything. We were meant to be together.

  I didn't know how naive I really was.

  Chapter Two

  After the hell that was finals, I found out that I'd be able to go home a couple days early. I cou
ldn't wait to see Evan but I wasn't able to get a hold of him to tell him the good news. It didn't matter because I'd rather surprise him.

  The drive home took about eight hours. Eight hours of the most boring flat lands and smelly cattle ranches. It was just after dinner time when I pulled into the driveway of my stepdad, Drew's house.

  I was actually surprised at how much I missed that place. A two-story house in the shape of the letter “A”. The grass in the front had died a little but the large tree next to the front door had grown considerably bigger. There was a lot of good memories connected with this home.

  But a lot of bad ones thanks to my stepdad.

  Drew must've heard my car pull up because he stepped outside to welcome me. He wore dark jeans and a nice black button-up shirt. He looked like he had just come from work. His hair was usually combed perfectly but it was a little disheveled.

  He opened my car door as I turned off the engine. “I wasn't expecting you for a couple days, Michelle. What are you doing home early?”

  “My last two finals were moved up so I got to come home,” I replied, stepping out and grabbing my purse.

  “Let me get a good look at you,” Drew said, putting me at arm's length and eying me up and down. “You look so beautiful.”

  I blushed. Drew could always make me feel good. “Can you help me with my bag?”

  My stepdad took my duffel bag out of the backseat and followed me inside. “How did finals go?” he asked.

  “I think they went pretty good.” I didn't want to tell him that I probably totally bombed the math one. “You didn't change my room or anything, did you?” I asked as we ascended the stairs.

  “I wouldn't even think about it,” he replied with a wink.

  We entered my room that hadn't been touched since I went off to college. A twin-sized bed with a dark red comforter stood on one side. The opposite end of the room had my desk and a mirror where I used to do my makeup. Everything was right where I left it.

  “Dinner should be ready soon,” Drew said. “I'm making pasta with sausage.”

  I started to unpack my duffel bag. “Actually I was going to go see Evan.”

  Drew's face changed immediately. It was the face that I always dreaded. “Did you forget about our rules, Michelle?”

  “You can't be serious. I'm an adult and I've been at college for a year. There shouldn't be anymore rules.”

  “When you live under my roof, you'll live under my rules. I'll expect you downstairs for dinner after you're done unpacking.”

  That was the end of it. Drew closed the door and ended the conversation. I didn't even get a chance to argue with him.

  I collapsed on my bed and sighed. I'd have to sneak out tonight if I was going to see Evan. It wasn't such a big deal. I was used to Drew's rules. You just had to know how to bend them.

  I started to put my clothes away and noticed something odd about my underwear drawer. My panties were always on the left side but they were on the right now with my bras taking up the left side. I didn't think much of it. I probably just forgot that I used to do it that way.

  The dining room table was full of bread, pasta, and salad. My mouth was salivating. There was one thing that I loved about my stepdad: he could cook. I sat down at my usual spot across from Drew and began serving myself.

  I wanted to tell him how much I missed real food but I was still mad at him. The first bite was straight from heaven. I almost moaned out loud but caught myself. I thought we could spend dinner in silence but Drew wouldn't let that go.

  “What are we going to do this summer?” he asked.

  I shrugged, stuffing my face with bread. I spooned a couple more helpings of pasta making sure to get an equal amount of sausage.

  Drew stabbed the bowtie pasta with his fork. “I was thinking we could go on a trip. Maybe to Canada or something similar?”

  “Canada? Just the two of us?”

  “Yeah, why not?” he replied. “I think it would be fun.”

  “I was planning on spending time with Evan. We haven't seen each other since I went away.”

  “Well I haven't see you either. I want us to go back to the way things used to be before you went away.”

  I didn't respond and finished the rest of my dinner in a flash. I couldn't be around my stepdad any longer. I went to stand up but my stepdad stopped me.

  “You know the rules,” he said.

  I puffed out air and sat back down. “May I be excused?” I asked.

  “You may,” he replied.

  I stomped up the stairs and slammed my door shut. This summer was not going to be as good as I thought it was going to be.

  Chapter Three

  My plan for sneaking out was the same as it had always been. Wait for Drew to go to sleep and sneak out my bedroom window. The problem was knowing exactly when he was asleep.

  The door to his bedroom was always closed so it was difficult to know. I used to listen for the sounds of television and wait for him to turn the light off. That plan had always worked in the past but there was no way to know for sure that he was asleep unless I sneaked into his bedroom. There was no way I was going to do that.

  I opened my bedroom door quietly and peeked my head out. I couldn't hear the TV going and there was no light coming through the bottom of Drew's door. Showtime.

  I quickly changed out of my black slip and put on blue jeans and a old sweater. I didn't need to worry about looking nice for Evan. I wouldn't be wearing my clothes for very long.

  My bedroom window made an old creaking sound as I lifted it up slowly all the way. The cold night air rushed into the room. I popped out the screen and put it down on the carpet.

  The ancient tree outside had become even more overgrown since the last time I sneaked out. The gnarled branches overlapped one another and the green leaves covered every inch. It wasn't going to be as easy as it used to be.

  I lifted my leg through the window and reached out until it hit a branch. I gripped the window sill and swung my body out, grasping a branch with my open hand. The big tree swayed from my weight. I looked down at the ground and felt a pang of fright. I didn't remember being so high up before.

  “You can do this, Michelle,” I reassured myself.

  I started down the tree and remembered the part in Jurassic Park where the kid had to climb down as the car above him began crashing down. I would never be able to get down the tree that fast without falling.

  A branch snapped under my left foot and I flailed for a moment until I caught my balance. I took a deep breath and continued down until I made it all the way to the bottom. I looked up at my open bedroom window and wondered how I was going to be able to climb back up there.

  That was a problem to solve later. Evan was waiting for me.

  Evan didn't live too far away. Before I had a car, it made it very easy to sneak over there for a quickie and make it back home before anyone was the wiser.

  The moon was full and bright as I walked down the sidewalk. My fingers felt tingly as I thought about the impending sex. It had been so long since I'd been fucked. My jeans were practically soaked already. He wouldn't have to touch me very long to get me to my climax. I could imagine his cock entering me slowly, pumping in and out.

  God I missed that.

  I came to Evan's one-story house and all the lights were off. I went to the side gate and unlocked it. I had done it a million times before. Evan's bedroom was on the right side of the house and his parent's on the opposite. He always kept his window unlocked for me.


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