Eager First Times

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Eager First Times Page 3

by Betsy Locke

  The box was from the website Naughty Pleasures. There was no way to know except for a small logo with the initials N.P. That was part of the reason that I ordered from them. They guaranteed a normal box that didn't scream sex toys.

  I eagerly pulled out a pair of scissors from the kitchen drawer and sliced the package opened. Amidst a sea of packing peanuts was a small black case with the words Clit Controller 1000. It looked like it could be a case for sunglasses. I opened it to reveal a dark blue egg-shaped ball, a small remote, and a black cord wrapped up next to it.

  I ignored the instruction booklet and took out the little ball with the remote. I hit the on button to see if it worked and the ball began to vibrate. I got giddy with excitement. I could use it right away instead of having to charge it first.

  It had been so long since I'd been with a man. Dating apps had gotten boring and I never met anyone of worth at a bar. This was my reward for such a hard week at work.

  “You and me are going to have fun this weekend,” I whispered to the toy as I brought it into my bedroom.

  I undressed down to nothing and slipped under the plush comforter. I placed the Clit Controller 1000 directly on my fleshy bulb and turned it on with the remote. A sudden surge of pleasure washed over me. The vibrations were so intense. My entire body tensed up as my first orgasm hit me like a freight train. I wasn't quite ready for it.

  My legs flexed and my toes pointed out as I rode the waves of ecstasy. The Clit Controller really worked! I thought of a big strong man making love to me, his large thick cock entering me over and over again.

  The pleasure wasn't going to stop just yet. My second orgasm made me yelp out and I quickly covered my mouth with my hand. I almost never made any sounds when I masturbated. Especially since the walls in my apartment were paper thin.

  After the second, I was ready for more. I could feel my muscles become sore but that wasn't going to stop me. I just wish I wasn't so curious.

  I slipped the clit controller inside my slick pussy and pushed it far in. The vibrating ball hit my spot just right and made me shiver all over as another orgasm wrecked me completely. My arms stretched out on the bed with my fingers spread apart. I wanted to rub my clit while the ball was inside me but I could barely move from the intense ecstasy.

  I wouldn't be able to handle anymore. My body was about to fall apart. I slipped my fingers inside me but I couldn't reach the ball! My fingertips could only graze it as it continued to vibrate hard. I took my fingers out and tried again. I strained as I shoved almost my entire hand inside me. I could get a finger on it but it was too slippery to grab.

  I knew not to panic right away but I couldn't get the thought out of my head that the Clit Controller 1000 would be stuck inside me for the rest of my life.

  Another orgasm slapped me in the face as I reached for the remote. I could barely see it as I hit the off switch. Nothing happened. I took a deep breath, trying to focus and ignore the incredible pleasure. I hit the on button and then the off button. The ball continued to vibrate inside me like nothing happened.

  Now panic really began to set in. I needed to get to the instructions. There had to be something in there about why I couldn't turn it off.

  I rolled off my bed and could feel it in my legs already. I tried my best to walk with this vibrating monstrosity inside me. I had to stop and hold onto a chair as another orgasm surprised me. Would it ever end?

  I found the instructions by the box and wiped sweat from my brow as I flipped it open. Right at the front in black bold letters: For External Use Only.

  Why the fuck would anyone make these for external use only? I guess I was the stupid one for buying it in the first place. Maybe I should read the reviews first.

  I quickly read through the instructions for any reason why the remote wasn't turning it off. The little booklet said nothing about it. I assumed that the remote sensor couldn't reach the ball because it was blocked by my vagina.

  I needed to go to the doctor now. Humiliation set in as I thought about the entire hospital laughing at me. Should I call an ambulance or an Uber? There was no way I could drive myself. My legs were barely functioning. I imagined having to explain the situation to 911 and then to the paramedics.

  Uber was the winner.

  I waddled back to my bedroom and fell onto my bed from another orgasm. “What the fuck!” I yelled out. I had lost count now of how many times the Clit Controller had controlled me. This was was crazier than the last one. My spine quivered and I bit down on my bottom lip as I tried to stay on the roller coaster.

  I reached out for my phone and requested an Uber. I wouldn't have to explain anything to the driver. If I could just keep my orgasms at my bay, I could get to the hospital with no questions asked. That was my hope at least.

  Now all I needed to do was to put some clothes on.

  Chapter Two

  I stumbled out of my apartment wearing an old t-shirt and blue jeans. I didn't have time to really pick out an outfit. My uber driver pulled up in beat up black Honda Civic and I jumped into the backseat.

  The man with a goatee turned his head to stare at me laying down. “You might want to buckle up,” he said.

  “Just drive,” I screamed back.

  The driver took off and checked his phone that had the directions to the hospital. His eyes found me in the rear-view mirror. “Is everything okay back there? Am I taking you to the hospital?”

  I could feel the pleasure building again. When was this going to end? I shut my eyes and clenched my fists as the next orgasm exploded within me. I could feel the driver watching me as I came hard.

  He was going to have a story to tell his buddies later tonight.

  “I'm okay,” I choked out. “Just get me to the hospital.”

  The driver began to speed up. No doubt he thought that I was either pregnant or dying in the backseat of his car. I braced myself against the seats as he took a sharp turn. The Clit Controller inside me turned off suddenly.

  No more vibrations.

  Relief flooded me. Things were going to be okay.

  “We're here,” the driver announced.

  I sat up and wiped the hair from my face. A tall white building stood before me. “Thank you,” I said, exiting the car and not looking back.

  The hospital was surprisingly dead as I entered through the front door. I always imagined a waiting room full of patients and dead people in the aisles.

  A woman with short blonde hair sat behind a receptionist desk. She smiled at me as I walked up to her. “What can we help you with today?” she asked.

  My face flushed red. What should I tell her? “I'd like to see a female doctor.”

  The receptionist nodded slowly. “We'll try our best. But what shall I put down for the reason you're here today?”

  “I'm having stomach pains,” I replied. I tapped my foot as I watched the receptionist write down on her clipboard.

  “Take a seat and a nurse will see you.”

  “Thank you.” I sat down in an uncomfortable chair, trying not to disturb the vibrator still deep inside me.

  A moment later a female nurse in pink scrubs opened a door and peeked her head out. “Delilah?” she announced.

  I stood up and smiled at her. I followed the nurse with brown hair through a labyrinth of hallways until we came to an empty exam room. “The doctor will be with you momentarily,” she said and then left me alone.

  I sat down on the tall exam bed layered with a white plastic-like sheet. I took a deep breath and exhaled. This whole nightmare would be over soon. Explaining all this to a woman would be embarrassing but she would understand.

  The door to the exam room swung open and the most beautiful man waltzed in. He wore a white lab coat and his jet black hair was combed back. He didn't look like a doctor at all. More like a male model that belonged on a magazine cover. His strong cologne followed him in, penetrating my nose.

  Why did it have to be the most fucking hot doctor ever?

  The doctor sat
down on a rolling stool. “Who do we have here?” He looked down at his clipboard. “Delilah?”

  I nodded slowly, not able to keep eye contact with him. I had the sudden urge to run out of there. Living with this vibrator in me forever was better than confessing to a man this handsome what I'd done.

  “I'm Doctor Peyton. It says here you have some stomach pains? If you lay back I can exam you.”

  I couldn't move. “I think I need to see a female doctor.”

  “I'm sorry but I'm all you're going to get. It will be okay.” He put his hand on my shoulder and electricity shot through me. He gently laid me down on the exam table.

  Right before he put his hands on my stomach I blurted out, “I don't have stomach pains.”

  Dr. Peyton took a step back. “You have no need to be shy. I've seen everything. Nothing will surprise me.”

  “I'm sure you've never seen this before.”

  “Well I won't be able to help you unless you trust me.”

  I sighed. I had no idea how to explain it. My face was bright red and my palms were sweaty. “I ordered a toy off the internet and I kind of stuck it too far inside me.”

  The doctor's face didn't budge. I couldn't tell if he was horrified or if he really had seen this type of thing before. I did notice a small little smile form before it went back to his stoic expression.

  “That's no problem. Just lay back and I'll take care of you.”

  This was the most embarrassing day of my life.

  Chapter Three

  Dr. Peyton slipped two fingers inside me, digging so deep. I had to bite down on my hand to stifle a whimper. It had been way too long since the last time a real man touched me.

  “It looks like you got it stuck pretty far in there.”

  I wanted to say something but I was afraid I would scream out in ecstasy if I opened my mouth. I could feel his fingers searching for the vibrator, pushing against my wall. The pleasure returned in full force.

  How could this be possible? I'd come so many times today. There was no way my body could handle anymore.

  “I think I got it,” the doctor announced. He slowly began to pull out the Clit Controller and my body quivered as the last orgasm destroyed me.

  I bit down on my hand as hard as I could, tasting blood. I couldn't let the doctor know that was I coming. I tried my best to hide the evidence but my body always betrayed me. My thighs quivered as his fingers left me with the vibrator in the palm of his hand.

  “Was there any pain?” he asked.

  I finally unclenched my jaw on my hand and breathed hard. “No pain,” I replied.

  Dr. Peyton smiled as he dropped the Clit Controller in my hand. “You should be more careful next time.”

  I closed my legs and sat up, wiping the hair from my face. “Don't worry, I will be.”

  The doctor checked his watch on his wrist. “I've got other patients to see. It was nice to meet you, Delilah.”

  “Thank you,” I yelled out to him as he closed the door and left me alone.

  I collapsed onto the exam table clutching my chest, the Clit Controller firmly in my palm. That was closest thing I'd had to sex in such a long time. And it wasn't even the real thing. I wished that I had a cigarette right about now.

  I left the hospital feeling a mix of relief and shame. The ordeal was finally over but I was going to have to live with the embarrassment for the rest of my life. There was no way I'd ever be able to forget this incident.


  A week later and the humiliation was finally fading. A small bit of it would always be there like a scar. I hide the Clit Controller in a drawer. I wasn't going to use that thing ever again. Even though I now knew not to put it inside me. There were too many bad memories associated with it.

  After work, I stopped at the local coffee shop to fuel my addiction. I couldn't go a few hours without a fix. I had tried to do a couple days without caffeine once. The headaches were so intense that I almost injected coffee straight into my veins.

  I waited in line when a tap on my shoulder broke me from my daydream. I spun around to find Dr. Peyton standing behind me. He wasn't in his lab coat but in a nice black button-down shirt and jeans.

  Embarrassment washed over me again.

  “Delilah, right?” he asked.

  I nodded slowly. I wasn't sure what he was doing here or why he was even talking me. I suddenly realized that I probably looked like a mess. I never cared about my appearance after work. I only cared about getting home and into pajamas.

  “I tell my patients to cut back on the coffee but I can't seem to do it myself,” he said, looking up at the menu.

  “I've tried to quit but my body just falls apart,” I replied. I couldn't believe I was able to form a complete sentence without glitching out.

  I looked at his blue eyes and really saw them for the first time. There were so many different shades of the sky in them. I got lost for a second when he pointed behind me at the cashier who was ready to take my order.

  “A grande mocha latte,” I told the barista.

  Dr. Peyton sidled next to me. “I'll get this,” he said, putting his credit card down before I could even object. “I'll get a small house coffee, black.”

  We both stepped to the side to wait for our order. “Thank you,” I said. “You didn't have to do that.”

  “I actually have an ulterior motive,” Peyton said.

  I cringed inside. Was he going to mention the vibrator thing? I was going to die if he did.

  The doctor coughed in his hand and looked visibly nervous. “Do you want to get dinner with me tonight?”

  My jaw almost dropped to the floor. What was this dreamy doctor doing here asking me out on a date? This just didn't compute. Why would he ever want to talk to me again after seeing how pathetic I was with that vibrator stuck inside me.

  Dr. Peyton waited patiently for a reply and grabbed our coffees when they were ready. “I'd love to go to dinner,” I said.

  My life was down one moment and up the next. Excitement surged through me. Tonight was not going to be the usual falling asleep on the couch after dinner.

  Chapter Four

  The doctor and I had a quiet dinner at a tiny Japanese restaurant. It was the one where you have a boiling pot of water in front of you and you cook your own meat. We sat at a bar and I had a hard time facing my date so I could talk to him.

  Not that I knew what to even say. Every time I looked into his eyes, my cheeks flushed bright red. It was hard to forget that embarrassing emergency room visit. My thighs began to warm up as I remembered his fingers inside me. That was a super intense orgasm that had a lot of other competition that day but it was so incredible.

  My little black dress was my weapon of choice for the night. Low cut to show off a lot of cleavage but not too short to scream slut. I knew I had picked right when the doctor's eyes fell on me at the beginning of the night.

  Even though I loved Peyton in his blue scrubs and white lab coat, he cleaned up really nicely with a black suit jacket and dark pants. He was definitely the type of guy you could take home to the family and they'd be impressed.


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