Eager First Times

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Eager First Times Page 69

by Betsy Locke

  “Making you do chores wasn't the worst of it. It was calling you names. Pretty much being a shithead to you when it wasn't warranted. I can see now that I made a big mistake.”

  I didn't know how to respond. I wanted to hear those words from Rocky for so many years and now it was all coming out so soon after seeing him again.

  “I forgive you, Rocky. But I sincerely thank you for what you did for me. You saved my life, remember?”

  “Not by choice. At least back then. It was our parents who threatened to make my life a living hell if I didn't go through with it. What was I supposed to do? I guess in the end I made your life a living hell.”

  “You were pretty mean to me.” All I could be was honest.

  “If the situation had come up now, I would have given you my kidney without hesitation.”

  Something seriously changed about Rocky. He wasn't the same person anymore. He had a heart now.

  I wanted to tell him thank you but I was interrupted.

  “We're here,” he said.

  I looked straight ahead and realized that we were already at the hospital. “That was fast.”

  Chapter Three

  We walked through the stark white corridors together. Rocky led the way because he told me he wanted to try and remember.

  I always hated the smell of hospitals. It was hard to put my finger on exactly what they smelled like. It was a almost a cross between funky mushrooms and dish soap. It could always be worse though. It could smell like shit and piss.

  We stood at an intersection and Rocky was trying to figure out which way it was. It was kind of cute to see him using his brain.

  “I think it's this way,” he said, pointing down the wrong hallway. He started off in that direction and I stayed put. He immediately caught on. “Nope, it's down the other way.”

  I let out a small laugh and followed behind him. We came to room 203 which was where they did the blood draws.

  Rocky opened the door for me and I realized we were actually spending time with one another. This had never happened before.

  And I liked it.

  The old Rocky was gone and the new Rocky was someone Heather would fall head-over-heels for. I was glad she didn't tag along with us.

  I gave my name to the receptionist and we sat down in the waiting room in chairs next to one another.

  Rocky picked up a tabloid magazine and flipped through it. “I could never read these things,” he said, pointing to an outrageous headline.

  I was able to forget about getting my blood taken in the car while I talked with Rocky but now it was the only thing on my mind. My palms went clammy and I was very lightheaded.

  Rocky realized that something was wrong. “I forgot that you hated getting your blood drawn. I just assumed that after all these years, you had gotten used to it.”

  I shook my head. “Nope. It's so horrible every single time.”

  “Do you want me to hold your hand?” he asked me.

  It almost seemed like I was talking to a different person. This couldn't possibly be my stepbrother. Maybe Rocky had been brainwashed or something. It was possible and that would explain why he wasn't around for three years.

  I blushed. “You don't have to do that.”

  A nurse came from behind a door. “Erica?” she announced.

  I stood up and Rocky followed us in. I sat down in what they called the Captain's Chair. It was a nod to Star Trek but it always terrified me. It was a normal looking chair with a table next to it to put your arm on.

  Rocky sat down next to me and grabbed my hand. I was instantly embarrassed that he knew how nervous I was by how sweaty my hand was.

  “You don't have to be here,” I repeated to him.

  Rocky grinned. “I want to be.”

  I couldn't help but smile back.

  The nurse set out the needle and took my arm. She wrapped a rubber band around my bicep and stretched out my arm. I closed my eyes and gripped Rocky's hand hard. It was never the pain from prick of the needle that I hated. It was the feeling of the needle going into my vein.

  When the needle pierced me, I let out a yelp.

  “I know it hurts,” the nurse said. “It's almost over.”

  I squirmed in the chair. Rocky leaned over and whispered in my ear, “Remember that time I got you to eat that snail?”

  My eyes shot open. “What?” Why was he talking to me right now?

  “This was before the transplant. I told you I would only do it if you ate a snail.”

  I remembered the texture of the snail more than the taste. It was slimy and I barfed it up immediately. I swore I would never try Escargot.

  “I hated you for that for such a long time,” I said.

  “You have to admit it was funny though.”

  A chuckle escaped my mouth. “Yeah looking back on it. But at the time it was the worst thing ever.”

  “And we're all done here,” the nurse said.

  I looked down and the needle was gone and a bandage was already on my arm. I realized that I had Rocky's hand in a death grip. I let go and he shook his hand out.

  “It might take a little while for me to get feeling back,” he said. “That wasn't so bad, was it?”

  “No actually it wasn't. Thank you for distracting me.”

  “It was nothing. I always love bringing up that snail story.”

  I went to stand up and began to feel real woozy. The room spun around and I fell back into the Captain's Chair. It was hard to stay conscious. I felt like falling asleep right there.

  Everything went to black.

  Chapter Four

  I woke up on the floor with Rocky hovering over me. He had a look of concern on his face. “Are you all right?” he asked.

  I tried to get up and the room started to spin. I held my head and Rocky helped me back down. “What happened?”

  “You fainted,” he replied. “Nothing serious. You were only out for a second. Just enough time for your body to slide out of the chair.”

  “I feel so lightheaded.”

  “Let me get you something.” Rocky left me on the floor and returned with a juice box. He poked the straw in and put it in my mouth. “The nurse said this will help.”

  I sucked on the grape-flavored juice and could feel my strength returning. I lay on the floor of the hospital until I squeezed every last drop of juice out of it.

  “Feeling better?” Rocky asked.

  “Much better. Thank you for that. Juice really helped. I don't remember the last time I actually fainted during one of these.”

  Deep down I thought that it might be because Rocky had been holding my hand. Was something happening between us?

  I dismissed the thought immediately. Rocky was my stepbrother. There was no way I could have feelings for him.

  “Let me help you up.” Rocky reached out for my hand. I grabbed his and felt a spark shoot through me. He lifted me up off the ground with ease. “Ready to get back to your apartment?”

  “That would be nice,” I replied.

  We drove back to my place and talked about everything that had happened the past three years. Turns out that not much happened to me and everything happened to Rocky.

  He was already successful and not even out of college yet. There was no competing with that.

  Rocky parked his Audi at my apartment. I didn't want the day to end. “Would you like to come in for something to drink. We have all sorts of alcohol. I kind of owe you for everything you did today.”

  His brown eyes stared right through me and to my soul. It felt like he was sizing me up. “A drink sounds really good. Plus I need to keep an eye on you in case you faint again.”

  I shoved him in the shoulder before stepping out of the car. I was back to a hundred percent now. No lingering effects from passing out.

  I suddenly remembered Heather. She would be a real buzz kill if she was still home. I could imagine her trying to steal Rocky's attention away from me. I wanted him all to myself.

  “Just a he
ads up that my roommate might be home.”

  “The more the merrier,” Rocky replied.

  I took out my keys and unlocked the door. The fact that it was locked was a good sign. “Anyone home?” I called out.

  No response.

  “Heather is probably at class. Do you want to sit down and I'll fix you a drink? What do you want?”

  I had a flashback to when Rocky ordered me to get him a glass of milk all the time. It was funny how things came full circle.

  Rocky sat down on the couch. “I'll take whatever you have.”

  “Whiskey it is then.”

  I went to the kitchen and took out the bottle of Jack Daniels and two glasses. I opened the fridge and found a can of soda. I mixed the drinks as well as I could but made mine not as strong considering I just lost a lot of blood.

  I returned to the living room and handed Rocky his drink. He took a sip and nodded. “Very good.”

  I sat down across from him in a wicker chair. The alcohol warmed my body up. I felt loose almost immediately. But now I didn't know what to do. I invited Rocky inside and didn't really know why.

  But deep down I did.

  “You have a nice place here,” he said.

  “It's nice when Heather doesn't leave her dirty clothes out in the hallway.”

  “Trust me, I've had my bad share of roommates too.”

  “Do you want to see my room?” The question just vomited out of my mouth. I don't even remember thinking it. I had hoped Rocky didn't hear me.

  He stood up. “Lead the way.”

  Things were moving in a very dangerous direction. The alcohol was affecting my decision making.

  These feelings that were developing were very wrong.

  But why were they wrong? Rocky was an attractive guy. Why shouldn't I indulge myself?

  We came to my room and I knew that once I opened the door, there would be no turning back.

  I turned the door knob and we both entered.

  Chapter Five

  “Brace yourself because I haven't cleaned in awhile.”

  The covers on my bed were disheveled and there were a pair of pink panties sitting on the ground. I hastily kicked them under the bed.

  Rocky sat down on the queen-sized bed and bounced up and down. The ice cubes in his glass clinked together. “Something might be wrong with you if you think this room is dirty.”

  “Well it's not dirty. Just not perfect.”

  I stood in the corner of the room as far away from Rocky as I could. There was a gravitational attraction between us and I knew that if I got any closer, there would be no way to escape his orbit.

  But I didn't have the choice.

  Rocky stood up and walked towards me, his head low, his eyes dark. There could only be one thing on his mind. I backed up and my ass hit the desk. There was nowhere else to go.

  “I've wanted you for a long time, Erica” he said.

  My jaw dropped. That was the shock of my life.

  Rocky continued, “The reason I was so terrible to you wasn't because of the kidney transplant. It was because I was hopelessly in love with you. I didn't know how to deal with my feelings.”

  My head felt faint again. I reached out my hand behind me to catch myself on my desk. “Why didn't you tell me before?”

  Rocky took another step towards me. “I was your stepbrother. There wasn't anything we could do about it.”

  “Is that why you went away to college?”

  Rocky nodded. “I knew I wouldn't be able to survive if I was around you.”

  Everything was coming together now. It all made sense. “But there was so much lost time.”

  He was within inches of me. “We can make up for it now.” Rocky reached out with his hand and I closed my eyes. His fingers grazed my cheek and I leaned into it. His touch was so caring.

  I opened my eyes and separated my lips. Rocky reached my mouth and we connected. Fireworks went off. My body reacted in a way I'd never felt before.

  Rocky slipped his hand behind my back and brought me in closer. I was enthralled with him. Rocky's tongue sneaked into my mouth and our tongues met. A small moaned escaped me.

  Rocky pulled away and nothing felt real anymore. I wanted more. I needed more.

  “I knew that was worth waiting for,” he said with a smirk.

  I literally jumped on him, clawing away at his clothes. Nothing would satisfy me until Rocky was inside me.

  “I need you,” I whispered to him. I pulled off my shirt and quickly unsnapped my bra. Rocky's eyes lit up at the sight of my large breasts. I could tell that he had been dreaming about them for a long time.

  His hands came up and softly massaged my tits. His fingers deftly played with my nipples until they became hard to his touch. I wanted him to touch me all night like this.

  Rocky knew that we couldn't wait any longer. We had both waited long enough.

  I fumbled out of my jeans and Rocky did the same. We both laughed at each other. I couldn't believe how comfortable we were already.

  Once we were both completely naked, Rocky lay back down and I mounted him. My fingernails raked his ungodly good-looking chest and abs. He must work out all the time. It really did feel like I was with a male model.

  The wetness between my thighs was hard to ignore. Rocky was so thick beneath me, his cock resting between the lips of my pussy. I rocked back and forth, making his shaft slick and keeping eye contact with him.

  “You're so fucking hot, Erica,” he said.

  That was my cue. I lifted up and grabbed his throbbing cock. I guided him in as I lowered down, making him fill me up all the way.

  “You're so tight,” Rocky called out.

  He was right. I'd never had someone so big before. I could barely contain him and my pussy stretched beyond its limits.

  I rested my hands on Rocky's pecs and worked my ass up and down. Rocky met me with his hips, forcing his cock deeper and deeper.

  I whipped my hair out of my face and leaned down to kiss Rocky. His hands moved lower and found my ass cheeks. One slap felt amazing. Two slaps was painful but so good.

  A sudden orgasm ravaged my body with spasms. Rocky held on to me as I bucked on him. He continued to thrust when I couldn't go on.

  “It feels so good,” I called out.

  Rocky slowed down his movements. His cock was so huge inside me. I could feel him move around. I never wanted him to leave me.

  And then he did the unthinkable. Rocky pulled out and rolled over.


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