Eager First Times

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Eager First Times Page 71

by Betsy Locke

I put the bite in my mouth and tried not to taste it. I chewed while everyone watched me. The mushroom taste was overbearing. I couldn't taste any other flavors. I wanted to spit it right back out but Houston was watching me. My pride was on the line.

  “Is it good?” my mom asked.

  I nodded, squeezing the bite down my throat, and took another.

  Once everyone moved on to their own dinners, I did my best to avoid the mushrooms even though the sauce still tasted like them.

  Chapter Three

  After our meal, we all stood outside waiting for the valet to bring around the cars. I never understood why people waited so long for someone else to park their car and bring it back. Especially when the parking lot was just twenty yards away.

  We would all be driving home by now if we didn't do valet.

  I was conscious of how close I was standing to Houston and I could smell his the cologne on his skin. It was a scent made in heaven. My body almost floated over to him and I had to physically keep myself grounded.

  Houston's car was brought around first. A white Chrysler minivan with a poor paint job. There was a big dent on the side door. Not exactly what I expected from a man of his caliber. Something more along the lines of a Porshe or Ferrari seemed like his fit.

  Houston waved goodbye to us. I was sad to see him go. I had barely gotten to talk to him. There was so much more I wanted to know.

  “You should come back and check out my boat next time,” Houston said before getting into the van.

  I didn't even know he was talking to me until my mom nudged me. Why would he be telling me that?

  “I'd love to,” I said back.

  I felt so stupid. Houston probably regretted asking me that the moment it left his lips.

  The valet brought around Edward's green Land Rover. It didn't look like much on the outside but the interior was top of the line. When my mom told me how much it was, I thought I was going to faint. It was more expensive than some houses.

  We drove back home and I kept replaying the most embarrassing parts of brunch over and over again in my head.

  Edward looked at me in the rear-view mirror. “So what did you think, Faith?”

  I wasn't sure what he was asking me. “The club was nice. The food was really good.”

  The food wasn't very good but that wasn't there fault. It was mine for not knowing how to speak French. Then I would've known it had mushrooms and would've avoided it like the plague.

  Edward shook his head. “No about Houston. What do you think about him?”

  My eyes shifted side-to-side. Why the hell was he asking me that? “Uhh, Houston was really cool.” I didn't know how to say that Houston was the most gorgeous man I'd ever met and I wanted his manly meat to pierce me.

  Edward smiled. “I thought you would like him. “You should check out his boat, it's really something.”

  I nodded. “I definitely will.”

  Edward pulled into the driveway of our house and Houston's white van was parked outside.

  My heart skipped a beat. “Is Houston here?”

  My mom turned around in the car seat. “Didn't you know he's staying with us for a little while?”

  My body went into full blown panic mode. “That was a piece of info you neglected to tell me.”

  “He needs a place to stay before he gets back on his feet,” Edward chimed in. “He used to have his own house but he sold it to get the boat so he doesn't have anywhere to stay.”

  Things weren't clicking. Houston was loaded wasn't he? His shitty white van didn't help that. Why did he need to sell a house to get a boat? Couldn't he own a hundred boats?

  We entered the house and a bunch of brown duffel bags were sitting at the foot of the stairs. They smelled like the sea air.

  Houston stood there with his arms folded. “Where do you want me to stay?” he asked.

  My mom turned to me. “Faith, why don't you show him the room down the hall?”

  Disappointment set in. Houston would be sleeping in a different wing of the mansion than me. He might as well be sleeping in a house next door. Each wing of the mansion had its own kitchen, living room, library and a bunch of other rooms that I never used.

  I looked into Houston's eyes and blushed. “Do you need help with your bags?”

  He smiled back. “No I think I can handle it.”

  I watched him lift the two giant bags with ease. My legs went weak at the ankles. I led the way down the hallway and found the empty guest room. “I guess this is where they want you to stay.”

  Houston flung the heavy bags onto the bed and tested the springs on the mattress. “Thanks so much, Faith. You know I was serious about showing you my boat. I think you'll really like it. Plus it will give us a chance to get to know one another.”

  I stood there like a dumb fool, not knowing what to say. I'm sure a little bit of drool came out of the corner of my mouth. I didn't know why this perfect man wanted to spend time with little old me.

  “How about tomorrow?” he asked.

  I swung my head up and down in big motions. That was all I was capable of doing.

  We both stood there in awkward silence and then I realized that he was waiting for me to go so he could unpack his bags.

  “Oh I'm sorry. I'll let you get to it. I'll see you at dinner then.” I started for the doorway.

  “Actually I won't be here for dinner tonight. I have some things I need to attend to.”

  I didn't know how to respond to that so I just left. I walked down the hallway and it all spun around. I felt like I was drunk or high or both. My legs couldn't hold me up any longer and I collapsed on the stairs on the way to my bedroom.

  How could my stepbrother make me feel this way?

  Chapter Four

  The next morning a knock at my door interrupted my makeup routine. I thought it was my mom coming in to talk to me so I didn't even think when I said, “Come in.”

  Houston waltzed in with a grin. “Good morning. I thought we could go check out the boat now. Did I catch you at a bad time.”

  I immediately hid my ugly face behind my hands. I hadn't even done my eyes yet. There was no way I could let him see me like this. “I'm just trying to finish my makeup. If you give me an hour, I'll be ready.”

  I thought that would get him to leave but he stayed put. Houston began to wander and then I began to worry. He walked over to my bed and picked up Ryan, my stuffed rhino.

  “Cute stuffed animal,” he said.

  I jumped up from the vanity and snatched the animal from his dirty hands. Nobody else every touched Ryan except for me. Then I realized that Houston was staring at my bland face and I shrieked like a banshee. I retreated back to my safe place at the vanity.

  “How about you meet me at my boat whenever you're ready? I have some cleaning do on the boat anyways.” Houston asked.

  “That works perfect for me.”

  “Okay it's at docking bay ninety-four.”

  “Ninety-four,” I repeated.

  Houston left and I let out a big sigh of relief. That couldn't of gone any worse. I looked down and realized that I was clenching the stuffed rhino. I placed him gently back on the bed in between the two pillows.

  I finished my makeup which took a lot longer than I expected. I wanted to make sure it was perfect for Houston. Now the hard part was figuring out what to wear. I wanted to impress him but I didn't want him to think I was a slut.

  What would a girl wear on a boat? A bikini most likely but not in a situation like this. This wasn't spring break.

  I ravaged my closet looking for something suitable. Skirts seemed like a bad idea. I found a pair of blue short shorts that might work. I remembered what Houston was wearing today: black shorts, a white polo shirt, and red shoes with no socks.

  I tried to copy that but the girly version. I didn't have a polo shirt but I did have a light purple open-neck shirt that would work.

  I checked myself in the mirror and realized that I hadn't worn that purple shirt in a long ti
me. It was a lot tighter in the chest area and my boobs were literally spilling out of the window. So much for not being a slut.

  I didn't have time to rummage around for something better to wear. At least I looked good enough. I didn't want to make Houston wait any longer.

  I drove in my convertible Ford Mustang with the top down and black sunglasses on. The sun was out and it was hot. The wind whipped through my long blonde hair and I 'sang along to a Rihanna song on the radio.

  For some reason I wasn't the least bit nervous to go see Houston. I don't know what had changed from just a few hours ago.

  I parked in the lot and ignored the valet this time. I didn't have cash on me to tip anyways even if I wanted to.

  I walked around the Silverport Yacht Club and to the docks. Rows and rows of ships of all sizes bobbed up and down in the harbor. I didn't realize there were this many boats here.

  Suddenly the thought of having to search for docking bay ninety-four was daunting. I didn't know my way around and I didn't even know what his boat looked like or what it was called.

  I assumed he chose a girl's name like most people would. What if he had a girlfriend? What if he named the boat after her?

  Maybe this was a bad idea. He was my stepbrother after all.

  I turned around on my foot and faced the parking lot. It would be so easy to drive back home and forget this ever happened.

  Then I realized that it was pretty much impossible that Houston had a girlfriend. He was at sea for eight months. Plus nobody mentioned it.

  I felt like a complete idiot. It would be cowardly of me to run away now. How would I explain it to Houston if I did?

  All I had to do was find the right docking bay. Not so hard.

  I searched through the first row of boats and the numbers only went up to twenty-two. It wouldn't take too much time to find it.

  I went through three more rows before I hit the ninety's. I had walked past such “great” boat names like: Lucky Horse, Anna, Blue Sky, and Fool's Gold. Didn't people put some thought into the naming of such an expensive thing.

  I thought about what I would name my boat and the only thing that came to my head was Ryan. It wasn't a bad name but naming a boat after a stuffed animal would be equally as stupid.

  I came to docking bay ninety-four expecting a giant yacht but came up to a tiny sliver of a boat with a sail.

  Not exactly what I expected. But nothing about Houston was.

  The name on the boat was painted in blue: Orion.

  Chapter Five

  Houston appeared from below deck. The wind blew through his hair and he hadn't looked better. “Hey there,” he called to me.

  I waved to him and started to approach the boat. I didn't know where I was supposed to get on. There was no plank to cross the water. Was I supposed to jump? I imagined myself falling into the water and Houston jumping in to save me. That wouldn't be a bad way to spend the day. But what if he didn't jump in and instead laughed at me?

  “Here take my hand, Faith.” Houston outstretched his arm to the dock.

  I grasped his hand and held tight as Houston lifted me onto the little boat. I was afraid the rocking motion would make me sick but it wasn't too bad.

  “Did you have a hard time finding the boat? I should've given you more exact directions than just the number.”

  I shook it off. “No it was easy.”

  “So what do you think?” Houston asked, holding onto the ropes.

  I was lost in his eyes again. They were so clear and matched the sea perfectly. “So beautiful,” I said.

  Houston meant what I thought about the boat and not about his eyes. But beautiful applied to both. I did my best to elaborate my answer. “And I love the name. What's the significance?”

  “Orion? Well it was the first time I got the boat. I went out all day and night. I stayed out on the deck and watched the stars for hours. I'd never seen Orion's belt so clearly as I did in the middle of the ocean away from all the city lights. I thought the name worked.”

  I did my best to walk around the boat and not slip. “So you sailed in this for eight months? It's kind of small isn't it.”

  Houston followed me as I walked around. Probably to make sure I didn't fall off the boat. “It's not so bad. It's a little cozy. A little cramped at times but this baby did her job.”

  “It's cute, I like it,” I replied.

  “Do you want to go out on the water?”

  I didn't even think that was a possibility. Going out in the open water scared me a little and that thrilled me.

  “Well I should warn you, I've never been sailing before.”

  “There's nothing to it,” Houston replied with a smile.

  I wanted to make him so happy that his smile never left his face. “I highly doubt that.”

  “Well yeah it can really be a lot to take in if you were doing it all yourself for the first time. But I'll do most of the work and I'll tell you what to do.”

  I liked the idea of Houston telling me what to do. “So I'll be your first mate then?”

  Houston nodded. “Exactly. So if you have nothing else planned for the day...”

  “Nothing that would compare to sailing. Let's do it.”

  Houston immediately went to work. He jumped off the boat and unwrapped a thick rope that kept the boat anchored to the dock. He put his foot on the edge of the boat and pushed it away.

  I hung onto the rope as the boat began to drift from the dock. Houston was still standing there. Was he going to stay behind and abandon me on his boat? My heart jumped in my throat.

  There was no need to panic. Houston leaped back onto the boat and began to work at the rigging for the sail.

  “Anything you need me to do?” I asked, standing there like a buffoon.

  Houston pointed behind me. “Take the tiller and steer us out of here when I get the sail out.”

  I looked behind me and had no idea what he was referring to. What the fuck was a tiller anyways?

  Houston could see I was struggling. “See that long wooden stick? That controls the rudder. Swing it from side to side and it will change the boat's direction.”

  I sat down on the floor and grabbed the long wooden pole. Houston released the sail and the wind caught it. I could feel the boat lurch forward in the water.

  “Okay now steer us out of the harbor and watch out for any boats.”

  I nodded and turned the tiller to me and the boat began to move to the right. It was too much and I had to compensate to make the boat go straight again. “I don't know if I can do this,” I said.

  “Don't worry, Faith, you're doing great. Just keep her steady. We're almost out of the harbor.”

  I did my best to keep the tiller straight but a large yacht was coming into the harbor. “What do I do?” I asked Houston.

  “Stay calm. Turn the boat to the right just a little bit. Let us drift for a minute and then straighten her out.”


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