Hitman's Captive: A Bad Boy Romance

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Hitman's Captive: A Bad Boy Romance Page 14

by Lara Swann

  We regrouped in the small, musty room, and this time it wasn’t just Alessa who turned her nose up. I might be used to places like this, but after what had just happened, I couldn’t stay here anymore. Besides, I wanted to be long gone if the motel manager woke up.

  I raised an eyebrow at Alessa. “If I get us out of this shit hole, will you promise not to pull a stunt like that again?”

  She nodded mutely at me, and I wondered whether she was in shock. I was reeling from it all myself - though less the life-and-death situation and more the fear of losing her followed by that soul-wrenching kiss. I shook off the thought of her lips on mine and concentrated on getting us out of here instead. I’d always been able to switch my focus instantly - I refused to lose that now.

  I gathered up our things, and wrapped the too-large jacket Jay had given her around her shoulders when I saw her hugging herself. I didn’t think she was cold, but hoped it provided some comfort anyway. God knew, I’d never been any good at that.

  She followed me out and I threw the overnight bag in the trunk before we slipped into the car. I did a quick search for a better hotel on my phone and then we set off in silence.

  Once we were out on the main highway, I reached over, letting my hand rest on her leg.

  “You okay?” I kept my voice low, under the distant hum of the engine and passing traffic.

  “Yeah…I think so.” She drew the jacket tighter around as she said it and didn’t look over at me.

  I watched with a little concern as she stared out of the window, her expression still faraway. I had no idea how tonight might have affected her, but I could understand the need for distance to process it all. I let my hand slip away and turned my attention back to the road, giving her as much space as I could.

  It didn’t take long before I found what I was looking for, and I turned off into the large shopping complex, navigating through until I pulled up in the hulking 4-star hotel’s car park.

  I glanced over at Alessa, but she barely looked up at the place as we stepped out and started walking towards reception. I shifted close to her, not sure myself whether I was trying to protect her from anything else that might happen, or prevent disaster if she did try to make a scene. It didn’t seem likely after everything that had happened, but I didn’t want to take any chances.

  It was late, and the harried receptionist - Mike, from his name badge - clearly didn’t appreciate us checking in at this time, but a combination of pointed looks and a couple of notes slipped across the desk got me everything I wanted.

  After taking the elevator up to the third floor, I led Alessa along the corridor and into the plush room, settling our bag down with a long exhale. I had no idea what the time was, but it had been late when we arrived at the motel and my exhaustion was catching up to me.

  At least there were two double-sized beds in the room, and it looked like it would be a comfortable night’s sleep. There was still part of me that wanted nothing more than to gather her up in my arms for the night, feel her pressed safe to me and relax knowing nothing had - or would - happen to her. But I wasn’t about to force her to confront the idea of sharing a bed - not now.

  “I’m going to shower.” The words cut into my thoughts, and I nodded at her as I started stripping down to my boxers for bed. She never had showered at the motel, and the desire to wash the away what had happened made sense.

  My fatigue was starting to weigh me down, but I grabbed my laptop anyway as I slipped into bed and waited for her. I didn’t want her to come out into the dark alone. I didn’t know what she needed right now, but…I’d be here for it anyway.

  When she came out, it was in the over-sized shirt of mine she was still using as a nightshirt, and I tried to ignore how much that heightened the tender, protective instinct that was already undoing me.

  She glanced at me uncertainly for a moment, before moving towards the bed I’d left her. Then she hesitated, glancing between it and me before turning back towards me. Her arms rose around herself again, and I had to fight not to grind my teeth at the vulnerable gesture. I wanted to leap up and hold her, but I had no idea whether that would be welcome.

  I’d kissed her…when she was too stunned to do anything but let me. But that didn’t mean she wanted me near her right now.

  And that was a hell of a lot more important than my own fucked up primal, horny needs.

  “Can I…will you…” She trailed off, biting her lip and making me long to see some of the fire I’d started to expect from her.

  “What, princess? What would you like?” My voice was soft and gentle, taking even me by surprise. I never sounded like that.

  She looked away again, and swallowed, but she got it out. “Can I…sleep with you tonight? Like before? I…I don’t mean—just…just hold me? Please?”

  My body seized in shock for a moment, and I was caught somewhere between my cock jumping up and my heart breaking as I looked at her.

  Then I pulled the covers back with one arm and scooted over, leaving a space for her without saying a word. There were so many things I could say, but I didn’t know what I was doing - I’d probably just make it worse.

  She let out a long breath and slipped into the space I’d made. I twisted to flick off the lights and then moved slowly closer, my arms surrounding her and pulling her into me. Her back settled against my chest and I felt us both relax subtly.

  My cock hardened as my blood heated, but I ignored it and let my arms tighten protectively around her, feeling the delicate softness there and willing my presence to drive the fear and shock away. I was struggling to deal with how much I wanted this girl, but tonight it was easier than usual to put that thought out of my mind.

  “I meant it, earlier.” I murmured softly, one finger tracing a stray hair back behind her ear. “I’ll keep you safe.”

  She sighed softly, then wriggled back against me, making me bite off a groan as blood flowed to my cock again. She didn’t say anything in response and I left it there, just holding her in my arms and hoping that somehow, it would make the ugliness of the night fade.

  Chapter Twelve


  I woke up slowly, cushioned in warmth and feeling safer than I could ever remember.

  My eyes blinked hazily at the light coming through the edges of the curtains, and I was surprised to see I’d slept the whole night through. No nightmares. Who would’ve thought.

  Brief reminders of what had happened flickered in my mind, but the horror and fear I’d felt last night seemed unable to touch me now, in this languid bubble.

  I shuffled backwards, further into it, and then my eyes flew open as I realized just what I was pressing against. Or, who.

  I knew I should probably jerk away - be alarmed, embarrassed…something other than simply lying here and enjoying it. But a deep, contented sigh rattled out of me and I couldn’t make myself. I felt safe here, protected and cared for and I wanted to hang onto that. Even if I was getting it from the entirely wrong person.

  I shifted around slowly to face him, and his arms readjusted to let me, still holding tight. Like he’d never let me go.

  Stop being silly, Alessa.

  But after everything that had happened…maybe I wanted to be silly. Maybe I wanted to play make-believe and pretend the world was a better place.

  I smiled up at him, feeling shy for the first time. “Thanks, Leo.”

  His blue eyes sparkled in a way I hadn’t noticed they could do before, warmth and contentment radiating out of them and reflecting how I felt. This close, I followed the strong lines of his face, admiring the light stubble that had grown over his jaw until my eyes hovered on that tempting mouth. It moved as he spoke, doing crazy things to my libido and making me remember the better part of last night.

  “That’s alright, princess.” His hand came down to run through my hair, tucking it behind my ear and leaning forward, that soft mouth coming closer and making my breath hitch.

  My eyes darted up to his, and for once I didn’t s
ee the familiar, provocative arrogance that usually glinted there. Instead, it felt like I was seeing some of what lay underneath - the care and protectiveness that resonated deep within me. And an undeniable heat and desire - making my toes curl at the promise of everything I’d ever wanted. All my fantasies come true.

  He came impossibly closer, the line of his mouth ridiculously distracting, but I didn’t draw my gaze away from his eyes. Anticipating. Wanting. Feeling the space narrow and the hot, tense moment before our mouths met in the explosion of passion I needed.

  Then he stopped, drawing back a little and clearly thinking better of it. I bit down on the traitorous disappointment that flared within me as his soft voice caressed my senses again.

  “You okay now, Alessa?” His gaze showed how serious he was, the concern mixing with the heat there to make my heart jump.

  Suddenly needing space from that intensity, I pushed back as well, nodding. “Yeah, thanks. I’m okay.”

  I realized with some surprise that it was true. Apart from the raging desire and confused emotions, I was fine. What should have been traumatizing and horrific had barely even registered. Any fear or terror had gone. Drowned out by this arrogant, cocky asshole who’d come and stolen all of my thoughts and feelings for himself.


  I heard the inner warning, but the more time I spent around him, the less I wanted to block out the truth. As dangerous as admitting it would be.

  “Good.” He murmured, caressing my cheek lightly before slipping out of bed.

  My eyes followed the hard, rippling muscles of his back and the shadowed lines of ink that traced across it. I didn’t try to hide how much I enjoyed the sight, not after everything I’d just felt…everything we’d been so close to.

  Why did he stop?

  I tried to ignore the question, telling myself it was a good thing that he had, and as he left I let myself slip from the warm, pleasant haze I’d been in. The reality of being a hostage on the run with a murderer-slash-kidnapper was far less enjoyable than the dream scape I’d been in, but I doubted I was going to get a choice.

  By the time he came out of the bathroom and I swapped in, I’d almost managed to shake off the lingering feelings from spending the past couple of nights in his arms. Except that, every time I thought about it, a shiver ran down my spine and I swore I could feel his heat pressing against me again.

  So just stop thinking about it. He did you a favor. No nightmares. Done.

  Which was made a lot easier as he grunted at me to be quick and I dressed with disgust in my too-large, day-old clothes. That had my irritation flaring back to life and I let myself remember what an infuriating asshole he was. I still hated this. And clearly, this morning hadn’t changed anything about his attitude.

  Grumbling, I wandered over to the window, lifting the curtains to glance outside as he finished packing up the bag he’d brought with us - then the sight there made me gasp.

  “Leo!” I spun, irritation forgotten in sudden hope. “There’s a Wal-Mart out there!”

  He looked up at me, eyes narrowing, but I continued on before he could refuse. “C’mon, please, I just need to get some real clothes—”

  “No.” His face had closed off, the stern expression forbidding argument.

  I stepped up to him as he stood, catching his eyes and knowing exactly what he was thinking. I didn’t blame him, but - damn it - I was doing this.

  “I’m not trying to get away! I promise. I just want some clothes that fit me and aren’t—”

  “I said no, Alessa.” His voice was soft and dangerous. “You really think I’d let you after last night?”

  A flush was working its way up my neck, but I couldn’t tell whether it was passion or embarrassment that was driving it. I swallowed, but clenched my hands and met his gaze, fire for fire.

  “Yes, after last night! You said…you said you weren’t going to hurt me. That you’d let me go. After everything that happened last night, I’m not going to run away again. I won’t try to escape. I’ll wait until you let me go, okay? Just please, let me get some clothes?”

  My breath was coming in a rush, and part of me wondered why this was so damn important to me - but it was.

  I held his eyes, letting him judge my words. I couldn’t tell myself whether or not I meant it - I wasn’t trying to escape this time, hell no, but…had I really given up for good? I wasn’t sure what that said about me, but I wasn’t going to worry about it now.

  Hopefully my uncertainty would be enough to convince Leo that I wasn’t lying. He hesitated, and I pressed on as I saw him wavering.

  “You can watch me like a hawk the whole time, I promise. I’ll do whatever you want - hell, hold a gun to me, just—”

  “Okay, okay.” His hands rested on my shoulders, cutting me off from an image I really didn’t want to think about. He looked down with amused exasperation and gave a slight shrug. “We’ll go. But you better behave, princess.”

  I nodded quickly, unable to stop my grin in response. I hadn’t realized how much it had been bothering me, but despite everything else he’d forced on me, the awkward, mismatched clothes had been too much. It was more than just my self-consciousness in them - they made me feel helpless, unable to prevent anything he insisted on, however much I hated it. And now, I’d finally get something of my own choosing.

  Plus, this had been the first concession I’d won with him. Maybe it wasn’t much, but I’d take it.

  I was still grinning as Leo checked out and we headed across the large parking lot to the Wal-Mart on the other side. My hat and glasses were firmly in place, Leo’s security consciousness heightened by the fact we were in a nice place, with large TVs and newsreels. I’d been a little disconcerted not to see myself on them, and my gut churned at whatever that meant. Maybe my father thought it best to try and find me through his own methods, without dealing with any interference from the police? I’d certainly disappeared in…difficult circumstances.

  My nerves twisted, but I tried to shake it off. For some reason, I did believe Leo - at least at the moment. When he’d sorted it all out, he’d let me go, and I could worry about the consequences of all this then. With the sun shining down on us, walking beside Leo into Wal-Mart, I could almost forget about it and pretend this was some every-day affair.

  Except for the way that his eyes didn’t stop moving between me and all the other people around us, and how his body pressed insistently close to mine as we made our way through the shop.

  Watch me like a hawk, I’d said…

  But I wasn’t going to complain. I actually felt good, and I saw no reason to break that mood, even if it was with a dose of reality.

  Then we reached the clothes racks, and any other thoughts disappeared as my grin reappeared and I started sifting through them. Leo stopped his attached-at-the-hip routine and stood off to one side while I took different items out and started lining them up against me, considering.

  I glanced up at him with a sudden thought, but he was already shaking his head. “No. You’re not trying anything on.”

  “Okay.” My mouth curved into a wry smile as I went back to what I was doing, registering the slight surprise on his face at my easy acceptance. But I’d already pushed this far - I hadn’t really expected him to agree to letting me disappear into dressing rooms. I was willing to give him a slight concession.

  Then I grinned, looking at him with a different light in my eyes. “You’ll have to help me, then.”

  For the first time since I’d met him, Leo seemed completely flustered. He raised his arms and stepped away, protesting, but I wasn’t letting him go that easily. I grabbed him back and started holding up different items over my body, my eyes darting between the mirror and Leo to the side as I tried to select a few outfits.

  He wasn’t very helpful - firmly refusing to comment on anything - but a couple of times I caught his eyes lighting with that familiar heat, and that was enough for me. As it became obvious that this wasn’t going to be a quic
k fifteen-minute trip, he eventually started to relax a little too - looking around the different stalls near us with a little more interest and letting his gaze stray from me every so often.

  Some small part of me told me that this might be a good time to dart away, or yell kidnap into the people moving around the shop, but I knew I wasn’t going to do it. Maybe it was the best opportunity I’d had, but if anything went wrong…he’d never trust me again. I didn’t have any hang-ups about breaking my word - especially not when I’d been kidnapped - but if I did something here, it would be the last chance I had.

  Besides, after how last night had gone, I didn’t want to run away again. I wanted something easy, and light, and without drama. Like shopping.

  I was having a surprising amount of fun. So I ignored all the passersby who might be my lifeline and way out of here. I didn’t think about potential escape routes, or weapons, or plans. I thought about which colors suited me, and whether these jeans were too small for me, and if this top went better with jeans or skirts.

  It was very different from any shopping experience I’d ever had before. My father didn’t like or care about shopping, which should have meant my sisters and I had free reign…except he cared very much about making sure we were presentable and that we represented his family well. Which meant buying just the right designer items at just the right time, and everything was artfully contrived. There was no casually slinging a couple of items in my wardrobe together on any given day - outfits were designed just so. And apart from the few times he wanted to draw attention to me, everything was relatively modest.

  Not that I wanted to show off a lot of skin. But now, looking around at all these dollar-bucket choices my father would cringe over, the fact that I could was a little overwhelming. It took me a while to work out what sort of style I wanted to go for now that I wasn’t buying clothes for Alessa Santini, Antonio Santini’s daughter.


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