Hitman's Captive: A Bad Boy Romance

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Hitman's Captive: A Bad Boy Romance Page 20

by Lara Swann

  He was having none of it. “Come for me, Alessa. Fuck it, let me feel you.”

  I cried out, the pleasure drawing up inside me at his words, my limited control slipping so easily - then his hand raised to cup my firm breast, thumb grazing over my aching tit and giving me the last push I needed. I screamed, no restraint left in me, and felt the way my pussy contracted around his hard, throbbing cock. He grunted, the pure heat in his expression telling me exactly how good it felt, and I squeezed him harder, wanting to bring him over the edge even as my own pleasure ripped through me and took almost every thought from my mind.

  He tensed under me and then he was gripping my hips tightly, plunging into me with a pure need that made me shudder to satisfy. A couple of deep thrusts and then he grunted against me, pulsing within me with his release. My head came down as my body shook in the aftermath of my climax, mouth and teeth fixing on the joining between his shoulder and neck, and I whimpered softly into it.

  Every part of my body was on fire, sore and shaking, and I’d never felt better in my life.

  These moments were perfect, and I’d cling to them for however long they were going to last.

  Chapter Sixteen


  “So it’s four more days?” I was lying against Leo’s chest, head pillowed there as my whole body relaxed.

  “Earliest I could do - it’ll take a few days for the instructions I left with my accountant to come through anyway.” Leo shifted against me, running his hands through my hair and making me smile with the gentle affection there.

  I didn’t really want to think about him leaving - or me returning to my father, or any of it. But I couldn’t help my curiosity, or my need to know what was going to happen. We hadn’t returned to our conversation yesterday in the pool, but that didn’t stop the way it had circled in my mind. Or the way I wondered about his future as well as mine.

  “Do you think you’ll really be able to leave it all behind?” I asked idly, enjoying the play of my hand across his chest and letting the ease of being around him relax me.

  “I don’t exactly have a choice, princess.” He responded, his voice rich with wry humor. “But there’s not much to leave behind, either way - I’ve never seen the point in getting attached to anything. Or anyone.”

  I looked up at him, stunned. “You mean you don’t have anyone you’ll miss? What about Jay?”

  He shrugged. “Jay and I help each other out, but it’s nothing more than that. In my world, you tend to either get caught up in mob politics, or work alone. I prefer alone. Unnecessary attachments just make you weak.”

  I stared, finding it hard to believe a word he said. If nothing else, I could remember the way Jay had looked at him as he’d left - how he’d helped us despite his obvious better judgment. There were more than a few favors there, even if Leo couldn’t see it.

  And how could anyone live without family or friends?

  “I’m not sure what the point of being strong is if you’re not happy, Leo.” I muttered softly.

  He barked out a laugh and shook his head, but he wasn’t angry as he shifted to look at me, a hand running down my bare skin under the covers. “I’ve never wasted much time thinking about happiness. How about you, Alessa? Are you happy with all your attachments to your family?”

  “Yes.” I answered his challenge automatically, but the word hung heavy between us and I felt a slight twinge. It was the truth. I was sure of it. Feeling the odd tension rise, I broke the heaviness with a small grin. “Or at least I was, until some psycho kidnapped me…”

  He took the hint and smirked, leaning in for a quick, passionate kiss that left me as breathless as always. “Oh really? And I thought I was making up for that…”

  “Maybe you need to…try harder…” I pushed him down, climbing on top of him and taking his mouth easily.

  His hands came around my hips and his eyes sparked fire at me as he chuckled. “I’m going to make you regret saying that, princess.”

  My blood heated at his words - and the look in his eyes told me that was exactly what was going to happen. I managed to stay on top of him for all of two minutes, then he scooped me up and threw me against the bed, making me squeal as his weight pinned me down.

  Sexy. Impossible. Bastard.

  Maybe it was just four days, but I was going to enjoy every moment.

  * * *

  I walked down one of the little paved roads that made up this village and turned onto the main avenue with a delighted smile.

  The village we were in might not be much - with just a few shops down either side of the street - but the simple act of walking down it without fear was liberating. It was the first time in what felt like forever that I hadn’t been constrained by stay within my sight at all times and Leo’s infuriating rules.

  He was back at the house, taking a call from his accountant for some last minute advice on wherever he was going. It had been obvious that he didn’t want me listening in and I’d managed to seize the opportunity to suggest I buy a few groceries - we were here for the next few days, after all, and this remote place couldn’t quite satisfy his instinct for takeaway junk food. Thank goodness.

  I hadn’t actually expected him to agree, but for once he hadn’t argued about it. So now I could roam the streets of Payton with my captor’s blessing. It might be a little thing, but it gave me a thrill anyway. To be able to walk down this street, see people about their daily business and know that there was no one looking over my shoulder, watching what I’d say or do…it was freeing.

  I felt almost giddy with it. I hadn’t really noticed how oppressive it had been - being bound to Leo, watching what I said or did in public in case he freaked out - but now there was a lightness in me that I hadn’t realized was missing. And there was something else thrumming within me too…

  He trusted me.

  I had never let myself dare think of what we enjoyed together as more than simple carnal acts, mutual pleasure and satisfaction, but after this…I couldn’t deny something must have changed between us. Sure, I’d promised a week ago that I wasn’t going to run away anymore, and with the bratva targeting me now it didn’t make any sense for me to try. But even so, I wouldn’t have been surprised if he’d kept me constantly under lock and key.

  Instead, this proved it - he really didn’t think I was going to do anything.

  Perversely, the first person I saw on the street, I stopped and stared, overwhelmed with the very idea that I could tell them everything. Unless Leo was even more talented than I’d seen, there would be no one to rush up and stop me. I could run to someone, explain the situation, and beg for a phone to call my family.

  But…I didn’t want to. And it was more than just honoring the trust Leo had given me. These last few weeks had been different from anything I’d known, and even if it made me a terrible person, I was willing to wait out the next three days until Leo released me. And I knew he would now - after everything, that much was obvious. There was no need to put myself at risk to get home a few days earlier.

  Plus, you kind of want to make the most of fucking him.

  I blushed at the thought, but couldn’t deny it. If I was going to go home to my father, and whoever he wanted me to marry, I was going to enjoy what I’d found with Leo first.

  And, with any luck, stop damn well thinking about what would happen when I went home.

  There was only a small row of shops here but they covered the basic needs - groceries, hardware, and then coffee and even a local restaurant. And a little further down the road, off the main turning that led to the interstate, there was a gas station for fuel that seemed the busiest of them all. The early summer weather had kept up, and as I considered what we’d need over the next few days, ice cream was at the top of my list.

  I grinned to myself - Leo had given me a wad of cash without any instructions, and I was going to make the most of this little trip.

  The small grocery shop offered most of what I was looking for, but not much more. It didn�
�t take me long to have seen every shelf and worked out a few basic meals in my head and I had a feeling that most of the residents here didn’t rely solely on this place for their food.

  By the time I was at the counter and paying, I was even slightly disappointed with how quick the whole thing had been.

  I came out onto the street again and paused. I’d promised Leo I would go straight from our house to this street and back, with no detours - but I was reluctant to return so quickly. The idle walk around the village that I was itching for was a terrible idea - I understood why he needed to know exactly where I was. But still…

  Biting my lip, I glanced back up the street, and then at last decided to duck into the hardware store as well.

  He’d never put a limit on which shops I could visit, it was right here and I might even find something useful to buy. Though home maintenance was the last thing we were thinking about, and as soon as I entered, I realized I didn’t have a clue about it anyway.

  I cast my eye over all the shiny, masculine toys and shook my head, amused. This wasn’t the sort of place I could come without a clear purpose, but it was interesting anyway. I wondered idly whether there was something I could buy for Leo, to take to wherever he was starting his new life.

  Yeah, sure, Alessa. A leaving gift for your kidnapper. That makes sense.

  I almost chuckled aloud at the idea. These last few weeks had seriously messed with my mind.

  Then I caught the low tones of a rough-looking couple of men at the back, and realized the owner was about to catch my eye - almost certainly about to ask what I was looking for. That was all it took for me to decide that I was out of place here and really ought to be heading back. It wasn’t like the idea of eating ice cream by the pool was so terrible, anyway.

  Taking a last, considering look at the row of hanging hammers in front of me, I smiled briefly at the guy behind the counter and turned for the door, stepping back out into the sun and starting a slow walk down the road again.

  “Hey!” The voice rang out behind me a moment later. One of the guys from the shop, now outside and walking towards me from the sound of it.

  A small rush of adrenaline flooded me as I ignored him, trying to fight the instinctive panic. I had no idea what he wanted, but dozens of dangerous images crashed over my mind.

  Just pretend he couldn’t possibly be talking to me, and maybe he wouldn’t.

  I struggled to keep my pace easy, fighting the urge to run straight back into Leo’s arms. My morning of freedom suddenly seemed like a terrible idea.

  “Hey - Alessa! Alessa Santini.” My blood froze at that and I stopped walking abruptly, unable to ignore the shout.

  I still couldn’t make myself turn towards him, visions of guns and blood and death right in front of my eyes.

  “Relax, girl - we’re from the family.” A second voice joined the first, this one lower pitched, as if he was trying to calm a spooked horse. Maybe he was.

  Slowly, I let myself turn to face the two rough men I’d noticed in the shop, heading towards me now with shock written on their faces, hands held out. I didn’t recognize either of them, but that didn’t mean anything - I hadn’t had many dealings with my father’s associates. That was only for those involved in the business side of what he did.

  “What the fuck are you doing out here?” The first - a large man with a scar down the side of his face - kept glancing from side to side. I wanted to do the same, feeling the world slowly closing in on me and condensing into one small point.

  I couldn’t answer, unable to do anything as I tried to process whatever the hell this was. At least no one had started shooting yet.

  The second, taller and more wiry with a darker complexion, shook his head sharply at the question and turned back to me. “Well, whatever happened, you’re okay now. We’ll take you straight back to your father, okay?”

  That was enough for my momentary paralysis to disappear in one quick rush, breath and thoughts returning as I finally convinced myself that these were my father’s men. That just meant a whole host of other confusing feelings.

  I nodded slowly, knowing that was expected - it was the only sane response. This was the rescue I’d been waiting for, after all.

  You should be feeling relieved. What the hell is wrong with you?

  “Wait a minute, Marco - we can’t just take her home. What about the killer? Where the fuck is he?” The larger man’s gaze narrowed as he turned to me. “What are you doing here all alone anyway? Are you alone—”

  “Fuck it, Vinny, shut up.” Marco glared at him, and I felt a twinge of appreciation that he was sticking up for me - especially since those were all very valid questions. Questions I wasn’t sure I was prepared to answer. I guessed he was just respecting whatever trauma I might have, but right now, that was useful.

  Are you traumatized, Alessa? Is that why you feel so detached from this rescue?

  I didn’t feel traumatized at all. In fact, if I thought about it too long, I might find a far more terrifying reason for my odd reluctance.

  “She can at least tell us where the fucker is. This is the closest anyone’s gotten to him - we’ll be fucked if we just leave.” Vinny insisted.

  “I don’t know.” I blurted it out instinctively, then blinked hard, not quite sure why I was lying.

  Except that maybe it was going to look awfully bad if I was here - free and alone - and I hadn’t done anything to help myself. The memory of what the bratva had thought flashed in my mind, and I shook my head, scared of making these men suspicious.

  They glanced at each other, but before they could continue, I finally dropped the bag of groceries in my hand and drew my arms around my body protectively, letting myself shake with some of the tension and adrenaline.

  “I—he left me here. S-said he’d be back for me, and—and to buy some supplies. I don’t know where—where he went.” I bit my lip and glanced down, knowing I was affecting the image of an innocent, helpless woman and not sure what to make of my deception.

  “Then why didn’t you just call someone?” Vinny’s brow drew down, even as Marco shot him another glare.

  I let myself shake a little more violently, surprised by how easily it came. “No—no, I can’t do that. I—I tried before, but…he’s always there. Always right behind me. He—he knows everything I do.”

  That was true enough at least. Except for now. If only he knew what was happening now. Fuck it, Alessa, stop that.

  Another shared look, and Vinny’s muttered curse about pathetic women that was quickly covered by Marco speaking over him. “It’s okay, we’re here now. You don’t need to be afraid anymore.”

  I flinched as he touched my arm, the reaction genuine, but I tried not to jerk away from him. He seemed like a decent guy. I just…didn’t want him touching me.

  “Vinny, you stay and wait here for him. I’ll take Alessa back to NYC.” Marco said firmly.

  “Wait,” Vinny turned to me again, “What does he look like? What car am I looking out for? Where were you coming from, going to? You can’t leave me with nothing.”

  The questions hit me with a staccato beat and when it seemed like Marco would shut him down, I started answering. These were the things I needed to work out anyway.

  “We…were heading south from Chicago. He—he got some gas, then said he had business and he’d come back. I don’t know where…” I bit my lip again and trailed off.

  “And? What does he look like, woman?!” Vinny’s exasperation was obvious, but although he clearly wanted to step forward and shake me, he managed to refrain. The advantage of being Antonio Santini’s property, I guessed.

  Property. That wasn’t usually how I thought about it. I was his daughter. His family.

  Marco didn’t intervene this time, and I guessed he thought the question was worth asking - even if his distaste of his companion’s rough manner was obvious. I felt strangely hesitant, conflicted feelings surging through me even as I knew I couldn’t avoid this.

ack hair, blue eyes…” That simple description did not do Leo justice, but talking about the way his eyes sparkled with amusement, or the cocky grin that smoothed the grim look on his face wouldn’t help anyone right now. “Dark blue BMW.”

  It wasn’t until that lie that I realized the truth. I didn’t want them to find Leo. I didn’t want to give him up.

  Maybe this was a rescue, and I was going back to my father as I belonged, but Leo had…been more than good to me. I wanted him to get away.

  “That’s it? Black hair and blue eyes? What the fuck - nothing else? Height? Size? Anything to distinguish him?” Vinny’s face was growing red and this time Marco did scowl his way.

  I just shrugged, looking away as if in regret. “Average height, maybe. I don’t know…”

  Leo wasn’t average in any way, but that was probably the last comment I could get away with if they did find him.

  “Black hair, blue eyes, average height…fucking woman just described half the men in the damn country.” Vinny muttered it, but he was already turning away after a stern look from Marco.

  Marco offered me a small smile and shrugged too. “Okay, interrogation over, I promise. We’ll get you home now. Our car is over here.”

  He indicated the gas station at the end of the road and I followed slowly, trying to resist the urge to glance behind me, at the road to the house Leo was currently in. I was still hoping to see him come charging out around the corner. My heart dropped as I realized I wasn’t going to get to say goodbye.

  To your kidnapper? You are so messed up.

  But I didn’t feel messed up. And Leo didn’t feel like a kidnapper. Not anymore.

  Disappointment settled heavily into the pit of my stomach and I didn’t look at Marco as he led the way, instead picturing Leo’s sexy arrogance , the heat in his gaze…my body tingling with the way he’d made me feel. I’d always known I’d go back to my family - that’s what I’d wanted - but still, I found myself wishing that things could have been different.


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