Hitman's Captive: A Bad Boy Romance

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Hitman's Captive: A Bad Boy Romance Page 24

by Lara Swann

  This was everything I wanted.

  And I was never going to let it go.

  Chapter Twenty


  “Aleksi will come to you in here.”

  We followed Jay into the old, unused apartment building and I nodded as he showed us to an empty reception room. I held Alessa’s hand tightly and tried to prepare what I needed to say - how I was going to get him to agree to this.

  Aleksi was one of Viktor’s brothers - apparently now running the bratva in NYC - but I didn’t know much about him, and Jay hadn’t been able to tell me very much.

  He shrugged at us as I glanced around the place. “Just wait. I don’t know how long.”

  “We can wait.” I gave him a brief smile, appreciating again that he’d managed to set this up for us.

  He paused as he turned to go, looking like he might say something, before just shrugging and leaving us again.

  I turned to Alessa with a smile and caught what was fast becoming a familiarly wicked gleam in her expression.

  “We’re good at waiting…” She smiled back at me, her eyes obviously undressing me and easily making me feel at least ten feet tall.

  I laughed and leaned in for a quick kiss, but shook my head firmly and stood back, moving to the back of the room and facing the door. “Not here, Alessa. This is one place even you can’t tempt me.”

  She grinned at me before coming to stand just behind me, looking in the same direction, and I caught a hint of her nerves for the first time. She hadn’t really been suggesting anything, just distracting herself.

  “You don’t have to do this, you know.” My voice was soft, but it carried in the empty space between us.

  She just scowled. “I’m already here. I’m not leaving now.”

  I didn’t argue with her, my body already adjusting to the adrenaline that had started flowing through me, preparing as it had so many times before for potential violence. I didn’t have a weapon on me - that would have been suicide - but I could be a weapon easily enough by myself. I hoped it didn’t come to that - I hadn’t a clue what we’d do next if it did - but I was ready just in case. Or at least, my body was. It was too well trained to be anything else.

  We didn’t try to talk as the minutes ticked by, and I wasn’t even sure how much time had passed before the door swung open again and a large, intimidating man walked through. His body was tall and thick-set, but with the impression of muscles earned from use. Blue eyes flicked between us from a strong face with short, blond hair surrounding it. He was followed by two others carrying guns - already drawn and pointed at us.

  That wasn’t good.

  Alessa started beside me, but I just watched him, waiting. I’d follow his lead here.

  “You killed Viktor?” It was a gruff statement and beyond a slight tightening of his shoulders, I couldn’t see any emotion on him.

  “I did.” I considered adding more, explaining the circumstances, but I’d wait until he invited it. He nodded to himself.

  “I was given the location of Viktor’s killer, on the condition I let you talk before I kill you.” He folded his arms across his chest and stared impassively at me. “So talk.”

  I took a deep breath. That was how Jay had sold this?

  Better than nothing.

  Meeting his gaze, I nodded. “I’m a hitman. I was contracted to kill a man by the name of Martin Feber, who turned out to be Viktor Kovalski. Had I known that he was the intended target, I would not have accepted the job. I now know who hired me to kill Viktor, and wanted to offer you this information in exchange for my life and your assistance in leaving the country.”

  His gaze narrowed at me and I waited. What I was suggesting wasn’t impossible - Aleksi probably made enough deals with hitmen to know that I wasn’t the right target for his vengeance. What he really wanted was whoever had dared to take a hit out on his family - if he could look past the fact that Viktor had died at my hands.

  He flicked a glance at Alessa and raised an eyebrow. “And you’ve brought me the Santini girl to sweeten the deal?”

  My blood turned to ice and adrenaline pulsed through me, but I resisted the urge to move in front of her. Moving with a gun pointed at you was a very dangerous game. “No. She lives too - and she’s leaving with me.”

  His brows rose at that and he barked a short, unpleasant laugh. “Passage for you and your pussy? You ask a lot.”

  I tried to ignore the way my blood boiled at the comment, and thanked god that Alessa was remaining mercifully quiet. Instead I waited for his answer, falling back on the hard-won patience my life so far had taught me, even as part of me was picturing ripping his insulting throat out.

  “Tell me what you know, and if it’s good, I will do as you ask.” He stepped forward with a glare and I tried not to wince at the terms. “But if not, you die. You might only be a tool, but the weapon that killed my brother should still be destroyed. Only for the man holding the gun, can I forget that.”

  I nodded, but my breath was hard in my chest. He hadn’t agreed to anything yet and letting him judge our information before deciding was risky, even with good info. He could claim that anything we said wasn’t enough.

  But I couldn’t say that without calling into question his sense of honor, which would be a death warrant in itself. And besides, our information was the only thing stopping the guns pointed on us at the moment. I just hoped it would be enough to stop them for good once our usefulness was gone.

  “I was hired by a man named Jimmy O’Connor, though I never met him.” I saw Aleksi’s frown deepen and decided to skip to the main point. He clearly didn’t want the story.

  Alessa beat me to it, walking forward before I could tell her not to move. “Viktor was killed by my father and uncle - Antonio and Vincent Santini.”

  Her words brought them all to a standstill in a way that I probably never could have, and I suddenly saw Jay’s point.

  She continued before anyone could say anything else. “I found out two days ago - I overheard them speaking about it. They arranged my marriage to Viktor thinking that I would be killed alongside him as a witness, and they could ally with you to quickly find and kill the hitman. My meeting with Viktor also meant he agreed to a low-security, secret location - that they then passed onto Leo through an informant named Manny. They killed him before he could reveal where his information had come from.”

  She smiled grimly and shook her head, folding her arms in an echo of Aleksi’s stance as she continued. “If it helps - as I try to console myself - it didn’t quite work out for them. The whole idea was that with Viktor dead, some of his more personal connections and allies wouldn’t support the bratva anymore, and you would be weakened. But killing Manny spooked the intermediary who hired Leo, so they couldn’t work out who their mystery hitman was - and those very connections rallied to you to find Leo. And with me alive, you didn’t trust them, either.”

  Aleksi looked between us for one long moment, and the tension in the room rose. I had to give her credit - even if she hadn’t been Alessa Santini, she’d probably put it better than I ever could have.

  As the air thickened, she started suddenly and reached inside her pocket. I winced, body preparing to spring in front of her, but despite tensing, the gunmen didn’t shoot at her. I guess she wasn’t considered the same sort of threat that I was. “And I forgot - I don’t have much…evidence. But I did take this from my father’s desk. That’s Jimmy O’Connor, the man who hired Leo. He disappeared, but if you find him, he could link my father to—”

  Aleksi’s laugh boomed out, startling us both, and it went on for several long moments before he shook himself and grinned. I hoped that was a good sign. “You are Alessa Santini.” He turned his gaze to me. “I don’t need more evidence if you bring me the daughter to rat on her family.”

  My skin prickled at the term, but Alessa had known what she was doing. Hell, by the look of her, she was damn proud of what she’d just done.

  I forced myself to refocus, w
anting to take advantage of his good humor while I could. “So our information is good?”

  He laughed again and nodded. “Santini will die for this. And I will help you leave. Sneaking his daughter out from under his nose…that will be a good game, anyway.”

  And like that, it was over. He turned and left without another word and the tension in the air gave way to almost tangible relief. We’d done it.

  I glanced at Alessa and grinned at the triumphant look on her face.

  She’d done it.

  * * *

  Aleksi was as good as his word.

  He arranged us flights within the next few days and provided an escort through JFK. I was pretty sure Santini would be watching it by now, but his goons didn’t even get a chance to see us - and if they had, it would have been almost impossible to take us.

  We were whisked through semi-private security and given preferential treatment the whole way through, and I spent the whole time in a daze, trying to get to grips with the idea that it was over. The most terrifying, awe-inspiring few weeks of my life were done. We would be safe, and together. And that was all that mattered.

  Surprisingly, Jay was part of our escort, but it wasn’t until our flight was finally called to board that we exchanged more than idle conversation. He caught me as I grabbed everything together and made to leave our small, private room for the connection to the plane.

  “Leo…” I looked back at him, seeing that same indefinable expression as our eyes met.

  I realized belatedly that I wasn’t sure when I was going to see him again…and that I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. I’d prided myself on being independent all these years, but if there had been one staple in my life, it was Jay - and knowing he was there if the shit hit the fan.

  Alessa’s words came back to me again, and in one impulsive moment, I decided to act on it. Now that I was leaving, it was easier to summon the courage.

  I turned towards him with real gratitude. “Thanks, Jay. For everything. You’re the closest thing I ever had to a father.”

  He froze for a moment, staring at me, and I had an instant to think better of it - then his stern face broke into such an overwhelming grin, it took my breath away. And he stepped forward to hug me, strong arms closing hard around me and leaving me completely stunned.

  Alessa caught my expression over his shoulder and smothered a laugh in her hands as I tried uncertainly to hug him back.

  When he finally let me go, he still hadn’t said anything, but I could’ve sworn there was actual moisture in his eyes. My heart broke and reformed again in the space of a few moments and I returned his crazy, over-the-top grin with one of my own. I’d never seen Jay like this ever. I’d never known.

  My mind flashed back to everything we’d done for each other, and it was only then that I truly appreciated how much larger his favors had been. We’d always operated under the assumption the scorecard would even out, but…I’d left it to him to keep track of. It seemed like the sort of thing he would do.

  “I’ll straighten things out here, then you come back from your little jaunt.” His eyes sparkled with a warmth I couldn’t ever remember seeing, and I just nodded, still stunned.

  He turned without another word and I watched as he left the room, my heart pounding hard.

  I’d always lived my life alone. But maybe I hadn’t been as alone as I’d thought.

  Alessa hooked my arm in hers and broke me out of it, leaning up for a kiss before we finally turned towards the tunnel that would take us from this room to join the rest of the passengers boarding the plane.

  “You were right.” My voice had a wondering note to it. “Thank you.”

  I squeezed her hand, and she reciprocated, leaning against me as we made our way towards the plane.

  It wasn’t until it came into sight that I was thinking clearly again - and then an almost giddy excitement filled me. I turned to Alessa with another grin.

  “You ready, princess?” I couldn’t wait to leave the last few weeks behind and see how good life could be with her outside of life-and-death situations.

  Her eyes laughed up at me. “I’m not really a princess anymore, Leo.”

  I growled and pulled her to me. “Fuck that, you’ll always be my princess, Alessa.”

  Her breath left her in one big sigh and I felt her melt against me before she reached up and kissed me deeply, passion pouring out of her and driving me crazy.

  “Hell, Leo. You do know…what to say.” She was wonderfully breathless, but I pulled away as she started to shift closer to me.

  “C’mon, we need to go. Let’s save that for the plane.” I grinned down at her.

  “The plane?” Her brow wrinkled and I could sense my posture shifting, gaze turning predatory as I considered her.

  “Yes girl, I promised you endless new experiences…” I murmured it against her skin, my eyes hot on hers.

  She nodded, against me, eyes wide.

  “How about we start by joining the mile high club?”



  The cool breeze curled around me, smelling of sea and spices and endless delicacies as I admired the view in front of me with a soft smile.

  The warm Greek island was truly special, and the last month had been an exercise in overindulgence and luxury.

  Leo had insisted after he found out.

  My hand curled around my belly as I waited for him, happiness suffusing me in a way I’d never imagined possible. I’d been a little apprehensive telling him - but he’d been thrilled with the news. I couldn’t have wished for more.

  “Here.” I started a little as he came up behind me, even though I’d grown used to his silent movement over the past year.

  I took the cool juice he offered, and a kiss with it - his mouth tasting of summer fruits and heat and mine. With effort, I turned back to the sea, putting the lustful thoughts away. There was time for that later, and after missing the last three sunsets for similar reasons, I’d insisted on coming out here tonight.

  He settled behind me, arms coming around to rest over my hand on my stomach, and I smiled at the gentle reminder of how much he wanted this. How much it meant to him.

  “Thank you, Leo. For all of this, you know.” I looked over at the sun gleaming on the sea, the pinks and purples just starting to come out now.

  “Anything you want, princess. It’s all yours.” I shuddered softly at his oft-repeated words, his generosity and the loving protectiveness that was always there. He made me feel safe like nothing else ever had, and after the way we’d left New York, that was what I’d needed.

  The sky turned a dozen different shades as we watched, with the water reflecting the light, broken in places by the constant waves and gentle movement of the vast ocean.

  “It’s beautiful.” It was, but I couldn’t keep the slightly wistful note out of my voice.

  Leo voiced it instinctively. “But you wonder if we’ll ever go back.”

  I bit my lip. The last year had been wonderful. More than that. Leo had kept his promise - instead of settling in one place and making a home, we’d traveled all around Europe, staying for a time anywhere we fancied. I’d seen Italy, and Spain, then France and England before we’d come back to somewhere warmer, staying for a time in Portugal. And now here. It was everything I could have asked for. But…

  “I’ve loved everywhere we’ve been. It’s just…” I hesitated, trying to explain the strange unease.

  “You’re not sure you’d want to raise a child there.” His voice murmured in my ear, seizing on my anxiety with an ease that always surprised me. He chuckled at the look on my face. “I’ve thought the same thing.”

  Then he turned me around, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear as he spoke, watching my eyes. “I talked to Jay - about the situation back home. Just in case. Did you want to hear?”

  I knew he’d kept in touch with the older man, but I hadn’t asked about whatever was happening there. I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. Once my
fury at my father had faded, I’d felt a twinge of guilt for the rest of my family. My sisters, mainly. I missed them, and I didn’t really want their lives destroyed by my actions. And I wasn’t sure how I’d feel if my family had cast me out and branded me a traitor either.

  But I couldn’t hide forever. And if I wanted to go back…

  I nodded.

  He kissed the side of my mouth, trailed a line down my jaw, but got straight to the point as soon as I’d made my decision. Leo wasn’t the sort of man to dance around a subject. “Your uncle was killed, and your father’s strength is much diminished. The bratva came down on them full force for a long time, but it looks like once your uncle was dead, your father was able to make some sort of deal. The Italian mafia isn’t what it once was. It still holds sway over a few parts of town, but not enough for us to fear. And…”

  I looked up at him, feeling somewhat relieved so far. “And?”

  “And your father let it be known that he wanted to make peace with you. A couple months back. The whole of NYC’s underground knows, since spreading it around was the only way he could find to possibly reach someone who knew where you were. You still have your family - as much or as little of it as you want.”

  My breath caught in my throat. I wasn’t sure what I wanted, but that meant…possibilities.

  “I could see my sisters again.” The thought came out before I could stop it, and he nodded, looking at me seriously before continuing.

  “There’s not much more news. Jay’s gotten close to Aleksi - giving me to him probably helped with that. If we wanted to come back, the bratva wouldn’t oppose it either. So…it’s up to us.”

  I bit my lip, not at all prepared for this to be a possibility. I might have wondered what the future held, but that didn’t mean I’d ever seriously considered it…

  I wasn’t sure whether I could go back to New York, to live near my family and everything that had happened. Maybe I wanted to see them, maybe. A little. But I knew I didn’t want to raise my child anywhere near my father’s influence.


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