The Guest: Book 3

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The Guest: Book 3 Page 2

by Yufeng Zhuang

Chapter 2

  That Tai family

  Not every story have a happy ending, not the end of every fairy tale, the prince and the princess will live together happily forever. Today in the dancing party of the Bi-Moons Festival, in the silver moonlight, this pair of fall silent with each other man and woman, originally they are not what prince and princess, and the story between them is somewhat complicated, the god deliberately made the obstacle named misunderstanding and unfortunately. The most crucial thing is, they are the people walking in the different life orbits themselves, at this time, they have completely different worldly ideals and goals from each other.

  “I don’t know dance.” Sheilor silenced for a moment, looked at Charming that showed outside of the formal attire silky shoulders, stared at this girl that lovely collarbones, suddenly thought of pure autumn these two words, “I don’t know what is your secret, if you have any important and necessary purpose to approach Charlie Tai, maybe I can report what you say to him.” he said.

  “I don’t know dance neither.” Charming slightly held the hung down by the waist hands tightly, the voice is a bit weak, “and dance with me, will get you in trouble.”

  Sheilor raised his head and looked at her into the eyes, said calmly, “just like what I said that day outside of the teaching building, I always feel that you like me, since it is so, why can’t we stay together?”

  “I don’t have any alternative.” Charming raised her head slightly, the light unwilling and stubborn on her face were shown thoroughly, “I also didn’t expect that the thing would develop0 into today this way, my mind is in a mess badly by now. At this time, no matter what I say to you, what I ask you for… all will let me feel that I am using you, and I don’t like this kind of feeling.”

  Sheilor couldn’t understand this sentence, but he felt somewhat heavy in the heart naturally, he said after a moment, “whenever, you want to tell me your secret, please contact me, I always have time at any time for you.”

  Charming lowered her body slightly, had a ritual to him, said in the soft voice, “perhaps there is never that day… I am sorry.”

  “You have said too many times sorry in these days.” Sheilor was somewhat angry to narrow his eyes, “I don’t like to listen to it.” he said.

  “Alright.” Charming suddenly bulged her face and laughed, appeared very lovely, slanted her head to aside and blinked to him, “since we all don’t know how to dance, then I am leaving first.”

  Just in this lovely and clean appearance, but Sheilor could see the sadness in the heart of the girl, his mood also felt heave with it. He watched helplessly that Charming turned her body around very neatly, walked to the exit of the dancing party.

  It became great agitated in the dancing party field, the eyes of people followed the leaving of Charming, that light beam also didn’t behave well following the leaving of Charming. Everybody thought this would be another romantic story, which would be remembered for years in the history of the Pear Garden university’s dancing party of the Bi-Moons Festival, but nobody thought of, the leading lady of the story would leave silently like this unexpectedly.

  Looked at the blue dress girl fading away with the light beam, the people watching this scene, always felt that they were watching a stage play in the Gortect grand theater of the Capital.

  Sheilor had a kind of unspeakable light sadness in the heart naturally, after he watched silently the sight of Charming’s back for a moment, he turned his back around without any hesitation, and walked toward the opposite direction to leave.

  The light beam over his head still enveloped him inside of it, moved along with his that seemed slightly lonely figure. If previous the light beam was very romantic and moving, then the light beam at this moment would seem especially dazzling. Sheilor’s mood was somewhat depressed, he raised his head and narrowed his eyes to look at the light over his head, said suddenly, “it’s not filming the tragedy movie, why do you still make the what atmosphere out?!”

  The mood in this sentence is very wrong, it has a kind of anger hidden under the calm. The light beam also seemed to feel afraid, it was turned off instantly. The whole dancing hall fell into the darkness, only over the head that pair of don’t know how many thousands miles away bright moons, spill down the clear silver light.

  The light lit up once again, the graceful dance music sounded up again, the Pear Garden university’s dancing party of the Bi-Moons Festival kept going on again, the waiters holding the wine glasses and food to run through them. But the atmosphere of the field has already been somewhat awkward, it’s hard to get back to earlier that kind of lively and happy mood any more.

  Some people had already left. Charming left alone, Youzhi left with the desperate and sorrow expression. Even that group came from the Capital rich children also left the party scene silently, in their views, today the behavior of the Tai family successor, is really a simply farce. Of course, the other party has this kind of qualification. But their moods were not that good, especially when they thought of the encounters after they came to the Coastal state, these people, before they left, stared at the back figure of Sheilor a few eyes coldly.

  The life still will continue, especially for the general federal young people, the major play of the dancing party didn’t have the happy ending, but their love still will ferment in the moonlight. Accompanied with the melodious music, the atmosphere was getting actively, many pairs of dancing partners walked down into the dancing floor, and began to dance trippingly.

  The previously gone for a moment Shielding stood back to his position, calmly looked at the walking to him Sheilor, said in a very low voice, “the twelve agents of the Secret Service are all outside of the building, inside of the building should be the own bodyguards of the Tai family.”

  The middle-aged man looked at the walking closer and closer Sheilor, had a smile slightly. This spy chief of the anti-government army believes in Eagle the ability to handle the affairs, he didn’t worry about his own safety that much, instead he talked about another topic, “I suddenly thought of, if Youzhi succumbed to your threat, if not suddenly had this scene appeared, whether Charming would go up to the second floor?”

  “I am not used to evaluate the ability of the amateur.” Shielding looked straight to the front, his look was very calm.

  “No, I do really appreciate the arrangement of comrade Medellin.” the middle-aged man said with a smile, “the more amateur, the easier to succeed… like you this kind of professionals, in fact, it’s getting harder and harder to muddle along.”

  Shielding raised his eyebrows a bit, but he didn’t reply, he patted the walked to his front Sheilor on the shoulders, to show the comfort to his friend. The middle-aged man looked at Sheilor and had a smile.

  Just at this time, a waiter came to the front of these three people, very polite to give the invitation to Sheilor.

  Sheilor looked at the middle-aged man by his side, “uncle, when did you come up to here?” he asked.

  That waiter just kept his calm manner to stand by the side, he just represents his master to give the invitation, as for how that hideous look middle-aged man came up to here, it needs the filter of the security department, it’s not within the scope of his work.

  The middle-aged had a smile, he said, “no one stopped me… anyway, didn’t you just promise me, as long as you can come up to the second floor, you will bring me with you?”

  This words is obviously false, the security of the site of the dancing party of the Bi-Moons Festival looks like very relaxed, actually from the first floor to the second floor, didn’t know how many checkpoints needed to pass through. Although having Sheilor as the cover, but the ability of this middle-aged man is really too horrific.

  The door was opened at this time, Sheilor was indifferent to shrug his shoulders, in the lead of the waiter, accompanied with this strange uncle to walk to the inside.

  This is a very big suite, the ground was covered with the wool-like carpet, the decorations around are quite ancien
t, can’t see too many modern electronic style, even one curtain, or a lamp, all appear so elegant.

  Just right in the deepest place of the suite, on a very big sofa, sitting a face slightly pale young man, or call him the youngster would be more appropriate. Because every time when Sheilor saw him, always felt his body is very weak, his figure is somewhat gaunt.

  “Thank you…” suddenly know the true identity of this youngster on the opposite side, although it is still far not his that most true identity, but Sheilor still felt like there is a door, shut down between Charlie Tai and him, he felt that he couldn’t get used to it in a short time, his voice was a bit acerbity, “I didn’t expect that you would give me such a big surprise.”

  Charlie Tai obviously guessed the reaction after Sheilor saw him, he just had a smile slightly, pointed at a chair by his side, “sit down, no need to be too formal.”

  It’s very wonderful, this kind of tone is generally the tone which the superior talks to his subordinate, but Charlie Tai said it out, it appeared so natural. Sheilor frowned slightly, he was somewhat not used to it, and also was somewhat uncomfortable, but he still sat on the chair by the side of the sofa.

  There is a bit quiet in the room, these two people seemed to don’t know what topic they supposed to talk about, after all, in the past, most of the time they talk through the communicators and that piece of paper. Even they met later on, but the really talking time like the normal people was not that much. Sheilor didn’t know what the Mend Foundation is, much less knew what the meaning the Tai family represents in the federation. He also didn’t know the history of Charlie Tai, but he still felt that the in the sofa Charlie Tai at this time, was not that Charlie Tai which the same one he knows at night normally.

  The Charlie Tai he knew at the night is a somewhat pride, somewhat indifferent, and somewhat boring ordinary young man. But the Charlie Tai at this moment, is more like a born to have some kind of momentum monster.

  In the silence, the only alternative is that following Sheilor to come into the room middle-aged man, the middle-aged man put the hands behind his waist, like a tourist, very interested to keep looking at the small ornaments in the room, it looked like that he didn’t want to participate in this conversation at all.

  But the been silently standing by the side of the sofa steward Ken, had been using a kind of complicated eyes to stare at that middle-aged man, he suddenly opened his mouth and asked, “schoolfellow Sheilor, who is this?”

  Sheilor was in a daze, had a smile embarrassedly, introduced to Charlie Tai and that met once steward Ken, “this is my friend’s uncle, earlier he wanted me to bring him come up to the second floor to take a look. I didn’t know that you are on the second floor, so I promised him thoughtlessly, but I didn’t expect that he would really come up to here with me.”

  “You didn’t know, but that doesn’t mean that all the people don’t know.” Charlie Tai took a look at that middle-aged man, said with a smile, “would you like to sit down and have a chat?”

  “You talk first, you talk first, I am not in a hurry.” the number two character of the anti-government army, totally didn’t have the consciousness of being in the dangerous situation, he was smiling to wave his hand.

  Come to speak wonderful of it, he said like this, Charlie Tai really ignored him unexpectedly, just let this middle-aged man wandered in his own room freely. He turned his head around and said to Sheilor with a smile, “let me introduce myself again, Sheilor, my name is Charlie Tai.”

  The atmosphere in the room finally was relaxed a bit, Sheilor said with a smile, “of course I know, I also guessed that you family must be very rich, but I didn’t expect that your family would be so rich to this point… I heard about the Mend Foundation.”

  “But I think, you definitely don’t know my true identity.” Charlie Tai looked at him and said calmly, “the Mend Foundation is only the thing let the ordinary people see… our family and other some relatively rich and leisure families gather together, the people of the federation gave it a wording, known as the seven big families… I think you should have heard of it before.”

  Sheilor was stunned to hear these words, he suddenly thought of that long time ago, he had already felt that the name Tai was somewhat familiar, he felt incredibly and asked, “is the one that the ancestor was once the emperor… that Tai family?”

  “Not that many people would remember the things tens of thousands of years ago, it looks like that you learn the history pretty well.” Charlie Tai said with a smile.


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