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Ride: Maelíosa and Sage: Episodes 9-12 (Puca Mates Collection Book 3)

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by A. C. James


  Damn. She turned around, glaring at Nathan. She half-expected to hear one of his pathetic apologies. “What do you want, Nathan? I have an interview.”

  “Tell your horse—I mean, husband—that I said hello,” Nathan said with a smirk.

  Cyn resisted the urge to punch him in the face. He wasn’t worth it. Instead she rolled her eyes again and pushed through the door, leaving him outside in the midday heat. Her chest heaved, and she wondered if she’d ever get over feeling so betrayed by a man who’d been one of her closest friends. When she thought about all of their dish sessions at Thai Thai, or late nights throwing back pints at the pub, her stomach roiled. But then she remembered the outlandish claims made in They Live Among Us and became angry again. She was a bloody hormonal mess, and the whole thing made her sick.

  It was hard to pretend like they’d never been friends. Although she wouldn’t have admitted it to anyone, Cyn almost felt sorry for Nathan. She knew that his fame had come at a cost—his closest friendships. But that was his call to make. She waited for the lift. And he’s the one who pulled the trigger, not me. I didn’t make him do anything.

  There was a tingling against her thigh, and Cyn reached down and pulled out the small, compact-like portal. The surface was shimmering wildly, telling Cyn she had a call from the Realm.

  “Fallon?” Cyn couldn’t keep the excitement out of her voice as the image cleared in the small, mirror-like object. As the shimmering mist began to fade, she saw the outline of her best friend’s pretty face and coppery hair. “Felicity!”

  “It’s only me,” Felicity sang back. Behind her, Cyn could see two wee children curled up on the bed.

  “Don’t wake the little ones,” Cyn said. “You look exhausted! What is it?”

  Felicity threw a glance over her shoulder at her children before moving to the side of the room. “Listen, when are you coming back home?”

  “Soon. I just have some promo bollocks to do here, then I’ll be on my way back. I’d say by tomorrow.”

  “Good.” Felicity nodded. She had dark circles under her bright eyes, but although she was obviously tired, she was also glowing. “Niall and I are going away for the weekend, somewhere out of the Realm.”

  Cyn nodded. “Right, it’s your bloody anniversary!” And I forgot! Shite! She’d pick up a bottle of something on her way back. Something Felicity liked and they didn’t have in the Realm would make a good gift.

  “Yes.” Felicity’s cheeks pinked and Cyn smiled. Even though Felicity and Niall had been together a whole year, she always loved being reminded of Felicity’s happiness. “Would you be able to babysit?”

  “Of course!” Cyn grinned. “You know how much I love being an aunt!”

  Felicity chuckled. “They’re a handful, Cyn. Maelíosa is helping out too, but you know Braden and Kira. They’re at a tough age.”

  “More like a bloody adorable age,” Cyn cooed.

  “You’re looking a bit put out,” Felicity said.

  “It’s bloody boiling here,” she said, fanning herself. And then, because she could never keep anything from Felicity: “And you’ll never believe which arsehole I just bumped into.”


  She swore sometimes the two of them practically had a psychic connection. “Bingo. He’s about as much of a git as ever.”

  “What happened?” The concern on Felicity’s face was genuine.

  While Cyn could rationalise that at least some of what had happened was her fault, Felicity didn’t have the same reaction. Nathan had outed her family, and that was beyond forgiveness in her eyes. Felicity always let tensions go, so Cyn knew that Felicity’s unwavering anger toward Nathan meant he’d really hurt her. Felicity was stunned by Nathan’s betrayal even more than Cyn. He’d been her boss for years, a man Felicity had trusted and adored. And now she despised the maggot (her newfound nickname for him). Unlike Cyn, she didn’t think Nathan’s actions were justified. Regardless of Cyn’s careless flirting, to her there was nothing worse than his tell-all book filled with half-truths and outright lies.

  “Nothing,” Cyn said vaguely. She waved her hand around in the air and then shrugged. “I really wanted to tell him to naff off, but I managed to keep my cool.”

  Felicity laughed. “Good girl,” she said. There was a wail behind her and she whipped her head around. “Oh, no. They’re awake, I’ve got to run. Ta!”

  “Ta!” Cyn echoed back.

  Felicity’s picture faded from view and the portal in Cyn’s hand was again a shimmering grey. Slipping it back into her pocket, she stepped onto the lift and pressed the button for the highest floor.

  Chapter Five

  Maelíosa made her way out of Fallon’s castle and over the hill toward the small cottage where Ariel, the healer, lived. As always, the fresh scents of the Realm in summer were intoxicating and magical. Lush flowers bloomed and waved in the breeze, and she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. It helped clear her head. She hoped the healer would give her some advice on Sage. As she got closer to the cottage, a strong herbal smell wafted over her. Few of the púca loved the scent of pungent medicinal herbs, and she was no different. The scent was also a trigger for some of her worst memories. Although the heat of the day was intense, she shivered as she knocked on the cottage door. Maelíosa didn’t like coming here because it reminded her of her mother, who’d died giving birth to her younger sister Darcy.

  “Ariel?” Maelíosa called loudly. “Are you home?”

  The healer came to the door just a few moments later. Ariel was wrinkled and old, but her eyes sparkled with youth and life. She was holding a steaming cup between her hands, and she stepped away from the wooden door to allow Maelíosa entry.

  Maelíosa wrinkled her nose and coughed discreetly as she stepped inside. The cottage was blazing with heat, and sweat beaded along her forehead as she lowered her slim frame into a crudely-hewn wooden chair. “What is that stuff?”

  Ariel smiled and sat down across from Maelíosa. “It comes in handy for female púca of a certain age. You’ll need it too one day. What can I do for you, dear? Have you come on business?”

  Maelíosa nodded, not surprised that Ariel cut to the chase. It wasn’t like she came here often. “I have, as a matter of fact. There’s a bloke who came into The Stables this morning. He filled out an application and I interviewed him on the spot.” She shifted uncomfortably. As deft as Maelíosa was at manipulating the conversation, she wasn’t a natural liar. “There are some tests that we’ll need to run, but I think it’s safe to say that we can accept him into the Realm.”

  Ariel wagged her head. “Child, let’s not be too hasty. I haven’t even seen his application yet!”

  Maelíosa slid the paperwork across the wooden surface of the table. “He’s...well, he’s kind of a special case,” she said softly. “He didn’t write it on the application, but he has cancer. The physician projected he’s got less than a year to live.”

  Ariel clicked her tongue and looked down at the paperwork in her lap. “Maelíosa, you know that I’m bound by our mating agreement. I can’t exactly override the rules when the British government is involved, and it’s not likely you’ll find a female in our clan willing to mate with someone they barely know. The courtship period is lengthy for good reason. Perhaps if we found someone willing to skip the courtship period, I could get special permission due to his circumstances...”

  Maelíosa gulped. “Aye, and there’s such a long queue. Mating with the púca has become quite the trend for humans.”

  Ariel chuckled and eyed the cat curled by her feet. “Humans like anything shiny and new. I suspect we won’t be as fascinating once the next big thing comes along.”

  “I know, but it’ll be too late. That’s why we need to help Sage. Please,” Maelíosa said. Her voice had grown uncharacteristically quiet.

  Ariel sighed. “I would love to, but you know I can’t.” She smiled calmly. Maelíosa didn’t return it. “The rules are there for a re
ason. Do you not remember how sick your own da was, when Cyn returned to London? Not that I’m blaming her, mind you. Tomas did a fine job of mucking it up, and she didn’t understand our way of life.”

  Maelíosa nodded sourly. She hated how right the old woman was. “Of course I do. And I would never want that to happen. But Sage doesn’t have time to wait, Ariel. He needs our help now.”

  Ariel raised her eyebrows at the younger woman. “And you think you’re just the mare to do it?”

  Maelíosa shook her head quickly. “No, nothing of the sort. I just need to expedite the process of finding a mate. If I could do that...”

  Ariel wagged her finger in the air and took a sip of the smelly brew in her cup. “Don’t start thinking like that. All candidates must be vetted before they’re approved. And then they must get to know each other, and both must approve of the match. We don’t want another situation like what happened with our chieftain.”

  “I know,” Maelíosa agreed. “I do!”

  Desperation welled up in her chest, and she closed her eyes. It was true what Ariel had said: to ask any female púca to put her own life on the line just for the sake of saving Sage’s wouldn’t likely go over. Maelíosa couldn’t think of a single female who would be up for the task. Everyone had seen Fallon suffer. He’d taken months to return to his strength when Cyn had finally come home. Maelíosa knew she couldn’t ask the same of another púca, not with Fallon’s ordeal fresh in their minds.

  “There’s something else... He’s got a lass, a wee girl of about nine.” Maelíosa frowned. “Although there’s something about her that makes her seem quite the grown-up. She’s got to be close to Darcy’s age, but she looks so very serious when compared with my sister.”

  Ariel frowned. “And he has no wife? No companion of any kind?”

  “He said the child’s ma died.”

  Ariel shook her head. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, Maelíosa, but that doesn’t change anything.”

  Maelíosa’s shoulders sagged forward. Even though she knew Ariel was right, she couldn’t help the rage burning in her chest as she inwardly cursed all the female púca in her clan. They wouldn’t lift a finger to save this man’s life. I wouldn’t be such a bloody coward! Her head told her heart this time would be different. She’d only met him once, but his serious demeanour somehow spoke of his character. He’d be a man of his word. And he’d come to them for help. It was a last resort, and he wouldn’t go through with it if he didn’t mean it, would he? Her mare nodded in full agreement.

  Suddenly, a disturbing thought worked its way into Maelíosa’s mind. What if she didn’t have to find another female púca? What if she could mate with Sage, and help him? She bit her lip. An dá chúram a dhéanamh in éineacht. Kill two birds with one stone. After all, Fallon had made her swear to eventually choose a suitable human from the candidates at The Stables. She hadn’t actually planned on honouring his request, but now that she knew about Sage...

  Maelíosa ran a hand through her dark hair. Sage needed to be healed, or else Carina would be orphaned. And who better to help her than Ariel?

  Chapter Six

  The next day, Maelíosa and Cyn sat outside of the castle playing with Braden and Kira. The twins were energetic, and although Maelíosa wasn’t a natural around children, she enjoyed spending the time with her nieces. Today, all she could think about was how big Kira looked.

  “You’re growing up so bloody fast. In six months’ time, I bet you’ll be taller than me.” Maelíosa teased little Kira, who stumbled into her lap clutching a blade of grass.

  Kira giggled and looked into her aunt’s face. She babbled something incoherently, spittle running down her chin. With an indulgent smile, Maelíosa reached forward and wiped it off.

  Kira smiled and closed her eyes, snuggling against her tunic and clinging on tightly. Her grip loosened as she started to drift off to sleep in Maelíosa’s arms. A surge of maternal affection washed over Maelíosa and she stroked Kira’s dark hair. Suddenly, Carina popped into her mind. She’d looked so strong and confident standing next to Sage. As Maelíosa’s mood began to dim, she wondered what Carina would look like if Sage didn’t make it.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Hm?” Maelíosa snapped her head up and looked at Cyn.

  The two of them weren’t exactly best mates, but things had improved a great deal over the past year. Maelíosa secretly thought Cyn was a bit flashy, but she’d come to realise how much the woman seated beside her really loved Fallon. And since she’d come back from London to stay in the Realm, Cyn had proved her trustworthiness many times over.

  “Your face. You’re pouting,” Cyn told her.

  She had an easy grin on her pretty face, and her hair was coiled above her head in a ‘do that looked too complicated for babysitting. Maelíosa observed idly that Cyn never missed a chance to show off, but she looked beautiful, and if it made her happy...

  “I was thinking about someone I just met,” Maelíosa said. She cradled the sleeping Kira in her arms and hugged her gently. “A man. A human named Sage.” She sighed as she recounted the events of the previous day for Cyn. “And now I’m thinking about whether or not I should offer to just mate with him myself.”

  Cyn bit her lip and glanced away. That was unusual—most of the time she was the first in a group to comment on something.

  Maelíosa frowned. “What is it? You’re quiet.”

  Cyn shifted in the grass, sprawling out and reclining on her elbow. Maelíosa thought she looked like the subject of some bucolic painting.

  “That makes me scared, Maelíosa.”

  “Why?” Maelíosa frowned again. “How could that possibly bother you?”

  Cyn sighed. “I don’t know, but it’s terrifying. Scarier than mating with Fallon was, scarier than being chased by those bloody paparazzi.” She looked deeply into Maelíosa’s eyes. “I know you want to help him. But I mean, what if he runs off? And you suffer, and then you die?”

  Maelíosa shuddered. She knew that it was a distinct possibility. Even with all the safeguards that she and the other clan members had put into place, it was still possible their background check system wouldn’t be foolproof. She didn’t want to think about the risks. Her mare wavering from one moment to the next was enough to contend with, without considering that Cyn might be right.

  “We may not have hit it off when I first came to the Realm, but you’re a generous person and you care deeply about the people you love. I know I’m just your step-mum, but I care about you. If it wasn’t so risky...” Cyn trailed off and reached down to pluck at a blade of grass. “Then I’d say you should just go for it. Help him and his daughter.” She glanced at Maelíosa meaningfully. “Especially if it means saving his life.”

  Maelíosa’s laugh was shaky. “I’m the one who should be afraid.”

  In truth, she was afraid. It wasn’t something that she wanted to admit—it made her think of her childhood, mourning the death of her mother, Aileen. She had died giving birth to Darcy. Maelíosa knew the chances of dying in childbirth weren’t that large, but it was more difficult for púca, and it wasn’t something she liked to think about.

  A thundering sound approached Maelíosa and Cyn, growing louder by the second. She looked up to see a tremendous stallion galloping toward them. Clouds of dust billowed from his hooves as his immense strength churned the land. As he grew closer and closer, Maelíosa shielded Kira’s mouth and nose from the flying dust while Cyn did the same for Braden.

  The stallion skidded to a stop in a manner that was somehow both dignified and comical. Then he shifted into his human form. Heat rose to her cheeks and Maelíosa looked away as a very sweaty, very naked Fallon strode toward the castle.

  “He could’ve stopped,” Cyn said idly. “Although, I do like the view from behind.” She had a saucy expression on her face as she watched Fallon disappear into the castle, and she winked at Maelíosa.

  “I’m glad he didn’t,” Maelíosa replied drily.

bsp; Moments later, Fallon reappeared, thankfully clothed in loose breeches and a linen tunic. Despite his ruffled appearance, Maelíosa could only think of how dignified her father appeared. It was obvious he was the chieftain of the clan.

  “’Ello, loves,” Fallon said.

  He leaned down over Cyn and they shared a kiss. It went on just a touch too long for polite company, and Maelíosa turned her attention to Kira instead. As Fallon straightened up, he plucked baby Braden from Cyn’s arms and brought him close, nuzzling his tiny nose.

  Braden cried out and Fallon cradled him, cooing softly. Cyn got to her feet, brushing her hands off on her tight skirt, and sidled up next to Fallon. Maelíosa stared at them for a moment. They looked so happy! She couldn’t believe it—who would have thought that her father would recover and fall in love again? After Aileen died, Maelíosa had thought Fallon would mourn forever. She was loathe to admit it, but she’d been proven wrong.

  Again, Maelíosa thought back to Carina. Maelíosa couldn’t get over how much that spunky, bright-eyed girl reminded her of a younger version of herself. Maelíosa had been serious and smart as a child, but with a fiery temper just like that.

  Maelíosa and Fallon hadn’t always had an easy relationship. She remembered being close to her father when she was younger, always wanting him around. But Aileen’s death had changed everything. Maelíosa had found herself resenting her younger sister, Darcy. Even though Maelíosa had known it wasn’t Darcy’s fault, she couldn’t look at her sister without feeling a gaping hole in her heart. And Fallon was practically unreachable in those days. His despondence and heartbreak had sealed him in completely, in an emotional fortress tighter than anything in the physical world. Caring for her baby sister was a huge responsibility, and she’d stepped up to the plate, understanding that her father needed her and Ariel because he was lost in his grief.


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