Ride: Maelíosa and Sage: Episodes 9-12 (Puca Mates Collection Book 3)

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Ride: Maelíosa and Sage: Episodes 9-12 (Puca Mates Collection Book 3) Page 7

by A. C. James

  “I wasn’t talking about the socks,” Sage said. He was grinning, and there was a lusty sparkle in his eyes. “I was talking about me.”

  Maelíosa’s mouth went dry. For fuck’s sake. What was wrong with her?

  “Aye...” Her heart slammed against the wall of her chest. “Were you now?”

  Her words sounded stupid to her. She’d never been very good at flirting. She was much more familiar with turning down advances.

  Sage stepped even closer. There were mere inches of space between their bodies and a heated buzzing between them, almost like a crackling of electricity.

  “Yeah,” Sage said with a roguish grin. He jerked his head to the side. Maelíosa’s heart skipped a beat as she saw the muscled tone on the side of Sage’s neck, the thick cords of muscle on his shoulder.

  She realised he could pick her up with one hand, and a strange thrill went through her body. Maelíosa was used to being around the strongest of men and women, but there was something different about Sage. He wasn’t sleek like the male púca in the clan, but hunky, cut like a bodybuilder. As she glanced down at his hands, her breath caught in her throat. It seemed like maybe he’d lost some muscle mass, probably from the cancer. She swallowed hard.

  “So,” Sage said with a smirk. “Do you see anything you like?” His voice had dropped down to a lower pitch, becoming something close to a growl.

  Shite. He’s not letting me off the hook. “Maybe,” Maelíosa said coyly.

  She shuddered as Sage reached up and touched her lightly on the shoulder. It was their first contact, and she almost jumped back from the intensity of the moment.

  “What about you? Do you like it here so far?” Her voice came out breathy and low.

  Sage glanced around the room before turning his grey eyes back to her. “The room’s okay, but I think I like you more.”

  He wrapped a muscled arm around her waist, pulling her close. Maelíosa gasped as his body crushed against hers. Her skin tingled. She arched her back and looked into his eyes. Up close, Sage was larger than life. She could see his pulse throbbing in his throat, and his muscled chest pressed against her body felt strong and safe. His grey eyes were all pupil, and Maelíosa took a slow breath. No matter how calmly she tried to breathe, her mare was pawing to the surface, eager for him to ride her in the most undignified way possible.

  “I’m glad,” Maelíosa said with a gulp. “I’m pleased you’re finding everything so comfortable.”

  Without replying, he lowered his face until his lips were brushing hers. Not innocently or teasing, but hot and demanding. She wanted to pull away before she lost herself, but couldn’t seem to do anything other than respond to his soft, warm lips. She couldn’t think straight.

  Her arms wrapped around his neck automatically. The kiss was slow, an exploration and intermingling of breath. Sage slipped his tongue inside her mouth, and Maelíosa shivered with pleasure. She tangled her fingers into his hair. When Sage kissed her it was a salvation and a torment she was completely unprepared for. After that, she was addicted. Her mare dedicated her life to his, her mate, from the moment of that first kiss. Her knees threatened to give way, and just as Sage began to suck on her lower lip, there was movement and a startled sound coming from the doorway of her chamber.


  Maelíosa and Sage leapt apart. The blood drained from her cheeks. She cleared her throat, but before she could say anything, Carina and Darcy stepped into the room, and the intimate moment was broken.

  “Dad,” Carina said again. She hopped from one foot to the other, clearly full of energy. Beside her, Darcy had a wicked grin on her face. “Dad, Darcy took me up the tower. The view was awesome! You have to see it!”

  SAGE CHUCKLED. “I BET,” he said, casting a glance over at Maelíosa.

  She was standing straight and tall with her hands by her sides, looking only slightly flustered. He had to admire the way she was able to compose herself so quickly. His cock was throbbing in his jeans, and he was feeling short of breath. Maybe this whole mating arrangement won’t be such a bad deal. He cast an admiring glance at Maelíosa’s lean-but-curvy body. If only Carina hadn’t chosen right now to come tell me about that damn view. He ran a hand through his hair. Sage had a feeling he wouldn’t be able to bury his cock inside her and ease his frustration anytime soon.

  Darcy giggled. “Carina,” she said, turning toward her new friend. “Are you hungry?”

  Carina shrugged. “I could eat. Why?”

  Darcy’s eyes widened and she grabbed Carina by the hand. “You’re going to die over the kitchen.”

  Maelíosa stepped forward. “Darcy, I’ll take you lot downstairs.” She glanced back at Sage. The hunger in her dark eyes made his heart leap. “Why don’t we let Sage finish unpacking?”

  “Okay.” Carina smiled and stepped gingerly over a pile of clothes on the floor. “See you later, Dad.”

  “Yeah, see you,” Darcy echoed.

  The two girls skipped out of the room, their laughter bouncing off the high ceiling in the hallway.

  Maelíosa walked to the door, then turned around. “You need anything?”


  “Nope,” Sage said instead. “I’m good for now.”

  Before he could say anything else, she was gone.

  Chapter Three

  By the time Maelíosa walked into the kitchen, Darcy and Carina were seated at one of the giant wooden tables with a basket of fruit between them. Maelíosa spotted Fallon and Cyn on the other side. Her grin stretched broadly across her face: Fallon was shirtless, and Maelíosa guessed from Cyn’s tousled hair that they’d just come home from riding together in the forest. At least Fallon had pants on. It got her thinking about Sage, and how much she’d like to yank his down and free the bulge that had pressed against her stomach when he’d kissed her.

  “Howya,” Maelíosa greeted her father, sliding down into a chair between Fallon and Cyn. “What’re you lot up to?”

  “Fallon just took me for a ride,” Cyn said. She gave Fallon a saucy wink. “And I’m fagged.” She rolled her eyes dramatically.

  Maelíosa laughed.

  Cyn eyed her curiously. “You’re in a good mood!”

  Maelíosa bit her lip to keep from smiling. “Fancy that cake, I see?”

  Cyn nodded. “We’ve become old friends,” she said, gesturing toward the giant platter in front of her. About half of a large chocolate cake rested on the tray. There was a slight smudge of chocolate on her chin, and Fallon reached over to wipe it with a finger. When he’d licked the smudge clean, he and Cyn both burst into peals of laughter.

  Warmth spread through Maelíosa’s chest, and she couldn’t help but smile too. Cyn looked incredible—her curves had become even more pronounced since she’d quit her modelling gig. Maelíosa knew that she made Fallon very happy, and despite her reservations she had to admit that Cyn was good for him. Seeing them together like this made Maelíosa regret how she’d first behaved towards Cyn. I was a horrid git, but at least I’ve given that up.

  “Lovely day for a ride,” Maelíosa said. “I was thinking of taking one later.”

  She needed to burn off the pent-up sexual frustration that Sage worked up in her.

  Cyn nodded.

  Fallon cleared his throat. “I am so proud of you,” he said, his face quite serious. “You’re finally taking a mate. And a mate that suits you, I think.”

  “Da, you’ve not met him,” Maelíosa said. “He could be a right git for all you know.”

  “But you wouldn’t have given two shites or wanted to mate with him if he was an arse. And any man who finally made you want to settle down...well, he’s got his work cut out for him, and I’ve got to give credit where it’s due.”

  Fallon winked, and Maelíosa felt a slight flush come over her cheeks. Darcy giggled around a bite of fruit.

  “I am proud,” Fallon said again. “I never thought I’d see the day somebody would tie you down.”

  Maelíosa shifted uncomforta
bly from one foot to the other. She didn’t like it when Fallon spoke this way. After all, she’d resisted mating for long enough! But there was something else in her mind, too: an unfamiliar feeling of anxiety. Sharing her space, her chamber, with someone made her head spin—not to mention mating for life!

  “We’re planning the mating ceremony for this evening,” Fallon said. “There will be a bonfire to follow.” He glanced at Cyn with obvious devotion in his dark eyes. “My love is helping. She’s got quite a flair for design, wouldn’t you say?”

  Cyn laughed.

  Maelíosa nodded, but her mind was somewhere else: upstairs, with Sage. She wondered—what would it feel like to go beyond that kiss? The thought made her shiver. Her mare pranced around her in giddy, nervous circles, tossing her head and whinnying. I’ve never been such a wreck. A part of her wished she could run away, deep into the forest. But the memory of his kiss popped into her head, and she realised how desperately she wanted to see what could happen between Sage and herself. Her mare tossed her mane in approval, stamping and pawing at the ground.

  “What do you think?” Fallon said.

  Maelíosa blushed. Not only was Fallon staring at her, all eyes in the kitchen were on her as well. She forced herself to smile. “Aye. Of course, tonight.”


  The man crouched before him. “Blimey, you’re thick. You know who we are, Nathan. At least you bloody well should.” He had sallow, yellowing skin and sunken eyes. “You’re the one who started this whole bloody campaign!”

  “Bloody hell,” he muttered, shaking his head. “You’re...you’re with that group, Only Human.”

  The man snorted. “About bloody time. Come on, up with you.”

  He grabbed Nathan by the shoulders and hauled him forward. Evidently he was stronger than he looked.

  “Come on,” the man repeated in an irritated voice. “Turn ’round.”

  Before Nathan could comply, he spun Nathan around. There was slight pressure on the ropes binding his hands. A brief snip later, and they were free.

  Nathan groaned, pulling his arms around to his front and rubbing his hands. They were painfully numb, but he grit his teeth and kept massaging them until some of the feeling returned.

  “What the hell am I doing here?” Nathan jerked his head back toward the wall he’d been leaning against. “What the bloody hell did I do?”

  The man shook his head. “Save your questions. We’ve got to get you to the Master. C’mon, up the stairs.”

  A shiver went down his spine. This was bad.

  His captor stepped behind him, prodding him with a bony finger. “Move,” he snapped when Nathan didn’t start walking. “No skiving off!”

  Nathan took a deep breath and began to climb the stairs. His legs were weak and unsteady, and he gripped the banister so he wouldn’t fall backward. The building seemed quite dilapidated. When he reached the top, he stepped into a kitchen. A portly man with pale skin and beady eyes was rubbing his hands together at a table.

  “Ah, Mr. Wood. So glad you could join us,” the man said.

  “What do you want?” Nathan asked, trying not to sound scared.

  He stood up and extended his hand. His grin showed a row of uneven yellow teeth. “You can call me Master. Fancy the digs?”

  “Sure,” Nathan lied. “So, what’re you fellows doing?”

  Master and the skinny man laughed. It wasn’t a pleasant sound.

  “I want information,” Master said. “On the púca.”

  “Have you read my book, They Live—”

  “I’ve read the bloody book,” Master snapped. “Why in bloody hell d’you think you’re here?”

  Nathan swallowed.

  Master lifted a battered copy of They Live Among Us and dropped it onto the table with a loud thump. “You’re going to tell me how to find that bloody arse of a chieftain that you wrote about. How to cross the veil and all that rubbish.”

  “Right,” Nathan said. “Of course, mate.”

  Master narrowed his eyes. “You’ll help us.”

  It was an affirmation rather than a question, and it made Nathan think that he really didn’t have much of a choice. Not that it mattered. The more he thought on it, the better the idea of revenge sounded. He wanted to make the man who ruined his life pay for it, and the OH would make that happen.

  “Bloody púca! Wish I’d never heard of the damn things. Hell, I’ll give you a hand, if y’like. I don’t mind at all.”

  Master smiled. “I was hoping you’d say that. You got any ideas for getting close to the chieftain himself?”

  Nathan leaned back in his chair and thought. “Yeah,” he said after a second’s pause. “I do, in fact.”

  Master cracked a smile, his eyes lighting up.

  “I’ll ring up Cyn, and tell her to meet me. If she thinks I’m going to apologise, all the better.” He shook his head, pleased by his own idea. “And if she’s kidnapped, well, that arsehole Fallon is sure to come running...”

  And maybe I can get her back. His nights of wallowing in self-pity would be over. Cyn would understand what a mistake she’d made leaving him once the OH took care of that bloody beast.

  “Mate, you’re not bad,” Master said, clapping Nathan hard on the shoulder. “We should have nicked you off the street a long time ago.”

  Nathan chuckled. He was pleased with himself, and buoyed by the high praise. Finally, someone agrees with me. Someone else sees the truth.

  “Yeah,” the skinny man said. “This is brilliant.”

  “Shut it,” Master said.

  “Y’know,” Nathan said idly, drumming his fat fingers on the tabletop. “I think I'm going to enjoy joining up with OH.”

  Chapter Four

  Maelíosa sat on her bed, watching the flurry of activity in her chamber. Sage had finished unpacking and Felicity had shooed him out of the room, saying that they needed to get ready for the ceremony. The dumbfounded expression on Sage’s face had almost been worth the shrieking and giggling coming from Felicity, Darcy, and even the serious Carina.

  “This dress is gorg!” Felicity gasped as Maelíosa unlocked the small trunk at the foot of her bed. “I absolutely love it.”

  “You’ll be the bonniest lass he’s ever seen with that on.” Darcy’s eyes shimmered as she gestured toward the gown.

  Maelíosa gave a small smile. It was the most beautiful dress she’d ever seen, even though she wasn’t much of a girly-girl. It had been the dress that her mother, Aileen, wore when she was mated to Fallon. Thinking of her mother always brought a small lump to her throat. Darcy had no memory of her, but Maelíosa wished her mum could have been there to see her take a mate. On the other hand, the happiness of the women around her made Maelíosa realise how lucky she was to have so many people who loved her and were there to support her union with Sage.

  “It is beautiful,” she said softly.

  Felicity gave her a small smile—Maelíosa knew Felicity was much more sensitive than she let on—and picked the dress up, spreading out the beautiful golden skirt.

  “My mum, Aileen, wore it when she was mated with Fallon.”

  “And you’re going to look just as bonny,” Felicity said. She laid the dress on the bed.

  Just then, the door burst open and Cyn darted inside. She darted into the room, glancing around. “Sorry. I’ve just—”

  “Cyn,” Felicity said, shaking her head. “Where the bloody hell have you been? Did you forget? We’re dressing Maelíosa.”

  Cyn grinned. “I didn’t forget.” Leaning toward Maelíosa, she nodded her head. “Apologies all around.” She was beaming. “I’ve just gotten off the mobile—I’ve got another interview tomorrow! In London! I won’t be answering questions about Nathan’s bloody book this time. It could be a whole new direction for my career!”

  “Oh, Cyn, that’s brill!” Felicity leapt forward and wrapped her arms around her friend.

  Cyn laughed. “And don’t worry, Maelíosa. I’m not going to
run off again. I’ve missed me mum and Rose, though. I didn’t get to stop by and see them during my last trip.”

  Maelíosa laughed. “Congratulations. That’s smashing news.”

  “’Tis,” Cyn agreed. Her cheeks were pink with the effort of running up the stairs, and she looked happier and healthier than Maelíosa had ever seen her. “I take it I’m not too late to dress the bride?”

  “Not at all,” Felicity said. “We were just admiring the dress.”

  “What a stunner!” Cyn picked up the gown and let out a whistle. “This is the most gorgeous dress I’ve ever seen.”

  “It is really pretty,” Carina said, her voice quiet and serious.

  “You’re going to look beautiful.” Cyn giggled and blushed, covering her hand with her mouth. “Not that you don’t always. Just different, that’s all.”

  Maelíosa eyeballed her leather leggings and scowled. “Aye, I’m not really the bird for dresses, but tradition calls for it.”

  “Rubbish,” Felicity said. “You’re going to look radiant. Sage won’t be able to take his eyes off of you.”

  “I love weddings,” Darcy said dreamily.

  Felicity frowned for a moment. “If only I could remember my own.”

  “I don’t really remember mine, either,” Cyn said, putting her hand on Felicity’s arm. “I was too bloody nervous. Was like a rush of adrenaline.”

  Maelíosa wasn’t sure if that made her feel better or worse. Her stomach was doing flip-flops already. She looked up at Cyn with a twinkle in her eye. “So if it goes rum, don’t worry because I might not even remember. Grand advice. Brilliant.”

  Felicity and Cyn burst into fits of laughter.

  Darcy pulled a face. “D’you think I’ll forget my mating ceremony, when it happens?”

  “You are much too young to even be thinking about something like that,” Maelíosa said.


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