Ride: Maelíosa and Sage: Episodes 9-12 (Puca Mates Collection Book 3)

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Ride: Maelíosa and Sage: Episodes 9-12 (Puca Mates Collection Book 3) Page 10

by A. C. James

  Chapter Eight

  Cyn tugged at the dress, frowning. It was the most form-fitting thing she’d worn in months, and she wasn’t feeling nearly as confident as usual. It was one thing to spend most of her time in the Realm, away from the hustle and bustle of London, without really caring much what she looked like. It was quite another to go back to her old home and realise that to most people on the planet, appearances still mattered more than anything else.

  Still, she couldn’t shake the feeling of excitement she had every time she returned to London. Knowing that she’d never live there again gave her the freedom to enjoy her occasional visits, which had been becoming less and less frequent ever since that wanker Nathan published his stupid book.

  Cyn paused in front of her agent’s modern-looking building. It was all glass and steel, and she studied her reflection in the front windows. For someone who had gained a remarkable amount of weight so early in pregnancy, she didn’t feel that bad. She cocked her head to the side and made a coquettish face, sucking in her cheeks and vamping her lips. There was a buzzing at her thigh, where her clutch rested against her leg.

  “Blimey,” Cyn said as she dug in the bag for her mobile. Must be Patrick ringing me since I’m running a little late. She shook her head irritably and pulled out the phone. To her shock and horror, it wasn’t Patrick.

  It was Nathan. Cyn closed her eyes and sucked in a deep breath. Just thinking about that git made her angry. Still, she hadn’t given up hope of hearing an apology, even if she kind of wanted to toss it in his face. Or at least make him really grovel before finally forgiving him. She knew there wasn’t much chance of that, but she still hadn’t completely turned her back. She was convinced that Nathan, like so many men that she knew, was waiting for his chance in the sun. As a former plus-size model and aspiring actress, she knew the feeling well. But the idea of Nathan’s bloody book put a bad taste in her mouth. Not so much for what he’d said about her, but putting Fallon in danger by revealing the Realm was something Cyn didn’t feel that she was ready to forget.

  He better be ready to abso-bloody-lutely bow and scrape. Her thumb wavered over the “accept” button on the screen of her new mobile. Just as she was about to answer, the call disconnected. “One Missed Call” blinked across the screen of her phone and, satisfied, she started to tuck it back inside her clutch. Serves him right. If he doesn’t have the gumption to apologise, I won’t speak to him.

  Cyn jumped when the clutch began to vibrate and shake. Rolling her eyes, she dipped her hand inside and pulled out her mobile. She took a deep breath, wiped her forehead with her hand, and answered.


  For a moment, there was silence. Cyn rolled her eyes—if it turned out that Nathan had pocket-dialled her by mistake, she’d be livid. But then she heard the familiar voice of her ex-friend.

  “’Ello, Cyn.”

  Cyn’s eyes flashed in annoyance, but she tried to keep her voice breezy and light. “’Ello, Nathan, didn’t see it was you. What can I do you for?”

  Nathan chuckled “I’d love to sit down and have a nice talk with you, Cyn.”

  Cyn bit her lip and counted to ten. “Nathan, I don’t have time for any more of your bollocks. If you’ll excuse me, I have to run. I have an important appointment.”

  Nathan sighed. “Cyn... I’m dying to talk to you. I’m torn up about what I’ve done, and I need you to know how sorry I am.”

  Cyn’s heart thawed a little. Despite everything that he’d done, a guilty part of her knew there was responsibility on her end too. She didn’t owe him anything, but considering their long-term friendship and history... If it had been anyone else, she’d have hung up the phone without a second thought.

  “And if you meet with me, just hear me out. That’s all I ask, Cyn. If you decide to turn your back on me forever, I’ll leave you alone. But you have to hear what I have to say. Please, Cyn.”

  Cyn sighed heavily. Part of her was still sceptical. After all, why should she give Nathan the time of day? He’d come close to ruining her life. She was still angry with him for forcing her to choose between keeping the ancient secrets of the púca and her love for Fallon. She hated being told what to do, and his ultimatum was incredibly selfish.

  “Nathan, I don’t know. I think we’ve said everything that needs to be said, don’t you?”

  There was silence on the other end of the phone, and her heart tightened. What if you never see him again? a small voice in her head piped up. Wouldn’t you feel bad for not hearing him out? Just give him an hour. That’s all. If he doesn’t have anything good to say, leave.

  “Cyn, please,” Nathan begged.

  The desperation in his voice was enough to make her cringe.

  “Please, just give me one hour. Meet me at Thai Thai, like old times, and we’ll have a nice chat. Okay?”

  Cyn pursed her lips. What could it hurt? It’s only an hour. And it was in public—if he decided to be an arsehole, she could just get up and leave.

  “Okay, Nathan. One hour, that’s it, d’you hear me? One hour, and I’m not making any promises.” Some of the old anger came back, and she stamped her heel on the cobblestone. “And don’t even think about trying anything fishy, Nathan. I’ve had enough of your ultimatums. If you’ve decided that you want to be a man and apologise, fine, but I’m not necessarily going to forgive you.”

  “Oh, Cyn! Thank you... Thank you.” The relief in his voice was palpable.

  “Right then,” she grumbled. “Like I said, I’ve got to run. I’ve got a meeting with my agent.”

  With a click, she hung up the mobile and stuffed it into her clutch. For a moment, she stood there staring at herself in the glass. “Eugh,” Cyn said to her reflection. She pulled a face and opened her clutch again, taking out her face powder and touching up her make-up. She pushed the bad taste from her phone call with Nathan out of her mind and focused on the excited butterflies at the thought of meeting with her agent about a potential gig instead. She hadn’t worked in almost a year, and despite how excited her agent had sounded on the mobile, she wasn’t so sure about herself. After all... She pushed her way into the revolving door. My agent hasn’t seen me in forever. Cyn was curvier than ever, now that she was expecting.

  The pleasant receptionist in the front of the office remembered Cyn and waved her right back. Cyn noted the confused looks of the prospective models who were waiting eagerly in the lobby, clutching portfolios of their own photos. Some of them were younger and less experienced, but she’d thought her career was over. I’ve still got it. She sashayed down the hall and into her agent’s office.

  Her agent, Patrick, nodded toward her as she stepped into the office. He was a small, fey man with pale skin who always wore various shades of black and grey. He was holding a mobile up to his ear and nodding along with the conversation at hand. “Yes, yes... Well, I understand... But you know, I’ve actually got to run, I’ve got my favourite client right here. Yes, yes...alrighty, then! Ta!”

  He turned back to Cyn with a triumphant look on his narrow face. “Cyn, darling. You look radiant.”

  Cyn lowered herself into the white leather, minimalist-style chair in front of his desk. It pitched backward, and she cried out, gripping the seat with her freshly painted nails

  “Blimey,” Cyn said after she’d righted herself. “Even your office is different!”

  “And most of that, my dear, is thanks to you.” Patrick grinned. “Sparkling water?”

  “Please,” Cyn said. “Look, Patrick, I’ve got something I should tell you right—”

  “Heather, two waters please!” Patrick spoke into the intercom perched on his desk. Sitting up straight, he turned his gaze back to Cyn and her voluptuous figure. “What was that, dear? Something to dish?”

  Cyn shook her head, feeling a bit overwhelmed. “Never mind. So, you wanted to see me?”

  “Indeed,” Patrick said, drawing himself up to his full height and placing his slim hands on the desk. “I take it you’ve
heard all about They Live Among Us?”

  Cyn groaned, burying her face in her hands. “Not that bloody book again, please. I can’t stand hearing another word about it.”

  Especially not now. The last thing I want to do is think about Nathan. She’d been driving herself batty with guilt. No matter how much she’d changed or how much Felicity reassured her, deep down she was disgusted at her immaturity and for hurting Nathan.

  Patrick laughed. “Cynthia, you should be grateful!” he admonished her in a mock-stern voice. “That book has made you even more famous than you were before. It’s done wonders for your reputation.”

  “Really?” She frowned at her agent. “Because when I read it, I realised he’d made me out to be a bit of a slag.”

  Patrick shook his head. “Don’t take that personally, I’m sure he had to sensationalise it.”

  Her jaw clenched. “Right. Anything to sell a story.”

  Patrick threw up his hands. “Alright, fine. That was a bit of an issue. But think of it this way: what good publicity. And all for free.”

  Cyn wrinkled her nose. “Yeah, the barmy git I used to be pals with goes and writes a book trashing me, my best mate, and our men. And I’m supposed to be chuffed over that? You’ve got a rum idea of showbiz.”

  Patrick shook his head. “No, Cynthia, it’s not like that all.”

  “I’m used to the paparazzi, but my mum...my sister...they don’t deserve all the attention they’ve had to deal with because of his stupid book.”

  He cleared his throat and handed her a slim leather portfolio, breezing past her complaint about the press. “Take a look at this—it’s just a rough draft, of course. But. The man who wrote it wants you as a star!”

  “Oh, Patrick,” Cyn gasped as she flipped through the rough draft on her lap. It was a script—a real film! I’m finally going to be an actress. She scanned the pages excitedly. “This is incredible. And you’re serious...”

  Patrick nodded. “Serious as can be. Now what was it that you wanted to tell me?”

  Cyn sighed. Just then, Patrick’s secretary brought in the glasses of sparkling water. Cyn took a sip and waited for the door to close.


  “I’m pregnant. About three months.” Cyn took another long swallow of water, not realizing how thirsty she’d actually been feeling. “And I couldn’t film until I have the baby.”

  Patrick smiled. “Not a problem. He’s spoken to me about you so many times, and I know he’d be willing to wait. In fact, I could even give him a ring right now and check. If that’s what you’d like me to do?”

  Cyn nodded happily. Twenty minutes later, Cyn took the lift down to the lobby with a huge grin stretched on her face. She hadn’t been willing to think it, but Patrick was one hundred percent correct: the writer of the script still wanted Cyn, he didn’t even mind having to wait nine months to start filming! Cyn asked for a little extra time so she could start getting back in shape—at least, for her. To her surprise, the director agreed instantly.

  I can’t believe it. She descended the stairs down to the Tube. I’m really going to be an actress. Finally! She shook her head, amazed at how the day had turned out.

  Chapter Nine

  Cyn was on a train headed toward Thai Thai, and reality was finally starting to sink in. Her cheeks hurt from smiling so bloody much. She knew she probably looked like a madwomen to everyone who passed her. She wanted to grab random strangers by the shoulders and tell them she was going to be an actress. A real actress! Fallon’s going to be so proud. She crossed her legs, thinking of her dishy mate. He’s going to tell me that he knew I could do it all along.

  At least she hoped Fallon would be pleased with her news. He’d been supportive of the few projects she’d taken on after returning to the Realm, but none of them had been as involved as filming a movie. After all, she’d have to take frequent trips back to the Realm to ensure Fallon’s health. After what had happened last time, Cyn knew she could never again jeopardise the health and well-being of her mate. I’ll just have to tell him that I’ll take extra good care of myself while I’m pregnant, and take care of our child. The thought of a baby filled her with a different, more complete kind of happiness. Cyn sighed and cradled her belly with both hands. She wasn’t far along enough to feel any kicking yet—according to Felicity, that was somewhat of a blessing—but she often thought of the wee one curled inside her belly, blissful as a fish. She didn’t care whether it would be a boy or a girl—at least that’s what she’d told Fallon and the others. Secretly, she was hoping for a wee girl to share dresses and make-up with. As long as the baby’s healthy, I won’t care. The train rounded a sharp corner, lightly pressing her body into the hard plastic seat.

  Part of Cyn wished she could take out the small portal she used to communicate with Fallon right that instant, in the middle of the Tube. She was dying to tell him about the role. Another part of her wanted to call Nathan and tell him to sod off. But then some of the guilt crept back in, and Cyn sighed.

  “It doesn’t matter,” she told herself, resting her forehead against the greasy Plexiglas of the Tube car. “In a little over an hour, I’ll be on my way back to the Realm.”

  She grinned as she imagined the celebration Fallon would have for her. And Maelíosa and Sage... She’d almost forgotten. She grinned to herself as she thought of the couple on their first night as a mated pair. Cyn didn’t think she’d given Maelíosa enough credit—Sage was one of the dishiest men Cyn had ever met. He was taciturn, sure, but she had a feeling that his deep inner strength would be a great complement to Maelíosa’s fiery behaviour. Cyn enjoyed the female púca much more now than when she’d first arrived in the Realm. In fact, it was almost possible to forget about the chilly reception that she’d received.

  The Tube pulled into the stop closest to Thai Thai, and Cyn exited as though she were floating, a dreamy smile plastered on her face. She climbed up the steps with more vigour than she’d had in a long time. The wee one that had taken up residence in her belly was draining all her energy. Her belly rumbled, and she grinned—Thai Thai, after all, had been one of her favourite London restaurants. Cyn hadn’t wanted to make a big deal of it back in the Realm, but in the early stages of her pregnancy she couldn’t stop missing cuisine from her old home.

  Cyn hurried down the street, not noticing anything at all. As she rounded the bend for the street next to Thai Thai, she noticed a black van zooming down the way. That’s bollocks. She frowned, waiting for the light to change. Driving like barking mad in the middle of the day. She rolled her eyes, wondering what Fallon would say if he could see London. She chuckled to herself. He’d probably hate it. He’d tell me that the only place on Earth worth being was the Realm. And he’d be right, of course. Cyn smiled at the thought of her mate. Her chest ached, suddenly, for his deep brown eyes and smiling, serious mouth. She couldn’t wait to get home and shag his brains out. The light changed, and she began crossing the painted crosswalk.

  When she was almost to Thai Thai, Cyn wiped her brow. The heat of the day was getting to her, and she couldn’t stop thinking about how she was going to pour a decaf Thai iced tea right down her throat. The syrupy, milky concoction was going to be so delightful, especially after a walk in this abominable heat. A man brushed past Cyn, pushing into her shoulder and making her stumble.

  “Oi!” Cyn cried out as she righted herself, almost tripping over her high-heeled feet.

  Bloody arsehole. She stepped closer to the restaurant. Suddenly, a pair of hands gripped Cyn from behind. A chill of fear ran down her spine. She tried to cry out, but a sweaty, smelly hand was clapped over her mouth before she could make a sound.

  Whimpering desperately, Cyn felt the large hands tighten their grip around each of her arms. Her eyes widened and she tried to scream as she saw the black van zooming toward her on the pavement. It screeched to a stop. As she tried to kick her legs and free herself, another pair of hands shoved her roughly on her back and she went tumbling forward. Cyn l
et out a terrified yelp as the back doors of the van opened and she was shoved inside. Crying out, she wrapped her hands around her stomach, hoping desperately to protect her child. She landed with a hard thump on the uncovered metal floor of the van.

  “Oi, oi! Go!” one of the men yelled.

  Tears of fright welled up in her eyes as she watched the unknown man pull off his black balaclava. He stared at Cyn’s face with a nasty sneer.

  Cyn’s voice trembled, and she began shaking. “Who-who are you?” Her arms were still cradling her belly, and a tear slipped from one of her big eyes and trailed down her cheek. “What d’you want with me?”

  “Shut up, slag.” He grinned—his teeth were a nasty shade of yellow and quite chipped. “Nathan, she’s a real actress this one. A real dramatic bitch.”

  Cyn’s heart sank. Swallowing hard, she shifted on the floor until she was facing the front of the van. The man driving was short, scruffy and thin—she didn’t recognise him, either. But there was a familiar, portly figure in the passenger seat. Please God, no. Cyn thought. Please no, Nathan!

  He turned around and Cyn sighed. “’Ello, Cyn,” Nathan said in a nasty, reedy voice. “How’re you?”

  “Nathan,” she said pleadingly. “What the bloody hell is going on?”

  “We’re with Only Human,” Nathan said.

  He was smirking. She sat up straighter, the hard metal floor of the van uncomfortable against her bum.

  “Of course you are,” Cyn said bitterly. She shook her head. “Not good enough to bash my reputation in your bloody book, was it?”

  “Cyn, you don’t understand. This is for the best,” Nathan said in a familiar, comforting tone that Cyn had heard him use many times in the past.

  She flashed to an uncomfortable image of herself crying in Nathan’s arms, over a modelling gig gone awry. He’d talked to her all night, made her tea, and let her spend the night at his flat. She’d assumed it was just friendly goodness, but it was manipulative bullocks. Now all her memories of Nathan made her sick. She’d made a terrible mistake letting him into her life. Had he always been crazy? How could she have not seen it before now?


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