Ice on Fire (Treble and the Lost Boys Book 1)

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Ice on Fire (Treble and the Lost Boys Book 1) Page 13

by G. R. Lyons

  He eased the drawer shut, and straightened. No panic attack. Similar symptoms, but no actual need to cut himself. No, he needed something else.

  Adrian yanked open his pants and pulled out his cock. He was so achingly hard and desperate for release that it was only a few furious strokes before he was coming all over the washroom floor. Adrian stood there, panting, his cock going soft in his hand while he tried to catch his breath, bracing himself against the vanity as he tested his legs, hoping they'd keep holding him up.

  Finally, he managed to straighten, wipe off his hands, fix his pants, and clean up the mess on the floor.

  He went back to his phone and typed, Why are you doing this?

  Adrian set his phone on the desk, staring at the screen as he waited. He saw the little jumping dots indicating Zac was typing a reply at that very moment. The dots vanished, then started up again, only to vanish once more. That went on for several minutes, the starts and stops almost enough to make Adrian crawl out of his skin.

  Just when he was about to give up and put the phone aside, the dots stopped and the phone rang.

  Adrian stared at it for a moment before he slowly picked it up and answered.


  “Hey,” Zac breathed, sounding uncharacteristically serious. “Look, if I crossed a line, just–”

  “It's not that,” Adrian mumbled.

  Zac was silent for a moment, then blurted out, “I like you, alright? And I don't– I've never really–” He sighed heavily. “I'm sorry. Just…rough day. Got off to a bad start this morning.”

  Adrian immediately thought of the piece of paper that had slipped across their desk, showing a date and time stamp from half six that very morning.

  “But your test was clean,” he said, hating himself as soon as the words were out of his mouth. That whole thing was absolutely none of his business.

  “Shit,” Zac whispered, then asked, “You saw that?”

  Adrian nodded, then realized Zac couldn't see it. “Yeah.”

  Zac was silent for a moment, and Adrian could hear stuff being shuffled around before Zac sighed. “Shit, no wonder I couldn't find it in the car. Forgot it was in my bag– Fuck, Ade, I didn't mean for you to see that. I'm so sorry.”

  Adrian frowned. Was he entirely misreading the situation? “So you're flirting…and implying things…but you didn't want me to know you're clean?”

  “No, I do, actually. I mean…yeah, I'd like to…you know…if you– Fuck.” Zac sighed again. “Sorry, I'm not very good at this.”

  Adrian scoffed. He highly doubted that. If Zac was running out to get tested for STDs first thing in the morning, he was probably very good at this sort of thing.

  “I just…I like you, alright? And I know I already said that, but it's true. I like you, and…Seeing you, being around you…I can't help myself.” He paused. “Sorry. I'll back off. I just had a really bad night and I'm trying to make up for it.”

  Adrian went still. A bad night, followed by getting tested first thing in the morning?

  Maybe he'd read this all wrong.

  “Zac,” he began slowly, his heart pounding and his free hand clenching into a fist, “did someone hurt you?”

  “What?” Zac asked, breathing a laugh that trailed off into a gasp. “Oh. No. You mean…bad night…and the test…No, that…No. Seriously, it was nothing like that. Just…regular checkup, you know? That's all.”

  “Because if anyone ever hurt you, I'd–” Adrian blurted out, then stopped. He'd what, exactly? He had no idea how to finish that sentence, surprised the words had even come out of his mouth.

  “Mmmm,” Zac breathed. “You'd come to my rescue? Save me from the evil monsters?” he teased. “Then carry me off to bed and have your wicked way with me?”

  Adrian gulped. “I have to go.” He jabbed his finger at the screen to end the call, then shoved the phone aside, staring at it as though it might jump up and bite him.

  And he was hard again. Damn it. Adrian shoved back his chair and hurried off to the washroom.

  Chapter 11

  ZAC SCRAMBLED about his apartment, tidying things up. He'd been trying to make a better effort to keep the place neat ever since Adrian had come over two days ago, but his usual habits meant stuff ultimately found random places to reside. As soon as he was reasonably satisfied the place didn't look like a complete disaster, he grabbed his keys and wallet and headed off to work. He had a long shift that day before Adrian came over for another project brainstorming session.

  After their phone conversation yesterday, Zac had given Adrian a few hours before calling him back to schedule another meetup, keeping that talk serious and to the point. He probably had pushed too hard with the first call, and he didn't want to scare Adrian away.

  But flirting with the man was just too much fun.

  Not to mention necessary for his own sanity. He still felt lingering hints of disgust over the hookup with a random groupie, scrubbing himself raw in the shower to try to get the creepy feeling out of his skin.

  At least his test results had been good. One less thing to worry about.

  Still, just once—just once—he desperately wanted to have sex that was entirely mutual. Not forced. Not pretend. Not with a mask. Just him and another person, both wanting it, wanting each other, both able to be fully naked in every possible way and enjoying one another.

  And if he could have that with Adrian, even better.

  Just thinking of Adrian helped him forget all the times he'd forced himself to have sex with women just for the sake of not outing himself to his friends. Teasing and flirting with the man helped even more.

  Now if he could just break through Adrian's walls and actually get the man into bed, he'd be golden.

  Zac threw himself into his work, putting aside thoughts of masks and school and Adrian so he could focus on keeping his customers happy and earn the tips he so badly needed. The money from that last gig certainly helped, but that didn't mean he could slack off. Every bit was going to count.

  Once his shift was over, Zac's mind went straight to Adrian, knowing he'd get to see the man in less than an hour. He drove home, smiling to himself the whole way.

  Zac pulled into his parking space just in time to spot Adrian walking slowly up the street from the shuttle stop. Grinning, Zac hopped out, grabbed his things, and darted over to the building's entrance to wait, keeping his eyes on Adrian the whole time.

  The man had his gaze fixed on the ground, his careful, steady pace never wavering as he got closer.

  Finally, Adrian must have noticed him standing there because he jerked his head up and stumbled a bit, staring at Zac for a moment before blushing and looking down again.

  Zac grinned.

  “I hope you're ready to tie me up and use me,” Zac murmured after checking to make sure there was no one else around to hear him.

  Adrian froze, his eyes wide. “What?”

  “You know, for the project,” Zac teased. “Tie up my evening and use me for ideas.”

  Adrian narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

  “Come on,” Zac said, grinning as he nodded toward the door. “We've got a lot of hard work ahead of us.”

  He heard Adrian groan as Zac turned and led him into the building. They made their way down the hall toward Zac's apartment, not saying a word, though Zac was sure Adrian was just as thoroughly aware of Zac's presence as Zac was of his.

  Zac stopped at his door, feeling the heat of Adrian's body beside his.

  “You know,” he said, slowly digging out his keys, “I could really use a good, hard drilling.” He paused. “For next week's quiz, I mean.” He winked at Adrian, and saw the man blush.

  Zac glanced around while he unlocked his door, making doubly sure they were alone. There was nobody in sight, but he leaned toward Adrian anyway. He was probably pushing his luck and overdoing it by repeating a line, but he couldn't help it, whispering, “In fact, I'll be happy to let you drill me as much as you'd like. Give it to me hard. I can tak
e it, all night long.”

  Adrian narrowed his eyes, glaring at him, so Zac flashed him another wink, opened the door, and stepped inside.

  As soon as he turned to shut and lock the door, he was slammed up against it, his wrists caught together in one hand while a warm, hard body pressed up behind him.

  “You know, you really shouldn't tease me when you don't mean it,” Adrian growled in his ear.

  Zac moaned, a shiver running through his whole body, weakening his knees, so the only reason he remained upright was because of Adrian and the door.

  “Do you have any idea,” Adrian went on, his voice low, almost fuming, “how many times I've thought about doing exactly this? Holding you in place? Making you submit?”

  Zac moaned again, and felt a hard bulge press up against his backside.

  “Do you know how many times I've fantasized about tying you up?” Adrian asked, tightening his hold on Zac's wrists. “Do you know how many times I've dreamt of fucking you?”

  Adrian reached around with his free hand and cupped Zac's groin, his cock throbbing against his zipper.

  Zac let out a whimper of need and rocked his hips, alternately grinding back against Adrian's cock and pressing his own against Adrian's hand.

  “Then do it,” he panted. “Fuck me.” Please. Oh, gods, please.

  Adrian pressed him harder against the door, rubbing the palm of his hand over the confining denim of Zac's jeans. Zac's vision went hazy, and just before he neared climax, the pressure on his cock and his back suddenly disappeared, leaving him breathless and dizzy as he slumped against the door.


  Zac pressed the heel of his hand against his cock, trying to hold off the pain of the aborted orgasm, then waited a moment for his vision to clear before he turned to see where Adrian had gone.

  He found Adrian slumped on the couch, his head in his hands.

  “Ade?” Zac frowned. “Baby, what's wrong?”

  Adrian just barely shook his head, but didn't look up or say anything.

  The hells? Trying to ignore his neglected cock, Zac walked over to where Adrian sat, and dropped to his knees between Adrian's feet. “What is it?”

  Adrian was silent for a long moment, until he whispered, “I can't–”

  Zac's frown deepened. “Can't what?” he asked when Adrian didn't go on. “Babe, what is it?”

  “Your test–” Adrian began, then cut off and shook his head.

  Zac rubbed his hands on the outsides of Adrian's thighs while he waited. Adrian's whole body was tense as he sat there, frightfully still, refusing to look up at Zac.

  My test– Oh. Shit.

  Zac felt his stomach drop. If Adrian had something, it would explain why he kept resisting, why he never flirted back, why he stopped that sudden advance that had finally come out of nowhere. Fuck. “Ade?” he whispered. Please say no, please say no. “Baby, are you sick?”

  “What?” Adrian looked up, eyes wide, then shook his head and lowered it again. “No, nothing like that.”

  Zac let out a sigh of relief and gave Adrian's thighs a squeeze. Adrian winced, so Zac drew his hands back. “Then what is it?” he asked.

  Adrian shook his head.

  Zac waited, but Adrian didn't move, didn't speak, barely even breathed. Zac tried to think of any other reason why Adrian always shied away from Zac's flirting, and never even tried to flirt back, trying to hide the fact that he was hard in response to the things Zac implied.

  Zac tried and failed to fight a grin as it suddenly came to him. “Ade?” he asked, almost laughing. “Babe, are you a virgin?”

  Adrian lowered his head even more, his fingers tightening in his hair.

  Zac let out a groan and pressed the heel of his hand against his crotch. Adrian must have noticed because he suddenly glanced up from under his eyelashes and gave Zac a searching look.

  “What?” Adrian asked.

  Zac shivered. “That is so fucking hot.”

  Adrian sat back, his expression turning to its usual glacial blankness. “Hot,” he deadpanned. “How in all seven hells is that hot? That I'm inexperienced? That I don't have a fucking clue what I'm doing? That–”

  Zac grabbed Adrian by the front of his shirt and kissed him hard. “That I'm going to be the one who gets to see you discover yourself,” Zac whispered over Adrian's lips as he slowly climbed up onto Adrian's lap. “That I get to be part of it when you explore that controlling top inside of you that is just screaming to get out. That I–”

  Adrian jammed their lips together, cutting off Zac's words.

  ADRIAN WAS pretty sure the world had ceased to exist.

  “Fuck.” He let out a shuddering breath and drew Zac closer so that Zac straddled his lap, their bodies pressed together from cock to chest as Adrian pulled Zac into another kiss.

  A kiss. A real kiss. Adrian couldn't believe it. Holy shit. He'd finally been kissed. And it was a thousand times more amazing than anything he'd ever imagined.

  Zac wound his arms around Adrian's neck and pressed their foreheads together while he teasingly ground his hips. “You've never even been kissed before, have you?” he whispered.

  Adrian tried to catch his breath while he shook his head. “One girl, against my will,” he admitted, and shrugged, “but nothing like this.”

  “So never for real,” Zac said decisively as he swooped in and caught Adrian's lips again.

  Adrian's head spun, exploring Zac's mouth with his tongue and holding Zac's body tight in his arms. But he needed more.

  “Clothes,” he managed to get out between kisses.

  Zac leaned back, grinning at him as he reached down and whipped off his shirt, then helped Adrian out of his own. The next few moments were a blur of movement and skin, blind groping and gasps, stumbling steps and broken kisses, until Adrian suddenly found himself stretched out on his side on Zac's bed, arms around one another and legs tangled together.

  All that naked skin pressed against his own…

  “Fuck,” Adrian breathed.


  “I think I'm dreaming.”

  Zac got a wicked grin on his face, and pinched Adrian's hip.

  “Hey!” Adrian retaliated without thinking, delivering a stinging slap to Zac's ass.

  Zac shuddered. “Oh, fuck. Do that again.”

  Adrian lifted an eyebrow, wondering if Zac was teasing, but the completely blissed-out look on his face said otherwise. Adrian spanked him again, and Zac moaned.

  “Fuck, yes.”

  Adrian spanked him once more, then pulled Zac over on top of him so he could reach the other cheek and give it the same treatment, making Zac writhe and shudder on top of him, Zac's dark hair falling around them like a curtain, keeping the outside world at bay.

  Zac moaned again and ground their cocks together between their bodies as Adrian gently ran his hands over Zac's ass, soothing the sting.

  “Oh, fuck, Ade,” Zac breathed, his eyelids fluttering open. He had a slightly dazed look as he smiled down at Adrian. “Gods, I think I could come just from that.”

  Adrian almost laughed that off, except Zac reached down and clamped a hand around the base of his dick, biting his lip and holding his breath for a moment. Then he exhaled heavily and leaned down to give Adrian a soft kiss.

  “I don't wanna come yet,” Zac whispered, and kissed Adrian again. He paused, and pulled back. “Unless you tell me to.”

  Adrian shuddered. Zac was offering himself, and Adrian had never known that kind of power. Even having craved such a thing for years, he suddenly didn't know what to do with it.

  “Tell me what you want,” Zac whispered, peppering kisses along Adrian's jaw and trailing his hands over Adrian's body.

  Adrian moaned as Zac's fingers found his nipples. Bad enough that he was speechless from nerves, but that just made it worse.

  “Baby?” Zac asked, his hands stilling. “Ade, spank me. Please,” he begged.

  It took a moment for Adrian to build up the courage to do so
, but once he did, and heard Zac moan in response, he eagerly grabbed Zac's ass with both hands and pulled their bodies hard up against each other, groaning at the sensations running through him.

  But he didn't know how to ask for what he wanted. This was all too new.

  Zac reached back and gently pushed Adrian's right hand over until Adrian's index finger was nestled between Zac's cheeks, the tip of his finger resting right over Zac's hole.

  “You wanna be in there, don't you?” Zac breathed, grinding back against Adrian's hand. With his own hand, Zac pushed until Adrian's finger just breached his hole.

  Zac moaned the same time Adrian gasped, “Oh, fuck.”

  “Yeah?” Zac asked. “You want your big cock in that hole, don't you? You wanna fuck me until I can't remember my own name?”

  Adrian heard an odd whimper, and realized with some embarrassment that he'd made that sound himself.

  Zac moaned into Adrian's mouth on a kiss, then pulled back with a wicked look on his face. “But since this is your first time, and we've got all night…” Zac ground against him, tearing another moan from Adrian, then kissed him again and asked, “I bet no one has ever gone down on you, have they?”

  Adrian shook his head, unable to speak.

  Zac grinned. “Order me.”

  Adrian blinked. “What?”

  “Please, Ade.”

  It took Adrian a moment for the words to register, but once they did, and Adrian got a good look at the needy expression on Zac's face, that long-denied urge within him took over. Adrian grabbed a fistful of Zac's hair.

  “Suck my cock,” Adrian said, his own low, commanding voice startling to his own ears.

  Zac let out a shuddering breath. “Yes, sir.”

  Adrian released Zac's hair, and Zac wriggled down Adrian's body, touching and kissing all over his chest and belly, never breaking eye contact as he moved. Kneeling between Adrian's legs, Zac gripped Adrian's hips and left teasing kisses all around without ever actually touching Adrian where he so desperately needed it.

  “Zac,” he growled.


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