Anyone But Her

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Anyone But Her Page 19

by Everhart, Allie

  My lips brush against hers and I feel her warm breath. I feel it mixing with mine. I kiss her, softly this time, as I press inside her, just barely, to make absolutely sure that she wants this. She answers by pushing her hips up, letting me have more of her, and so I sink down, slowly, until I'm buried deep inside her.

  "You feel so good," I whisper between kisses. "I just want to stay here."

  I wish I could capture this moment, this night, so I could remember every detail. I don't want it to end. After being with her like this, I don't want to have to go back to pretending we're just friends.

  My body is screaming at me to finish. I thrust in and out of her, trying to make it last but feeling like I'm ready to burst. Taylor cries out like she just came again. I didn't think she would since she just did, but hearing her come makes me do the same. My body lets go, a powerful release that shudders through me.

  I kiss her as I come down from it. I kiss her mouth, her cheek, her neck. I could kiss her all night. I can't get enough of her.

  "I love you."

  Wait—did Taylor just say she loves me?

  My head pops up and I look at her. "What did you say?"

  She doesn't answer. Maybe I imagined it.

  "Did you just say you love me?"

  She closes her eyes and cringes. "I didn't mean to."

  "Oh," I say, my heart sinking. "Okay."

  "No!" Her eyes blink open. "I didn't mean it that way. I meant what I said. I just didn't mean to say it."

  "I'm not sure what you're telling me. So you do love me?"

  "I think so. I mean, I'm pretty sure I do. I've never been in love before." She sighs. "I shouldn't have said it. It's too soon. I just got caught up in the moment."

  "It's not too soon. I wanted to say it too but I was afraid you weren't ready to hear it. I was afraid you wouldn't believe it, that you'd say we haven't dated long enough. But the thing is...even though we haven't had much time actually being together, we've spent a lot of time talking on the phone and talking over text and because of that, I feel like I know you more than girls I dated for months."

  "That's how I feel too. Last spring, all those talks we had on the phone, I got scared."

  "Why would that scare you?"

  "Because I was falling for you. I was falling in love, and I knew it was wrong so that's why I told you we couldn't talk anymore."

  That's why she did it? That's why she stopped talking to me? Because she was falling in love with me?

  "Taylor, it's not wrong. Nothing we're doing is wrong. Loving each other isn't wrong. What's wrong is your family not wanting us to be together. But that's their thing to deal with, not ours. It's them being uncomfortable with it because I'm like part of the family. But they'll come to accept us. I know they will. As for you and me, and how we feel about each other? There's nothing wrong with that." I smile at her. "You love me."

  She smiles back. "I said I think I do."

  I chuckle. "You do. I can tell that you do. I can feel it." I kiss her. "I love you too. The truth is, I've loved you for a long time. The first time I saw you, back when you were just a kid making faces to the camera while your dad did an interview, I immediately liked you. I couldn't take my eyes off you. I didn't even know what love was back then, but a part of me fell in love with you that day. And then I met you and knew that what I was feeling wasn't just attraction." I move so I'm lying on my back. "Come here."

  She cuddles up next to me. "What are we going to do?"

  "We're going to make this work."

  "How? My dad and Cal aren't the only problem. There's also the problem of us living in different states when I go back to college, and you being so busy with golf that we won't even have time to talk."

  "I'll always make time for you. And as for living apart, a lot of couples do that and make it work. I won't be golfing all the time. I can come see you at school. Maybe I could even stay with you if they allow it."

  "It won't be enough. We'll want to see each other all the time and we can't."

  "If we want it to work we'll make it happen. It's like with golf. When I was a kid, I never in a million years thought I'd end up on the path to being a professional golfer. But I knew it's what I wanted so I found a way to make it happen. We can do this, Taylor. We can make this work."

  She doesn't respond but I know her head is full of doubts, thinking this won't work. I'll just have to keep convincing her it will.

  "I have to go," she says in a sad voice.

  "A few more minutes?" I rub my hand up and down her back and kiss her head.

  "If I stay I might fall asleep."

  "Okay, but will you do me a favor?"


  "Don't go back to your room and think about all the ways this will never work. It'll work, Taylor, if this is what we both want."

  She gives me a kiss. "Goodnight."

  "Goodnight." I watch as she gets dressed, then as she's leaving I say, "I love you."

  She pauses at the door. "I love you too."


  The next morning I go to the main house for breakfast. Usually everyone eats at different times but today Lou and Barb are at the kitchen table and Cal is sitting at the island.

  "Good morning, Luke," Barb says, smiling at me. "I made eggs and French toast. Help yourself."

  "Thanks." I take a plate from the cupboard and serve myself.

  "Hey, man," Cal says as I take the stool beside him.

  "Hey. Heading to the course after this?"

  "No. I have a doctor's appointment. My shoulder's been bothering me."

  Taylor walks in and I do everything possible to act normal, but inside my heart is racing just seeing her, knowing what we did last night, knowing we shouldn't have and yet wanting to do it again. I crave being with her, even just being around her. When she left last night, the bed felt cold and empty.

  "I'm surprised you're up," Cal says to Taylor.

  "Why wouldn't I be?"

  "You had a late night last night. I wasn't even sure you liked him. So when did you guys finally get home?"

  She glances at her parents then says to Cal. "I don't know what you mean."

  "Last night. I got home around one and knocked on your door and you weren't there."

  "Why were you knocking on my door at one in the morning?"

  "You left your phone charger in my car. I was just giving it back."

  Lou sets his coffee down. "Why were you out so late with that boy? I thought it was only a first date."

  "It was. I wasn't out with Noah last night. He dropped me off here after dinner."

  Lou's brows draw together. "Then where were you at one in the morning?"

  Taylor doesn't answer right away and the silence is making me anxious.

  "She was with Birdie," I say.

  "I thought YOU were with Birdie," Cal says. "You two were supposed to be on a date."

  "We decided not to go anywhere after dinner. I think we've decided we're not really a match."

  "I didn't want to say it if you really liked her," Cal says, "but honestly, I never saw you two together."

  Taylor grabs a bottle of orange juice from the fridge. "Then why weren't you agreeing with Alecia last night?"

  "Because she was being a bitch," Cal says.

  "Cal!" Barb scolds. "Don't call a woman that word."

  "What do you want me to say? It's true. She was being a bitch. She kept insulting Birdie."

  Taylor rolls her eyes. "And you never do that, do you?"

  "Yeah, fine, I do, but I'm just kidding around. Alecia wasn't. She was doing it to be mean."

  "Then why are you going out with her?"

  "I don't know. She keeps telling me she's changed so I feel like I should give her another chance."

  "I think she proved last night that she hasn't changed." Taylor takes a seat at the table by her dad. I'm glad she didn't sit by me. Just having her in the same room with me is making me nervous. I keep thinking one of us is going to let something slip about la
st night.

  "So what about you and Noah?" Cal asks Taylor. "You didn't like him?"

  "He seems like a nice guy, just not for me. Besides, I think he's more interested in Birdie than me."

  "I got that feeling too," I say.

  Cal looks at me and then Taylor. "You think he's gonna ask Birdie out?"

  "Probably." Taylor takes a strawberry from the bowl on the table. "Why? You don't think they're a match?"

  "No. I don't. He's not right for her."

  Barb gets up from the table. "Cal, why are you so concerned with who's dating who? Have you decided to play matchmaker now?" She laughs as she sets her plate in the sink.

  "No, but I'm friends with Noah so I know his type and Birdie isn't his type."

  "He seems to think so," Lou says, getting up from the table. "It sounds like he was showing interest in her last night."

  "Which was totally inappropriate," Cal says. "She was supposed to be Luke's date last night. You don't make moves on another guy's date."

  Lou shakes his head as he takes his plate to the sink. "Young love. So many rules. So much drama. I'm glad I have you, sweetheart." He gives Barb a kiss.

  She smiles. "I don't think either one of us would survive the dating world at our age. We're too out of practice."

  "Speaking of practice," Lou says, looking at me, "I was wondering if you could go to Taylor's golf practice today. I want you to look at her backswing."

  Her backswing? I'll be looking at a lot more than that. Her lean legs. Her tight ass. Her sculpted arms. Even now, I'm having a hard time not looking at her in her tank top and shorts.

  "I don't know if her coach would like that," I say.

  "I don't give a damn. He works for me, and if I want you to be there and help her, then that's what's gonna happen. I'll call and tell him you're coming so he knows."

  "Um, yeah, okay. I guess I could do it."

  "Good." He dries his hand on a towel. "I'll give him a call right now." He walks out of the kitchen.

  "Lou," Barb follows after him, "we're leaving for the store in a few minutes."

  "You could've told him no," Cal says to me. "Just because you're living here doesn't mean you have to do everything he tells you."

  "I don't mind." I glance at Taylor. "Unless Taylor doesn't want me there."

  "Doesn't matter to me."

  She says that, but I know she wants me there. And I want to go. The more time we spend together the better.

  Cal takes his plate to the sink. "I have to get going. See you guys later."

  "Yeah, see ya."

  When he's gone I smile at Taylor from across the kitchen. "You sure you don't mind me being with you today?"

  "I think I can handle it."

  "I don't."

  She smiles, knowing exactly what I mean. Being together without being able to actually be together will be nearly impossible. But I'd rather have that than not see her at all.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  It's now the middle of July and the summer is going faster than I want it to. Every day that goes by is another day closer to when Taylor has to move back to college. I'm already dreading that day. I'm used to seeing her all the time. When she moves I may only see her once a month. I've been trying to figure out how to see her more than that but between golfing and training, it may not be possible.

  My next step to becoming a pro golfer is the qualifying tournaments. They don't start until next year but I need that time to get ready. And I need to save money. I was going to get a part-time job but then Garret called and asked me to do some more commercials. The first one I did turned out to be really popular. When I asked him why, he said "girls think you're hot and guys want to look like you." When he said it, I laughed. I thought he was kidding but he said that's actually what people said when they tested the ad.

  From that one ad I somehow became known as a fitness expert and now I've not only been asked to do more work for WaveField but also for a few other companies. I'm doing commercials for a company that makes vitamin-enhanced drinks and one that makes protein bars. I'm making decent money and the ads don't take long to shoot, leaving me plenty of time for golf. And time for Taylor. If I had to pick between the two I'd skip the golf to be with Taylor. Our time together is running out and I want to be with her as much as I can before she leaves.

  "Good work today," Darren, my coach, says as I pack up my stuff.

  The guy is really good but expensive. He's a big reason why I never have money. But I see him as an investment. To do well at the qualifying tournaments I need the best coach.

  "Just a reminder, I won't be here tomorrow," I tell him. "I have that shoot for WaveField."

  "Yes, I wrote it down. I'll see you on Friday."

  As soon as he leaves I call Taylor. "Are they still gone?"

  I'm talking about her parents. They went to Tucson for the day. Cal is out golfing with his college buddies.

  "Yeah. They just texted me. They said they'll head home in an hour, so with the drive time back to Phoenix, we have plenty of time."

  "Great. I'll be there in a few minutes."

  "I'll be waiting," she says in a sexy voice.

  "I'll hurry." I toss my stuff in my bag as fast as I can. "I love you."

  "I love you too. See ya soon."

  Hurrying out to the parking lot, I stop when I see someone standing next to my car.

  "Can I help you?" I ask.

  The guy's wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses and has a thick beard so I can't see much of his face.

  "Is that any way to greet your old man?"

  I slowly walk up to him. "Dad?"

  "What the hell? You don't recognize me?" He takes the glasses off so I can see his eyes but he still looks different with the beard.

  "It's the beard," I say. "It didn't look like you at first."

  "That was your mom's doing. She wanted me to grow it and I thought, what the hell? I won't have to shave anymore and it gets her horny. It's a win for both of us."

  Seeing him again I feel nervous and sick. He shouldn't be here. This is my new life. A life far away from him and my mom and all the memories from my childhood that I'm trying to forget.

  "What are you doing here?"

  He walks up to me. "I don't like your tone, boy. I came all this way to see you and all I get is attitude?"

  "You didn't come here to see me. You came for something else. So what is it?"

  "Why don't we go somewhere to talk?"

  "We don't need to. Just tell me why you're here."

  "Alrighty then. You wanna be all business? Then I'll get right to it." He folds his arms over his chest. "I've seen them commercials you've been doing."

  "Yeah? What about it?"

  "Heard you'll be doing more."

  "Why do you care? What's this about?"

  "I bet them companies pay real well, don't they?"

  I shake my head in disgust. "So you want money. That's why you're here?"

  "We've got a lot to discuss, kid. You sure you don't want to go somewhere? Someplace with air conditioning? This Arizona heat is enough to melt your damn skin off."

  "I'm used to it. Now hurry up. Just tell me what you want."

  "Last week I got a phone call. It was from some fancy lawyer. He was looking for you. Said he hasn't been able to find you. I could've told him where you were but I was curious what this was about."

  He's scheming. I can see it in his eyes. They get a glimmer, a thrill of excitement when he's convinced whatever get-rich-quick plan he's come up with is going to work. But then it never does and he loses all his money.

  This time I'm the one he wants to con. I can feel it. I can feel his greed and it's making me sick.

  "What did the lawyer want?" I ask in a flat tone, refusing to let my dad know how nervous he's making me.

  "It seems you've come into some money."

  "What money? What are you talking about?"

  "The old guy who died...the one you mooched off of afte
r you moved out."


  "Yeah, that's him. Turns out he put you in his will."

  "No." I shake my head. "He didn't. They read the will over a month ago and I wasn't in it. Everything went to his kids."

  "That's what they thought. But apparently, the old man changed his will around the same time the lawyer was moving offices. The will never got updated in his files so what they were reading from was old. He found the changes just last week and guess what?" He grins. "You got the old man's house and some money."

  "Are you making this up?"

  "Why the hell would I make it up?"

  "He said I own the house?"

  "And the money."

  "But he didn't say how much."

  "He wouldn't tell me. He said you needed to call him up yourself or show up there in person. Your mom and I have been trying to figure out how much it'd be. The old man didn't live any better than us. He couldn't have had much."

  Albert said he had money but I never asked him how much. I thought it'd be rude to ask and frankly, I didn't care. I wasn't interested in his money. He helped me financially but that was his decision, not mine. I never once asked him for money. He paid for things because he wanted me to fulfill my dream to golf for a living.

  "Fine. I'll call him. Did you get his number?"

  "Before we get to that, why don't you tell me how you're doing?"

  He doesn't give a shit how I'm doing. He thinks I have money and he wants it.

  I glare back at him. "I don't have anything."

  His brows rise. "Any what?"

  "Money. Everything I make goes to pay for my expenses."

  "What expenses? You're living with that rich guy for free."

  "I have other expenses. Golf isn't cheap. The fee just for my coach costs a fortune."

  "You have a coach?" He huffs. "After all them years you spent golfing, you still don't know how to do it right?"

  There he goes again. Putting me down. Putting down what I love. He'll never change. Why am I standing here listening to him when I have Taylor back home in my bed, waiting for me?


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