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Gone Haunting in Deadwood

Page 41

by Ann Charles

  The floorboards creaked behind us.

  All three of us turned.

  Cooper stood in the doorframe, his Colt .45 in hand. His face was splattered and streaked with black blood. A red cut sliced across his cheekbone. At the sight of the dead chimera, his shoulders sagged. “Is it over?” he asked, blinking slowly, his eyes red rimmed.

  “For now,” Doc answered.

  “Where’s Harvey?” I asked, my breath held as I waited for his answer.

  He holstered his gun. “Waiting outside in the pickup.”

  “Is he all right?”

  “All right? It was a fucking shootout at the OK Corral out there.” Cooper said. “Uncle Willis was hooting and hollering the whole damned time, blasting the shit out of anything that moved. Not to mention that he blew the woodshed to hell and back with that stick of dynamite. The old coot had the time of his life.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Jesus, my ears aren’t going to stop ringing for a week.”

  “Was there anything hiding in the woodshed?” I asked, thinking of that yellow eye staring at me through the knothole. “Before Harvey blew it up?”

  “Yeah. My informant.”

  I cringed. “Was he in pieces?”

  “Nope. He’s still very much alive and talking. You’re going to want to hear what he has to say about this screwed-up town.” Cooper’s bloodshot eyes locked onto me. “Masterson gave you false information.”

  Dominick lied. That slick bastard. What was his game? Had he been in cahoots with Kyrkozz?

  “You owe Dominick a chimera,” Doc reminded me.

  Cooper leaned against the doorjamb. “That might be a problem. We didn’t leave any breathing.”

  “That’s okay,” I said, walking over to the dead one on the floor at Cornelius’s feet. “I have an idea.”

  * * *

  I didn’t talk much on the trip back down to Deadwood. My brain was too busy processing the shitload of images and information dumped on it to be able to form coherent sentences.

  We’d dropped Cooper’s yellow-eyed informant off at Harvey’s ranch since he had nowhere else to go for now and needed to hole up for a few days until this mess blew over. I hadn’t asked his name. Cooper knew it and that was enough for me at this point. The guy looked normal enough, maybe a little long in the tooth when it came to his scraggly gray ponytail and hairy knuckles, but otherwise easily mistaken for a human hermit.

  He’d filled my head with tales, opening my eyes and then some. It turned out that most of Slagton’s oddball remaining residents weren’t human. They’d stayed put after the mine pulled out because they had a job to do: guard the gates—as in more than one.

  “How many gates are we talking?” I’d asked the informant.

  “Enough to require sentinels on guard at all times, Scharfrichter,” he’d said. “But now that you’re here, we have another purpose.”

  “What’s that?”

  His answer had made me cringe.

  I wasn’t ready for this wave. All I wanted to do was go home and hide in the corner of my closet amid Elvis’s feathers and plug my ears until it all passed.

  Harvey dropped Cooper, Doc, and me off at Doc’s place, heading out to take Cornelius back to his apartment above Calamity Jane Realty and then swing by Aunt Zoe’s while we cleaned up. He had big tales to tell and was happy to hold off on a shower and catch Aunt Zoe up instead.

  Once inside Doc’s house, Cooper headed straight for the shower. He had to be at work in an hour. Finding his informant alive seemed to have made him much less crotchety. Or maybe it was playing shooting gallery for real. He did share blood with Harvey, after all.

  Cooper had even helped me collect what I needed for Dominick without snarling at me. When he’d chuckled about what crazy mess I was going to land him in next, I’d begun to suspect Harvey’s dynamite had knocked something loose in Cooper’s brain. Witnessing this side of the law dog was almost as scary as facing off with Kyrkozz.

  While Cooper showered, I sat at Doc’s kitchen bar and drank a beer, staring at the bubbles in the bottle. Doc gave me breathing room, seeming to understand I needed space to sort out what had happened in this world and the other.

  “You’re next,” Doc said to me when Cooper came down the stairs in jeans, a button-up shirt, and tie.

  “You go first,” I said, still nursing my beer.

  Before climbing the stairs, he invited Cooper to stop by Aunt Zoe’s later for supper if he had time to take a break.

  Cooper poured himself a glass of water. “What are you going to do about the Slagton situation?”

  I finished off my beer. “I don’t know.”

  He gulped down the water and stuck the glass in the dishwasher. “You were right about splitting up,” he said.

  I blinked. Twice. “What did you just say?”

  “You heard me, Parker. I’m not going to say it again.”

  “Did you hit your head fighting those things today?”

  A grin flitted over his features. “I did take a hit to the face when the shed blew up.” He pointed at the cut on his cheek. “Maybe that piece of wood knocked something loose.”

  “Be careful, Cooper. If you say something else nice to me, I might suspect you’re starting to like me in spite of my big nose and curls.”

  He pursed his lips, staring at my nose and then my hair. “Nah. I’m just tired as hell and don’t feel like fighting right now.” He grabbed his Deadwood police coat from the back of the other bar stool. “Once I’m caught up on sleep, I’m sure I’ll find you irritating as ever.”

  “Then I guess I’d better make hay while the sun is shining.” I hopped off the stool and walked over to him.

  His eyes narrowed as I neared. “What are you doing, Parker?”

  I held out my hand. “Breathe easy, law dog. I only want to thank you for being there today and keeping those things away while I dealt with what I had to on the inside.”

  “Why was the clock stuck cuckooing?”

  We didn’t have time to go into detail now, so I kept it short and sweet. “A demon had impaled the clock’s owner on the gate between realms in order to lure me there so he could tear me limb from limb and mount my head on a spike.”

  “Are you fucking with me?”

  I shook my head.

  “How did you escape?”

  I smiled. “Harvey wasn’t the only one sporting dynamite today.”

  He scowled. “Jesus, Parker. That dynamite was a ticking time bomb. You could have blown yourself to pieces.”

  “That thought had crossed my mind once or twice.” I stared up at him. “Thank you, Cooper. For everything.” I wrapped my arms around his rigid torso and gave him a quick hug. It bordered on awkward, but at least I didn’t get bit while standing that close to him.

  When I stepped back, he gave me a lopsided smile. “You keep life interesting, Parker.”

  “That’s what Doc says.”

  “I don’t envy him. You’re hard on a guy without even trying.” He grabbed his keys off the counter, pausing at my side. “I might stop by your aunt’s place later for some grub, if that’s okay with you.”

  I nodded. “I think Nat will be there with us. If you play your cards right, maybe she’ll chastise you with another kiss.”

  He smiled. “Or she’ll just chew me a new asshole again.”

  “Or that.”

  He patted my shoulder. “Try to stay out of trouble for one night. I could use a break.” Without another word he left.

  I deadbolted the door after him and then turned to look up the stairs. “And then there was one.”

  I peeled off my shirt on the way up the stairs and plucked the sachet from my bra, dropping both on the floor. After locking Doc’s bedroom door behind me, I stepped out of my jeans and socks. The bathroom door was open a crack. I closed it after me, breathing in the steam of the shower. I could see Doc’s form through the curtain. He was letting the water beat down on his head, his chin tipped up.

  You’re hard o
n a guy without even trying.

  Today had been hard on all of us. There was so much to break down and analyze, so many words and actions that didn’t make sense. But now was not the time. Now, I just needed to feel. To show Doc how much I appreciated him. How much I loved him.

  I left my bra and underwear on, knowing he really liked it when I got wet. His eyes widened when I joined him on the other side of the curtain, then his attention drifted downward and his surprise turned into a hungry smolder.

  He hooked his finger in the center of my bra, towing me closer. His hands framed my face, tipping it up. His thumbs brushed over my cheekbones. His gaze lingered on my mouth for several seconds, then lifted to my eyes. The love shining back at me melted my heart.

  “Kiss me,” I whispered.

  “Once I start, I’m not going to stop.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck. Warm water bounced off his shoulders, misting my face. I moved my hips against him. “You’re getting me all wet.”

  He shifted, pressing me back against the shower wall. The tiles were cool on my skin. “You’re overdressed for the party, Boots.” He caught my wrists, holding them against the wall over my head with one hand. Then he leaned back and let the warm shower spray pelt my chest, watching the water run down my skin.

  His barefaced admiration made my body hum. “I hate being overdressed. Maybe you should take off my bra.”

  “Not yet.” He raised his other hand, brushing his knuckles over the wet satin fabric, first one side and then the other, giving equal attention. His dark eyes lifted, watching me as he repeated his stroking, this time with his thumb.

  I writhed under his touch, biting my lower lip.

  “God, that’s hot,” he said and let go of my wrists. He leaned down, using his mouth this time, still teasing me through the fabric. I grabbed his head, holding him against me. I tipped my head back, closed my eyes, and moaned as his talented tongue stoked the flames burning inside of me.

  His fingers made quick work of the bra clasp, stripping the wet material off and draping it over the top of the shower curtain rod.

  He grabbed the soap, starting with my arms, lathering along the way. I watched his hands move over my curves, my need for him burning hotter and hotter. He lost the soap somewhere along the way. I lost my patience a short time later, taking his hand and sliding it inside of my soaked panties. “Feel what you’re doing to me.”

  He groaned and lowered his mouth to mine, his fingers working their magic.

  “Yessss.” I scratched my nails down his shoulders.

  His fingers delved deeper, his thumb strumming, while his tongue stroked along mine. He spun me higher and higher, making me dizzy with need, until I cried out with release, quivering under his touch.

  “I love it when you do that,” he said, sliding his lips along my cheek. He pulled his hand from my underwear.

  “I love it when you make me do that.” I reached down and took him in my palm, my body still tingling. “I want to do it again.”

  His mouth returned to mine, growing bolder. His body tensed under my touch.

  I sucked his tongue into my mouth, kissing him how I wanted him to love me, hot and hard, making me even wetter.

  “Keep that up,” he said against my lips, “and I’m not going to last long enough to get you to my bed.”

  “I want you here. Now. In the shower.” I kissed him again, tightening my grip, mimicking my tongue stroke for stroke.

  “Damn, Boots,” he said, bracing against the shower wall on each side of my head. He pressed into my hand, his jaw taut.

  I trailed my lips down his stubble-covered jaw, nibbling on his collarbone. Then I dragged my mouth to his earlobe, sucking on it.

  “Violet.” His voice sounded deep and raspy, sensual.

  I let go of his ear, looking up. “What?”

  He stared at me, his eyes nearly black with need. “Let me inside.”

  “Take off my panties.”

  He pushed them down over my hips, helping me step out of them. “Turn around.” I did as told, facing the wall, hands flat on the tiles. He skimmed his palms down my ribs and then spanned my hips.

  I arched my lower back, looking over my shoulder. “Now, Doc.”

  He pressed into me, his breath hot on my neck. I moaned, adjusting to take all of him.

  “Oh, God,” he gasped, his teeth sliding along my shoulder. His body moved against mine, taking ownership, lighting me on fire. “I can’t get enough of you, cara mia.” His hands moved north to cup and fondle while he made love to me with his mouth and body. One of his hands slid down and rubbed over me, making my knees grow wobbly, winding me up again. I reached down and helped him, my fingers covering his, moving with him as one.

  My legs almost buckled when I reached the apex. I arched in pleasure as my body convulsed around him. He growled in my ear when I finished, ravaging me against the shower wall, all control gone. His body strained against mine, his face buried in my neck as he groaned my name. I felt his muscles quiver with release, and then he stilled, panting.

  We both stood there under the warm water, neither moving, letting it cascade down our skin.

  “You can shower with me anytime, Boots.” His lips were warm on my shoulder blade after he pulled away.

  “Doc?” I said, turning in his arms.


  “I don’t know what to get you for Christmas.”

  He burst out laughing, taking a step back.

  I frowned up at him. “This isn’t funny. I don’t want to get you something that freaks you out.”

  “Like what?” He moved under the spray, letting it cascade over his head. “A demon’s tongue?”

  “No, smartass. I mean something sentimental that makes you think I’m too clingy.”

  “You’re never too clingy.”

  I continued while watching him rub soap over his chest. “I don’t want to get you some expensive but boring electronic gadget that doesn’t really show you how important you are to me, but that’s what all of the catalogs suggest for the man in my life.”

  “Sweetheart, you just gave me an amazing gift.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You get my body all of the time. It’s not a gift.”

  “I beg to differ. You give yourself to me without hesitation, letting me live out my fantasies with you. That’s the best gift ever.”

  “But don’t you want something more?”

  “I think you underestimate how much I fantasize about being inside of you, especially when you’re wet and willing.”

  “I’m almost always wet and willing around you.”

  He grinned. “I know. It’s sexy as hell, too.” He rinsed, switching places with me under the shower.

  I tipped my head back under the water, soaking my hair. He had shampoo in his palm when I finished. I turned around and let him lather it in my hair. “You must have a big hot water heater.”

  “I installed it after I moved in. I bought the largest tank I could with you and this in mind.”

  “Really? You actually planned on taking long showers with me?”

  “Oh, yeah.” He massaged the shampoo into my hair.

  After I rinsed the shampoo out, I asked, “Will you stay the night with me again?”

  He was quiet for a few beats. “You don’t get it, do you?”

  “Get what?”

  “I’m nuts about you, Violet. I want to spend every night with you.” He poured conditioner in his hand. “Turn around again.”

  Every night, huh? I smiled and turned, warming my front side in the spray. “But you have a nice new bed.”

  “It’s boring under the covers without you beside me.” He massaged the conditioner into my curls. “Just as my shower will be now when you don’t share it with me.” A short time later, he slapped my backside playfully. “Time to rinse again.”

  I faced him while I washed out the conditioner. He leaned his shoulder against the shower wall, ogling me like I was naked and wet. Figuring some sud
s might up the heat in his gaze a notch or two, I reached for the soap.

  He sucked air through his teeth when I circled my way south.

  “I fear you getting tired of me,” I told him, rubbing the bar over the tops of my breasts.

  “I fear you not coming back from the dark and having to live without you.” He grabbed the soap from me, making me extra sudsy in my more sensitive places.

  I watched him wash my skin, wanting him inside of me again, making me his. “Doc?”

  “Yeah?” He let go of the soap, using his hands now instead.

  “How much longer do you think the hot water will last?”

  “Another ten minutes, maybe.”

  “What about you?”

  His eyes met mine, his pupils dilated. “What about me?”

  I stepped closer, getting soap on his chest. “Can you go another ten minutes, too?”

  “That depends.” He ran his hands down my sides. “You’re pretty slippery.”

  “Is that a problem?”

  “Yeah. The best kind of problem.” He met my mouth halfway, his kisses rougher, giving it to me just right.

  He was wrong about the hot water, though. To make it up to me, he kept going long after the spray had turned cold, warming me up inside and out while getting his sheets all wet.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “You gave Dominick what?” Aunt Zoe asked me later that evening.

  We were holding court in the kitchen after filling our bellies with Harvey’s homemade chili and corn bread. The supper dishes were washed and the kids were hanging in the living room while yet another holiday classic played on the television.

  “Shhhh,” I said, stuffing a bag of leftover grated cheese into the fridge. “Addy and Layne don’t need to hear this.”

  “Addy and Layne don’t need to hear what?” Natalie asked, returning from the living room where she’d been helping Addy string colored popcorn into garlands. Her pink fuzzy sweater had pieces of popcorn stuck in it.

  “Ya got a bad cat on the line there, Sparky,” Harvey said from his seat at the table next to the cookie jar. “Yer gonna need to circle the wagons the next time that devil comes callin’.”

  “What did I miss?” Natalie asked Doc, who was leaning against the counter. His black thermal shirtsleeves were still pushed up from helping me dry dishes.


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