Delphi Complete Works of Pliny the Elder

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Delphi Complete Works of Pliny the Elder Page 28

by Pliny the Elder

  Eratosthenes tells us that in Asia there have perished the nations of the Solymi, the Leleges, the Bebryces, the Colycantii, and the Tripsedri. Isidorus adds to these the Arimi, as also the Capretæ, settled on the spot where Apamea stands, which was founded by King Seleucus, between Cilicia, Cappadocia, Cataonia, and Armenia, and was at first called Damea, from the fact that it had conquered nations most remarkable for their fierceness.

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  CHAP. 34. (31.)


  Of the islands which lie before Asia the first is the one situate in the Canopic Mouth of the Nile, and which received its name, it is said, from Canopus, the pilot of Menelaüs. A second, called Pharos, is joined by a bridge to Alexandria, and was made a colony by the Dictator Cæsar. In former times it was one day’s sail from the mainland of Egypt; at the present day it directs ships in their course by means of the fires which are lighted at night on the tower there; for in consequence of the insidious nature of the shoals, there are only three channels by which Alexandria can be approached, those of Steganus, Posideum and Taurus.

  In the Phœnician Sea, before Joppe there is the island of Paria, the whole of it forming a town. Here, they say, Andromeda was exposed to the monster: the island also of Arados, already mentioned, between which and the continent, as we learn from Mucianus, at a depth of fifty cubits in the sea, fresh water is brought up from a spring at the very bottom by means of leather pipes.

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  CHAP. 35.


  The Pamphylian Sea contains some islands of little note. The Cilician, besides four others of very considerable size, has Cyprus, which lies opposite to the shores of Cilicia and Syria, running east and west; in former times it was the seat of nine kingdoms. Timosthenes states that the circumference of this island is 427 miles, Isidorus 375; its length, between the two Promontories of Dinæ and Acamas lying on the west, is, according to Artemidorus, 160 1/2 miles, according to Timosthenes, 200. Philonides says that it was formerly called Acamantis, Xenagoras that it had the names of Cerastis, Aspelia, Amathusia, and Macaria, while Astynomus gives it the names of Cryptos and Colinia. Its towns are fifteen in number, Neapaphos, Palæpaphos, Curias, Citium, Corineum, Salamis, Ama- thus, Lapethos, Solœ, Tamasos, Epidarum, Chytri, Arsinoë, Carpasimn, and Golgi. The towns of Cinyria, Marium, and Idalium are no longer in existence. It is distant from Anemurium in Cilicia fifty miles; the sea which runs between the two shores being called the Channel of Cilicia. In the same locality is the island of Eleusa, and the four islands known as the Clides, lying before the promontory which faces Syria; and again at the end of the other cape is Stiria: over against Neapaphos is Hierocepia, and opposite to Salamis are the Salaininiæ.

  In the Lycian Sea are the islands of Illyris, Telendos, and Attelebussa, the three barren isles called Cypriæ, and Dionysia, formerly called Caretha. Opposite to the Promontory of Taurus are the Chelidoniæ, as many in number, and extremely dangerous to mariners. Further on we find Leucolla with its town, the Pactyæ, Lasia, Nymphäis, Macris, and Megista, the city on which last no longer exists. After these there are many that are not worthy of notice. Opposite, however, to Cape Chimæra is Dolichiste, Chœrogylion, Crambussa, Rhoge, Enagora, eight miles in circumference, the two islands of Dædala, the three of Crya, Strongyle, and over against Sidyma the isle of Antiochus. Towards the mouth of the river Glaucus, there are Lagussa, Macris, Didymæ Helbo, Scope, Aspis, Telandria, the town of which no longer exists, and, in the vicinity of Caunus, Rhodussa.

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  CHAP. 36


  But the fairest of them all is the free island of Rhodes, 125, or, if we would rather believe Isidorus, 103 miles in circumference. It contains the inhabited cities of Lindos, Camirus, and Ialysus, now called Rhodos. It is distant from Alexandria in Egypt, according to Isidorus, 583 miles; but, according to Eratosthenes, 469. Mucianus says, that its distance from Cyprus is 166. This island was formerly called Ophiussa, Asteria, Æthria, Trinacrie, Corymbia, Pœeëssa, Atabyria, from the name of one of its kings; and, in later times, Macaria and Oloessa. The islands of the Rhodians are Carpathus, which has given its name to the surrounding sea; Casos, formerly known as Achne; Nisyros, twelve miles distant from Cnidos, and formerly called Porphyris; and, in the same vicinity, midway between Rhodes and Cnidos, Syme. This island is thirty-seven miles and a half in circumference, and welcomes us with eight fine harbours. Besides these islands, there are, in the vicinity of Rhodes, those of Cyclopis, Teganon, Cordylussa, the four islands called Diabetæ, Hymos, Chalce, with its city of that name, Sentlussa, Narthecussa, Dimastos, Progne; and, off Cnidos, Cisserussa, Therionarce, and Calydne, with the three towns of Notium, Nisyros, and Mendeterus. In Arconnesus there is the town of Ceramus. Off the coast of Caria, there are the islands known as the Argiæ, twenty in number; also Hyetussa, Lepsia, and Leros.

  The most noted island, however, in this gulf is that of Cos, fifteen miles distant from Halicarnassus, and 100 in circumference, according to the opinion of many writers. It was formerly called Merope; according to Staphylus, Cea; Meropis, as Dionysius tells us; and, after that, Nymphæa. In this island there is Mount Prion. Nisyros, formerly called Porphyris, is supposed to have been severed from the island of Cos. We next come to the island of Caryanda, with a city of that name, and that of Pidosus, not far from Halicarnassus. In the Gulf of Ceramicus we also find Priaponnesos, Hipponnesos, Psyra, Mya, Lampsa. Æmyndus, Passala, Crusa, Pinnicussa, Sepiussa, and Melano. At a short distance from the mainland is an island which bears the name of Cinædopolis, from the circumstance that King Alexander left behind there certain persons of a most disgraceful character.

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  CHAP. 37.


  The coast of Ionia has the islands of Trageæ, Corseæ, and Icaros, which has been previously mentioned; Lade, formerly called Late; and, among others of no note, the two Camelidæ, in the vicinity of Miletus; and the three Trogiliæ, near Mycale, consisting of Philion, Argennon, and Sandalion. There is Samos also, a free island, eighty-seven miles in circumference, or, according to Isidorus, 100. Aristotle tells us, that it was at first called Parthenia, after that Dryussa, and then Anthemussa. To these names Aristocritus has added Melamphllus and Cyparissia: other writers, again, call it Parthenoarussa and Stephane. The rivers of tis island are the Imbrasus, the Chesius, and the Ibettes. There are also the fountains of Gigartho and Leucothea; and Mount Cercetius. In the vicinity of Samos are the islands of Rhypara, Nymphæa, and Achillea.

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  CHAP. 38.


  At a distance of ninety-four miles from Samos is the free island of Chios, its equal in fame, with a town of the same name. Ephorus says, that the ancient name of this island was Æthalia: Metrodorus and Cleobulus tell us, that it had the name of Chia from the nymph Chione; others again say, that it was so called from the word signifying snow; it was also called Macris and Pityusa. It has a mountain called Pelennæus; and the Chian Marble is well known. It is 125 miles in circumference, according to the ancient writers; Isidorus however makes it nine more. It is situate between Samos and Lesbos, and, for the most part, lies opposite to Erythræ.

  The adjacent islands are Thallusa, by some writers called Daphnusa, Œnussa, Elaphitis, Euryanassa, and Arginusa, with a town of that name. All these islands are in the vicinity of Ephesus, as also those called the Islands of Pisistratus, Anthinæ, Myonnesos, Diarreusa, — in both of these last there were cities, now no longer in existence, — Poroselene, with a city of that name, Cerciæ, Halone, Commone, Illetia, Lepria and Rhesperia, Procusæ, Bolbulæ, Phanæ, Priapos, Syce, Melane, Ænare, Sidusa, Pele, Drymusa, Anhydros, Scopelos, Sycussa, Marathussa, Psile, Perirreusa, and many others of no note. In the main sea lies the celebrated island of Teos, with a city of that name, seventy-one miles and a half distant from Chios, and the same from the Erythræ. />
  In the vicinity of Smyrna are the Peristerides, Carteria, Alopece, Elæussa, Bachina, Pystira, Crommyonnesos, and Megale. Facing Troas there are the Ascaniæ, and the three islands called Plateæ. We find also the Lamiæ, the two islands called Plitaniæ, Plate, Scopelos, Getone, Arthedon, Cœlæ, Lagussæ, and Didymæ.

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  CHAP. 39.


  But Lesbos, distant from Chios sixty-five miles, is the most celebrated of them all. It was formerly called Himerte, Lasia, Pelasgia, Ægira, Æthiope, and Macaria, and is famous for its nine cities. Of these, however, that of Pyrrha has been swallowed up by the sea, Arisbe has perished by an earthquake, and Methymna is now united to Antissa; these lie in the vicinity of nine cities of Asia, along a coast of thirty-seven miles. The towns of Agamede and Hiera have also perished. Eresos, Pyrrha, and the free city of Mitylene, still survive, the last of which was a powerful city for a space of 1500 years. The circumference of the whole island is, according to Isidorus, 168 miles, but the older writers say 195. Its mountains are, Lepethymnus, Ordymnus, Maicistus, Creon, and Olympus. It is distant seven miles and a half from the nearest point of the mainland. The islands in its vicinity are, Sandaleon, and the five called Leucæ; Cydonea, which is one of them, contains a warm spring. The Arginussæ are four miles distant from Æge; after them come Phellusa and Pedna. Beyond the Hellespont, and opposite the shore of Sigeum, lies Tenedos, also known by the names of Leucophrys, Phœnice, and Lyrnesos. It is distant from Lesbos fifty-six miles, and twelve and a half from Sigeum.

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  CHAP. 40. (32.)


  The tide of the Hellespont now begins to run with greater violence, and the sea beats against the shore, undermining with its eddies the barriers that stand in its way, until it has succeeded in separating Asia from Europe. At this spot is the promontory which we have already mentioned as Trapeza; ten miles distant from which is the city of Abydos, where the straits are only seven stadia wide; then the town of Percote; Lampsacus, at first called Pityusa; the colony of Parium, which Homer calls by the name of Adrastia; the town of Priapos; the river Æsepus; Zelia; and then the Propontis, that being the name given to the tract of sea where it enlarges. We then come to the river Granicus, and the harbour of Artace, where a town formerly stood. Beyond this is an island which Alexander joined to the continent, and upon which is Cyzicus, a city of the Milesians, which was formerly called Arctonnesos, Dolionis, and Dindymis; above it are the heights of Mount Dindymus. We then come to the towns of Placia, Ariace, and Scylace; in the rear of which places is Mount Olympus, known as the “Mysian Olympus,” and the city of Olympena. There are also the rivers Horisius and Rhyndacus, formerly called the Lycus; this last river rises in Lake Artynias, near Miletopolis, and receives the Macestos, and many other streams, dividing in its course Asia from Bithynia.

  This country was at first called by the name of Cronia, after that, Thessalis, and then Malianda and Strymonis. The people of it are by Homer called Halizones, from the fact that it was a nation begirt by the sea. There was formerly a vast city here, Attussa by name; at present there are twelve cities in existence; among which is Gordiucome, otherwise Juliopolis; and, on the coast, Dascylos. We then come to the river Gelbes; and, in the interior, the town of Helgas, or Germanicopolis, which has also the other name of Booseœte Apamea, now more generally known as Myrlea of the Colophonians: the river Etheleus also. the ancient boundary of Troas, and the commencement of Mysia. Next to this comes the gulf into which the river Ascanius flows, the town of Bryllion, and the rivers Hylas and Cios, with a town of the same name as the last- mentioned river; it was founded by the Milesians at a place which was called Aseania of Phrygia, as an entrepôt for the trade of the Phrygians who dwelt in the vicinity. We may therefore look upon this as a not ineligible opportunity for making further mention of Phrygia.

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  CHAP. 41.


  Phrygia lies above Troas, and the peoples already men- tioned as extending from the Promontory of Lectum to the river Etheleus. On its northern side it borders upon Galatia, on the south it joins Lyeaonia, Pisidia, and Mygdonia, and, on the east, it touches upon Cappadocia. The more celebrated towns there, besides those already mentioned, are Ancyra, Andria, Celænæ, Colossæ, Carina, Cotyaion, Ceraine, Conium, and Midaium. There are authors who say that the Mœsi, the Brygi, and the Thyni crossed over from Europe, and that from them are descended the peoples called the Mysi, Phryges, and Bithyni.

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  CHAP. 42.


  On this occasion also it seems that we ought to speak of Galatia, which lies above Phrygia, and includes the greater part of the territory taken from that province, as also its former capital, Gordium. The Gauls who have settled in these parts, are called the Tolistobogi, the Voturi, and the Ambitouti; those who dwell in Mæonia and Paphlagonia are called the Trocmi. Cappadocia stretches along to the north-east of Galatia, its most fertile parts being possessed by the Tectosages and the Teutobodiaci. These are the nations by which those parts are occupied; and they are divided into peoples and tetrarchies, 195 in number. Its towns are, among the Tectosages, Ancyra; among the Troemi, Tavium; and, among the Tolistobogi, Pessinus. Besides the above, the best known among the peoples of this region are the Actalenses, the Arasenses, the Comenses, the Didienses, the Hierorenses, the Lystreni, the Neapolitani, the Œandenses, the Seleucenses, the Sebas- teni, the Timoniacenses, and the Thebaseni. Galatia also touches upon Carbalia in Pamphylia, and the Milyæ, about Baris; also upon Cyllanticum and Oroandicum, a district of Pisidia, and Obizene, a part of Lvcaonia. Besides those already mentioned, its rivers are the Sangarius and the Gallus, from which last the priests of the Mother of the gods have taken their name.

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  CHAP. 43.


  And now as to the remaining places on this coast. On the road from Cios into the interior is Prusa, in Bithynia, founded by Hannibal at the foot of Olympus, at a distance of twenty-five miles from Nicæa, Lake Ascanius lying between them. We then come to Nicæa, formerly called Olbia, and situate at the bottom of the Ascanian Gulf; as also a second place called Prusa, at the foot of Mount Hypius. Pythopolis, Parthenopolis, and Coryphanta are no longer in existence. Along the coast we find the rivers Æsius, Bryazon, Plataneus, Areus, Æsyros, Geodos, also called Chrysorroas, and the promontory upon which once stood the town of Megarice. The gulf that here runs inland received the name of Craspedites from the circumstance of that town lying, as it were, upon its skirt. Astacum, also, formerly stood here, from which the same gulf has received the name of the ‘Astacenian’: the town of Libyssa formerly stood at the spot where we now see nothing but the tomb of Hannibal. At the bottom of the gulf lies Nicomedia, a famous city of Bithynia; then comes the Promontory of Leucatas, by which the Astacenian Gulf is bounded, and thirty-seven miles distant from Nicomedia; and then, the land again approaching the other side, the straits which extend as far as the Thracian Bosporus. Upon these are situate Chalcedon, a free town, sixty-two miles from Nicomedia, formerly called Procerastis, then Colpusa, and after that the “City of the Blind,” from the circumstance that its founders did not know where to build their city, Byzantium being only seven stadia distant, a site which is preferable in every respect.

  In the interior of Bithynia are the colony of Apamea, the Agrippenses, the Juliopolitæ, and Bithynion; the rivers Syrium, Laphias, Pharnacias, Alces, Serinis, Lilæus, Scopius, and Hieras, which separates Bithynia from Galatia. Beyond Chalcedon formerly stood Chrysopolis, and then Nicopolis, of which the gulf, upon which stands the Port of Amycus, still retains the name; then the Promontory of Naulochum, and Estiæ, a temple of Neptune. We then come to the Bosporus, which again separates Asia from Europe, the distance across being half a mile; it is distant twelve miles and a half from Chalcedon. The first entran
ce of this strait is eight miles and three-quarters wide, at the place where the town of Spiropolis formerly stood. The Thyni occupy the whole of the coast, the Bithyni the interior. This is the termination of Asia, and of the 282 peoples, that are to be found between the Gulf of Lycia and this spot. We have already mentioned the length of the Hellespont and Propontis to the Thracian Bosporus as being 239 miles; from Chalcedon to Sigeum, Isidorus makes the distance 322 1/2.


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