McKenzie Cousins Box Set Three: Books Seven, Eight, Nine

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McKenzie Cousins Box Set Three: Books Seven, Eight, Nine Page 17

by Lexi Buchanan

  “Okay. I think you should kiss me. Let everyone believe we’re heading to our cabin to use that lube and those condoms you bought.”

  “Fucking hell, Mallory,” he hisses, his lips hovering above mine. “Hearing the word ‘lube’ come out of your mouth has me horny as fuck.”

  “I can tell.” I rub against him as his mouth comes down to claim mine. His lips are firm and his tongue is hot and strong, pushing into my mouth. I moan and grab a handful of his short hair to hold him closer.

  “Leave now,” Joshua mumbles, backing me from the room while trailing kisses all over my face. “You are so beautiful.” He places a sweet soft kiss to my lips. Taking my hand and turning me toward the main doors of the lodge, Joshua adds, “We’ll check on the other couple then make sure our cabin is safe before turning in for the night.” He squeezes my hand.



  With my eyes constantly searching our surroundings, and Mallory’s hand clasped tightly in mine, we approach John and Neve’s cabin. The light by the door is lit by the faint glow coming from within. They had a good head start, so I’m hoping we don’t catch them in the middle of anything.

  Mallory squeezes my hand and leaning forward, bangs her fist to the door a couple of times. “Anyone home?” she shouts. I shake my head with amusement.

  She shrugs. “They’ll be in the middle of make up sex. It’s too cold to be standing outside while they decide whether or not to answer the door.”

  “Who is it?” John yells from inside.

  “Jason and Marie,” I reply. “We saw you leave early and wanted to check you’re both okay.”

  “We’d be even better if you hadn’t interrupted.”

  Mallory grins and I roll my eyes at the amusement I see on her face.

  “We’ll let you get back to it then.”

  I grab Mallory’s arm and lead her down the steps and hide us from view of the cameras that I know are watching, before pulling her to a stop. “I don’t think I’d have been as polite if we’d been interrupted.”

  Her eyes light with arousal, which makes mine react in kind. I can’t take my eyes from hers and by the time she wraps herself around me, I’m hard as a damn rock.

  “Um, I’ve never been naughty until I met you,” she admits, going down to her knees in front of me, making sure her face nuzzles my groin. Her eyes lift to mine and hold, while one of her hands works the zipper over my cock.

  “Not here. We’re in the open.” My eyes search the area as I feel her fingers tightening around me. I gasp when I feel her mouth on the flared head and my hands reach for her hair. “Our cabin,” I suggest, breathing heavily.

  She smirks and shakes her head, her mouth swallowing me whole. The rush of pleasure I feel goes straight to my balls. “Mal,” I moan. She allows me to slide free and I feel a cool breeze on my heated flesh.

  “I want to watch you come.” Her hands grip my ass, her fingernails digging in as she tortures me with how slowly she slides her mouth down my length.

  I feel her throat tighten around the sensitive head of my cock seconds before I feel her tongue stroking and massaging as much as she can reach. Precum tingles along the length to trickle out into her throat. The swallowing movement feels so good that I can’t breathe when she repeats it over and over again. I hear footsteps on the path somewhere behind us, as does Mallory. Her mouth tightens, and I explode. My orgasm is pulled out of me by Mallory’s hot little mouth. My hips rock forward and with one final squirt I’m able to breathe again. I inhale deeply looking down at Mallory. She grins and licks her lips. I’m unable to pull my eyes away from the beautiful woman at my feet. My heart clenches as I hold my hand out to her and pull her to her feet and into my arms. I softly kiss her lips before I tuck her head beneath my chin. “Thank you,” I whisper, while my eyes search behind her looking for whom the footsteps belong to.

  I tense when I realize that I’m no longer hearing anything other than our breathing in the still of the night.

  “What’s wrong?” Mallory asks in hushed urgency, sensing my unease.

  “I heard footsteps, and now I can’t. Not even a twig snapping. The night just seems too still when moments before it wasn’t.” I frown. “I know we were a bit distracted, but something feels different. I’m not imagining it.”

  Mallory glances around, her eyes narrowing as she tries to focus. “It’s like being in a nightclub with music blaring and sweaty bodies all around, only to have everyone disappear and the music to suddenly stop.”

  “Yes,” I mumble, “that’s exactly it.”

  Taking Mallory’s hand into mine, I hold tight and indicate with my head that we’re going to head back to Jason and Marie’s cabin. I catch the wince on Mallory’s face because if all is okay then we’re going to be interrupting them once again.

  “I agree that something is…off, but I’m not sure about it being here at their cabin.” Mallory withdraws her service weapon, and I do the same.

  Rubbing my aching leg, I indicate to Mallory for silence as we slowly approach. I find it difficult in the dark and manage to snap a few more fallen branches than I’d have liked with my booted feet. Mallory treads more carefully and is silent as a ghost.

  All the lights are turned off in the cabin the only one glowing is the one on the porch. Crouched beneath the front room window, I slowly peer up from the side and although it’s dark inside the moon behind me gives enough light to see that no one is moving around in there. Shaking my head, Mallory moves toward the window in back as I follow her.

  The bedroom.

  Here we do catch sound and by the look on Mallory’s face she knows exactly what we are listening too. I grin and while there is some very heavy panting and moaning going on in the cabin, I pull Mallory away.

  Once we’re hidden in the trees, she whispers, “I think it was about to get more interesting.”

  “Have you got any idea what it does to a guy listening to the sound of people having sex when he’s with a woman he can’t keep his hands off?”

  She stumbles, my arm going around her waist. “You are not hard again?” She looks at me from over her shoulder. “Are you?”

  To prove my point, I tug her back completely against my front and press my erection against her ass. “Does that answer your question,” I whisper into her ear, feeling a shudder ripple through her.

  “You’re very dangerous, Joshua McKenzie.”

  “Hmm,” I nibble her earlobe, “it has everything to do with you.”

  Inhaling hard, I move my body away and ignoring the smirk on her face, I continue guiding her through the trees only now remembering the cameras that have been put up around the cabins.

  I wince at the thought of being caught on camera with my pants down and Mallory on her knees in front of me. Sure as hell one-way to assure a fast exit from the job I’ve spent years wanting.

  “Why so quiet?” Mallory asks in the dark night.



  “The hidden cameras.”

  She gasps and stopping suddenly, I come close to falling over her and catch myself at the last moment.

  She curses under her breath, and says, “I shouldn’t have forgotten about them.” Her eyes reach in the dark, however, nothing can be seen.

  “I doubt we’d see them even if it was during the day.” I shrug. “I tried to spot them when we first arrived.”

  “They’re only focused on each cabin, right? Which means, um, we haven’t starred in our own porn show.” She glances around once more.

  “I think we’re safe.” I kiss her briefly before ushering her toward our cabin.



  Glaring at myself through the mirror in the bathroom while Josh cooks breakfast, I wonder where the woman who is extremely cautious and by-the-book has gone. Since I’d first met Joshua McKenzie my head and body have slowly become his. I sense his presence even when we’re in different rooms. He’s overwhelmed me from day one and beca
use we’ve been put together for the assignment, I’ve gradually let my guard down until it’s in pieces on the floor.

  I need to get some sort of professionalism back before we head into town and meet up with the agents there. I need to focus and I can’t with Joshua walking around in low-slung sweatpants, and nothing else. My mind scatters in different directions now that I’ve let my personal life clash with my professional. It’s a mistake that never should have been made, but it’s one I can’t be sorry about, or reverse.

  Joshua only has to look at me and I’m aware that I belong with him. As for my job, I’m not sure it’s what I want to do any more. I can’t imagine not having some involvement in law enforcement, but being the SAC isn’t what I want anymore. I want a life, and I want it with Joshua.

  Inhaling and then slowly exhaling, I feel as though a great pressure has lifted from my chest. I’m not sure which direction I’ll go in once this case has come to an end, but wherever I end up, I’m going to be with Josh. I’m going to have time to be there for him, and if that means he stays working in the unit we’re both currently a part of, then so be it. At least I won’t be his direct supervisor. If I want something badly enough then I can do anything.

  Smiling to myself, I flip my hair over my shoulder and waltz out of the bathroom. There is certainly a new spring in my step as my eyes land on Joshua leaning over the countertop with a cup of coffee in his hands. Knowing better than to sneak up on him, I slightly cough and watch as the muscles in his back ripple with awareness. He turns his head and watches me approach from behind. Reaching out, I glide my hands over his bared skin, enjoying the feel of his skin against the palms of my hand.

  I lean forward and place a tender kiss between his shoulder blades, feeling Josh tremble at the light caress. “We need to be leaving,” he whispers, his voice husky.

  “I’m aware.” I rest my face against his back and slide my hands down over his belly and lower.

  He catches them before I reach my goal. Squeezing my hands, he turns and kisses my forehead. “Give me five minutes to get dressed, and we’ll leave before I’m taking you back to bed.”

  “Go,” I smack him on the ass and smirk at the glare he sends my way. “Do you want some coffee to take with us?”

  He shakes his head. “No. We’ll go to the coffee shop in town and get a decent cup.”

  Rolling my eyes, I add, “Fussy,” while making myself a cup to go.

  An hour later and we’re inside the hotel in town. The two agents in the room glance at us before quickly glancing at each other. I raise a brow at Josh before moving further into the room.

  There is nothing fancy to the room, just two queen beds, two chairs, a small table and a long sideboard with a television sitting in the middle. Basic, but nothing fancy is needed, and hopefully they won’t be here long.

  “Anything we need to know?” I ask, glancing around the room, noticing the feed from the cameras on two monitors. At least I can rest assured that nothing of what Joshua and I got up to was seen.

  “Nothing. No one messing around in the dark, other than the couple in cabin seven; Sara and Leon. They like to, um, get it on outside.” Agent Dillon clears his throat. “It’s all on video,” he winces, “and I’m sure as hell glad the cameras don’t have sound.”

  Agent Gardner snickers. “Over two hours they were at it outside their cabin.” He moves some papers around on the bed and passes me a file. “Agent Redgrave was caught on camera snooping through your bedroom window the night you all arrived.”

  My eyes snap to Agent Gardner’s before Joshua’s. His jaw is tight with anger, and I’m not surprised. The agent is going to blow everything if she continues to want Josh. I’m not sure what the hell to do about her, but something has to be done.

  “Could we pull her and Roger from the retreat? A family emergency. She’s going to cause unnecessary complications if she carries on.”

  “Is there something we should know?” Agent Dillon asks, staring between Josh and me.

  Josh answers, “I went through the academy with her. She indicated that she wouldn’t mind getting together. I wasn’t interested. She, apparently, still is.” He runs his hands through his hair. “She isn’t happy that Mallory and I are partnered in this operation. She’s made that known on more than one occasion.”

  “She’s jealous, and it’s compromising her job.” Agent Gardner hits the nail on the head.

  “I’d say she was more than jealous,” I mutter. “I’m not really sure she’d leave if we tried to end her assignment.”

  All eyes are on me so I continue, “She’s obsessed with Joshua, and everywhere we turn, she’s there. Our cover is going to be blown if she doesn’t stop, but she doesn’t seem to care, which makes her dangerous.” I glance at Josh, and then back to the two agents. “I need her to be pulled before she either gets herself killed, or someone else.”

  “We’ll wait until you’ve been back for a few hours and then make a call to the main office. She doesn’t have a sister, so we’ll say her sister has been involved in a car accident.” Agent Gardner shrugs. “She’ll pick up that they’re being called away. If she doesn’t then Roger will. I’ve worked with him before and he’s sharp.”

  I rub my brow knowing that as soon as she’s pulled from the assignment, I’m going to have one hell of a headache once this is over.

  “You’re doing the right thing,” Josh whispers. “She hasn’t been professional since we met on the plane. It’s only a matter of time before she blows it completely.”

  I reply, ever so quietly, “She isn’t the only one who hasn’t been professional.”

  Josh holds my gaze. “It’s different, and you know it.” He glances at the papers in his hand. “We’ve kept to our cover.” He offers a small smile. “She hasn’t.”

  “So yes or no?” Agent Gardner questions? “We pull her?”

  “You may be interviewed back at headquarters,” I say to Josh.

  He shakes his head. “I’m good. You know what you have to do. We’re partners and I’ll back whichever decision you make because I know it will be the right decision.”

  I look at Agent Gardner. “Yes. Let me send you an email confirming the request so that it can be printed and put in the file. I’ll copy Ritter in on the message.” I wince at the questions my boss is going to have, but I’m certainly not the only one to have witnessed first hand the unprofessional way Agent Redgrave has behaved while on undercover assignment. Like Josh said, her unprofessionalism was obvious to anyone who cared to look while Josh and I, have been acting the part of a couple in love, perfectly. Our feelings for each other have certainly helped with our roles.

  “Tonight there is a partner swapping party.” I clear my throat and struggle to keep the grin off of my lips when the other two agents chuckle and tease each other, and us. “Calm down.” I laugh. “I think it might be best if you’re both closer to the retreat than you are at this hotel. Something tells me we might be needing more eyes and ears tonight.”

  Agent Dillon sits back and folding his arms in front of his chest, broadly grins. “So, who are you both swapping with?”

  Joshua smirks. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “Hell, yes!” Agent Gardner teases.

  “Stop,” I mumble, embarrassed. “I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but we’re swapping with the other two agents, Samantha and Paul.”

  Rolling his eyes, Agent Dillon chuckles. “I knew that would be the case. I just wanted to see you blush.”

  “Seriously? We’re not in high school.” I let a smile slip out. “One thing,” I add, worried, “is that we’re thinking our killer might be going for the couples who stray.”

  “Not that we’ve discovered,” Joshua adds, “but what if the killer only kills a couple who have no problem with infidelity?” He glances around the room, his eyes lingering on me before he focuses on Gardner and Dillon. “It would make more sense if this is the case, which means tonight the killer may be going after his next victim.�

  “We’ll find somewhere to set up, and will find someway of letting you know where we are.” Gardner looks to Dillon who nods in agreement.

  “In the trees will be our best vantage point. Not many people look upwards, especially in the dark, when looking for someone,” Dillon suggests.

  “Go where you think is best, just be careful.” I glance at Josh. “You ready to go?”

  “Yes. Coffee first though.” He glances at the agents. “Can we get you anything before we leave town?”

  They both shake their heads. “Thanks for asking,” Dillon says. “I went for supplies an hour ago so we’re good until tomorrow.”

  Nodding, Joshua opens the door and we leave, heading out of the hotel in silence, both lost in our own thoughts. Just outside of the hotel Joshua stops and takes hold of my arm to keep me with him. He wraps an arm around my waist and whispers, “We’re being watched.” I slowly move closer so that I’m tucked in to the warmth of his body. “What do you want to do if Clarissa ignores the call?” he adds, in hushed tones.

  “She makes me nervous, so lets wait and see.” My stomach turns at the thought of having to deal with Clarissa Redgrave because I know she won’t give up without a fight. Words that I’ll probably wish she’d kept to herself will fall from the other agent’s mouth regardless of what Joshua and I ask of her—regardless of what our undercover assignments are. “Who is watching us?” I ask, not wanting to think about the woman for now.

  “I think its Neve, but I can’t be sure,” Joshua admits. “She was watching us closely from the black SUV parked out front of the gift store.”

  “I’ll grab us some coffee while you keep watch from the bench.” I point toward the small park with a few vacant benches, over to one side. The more I look it’s actually a large town square with a small pond and a children’s play ground.

  Josh shakes his head. “I’ll get the coffee.” He takes my hand and intertwines our fingers while leading me toward the bench. “Sit and enjoy the peace for a few minutes…and do not leave this bench without me.” He glares.


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