After the World Ended (Among the Stars Volume 0)

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After the World Ended (Among the Stars Volume 0) Page 7

by C.O. Amal

  Crazies are thinking that, the fucking aliens are their god, so, they will do everything in their power to stop us. I hope there won’t be any crazies in that area. Crazies are pretty much dangerous. They are the one who ended our world, but of course, the real end of the world is not yet here.

  “My mind was full about war and I forgot to ask you that you guys ate anything.” I said.

  “We ate fruits that we gotten from the forest. We all are fine. Thank you for asking.” Berry said.

  Others nodded.

  We all stood at the entrance of the sanctuary. We all are equipped with night vision helmets.

  In the horizon sun slowly went down and darkness started to cover everything.

  We all started our journey by climbing down the hill.

  In the night everything is visible to us in green colour and we saw the tip of the building from the hill. We increased our pace and, we kept ourselves alerted.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 22

  A.D. 2087, Near Alien Tower

  We strolled through the forest in pitch darkness. After about half an hour of walk we reached near the alien tower. We stood near the forest edges and examined our surrounding. There are small light bulbs all over the building and we can see aliens walking inside the tower.

  We found the killer machine not far away from the tower. There is a metal rod that came out of the machine’s lower part of the ball head. A part of the metal rod is inside the ground and there is also a glass chamber having a blue liquid on the back of the tripod looking machine. The glass chamber wasn’t there yesterday, so it must be a recent addition.

  There is a hum sound coming out of the machine which indicates that the machine is in its working state. We slowly approached the alien building. Ray is still inside the forest on top of a tree. He is examining our surrounding for any danger.

  There are no aliens outside the building. We quickly began our job. We laid TNTs everywhere around the building. Me and Berry walked towards the tripod looking machine and we laid TNTs there also. The tripod looking machine is gigantic and fortunately there are no one around. From each TNTs we extrapolated the fuse wire with extra fuse wire. And with the long fuse wire’s one end in our hand we marched inside the forest.

  So far no aliens have seen us.

  “Ahh ...” Berry suddenly cried out loud.

  When I looked at Berry I saw a man standing atop Berry. The man hit Berry in his head using a piece of log. It looks like Berry is unconscious.

  “Traitors ...” The man screamed at high pitch sound.

  He must be a crazy.

  Ray quickly silently shot down the crazy. Suddenly the whole place got illuminated by a blue light. The aliens detected our presence.

  “Joe, light the fuse.” Ray shouted.

  I quickly took the lighter in my hands and I kindled the fuse wire.


  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  TNTs exploded with a loud bang. The legs of the tripod broke from the main body and the machine fell down. The glass container on the back of the machine shattered and the blue liquid splashed everywhere.

  A moment later the alien tower collapsed. We stood in the forest edges and watched the scene with excitement. The aliens inside the building must have dead. The long mighty tower fell on top of the tripod. Dust covered the entire place.

  Suddenly a screech came from the place beyond the collapsed tower. We all trained our guns at the origin of the sound. Berry quickly stood up massaging his head.

  Then we saw the origin of the sound. Dozens of wolfish dogs are running towards us. They leaped through the wreckage of the tower and within seconds they are on us.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  We opened fire. Bullets rushed at the creatures. Our shots hit the wolfish dogs but they kept on coming. Bullets are only slowing them down. I quickly lighted a TNT and I threw it towards the beasts.


  The TNT exploded and the burnt bodies of the hellish dogs dropped to the ground. Ray quickly shot down the remaining creatures with his precision head shots.

  A moment later the whole place fell in silence. Ray climbed down from the tree and we all searched the surroundings for any danger. The machine had dismantled and they are never gonna use it again.

  “Do you know from where does the crazy came?” I asked Ray.

  “No. I didn’t even saw him coming. We have to be careful, there may be more of those people.” Ray said.

  “There are no one around the building. I searched near the forest edges and detected no movement.” Melissa said.

  “Then, what’s next?” Danny asked.

  “We need to find other machines and destroy them all.” I said.

  Suddenly a hum sound came from the sky. We all looked up and saw a big space ship coming in our way. A stream of blue light is coming from the ship which is illuminating everything.

  “Stay away from the open.” Ray shouted.

  We quickly ran towards the forest. We stared at the ship from the forest. The ship is hovering above the crumpled building and they are searching everywhere.

  A moment later two small ships came beside the big ship and the small ships landed on the open ground. Five aliens came out the ships with big guns. They examined the remains of the machine and are talking each other. Thanks to night vision helmets we can clearly see the aliens.

  “Should we kill them?” I asked Ray.

  “Not now. Wait until that big ship move away from here.” Ray said.

  I nodded. The place where the building stood is part of a big grass land and this grass land is surrounded by the forest. A moment later the big ship flew up and it moved away from the scene. A moment later the aliens on the ground reached near us. They are very keen in doing their job. There are fires going on there and there in the crumpled building.

  A moment later the aliens reached in front of us. Without wasting time we discarded our cover and opened fire.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Bullets rushed in all directions towards the aliens. The aliens nearby us quickly went down. Suddenly an alien start to shoot laser beams. Blue coloured laser bolts rushed towards us.

  “Ahh ...” One of Berry’s men went down with a wide hole in his chest.

  Melissa quickly shot down that alien from behind it. All the aliens are now dead. We quickly went near their ships and we placed lighted TNTs inside the ships, and we ran.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  The ships exploded. We jumped with excitement.

  “Now, let’s head back.” Ray said.

  We all nodded. A moment later we started our return journey through the forest.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 23

  A.D. 2087, Sanctuary

  We slowly marched towards sanctuary. The return journey was more perilous because we had to climb a steep rocky hill. Climbing down the hill is easy but climbing up is the hardest part. In the horizon sun started to rise. Sun light seeped in through the jungle foliage.

  Suddenly we detected movement near us.

  “Let us go, you, bitches.” I heard Maria’s voice.

  I rushed forward but Ray quickly stopped me. He hushed us and we waited for his command. A moment later we saw about hundreds of crazies marching through the forest. They have abducted Maria and Hanna and also Berry’s people.

  “We need to do something.” I said.

  “We can’t do anything now. If we fire we might hit one of us.” Ray whispered.

  A moment later the crazy crowd thinned out and we moved forward towards the sanctuary building.

  “This place supposed to be our sanctuary. Look at what happened.” Danny said.

  “Don’t worry, we will follow them and we will save ours.” Ray said.

  Ray’s words gave me hope. We slowly got inside the tunnel and checked our weapon situation. I have plenty of ammo still left in my bag. Others also have plenty of ammo. We all removed our helmets and moved towards the armoury for more TNT.

y we stopped in our track. In front of us lying on the ground is a woman who arrived here with Berry. Her head had separated from her neck.

  “Oh, Nina.” Berry said. Tears oozed down from his eyes.

  They went through a lot to get here, all for nothing.

  Someone did this using a sharp weapon. Blood had puddled on the floor like a small pond.

  “I am gonna kill all those bitches.” Berry said.

  “We will.” I said.

  We quickly filled our bags with more TNTs. The crazies seemed to have not seen our armoury because everything is fine in here. Nothing have lost. We immediately left the tunnel and marched outside.

  I can hear shouts from far away. We slowly marched towards the origin of sound. Birds began to chirp on the trees and squirrels ran through the tree branches looking for food. Before long we found the crazies who are moving towards a green field. They have made a camp there and also they have prepared stakes there and there. We stood in the forest edges and examined the situations. Our children including Hanna are crying out loud. Most of the crazies are outside their camps and are busy restraining Maria and rest of our people on the stakes. One crazy began to pour oil on the woods around the stakes.

  “We need to act now.” I said.

  “Okay. I will stay here and clear a path for you using my sniper rifle. You guys go ahead and throw those TNTs at them.” Ray said.

  We nodded. A big old crazy began their ritual. Me and Melissa marched towards the crazies with our assault rifles. Berry and his mate and Danny walked closely behind us. Crazies have not yet detected us. They are very busy in doing the ritual. All the crazies have gathered around the stake and are praying for their fucking gods.

  I threw a lighted TNT at the crowd. I made sure that TNT is pretty much away from the stake.


  The TNT exploded and the crazies ran in different directions. Many of the crazies’ burnt bodies dropped to the ground. Many crazies ran at us with knifes and baseball bats.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  We opened fire. Suddenly mad crazies started to throw knives at us but none managed to hit us. After about half an hour, the fight ended and pretty much all the crazies have dead. Remaining crazies retreated towards a large tower pretty far away from our location.

  We looked at our handy work. There shouldn’t have to be a blood bath. Those fucking aliens turned our kinds against us.

  We quickly untied our people.

  “Maria, did they hurt you.” I asked. Tears uncontrollably oozed down from my eyes.

  “I am okay, Joe.” Maria said smiling.

  Melissa came near me and examined our situation. “We need to get out of here before those crazies return with those fucking aliens.”

  We nodded.

  We all quickly ran towards our sanctuary. It’s not much of a sanctuary, now that our enemies knows about it, but we don’t have another place to go.

  Suddenly a hum sound came from the sky. We stopped moving and looked up and saw a big space ship moving towards the big tower the crazies had retreated to. The ship haven’t detected us yet. We quickly ran away from the green field. Before long we reached inside the forest.

  “We need to destroy that tower. That machine might be there.” I said.

  “Okay, we will go at night.” Ray said.

  With the mission in our mind we walked towards the sanctuary.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 24

  A.D. 2087, Alien Tower

  The night quickly conquered the land and we men and Melissa started towards the alien building in the east part of the sanctuary. We all wore night vision helmets and we hope that this mission will be easier than yesterday night’s.

  We had filled our stomach with fruits and we drank water from a stream, so we don’t have any problem with hunger. We now reached the green field and we can see the tower far away. The tower have electricity and we can clearly see it glowing in this night.

  We marched towards the tower. Before long we reached near the building. Everything is pretty quiet and there seemed to be no aliens on sight. We quickly began our job. We laid TNTs everywhere and within moments we finished our work.

  We cuddled on the ground in a sitting position near the forest edges with the one end of fuse wire in my hand. I took the lighter from my pocket and I immediately lighted the fuse.

  “Fire in the hole.” I said.


  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  The entire ground shook and the building began to sway. The entire lower part of the building have collapsed in the explosion.

  A moment later the whole building fell down and it crumbled to nothing. Dust covered the entire place. We jumped with excitement.

  “Yeah, that’s what I am talking about.” Danny said.

  We haven’t seen any other buildings or that killer machine here, and so far no aliens on sight.

  Suddenly Berry and the man with him dropped to the ground without making a sound. Blue laser bolts escaped through their chest making a hole there.

  “Drop your weapons or die.” A voice with an unusual accent came from behind us.

  We all froze. A warning laser bolt went closely to my head.

  “Drop now.” The voice said.

  We all reluctantly dropped our guns. I still haven’t seen my enemy.

  “Ahh ...” A sudden pain coursed through my head. I winced. Someone hit me in the head.

  I dropped to the ground.

  A moment later my attacker kicked me in the face and my world went blank.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 25

  A.D. 2087, Prison Camp

  I slowly opened my eyes and I found myself in the green field. A sharp pain is coursing through my head.

  I looked everywhere but didn’t saw Evelyn. I walked towards the stream and then I saw her. She is lying on the grass and her face had become pale.

  “Evelyn.” I shook her.

  She slowly opened her eyes. “Joe, I am dying.”

  “But we destroyed that machine.” I said.

  “There are more machines and they are draining my energy. I ... I can’t do anything against this. I ... I am afraid this will be the last time we see each other.” She said.

  “Don’t say things like that, Evelyn. I will find a way, but now they have caught us.” I said. “There must be a way to escape from them and I will destroy all those machines.”

  “Thanks for cheering me up, Joe, but I think I am done here.” Evelyn said.

  Suddenly light seeped in from every corners. The pain in my head increased and suddenly I woke up panting.

  I found myself in a cage made of metal rods. I looked everywhere but saw no one. I did saw other cages around mine and there are those people who have become monkeys in them. I massaged the back of my head and walked through the cage.

  Then I saw an alien walking towards me. It stopped moving once it reached near me and it stared at me for some time.

  It then said something in an unknown language.

  “How was sleep?” A device strapped to the creature’s waist said. It must be a translator.

  “Let me go you bitch and stop hurting her.” I said.

  “Oh ... Her ... I am gonna suck all her juice out of her and we have prepared a nice thing for you.” The creature said through the translator.

  A moment later two other aliens came towards my cage. They pushed my cage and the cage began to roll. They moved my cage towards a big field. On the way I saw many human monkeys and several normal looking humans inside the cages.

  Then I saw the killer machine not far away from the field.

  Once my cage reached near a small building in the middle of the field the aliens stopped rolling my cage. I saw Danny strapped to a table. They are preparing to do something to him. I saw an alien taking a metal cutter which is covered in blood. It must be used to cut humans.

  “Let him go, you, bitches.” I began to kick at the walls of the cage but no help came and the aliens giggled at

  The alien near Danny switched on the cutter and the blade of the cutter began to rotate at high speed.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  Suddenly explosions came from near the killer machine. I looked at the machine and saw it on fire. I can’t believe what I am witnessing. Aliens ran in different directions. Shouts in that unknown alien language came from all directions. Then I saw it. A huge space ship came from the sky and it began to shoot a laser like beams at the tripod like killer machine. Within moments the killer machine crumbled and a moment later the space ship landed on the ground.

  I can see the name of the ship written in English. It reads ‘Victoria’.

  A moment later the side ramp of the ship opened and through the ramp came humans with some sort of laser guns. Laser bolts danced in the air in all directions.

  * * * * *

  Part 6 – United We Stand

  Chapter 26

  A.D. 2087, Xhilarian Prison Camp

  The new humans shot down all the aliens nearby. The humans are in military fatigues and they have large guns which supposedly shoot laser bolts.

  After the fire fight is over the new humans released everyone in the cages. One of them came near my cage and started to unlock the cage. Most cages contained human monkeys.

  “Who are you?” I asked.

  “Who we are is not important. We are here to save this planet.” The man said smiling.

  Finally he unlocked the cage and I rushed towards Danny. I unstrapped Danny from the surgical table.

  “What happened?” Danny asked.

  “Some humans came in a space ship and they killed all the aliens, and they destroyed the killer machine.” I said.

  Danny’s eye widened. He stared at our rescuers. Before long Ray and Melissa joined us.

  “Are you okay?” I asked Melissa.

  “Never better.” Melissa replied.

  “People, gather around.” A young soldier who came in the space ship announced.

  We survivors gathered around him. There isn’t much people left here. There may be about twenty people. We all looked towards the soldier with excitement.

  “I am Samson and we are from another planet in another galaxy.” He said.

  “And we are here to help you destroy the Xhilarians.” Samson continued.

  Our jaw dropped.


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