by Amy Brent
“Is your brother married? Or does he hire fake brides like his brother?” She giggled as she methodically ate the food in front of her.
“Nicolai is not like me Megan, he is a good man, thoughtful and caring. No, he isn’t married nor will he ever be. I am the only one being pushed into marriage for the family.”
“I see.” She didn’t ask anything else, he obviously wasn’t willing to share any more than he already had.
As they finished there was a sharp knock on the door, startling her into action as she jumped up.
He chuckled as he swung open the large door and a team of people scurried in. She watched them set up different equipment in the living room and she frowned as she glanced over at him. What in the world? She rolled her eyes as she watched one woman in particular slink over to him, running her fingers up his jacket. He said hello, but didn’t give her any more attention than that which Megan found amusing. Eventually the woman turned to look at her, giving her a hard look as she looked her over.
“So this is what I have to work with?” She whispered it, only loud enough for Megan to hear.
Before she could say anything in return the team rushed over, and began making measurements of every inch of her. Her eyes found Romans, and he gave her a smile before walking over to her.
“Have a wonderful day, dear, enjoy this it’s one of the perks. I’ll pick you up for the dinner at 7.” He dropped a kiss on her mouth, which lingered for a mere second before he made his way out of the room entirely.
By the time night came, Megan was transfixed, staring at her reflection in the mirror in front of her. Gone was her long silky hair and sweat pants and instead she was now something out of a magazine. Her sleek bob was angled contrasting with her caramel skin. Her black dress hugged her curves, just enough to make her appear thinner, without being too tight. She couldn’t believe how the team had turned her into this. She glanced at the clock, having been given instructions to be ready at 7. As the time came, she made her way into the living room here he was waiting.
He wasn’t ready for her, had yet to slip back into his alter ego. No as she came out of the room, he felt as though someone had punched him in the stomach. Some part of him knew he was playing with fire with her. He wanted to strip her down right now and put her in his bed, for hours. Instead, he had to go out, parade around as though they were engaged all the while wanting to make love to her.
He did his best to recover, but he knew she needed to be reassured. The confident and strong woman she had been yesterday, seemingly had disappeared and now this person was apprehensive, almost scared. She had been recreated and had no idea just how beautiful she was. He took a step in her direction, taking her hand in his.
“Megan you look beautiful.” He raised her hand to his mouth kissing her lightly.
“Thank you, not my usual attire obviously.” She glanced down at her dress, her ample bosom threatening to spill out of her dress.
There was a moment of silence before he pulled a box out of his jacket, opening it and handing the tiny object inside to her.
“We can’t forget the most important part of this.” There was something that shifted in the room as he slid the diamond on her left hand, ensuring the gossip would love to see the ring. He watched her stare at it for a moment before facing him again.
“It’s beautiful, even if it is fake.” She gave him an impish grin.
He swallowed hard, his fingers itching to rip her clothes off altogether and make love to her. She gave him a half smile and it was his undoing. He did his best to do it gently but instead his mouth crushed hers in a searing kiss, his mouth kissing her simply at first and then deeper, until he tasted of her honey depths. He was careful, not wanting to scare her but wanting her to know what he wanted in a single kiss. He felt her respond to him, even subconsciously. The kiss depends even more, both lost in a moment. Finally, there was a knock on the door and he ripped away from her slightly, his face mere inches from hers.
“We will finish this conversation later.”
Before she could recover, she felt herself being pulled behind him, pulled along until they were safely seated in the long car waiting for them. She settled into the plush seats and he sat across from her. He didn’t say anything; he could tell she was flustered still. He let his eyes roam all over her, his body betraying him more than he could ever remember. After a moment he let his thoughts drift to his plan. He had made the steps to assure that Roman would hear about this outing tonight, and would likely call him soon. He could only imagine the look on his face once he heard the news.
Even his mother had called saying that there was some buzz already about the “engagement between Roman and a mystery woman. Everything was right on schedule, and would time out perfectly, if he had his way. He looked over at her once more, she was obviously composed now. He would have to avoid her, especially now that she had kissed him back. It would do no good to complicate things, especially since Roman would likely show up soon. He felt a slight twinge of guilt in how he had lied to her, but it had been the only option. He just had to get through this blasted weekend and maybe he could go home, and get the situation, and her off his mind once and for all.
Something had shifted, had changed within her. She stared at her reflection in the mirror once more. The dinner party last night had been a success, everyone had greeted her with a smile and stared long and hard at the ring on her finger. Roman had been avoiding her since the party, and since the kiss. Even now she could still feel the pressure of his mouth on hers. She had kissed him back, it seeming like the most natural thing in the world. She blinked at her reflection, thinking about the way things had happened. He had kissed her because she was all decorated in the high fashion, they had draped her in. More than likely he had kissed her because they had to play a part, what better way to do that than to break the ice beforehand?
Either way, he wasn’t even talking to her now. She was left to her own defenses most of the day, thinking about this assignment and how nice it would be to go back to school. She flipped open the laptop in her room and started making a plan of everything she wanted to take, and how long the process would be. She missed him, truth be told. He had an easy smile and made her laugh when he was around. She held no fantasy about anything serious, she knew better than that, but she did like the way he would challenge her, and asked her opinion on things even if it went against his normal nature, which seemed to be all of the time.
As lunch was delivered she was surprised to see two settings, perhaps he was making an appearance today after all. She quickly changed into a simple yellow sundress and as she came back into the main room, she saw him there, in a suit and tie, everything about him perfect. He glanced up at her and then again, giving her a once over.
He smiled at her. “I thought maybe we could have lunch, and go over the dance tonight.”
“That’s fine.” She settled into her chair, waiting.
“It’s an important affair, lots of conglomerates and organizations will be there. We may have to answer a lot of questions, so I thought it best we get the story straight.”
She nodded and they enjoyed a simple lunch, both settling on a story of how they met, and how long. He jokingly told her the story of how his parents were betrothed at a young age and neither wanted the other until they met. She smiled as he spoke, enjoying the moments when he did let his guard down. Soon they found themselves practicing the dances they would enjoy together later. Laughing came easily to both of them as she did her best to step on all of his toes. Time passed, neither of them ready to stop the fun they were having.
As it got later she found herself wondering who Roman would marry one day. She felt something then, something stir within her. She had no right to even care really, but part of her was concerned about him. She made her way to the room to dress for the event. Tonight she wore a simple cream colored dress, with lace and inlays. She loved how the color complimented her skin
and she styled her hair in a way to give her an air of mystery. As she let the room to meet him she saw him once more in a tux, and perfect.
He paused as she made her way over to him and he gave her an elbow to escort her out of the rooms and into the night air. The ride this time was far more relaxed, both adjusting to the personality of the other. He handed her another black box this time long and slender.
“What is this?” She frowned as she opened it to a brilliant necklace with a string of diamonds that cascaded down her neckline.
“For you.” He gave her a smile.
“Ah, I see, must appear to be the good fiancé.” She gave him a wink. “I’ll take good care of them Roman no worries.”
They went into the gala, both enjoying the dancing, something she had always loved all of her life. He escorted her around the room, introducing her to everyone and everything was perfect. As they made their way home, she felt the effects of the bubbly champagne on her stomach, and she giggled. No, she was not herself tonight. She saw him watching her, silently, something he actually did quite often. As they made their way up to his rooms she felt his hand touch hers in the elevator, slipping in to interwine with hers. She felt the tension mount as they exited the elevator and made their way down the hall. Even then she was unprepared for what was to come when he opened the door.
Something between them shifted then, developing into something fuller, more aching. She felt the tempo of her heartbeat quicken as he ran his hand up to cup her face, his thumb tracing her full lower lip. She barely inhaled before she felt the hard fullness of his mouth on hers. He kissed her deeply, drinking of her. She felt his hand in her hair, winding and twisting until he held her mouth to his with a fist full of hair. She no longer cared about the what … she wanted him to kiss her, all she wanted was him.
“I’m going to make love to you Megan. Here. Now.” He whispered against her mouth. She nodded and he let her go. Only long enough to lead her to his bedroom, and carefully start to undress her, never letting his mouth leave hers for a moment.
He moved slowly, his hands moving around to cup both of her full breasts in his hands. She felt them harden to attention as he moved the hardened nubs between his forefinger and thumb. She gasped loudly as he pulled on them both gently. He kissed her mouth once more, his tongue delving into the sweetness of her mouth. He stopped then, trailing warm kisses back down her body, until he focused his hot mouth on first one crested peak and then the other. Instinctively she put her hands in his hair urging him on as he left a trail of fire with his mouth.
Her body was on fire. Her hands pulling his head up and back to her waiting mouth. He did as she asked and gave her a passionate kiss, drinking from her mouth. She wanted this, wanted him. She knew she was playing with fire, but she couldn’t stop it.
She followed his lead, lifting her hips slightly as he slid his fingers under the tiny strap of her panties, pulling them off her in one swoop. She loved the feel of his hands as they ran over her, and she never once felt self-conscious about her body. Suddenly he was standing above her looking down. She felt more vulnerable than ever before.
“Megan you are beautiful.”
She blushed, slightly frowning.
“I mean it. Look at me.” She looked deep into his eyes before reaching up for him and his mouth found hers again.
He moved above her then, she felt the pressure of him there, between her thighs and she welcomed it. He shed his clothing quickly and she moved to accommodate him eagerly. The joining of their bodies rushed through her like a tidal wave.
He felt the heat of her envelop him and he stopped, waiting and feeling her. She was full of him, he moved delicately until he was fully encased within her. Pushing her knew back closer to her head, pushing in further still. There was and urgency between them, a need to cling to one another. He moved slowly, savoring every second of it, and she was lost in it, just as he.
“Megan.” He managed to grit out her name as he moved within her.
He moved faster and faster then, finding a rhythm that suited them both. She wrapped her legs around him, urging him on, pulling him into her, helping him along the way, towards a goal for them both.
She looked at him now as he moved and he never broke stride once as he laid his chest against hers and kissed her deeply. She moaned loudly, driving him more and he his pace became quicker, more demanding. Both unwilling to let go of what they felt they had moved frantically exploring and enjoying the other. She was lost in a swirling of color and heat. She felt the familiar stirrings deep down and her eyes fluttered open and she looked at him. She moved her hands up to his face holding him close to hers as he pushed her higher and higher. She felt her climax begin deep down, her moans escaping her mouth. She was staring into his eyes, both of them finding release. She moaned his name as it ripped through her and she felt it shoot through even her fingers and toes. She sighed his name after they both lay there.
They lay that way for a long time, both feeling and thinking. He trailed his fingers over the curve of her hip as she lay there. Neither of them wanting to move. She drifted off to sleep at some point, a combination of champagne and his touch
He felt so many things at once, he wasn’t sure where to begin from. First, he had sworn off her, but she had been so beautiful, so happy. He had wanted her with a passion he had never felt. What’s worse is he wanted her to be fulfilled, and content. He cared about her, more than he wanted to admit to himself. Secondly, she had called him by his brother’s name, thankfully after it was over or it may have ruined the lovemaking entirely. She wasn’t just some person he hired, no she was more than that and he should have told her the truth.
She deserved it, deserved more than this. He looked down at her, still curled up next to him. She had changed him, made him better in a matter of days. He had never lost control of anything and yet here he was with a woman curled up in his bed, something he never did. What’s worse is that he wanted her there, liked her there. She ran a finger down over her face as he watched her sleep. What was he going to do when the time was over, how could he let her go now?
Sleep came eventually for him, and he never felt better the next morning. As she slept, he made coffee, waiting for her to come join him. He wasn’t sure what would happen, but he would tell her truth today, before anything happened to change her mind about him. He glanced at his watch and decided to run over to the other office to get some paperwork, so that he could show her everything. He smiled as he left.
She felt him slide into bed with her, slipping an arm under her body and pulling her closer to him. She smiled to herself as she reflected sleepily, but the night before. She should have gone to her own room, but instead she had stayed here with him. She felt the heat of him against her, and she curled up into him. As she did, she felt his hands slide up her hips and rest there.
“You are a curvy one aren’t you?” He whispered against her ear.
Her eyes fluttered open and she frowned. Something wasn’t right, not at all. She felt his grip tighten as he held her there when she tried to move. Panic set in as she couldn’t move, her breath coming in shallow gasps. Eventually he laughed and let her go, watching her scramble to stand beside the bed, taking a sheet with her.
“Roman?” He wasn’t himself, not even a little. There was something different about him, his eyes a little more sinister, with his gaze leering at her.
“Yes, as a matter of fact, I am Roman. What game are you playing with my brother lady, and what the hell are you getting out of it?”
As the day went on Megan piled her things into her car and wasn’t able to relax until she was far from the hotel for good. It wasn’t until she was on the highway that she let the tears fall, her heart in pieces. Roman… or Nicolai had lied to her, had made her believe something, and then played with her emotions… and her body. She left right after Romans explanation, right after her heart had shattered. She didn’t want the money anymore, didn�
��t want anything but to go home where she belonged.
She climbed the stairs to her apartment and sighed as she fell onto her bed finally. Nothing could take away from what they had, but she would have to work hard to forget all about him if she ever wanted to move on. She fell back into her routine, calling work and getting herself back on schedule at the diner. The routine fell into place and after three days she finally was able to go to bed without crying at night.
She glanced around the diner, taking in the two customers left to care for before her shift ended at 11pm. The door chimed letting in another one and she made her way over to take his order. She never even looked at him until he didn’t respond. He looked up at her, and she felt ice, pour over her. She spun around to leave, but he followed her.
“Megan. Please. Just let me explain.” He grabbed her hand in his stopping her.
“You don’t have to explain Nicolai, Roman filled me in on what you were up to.”
“I’m sure he did, but I also know he didn’t tell you everything. Just give me five minutes.”
She looked at him, obviously hurting and she relented. They sat in a booth and he told her everything. She waited, watching him as he spoke, missing his touch more and more with every word.
“I’m sorry Megan, for everything that led up to making love to you. That I’m not sorry for.”
He gave her a once over, and then glanced around the room. “You don’t belong here anymore, Megan, I never gave you the money and the necklace was for you. Not for the part you were playing, but from me to you. Why didn’t you care enough to let me explain?”
She felt anger rise up, though she tried not to let it show. “I left because I woke up to feeling your brother groping me. He pretended to be you. Then he told me everything. What was I supposed to do?”
“Son of a…” He grabbed her hand pulling her behind him.