Filthy Cowboy

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Filthy Cowboy Page 99

by Amy Brent

  After a couple of months, Trey announced to his friends that Amy had broken it off with him over dinner one night after a game. Colton almost jumped out of his seat to go to her as he wiggled in place and took a bite of the sandwich on the plate in front of him. It was vague, and she had told him something about his future being so overwhelming and uncertain. Colton had a hard time staying at the table, but he left as soon as he could and headed back to the dorms. He sent her a text, but she just replied that she was tired and just wanted to sleep.

  When he saw her the following day on campus, she did look fatigued, and her face was so serious. He tried to get her attention, but she only looked at him quickly before she dropped her eyes to the path in front of her. Colton miserably focused as Trey tried to stop her and she just turned to look at him with her back to Colton. All of the good moments behind closed doors blended into one as he watched the girl that he wanted, the only girl. Colton still hadn’t seen any of the others, and while uncomfortable, they seemed to move on with other guys on campus.

  He was just turning to head to class when he heard his name called across the grass. “Hayes, you mother fucker.” It was Trey, and he was angry. Colton rarely heard that tone unless Trey was yelling at them to get their asses around the net and do their jobs. Colton stopped and took a breath before he felt something slam into the back of his head. “You had them all. Every fucking girl on the campus would spread their legs for you and you go after mine?”

  Colton fell to his knees as he grasped his throbbing skull in his hand. Ice filled his veins, and he took a deep breath. “What do you mean?”

  “She just told me. Amy told me everything. That’s fucked up man…we’re brothers. We’re teammates.” Trey dropped to the ground next to him, and Colton could hear the betrayal in his voice as he winced.

  “You cheated on her. You didn’t want her.” Colton told him as something that sounded like crying rose out of Trey’s throat.

  “I was an asshole. I lost her because of that, and I hate myself. It was so much better when we weren’t here.” Trey whispered as he sat on the grass and stared forward. “I forgot who she was.”

  “I figured out who she was,” Colton admitted as the guys sat there quietly for a moment. “She’s amazing.”

  “I’ll let you tell her the rest. All I can say is that the next few months will be interesting.” Trey slowly spoke as if the words pained him. “We’d better keep playing hard. One of us is going to need it.”

  They ended the confrontation with a handshake and Trey stalked off down the path towards his apartment as Colton watched. What the hell was he talking about? Colton turned to go to the building that he knew she was a TA in for Advanced English and walked past the room as he peered through the small pane of glass. She was there, working on some papers with her head resting in her hands and her hair in a high ponytail. Amy had been crying, and he fought the urge to barge into the room and demand to know what was going on.

  Colton settled for sitting on a bench across from the class to wait. It was Thursday, so campus had been a little less crowded and there were fewer witnesses to the debacle on the grass. That was going to cause some talk, but Colton thought that they might be lucky, and people might not have overheard. It could be hockey. Thursday also meant that this class was longer than it would be had it been one of the other days.

  Fifteen minutes felt like hours as he fidgeted in his seat and he soon noticed the door opening and students pouring out into the hall. The crowd thinned, and he waited for her as he stared at the red peeling paint of the heavy wood. He stood as it opened again and Amy walked out with her eyes on the ground as she looked like she was ready to start crying right then and there. “Amy,” Colton spoke as she lifted her head to stare at him. “What’s going on?”

  “He found you,” She spoke more than questioned Colton and let out a resigned sigh. “Let’s go to yours. We need to talk alone.”

  They walked side by side to the building that housed their dorms, and he stole glances at her along the way. She dressed in some bright leggings and a black tunic that brushed the tops of her thighs with some high boots. Her face was clean of makeup, but she looked beautiful as he stared at her.

  Colton could feel the eyes on them as he opened the door and led her to his room at the end of the hallway. He hated rumors but at the moment he was dealing with something bigger than that. Colton closed out the world as he watched her go and sit on the bed as she looked up at him. “Do you hate me?”

  “For what?” Colton asked as surprise crossed her face.

  She turned her head slowly before she rested her head in her hands. “I…he didn’t tell you. I can’t believe it.” She took a deep breath and lifted her eyes again, filled with tears. “I’m pregnant, Colton. Just a few weeks but I have seen…it. I know it’s there, and I’m appalled at myself. I was never the girl that would have had two possible baby daddies. Never.”

  “Two?” Colton asked as his heart started to break apart inside of him.

  “I had a plan. I followed Trey here, and I was going to get my degree and live my life. It was so obvious that we might not make it, but I am a smart girl. I have a lot going for me until suddenly I don’t.” Amy spoke as if she was in a daze and he dropped to the floor in front of her. “I was with you both. You were so much more and so much better, but sometimes he’d just get to me and we…” Amy shook her head. “I think that there’s a better chance that it is yours since we did a few times without anything and even Trey wasn’t stupid enough to do that. But still…I don’t know.”


  “Amy…I want to be with you through this.” Colton found himself saying as he took her hands and stared into her confused face. “I love you. I denied it even as it was happening to me along the way. I know I did, but I do. I love you.”

  “What if this baby isn’t yours?” She asked as tears slid down her cheeks.

  “I don’t know. I guess we see, but I want to try with you. I don’t want you going through this alone and I sure as fuck don’t want anybody else. I haven’t for a long time now.”

  “I am already a size sixteen. I am going to blow up like a whale.” The tears were falling harder as she sniffled and he slipped his arms over her legs. “I am going to be a bitch and emotional and hate myself for what I did to both of you. I am going to agonize over the next few months until I can see this baby and know…I want it to be yours so bad.” Amy’s voice shook with need, and he pressed his head into her chest and breathed her in.

  “I do too. I just know that I want to be with you right here and right now. I can’t think past this moment.” Colton told her as they both moved close together and kissed each other hungrily. “How far along are you?” He kissed her again.

  “About eight weeks,” Amy replied against his lips as he cupped her face in his hands.

  “I hear that women are horny when they’re pregnant.”

  “Fuck, yes.” Amy breathed as he scooted her back onto the bed and carefully pressed her against the pillows. “I have been getting myself off the last few weeks.”

  “Jesus,” Colton muttered as he found her lips and slid his hands up her shirt. He knew that they didn’t have to be quiet now. Colton also knew that there would be a lot to clear up in the next few days, but right now he was where he wanted to be as he tasted her sweet kiss again and felt her smooth skin. “I love you.”

  “I love you. I have never loved anybody the way that I do you,” Amy whispered as he claimed her lips in a hard kiss.


  Amy and Colton couldn’t wait for the baby to arrive to know the truth. All three took the steps to set up a paternity test within a couple of months and Colton threw the papers in the air when he saw that it was his baby. He still felt bad for Trey and the fact that he and Amy had betrayed him. That would always bother him, but he and Trey had moved past it and worked together on the ice just fine.

  They were both spotlighted by the scouts along with a couple of oth
er guys. Trey went to Washington and Colton was pleased to find out that he would be staying here in town and playing with the team that he had dinner with so long ago. He smiled through the draft as he glanced around at all of the up and coming players, excited about his future and not just this aspect of it.

  Amy was home in their condo with her mother as she grew close to her due date with their daughter. She claimed to be fat and ugly, but he had never found her so beautiful in his life than when she was heavy with his baby. He was also protective and spoiled her every chance that he got, and Amy told him that is why she fell more in love with him by the day.

  They hadn’t discussed marriage too seriously yet, but Colton knew the day was coming where he would propose. Hell, he might do it in the hospital room.

  When he went to meet his new coach and collect his shirt, Colton held it against him and grinned as cheers filled the room. He could feel her in the room with him as he watched the cameras flash and shook hands with the men around him.

  The future was going to be amazing.


  Older Man Younger Woman Romance


  Chapter One


  “Oh Julian,” I muttered to myself, gripping my pillow in one hand, careful to keep my voice low.

  My parents weren't home – at least, not that I was aware of – but I knew that Rosa, our housekeeper was there and was busy making her rounds of the house. Despite the risk of Rosa walking in on me, I couldn't help myself. I needed release. I needed to get off.

  Though honestly, I couldn't even begin to imagine how awkward it would be to explain to her what I was doing – although I had a feeling she'd have a very good idea of what I was doing. What would be difficult and awkward to explain was why I was calling out my father's friend's name while I was doing it.

  With my vibrator clutched in a near death grip as I bit down on the inside of my cheek to keep from crying out, I massaged my clit as I imagined Julian's tongue upon me. I pictured his face, the feel of his stubble on the insides of my thighs. Imagined the feel of his hands as he spread my legs apart and buried his tongue deep inside of me. I imagined feeling him slide two fingers deep into my tight little pussy as he sucked on my clit – it was enough that I almost lost control and came right there. But I wanted to make it last a little longer – prolong the pleasure a bit.

  It was true that I'd never experienced any of that with Julian before – but I had a very good imagination and could pretend I had. I could imagine what it would be like for him to taste me, to savor me, to feel me – to make me cum harder than I ever had before in my life.

  I was laying in my bed, or rather, the bed I used to sleep in when I'd been a child. I was staying with my parents while I searched for a place to live – a situation I hoped to rectify very, very soon. Living in my childhood home gave me very little privacy, so I made sure to take advantage of them being gone every chance I could get. Thankfully, because they had a relatively busy social life, I was able to have enough private time to keep my desires sated. Most of the time, anyway.

  I shifted the angle of my vibrator as I imagined Julian sliding his finger between the folds of my pussy. It made me gasp and my knees buckled slightly as I thrust my hips upward, groaning in pleasure.

  “Take me, Julian.” I begged and pleaded with my imaginary paramour, yearning to feel his stiff, thick cock inside of me more than I yearned for anything else in my entire life.

  This wasn't the first time I'd gotten myself off while thinking of him – not even close – and it sure as hell wasn't going to be the last. Though one day, I hoped to give him the gift I'd been saving for him for a long, long time. I squeezed my eyes shut and pictured his face looking down at me as he slammed his fingers deep into my tight, wet little hole.

  “Take my virginity, please,” I murmured. “It's yours, Julian. I saved it for you.”

  Yes, I'd saved myself for him. I'd abstained from sex all of these years because I wanted the first cock I felt slamming inside of me to be his. And yes, I'd had plenty of options over the years. I could have given myself away to any number of college guys, I'd had plenty of chances. And there were times I'd been tempted. A couple of times I'd even come really close. But I'd always pulled away at the critical moment, never letting just some random guy whose name I probably wouldn't remember in a couple of days fuck me just because I needed to cum. I had my vibrator and a collection of wonderful toys for that.

  It had been difficult. Really, really fucking difficult. But I'd gone through school, I'd kept myself pure, promising to give myself to the only man I could see myself with.

  Julian Pierce.

  I buried the vibrator into my pussy and gasped, biting my lip and gripping my sheets tight with my free hand. I knew it was just a toy, just a piece of vibrating plastic, but in my head, it was Julian's cock. His thick, hard, amazingly long cock. The one I'd coveted and had savored from a distance for so long.

  I couldn't shove the toy in very deep, not without hurting myself. But I taunted my opening with it, imagining what it would be like when Julian would push past my hymen and finally make a woman out of me. The sheer pleasure of the fantasy sent my body into a fit of pleasure, spasming and twitching as I writhed against the bed. I moved my vibrator in and out of my dripping wet pussy, thrusting it in as deep as I could without feeling any pain.

  Julian was bound to be bigger, I told myself. I should be ready for him. I should make sure I could accommodate him as well as I could. Little by little, I pressed the toy deeper inside of me, experiencing a mix of pleasure and pain as I slid it further and deeper inside of me than I had ever gone before.

  While it hurt, I figured that it felt more like the real thing. And that was enough to make me call out his name, crying into my pillow, “Yes, yes, Julian... Oh God, yes. Fuck me, please.”

  I came, hard. Harder than I ever had before. I jerked and twitched on my bed as bolts of intense pleasure rocketed through my body. My every nerve ending was on fire and I felt like I was being shot through with electricity. But even as my body experienced pleasure beyond my wildest imagination, I knew the real thing had to be better. Knew that when Julian made me cum, it was going to be a hundred times more intense than what I was feeling in that moment.

  And now that I was back home, well within reach of the man I'd loved since I was a little girl, I was determined to finally make my dream – my fantasy since I'd been a young girl experiencing her own sexuality – a reality. I was going to have Julian. I was going to give myself to him. And since as of tonight, he'd be staying with us for a few days, I figured I was going to have plenty of opportunities to fuck the man I'd coveted for years upon years.

  The one problem was that Julian didn't know about my plan yet. Had no idea that I coveted him the way I did. Had no clue that I was going to give him my virginity and make him fuck me like the dirtiest little whore in the world. I couldn't wait for it.

  He knew none of that. But soon. He would know everything soon enough.

  Soon, he'd take my virginity and fuck me hard – just as I always imagined he would. It wasn't a matter of if, in my mind – it was a matter of when.


  The doorbell disturbed my post-climax relaxation, but I didn't care. I knew who was going to be on the other side of that door. I smiled from ear-to-ear as I threw on the dress I'd specially picked out for his arrival and then checked my hair in the mirror – it wouldn't do to have sex hair when I greeted him. Not even if the only sex that was had was with myself.

  Rushing down the stairs, I giggled as I hit the landing and beat the housekeeper to the door by mere seconds. Rosa looked at me curiously but then just shook her head and smiled as she turned and walked away.

  I cleared my throat and tried to get my heartbeat under control. Only then, did I open the door. Framed by sunlight – and probably rainbows and glitter too – stood the most perfect man in the world. His sandy blonde hair made him look the stereotypical Cal
ifornia type of guy. If it weren't for his meticulously kept, very stylish, well-tailored business suit and well-groomed appearance, you might actually mistake him for the typical California surfer-dude. He was naturally tan and had the blue eyes that really augmented that stereotype to boot. Oh, and yeah, he worked out. Even underneath his suit, you could see the muscles in his arms. I grew a little bit wet imagining the feel of those arms holding me tight to that big, strong body of his.

  He was Hollywood gorgeous and probably could have been a model if he'd wanted to be.

  His eyes widened and he looked surprised when I opened the door and was standing before him.

  “Sabrina, I was expecting you here,” he said, flashing that fatherly smile he often had for me – a smile I fully intended to wipe off his face and replace with something else.

  “Yeah, my parents said you'd be stopping by. They're out, but should probably be back soon,” I said sweetly, opening the door to let him inside. “I heard you were going to be staying with us for a little while?”

  “Yeah, just until the house remodel is finished,” he said. “It's getting a little too chaotic over there for me. I offered to rent a place, but you know your father – ”

  I put my hand on his arm as we shared a laugh while I escorted Julian to the landing at the foot of the staircase. I figured it was best to start acclimating him to feeling my hands on him. Start slow and work upward from there. Yeah, I'd thought out almost every last detail on my little mission.

  I started to walk up the stairs in front of him, fully intending to show off my ass in the teeny little dress I was wearing, but he put his hand on my elbow and stopped me.


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