Filthy Cowboy

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Filthy Cowboy Page 137

by Amy Brent

  The days passed by slowly until Brent came home from work one night with pizza. “I have a proposition for you.”

  She poured some soda for herself and got a beer for him. “What’s that?”

  “My assistant at the office is going on maternity leave next week, and I was wondering if you’d like to fill in until school starts. We could ride in together and leave together, and you’ll earn what she was making. It’s generous,” Brent suggested, and she looked at him as she brought plates to the small table. They were sleeping together every night, and she tilted her head.

  “Work and home?” Cammy questioned, and he nodded.

  “Yes. I can think of some things to do in the office,” Brent teased her as she flushed. They hadn’t advanced much from spanking, and she was craving more. “Consider it a bonus.”

  “So what time is work?”

  “We’ll leave at seven,” Brent told her as she took a bite of the pizza and nodded. They went to his room and watched a movie before he set the alarm for the next morning. Brent took her that night but it was softer this time, and he held her closer as they went to sleep. She woke up later than planned and rushed to her room for a quick shower before she pulled her hair into a low bun. Cammy pulled on a black pencil skirt and a purple silk shirt with some heels as she added a quick coat of mascara and gloss before hurrying downstairs. She was going in to be trained today so it wouldn’t be just her and Brent and Cammy wanted to come off as professional as possible.

  They sipped their coffee in travel cups as he drove and she looked over the morning sky. Cammy loved mornings. She glanced at Brent in is a suit and licked her lips as she blushed. “You look like that guy from that book. Christian, I think?”

  “Did you read that book? Is that why you’re with me?” Brent asked her as he pulled to s smooth stop.

  “I wanted you since before I knew anything about that.” She stared forward as she lied just a little. She had been attracted to Brent but after knowing his lifestyle, she’d wanted him more. Cammy had craved it.

  The office was bustling as she kept up with him and met a pregnant Christina. Her left hand boasted a huge diamond ring and Cammy did her best to take note of everything she was taught. Brent’s assistant kept track of everything for him and handled appointments as well as doing some of the office tasks. “So you’re the wife’s daughter?” Christina asked as she sipped a decaf green tea at the desk as they took a short break.

  That summed it up. “Yeah, I am.”

  “It’s perfect for you to help. Mr. Daniels speaks highly of you,” Christina noted as Cammy cracked open a soda. “He says you’re doing well at UCLA.”

  “Yeah, I am. That’s nice,” Cammy said as she knew that was all that he’d say about her. They couldn’t be more.

  They ended the day by picking up some Mexican food on the way home and ate outside. “You did well today. Want to train anymore with Christina or take the week off?” Brent asked as he looked at her in the lights that came on around the yard.

  “I think I’ve got it. Do you?” Cammy asked as she looked at him. She knew that Lisa was back and would appreciate a pool day, but she didn’t want to disappoint him.

  “Yes. I like the idea of you being there, though.” Brent assured her as she smiled and sipped her soda. “Do you have plans?”

  “I was thinking of having Lisa over. She’s been gone,” Cammy told him as he nodded.

  “Take the week off. Enjoy yourself.” Brent took his plate inside, and she followed with her own as they washed up. Cammy led the way to the door tonight, and he followed her downstairs as she smiled. “What are we doing down here?”

  “What do you want to do?” Cammy asked as she turned to face him.

  “I want you naked except for the heels. I want you on that bed riding my face.” They stripped off their clothes, and he moved onto his back as she crawled over him.

  Cammy realized that he’d never kissed her. Brent rolled over and moved to the nightstand as he pulled something out. “Come here.” She knelt before him, and he clamped something to her nipple as she looked down. “Like it?”

  It hurt, but she moved around as she nodded. Brent added the same to the other nipple and tugged as she arched her back and moaned his name. “Look up.”

  Cammy glanced up to see a bar hanging from the ceiling, and she stared at it. “What do I do?”

  “Hang on,” Brent said as she reached up and he moved under her body. “Tight.”

  She gripped it as he slipped his face under her pussy and sucked her into his mouth. “Oh God.” His tongue dragged over her and teased her clit as she struggled to hang above him before he started sliding his tongue inside of her slow and hard. Cammy rocked with him as she felt her body responding and she felt his body slide and his cock under her. Cammy lowered herself on him and let go of the bar as she started to move over him. Fingers gripped the clamps and tugged as she cried out and tried to keep up with him before he pushed her down and started to fuck her. “Brent.”

  “Do you like fucking your stepdaddy?” His voice was harsh as she nodded and started weeping.

  “I love it. I live for it,” Cammy replied, and he took her deep and rough as his chest brushed against her throbbing nipples. “Fuck me, Daddy. Fuck me harder.” She came with a scream as he stilled and rocked into her slowly as she slipped her hand over his shoulders and looked into his face.

  “We’re going to get you on some birth control,” Brent told her as they lay on the bed together. She made no effort to take off the clamps, and she looked at him. “Next week when you’re working. The office is right down the street.”

  “Will I be safe?” Cammy asked as he looked at her.

  “I am always getting tested, and I am safe. I have no interest in disease and dealing with that. I just want sex. I know that you’re clean because you’re innocent.” Brent told her as she rolled over to face him.

  “I don’t think I am that innocent anymore.”

  “No. Do you mind?” Brent asked as she shook her head. “I just don’t want you to use your skills with anyone else.” Did that mean he wanted something from her? Did Brent want something real?

  “I wouldn’t.”

  Lisa came over the next day once he was at work and they sat by the pool as her best friend discussed the trip to Vegas. Cammy laughed as Lisa described all of the romantic things that Mark did before she looked at Cammy. “What’s up with you?”

  “What do you mean?” Cammy asked as she glanced over at Lisa.

  “You seem different. Are you seeing someone?” Cammy shifted in her seat and shook her head.

  “No. I am going to start working at the office next week, with Brent. His assistant is having a baby, and I am going to fill in. I might be there full time, so I’ll have a lot less time for this.”

  “Isn’t summer for relaxing? He can’t hire someone?” Lisa asked as she frowned. She had no idea why I wanted to be there or what was going on, and I wouldn’t tell her. I wouldn’t tell anybody.

  “It’s not a big deal. He’s supporting me, Lisa. I can help him out.” I told her as she leaned back and closed her eyes.

  “I heard he’s sleeping with one of the teachers from school. Like really sleeping with her. I wonder if she’ll be moving into your house.” Her stomach twisted as she heard the words and knew in her heart that they weren’t true, just rumors. It was better than the truth, though.

  “We’ll see, I guess.” They both soaked up the sun but in her mind, Cammy was just waiting for him to come home to her. She wanted her fantasy and to sleep in his arms and pretend that they could be together. Lisa had left before he got home to get ready for a date. Cammy showered and dressed in one of my most revealing summer dresses before she went into the kitchen. Tasha had left early for a doctor’s appointment, and they were on their own for dinner, so Cammy decided to do something with the fresh shrimp in the fridge and make some scampi for him. Her fantasy only kept playing through his head as she imagined herself doing th
is for him every night after work and the idea of him coming through the door to kiss her hello stopped him in his tracks.

  Brent didn’t kiss Cammy; he fucked her. Just like he fucked everyone else. She stirred the butter and the garlic into the pan with a few herbs and mixed the shrimp as she looked at the boiling water behind the pan.

  The door opened, and she smiled as he greeted her. “What do I smell in here, Cammy?”

  “Tasha had an appointment so I thought I’d fix some dinner. How was your day?”

  “Good. I’m looking forward to seeing you there every day,” Brent stepped up behind Cammy, and she shivered as he traced her hips with his hands. “Look at this dress. I like it.” He leaned down and kissed her neck as she closed her eyes. “Do you need anything for the office?”

  “It’s business casual, right?” Cammy heard her voice shaking as she spoke and he sucked her skin between his teeth.

  “That’s right,” Brent replied as she groaned softly.

  “I think I’ll be fine,” Cammy responded as she turned off the scampi and gripped his hand with hers. “I need you, Brent. God, I need you to fuck me right now.”

  “Come with me,” his voice matched her urgency, and he dropped his hand to clutch hers and pull her into the living room and down the stairs. Cammy followed as she felt her nipples harden, and her thighs heat up. She walked inside and removed her dress without any orders before she turned to face him with her face looking down towards the floor. “Sir?”

  She knew that he was undressing as she heard his clothes dropping to the floor, but Cammy didn’t look up. “We’ve done a lot down here, Cammy. Want to step it up a notch?”

  “Yes, more than anything.” He told her to sit on the bed and wait for him, so Cammy turned to sit on the edge of the mattress. Drawers opened in front of her, but she didn’t look. Cammy knew better and received a spanking the couple of times that she did look. Brent walked forward and attached some large clamps to her nipples as she moaned softly. “These are tighter.”

  “You’re advancing nicely,” He looked her over with a hungry gaze and nodded at her. “On your knees on the bed.”

  Cammy complied and waited for him to come behind her. The first thing that she felt was something dripping between the cheeks of her ass before a finger slid inside of her. “Are you going to have me there?”

  “Not quite yet,” Brent assured her as he withdrew his finger and slipped something else inside. “Let’s see how you like this.” It didn’t come out, and she squirmed as she felt herself stretched open just a little bit. “Let’s see how you like this.” The first crack of the leather made her sting and Cammy cried out. The pain and the pressure combined as he continued to flog her and Cammy gripped she sheets as she cried out his name. She was starting to like this a lot and worried that she would never have a vanilla relationship after this, which could be tricky.

  Brent dropped something to the floor, and she heard a wrapper as she felt her thighs dampen. Cammy responded well to the way that he treated her, and she knew that this night would be no different. Brent spread her legs and drove himself into her as she cried out and felt herself release onto his long thick cock. “Oh, fuck. I’m coming, Brent.”

  “I feel you. Your cunt is so tight, Cammy. I can’t get enough of it.” Brent drove in deeper, deeper, and deeper as she continued to pulse around him. She felt the plug press further into her as her nipples rubbed against the sheets painfully but she didn’t stop coming around Brent as he yanked on her hair and fucked her harder. He yelled her name as Cammy felt him still and release before he dropped behind her and she fell forward onto her stomach.

  She dressed as she heard him rustling behind her and they returned to the kitchen. Cammy determined that the food would be okay if she cooked some more pasta and heated up the shrimp and she made quick work of that as he fixed a salad in shorts across the kitchen from her. Her nipples were free, and everything was back downstairs, but she could still feel her body pulsing as they talked about the office and what to expect with her working there. They sat inside to eat tonight, and she glanced at him a few times as he took generous bites and complimented her on her cooking.


  “Are you seeing anyone else?” Cammy was surprised by the question as she asked it and his face showed that Brent was as well. She thought back to her day with Lisa and hated it and found herself not liking a lot of her life before she started sleeping with Brent.

  “Why are you asking me that?” Brent demanded as he set his napkin down and placed his hands on the table.

  “Lisa was talking today, and there are some rumors.” Cammy sipped her wine and tried to appear calm.

  “Rumors? That’s all they are. I am only sleeping with you right now.” Brent insisted as she looked at him.

  “I knew that deep down, but it slipped out. She just…she wouldn’t understand this,” Cammy said as she gestured between them. “She asked me if I was seeing someone and told me I looked different. I can’t even tell her why.”

  “I know, Cammy. I know, and I don’t know what to do about that,” Brent told her as he sipped his whiskey. His eyes looked tormented, and she frowned at him. “This is wrong in everybody else’s eyes. This is taboo.”

  “Just a little bit,” Cammy agreed as she shook her head.

  “I don’t want to stop this. I like what we have,” Brent told her as she smiled at him.

  “I don’t either,” Cammy admitted, and he smiled at her as they seemed to agree. “I can work with that.” She knew that she had changed in the last month and that her life as a supposedly single twenty-two-year-old was over in some ways. She wanted this; dinner at the table and sex in any room with the man that just happened to be her stepfather. It wasn’t a blood relation in any way, but it was still looked down upon. It made her happy, though. If she had to hide that until it destroyed her, she would.

  “Good,” Brent answered as he seemed to relax. Cammy wondered if he was as scared of losing her as she was of losing him? He’d made it clear that he was not ready to be out in the open, but they were the same behind closed doors. They went to his room, and she looked at him as she sat on the bed.

  “Do you want me in here with you?”

  “I do. I like the feeling of you beside me. That’s new for me,” Brent admitted as she looked at him. They turned on a movie to watch as they relaxed with some wine and she snuggled close to him. They had sex before they fell asleep for the night, though Cammy sensed that it was becoming more than just sex as they came together this time. “Did your life revolve around everything downstairs in the room today?” Brent asked her sleepily as he pulled her naked body against his.

  “I did. I crave you during the day when you’re at work.” Cammy told him as he traced her stomach with his fingers.

  “Wait until we’re there together,” Brent told her as she smiled. “Long lunches with the door locked as I have you on my desk and my couch. I can’t wait.”

  “You’ll be able to do that while hiding this?” Cammy asked as he fell silent for a moment.

  “I’ll find a way.” They slowly fell asleep together and Cammy woke up early as usual before she went to her room. That was a habit during the week so that Tasha didn’t catch them and she always fell back asleep in her bed all alone. It wasn’t as nice as being with him and she often missed him leaving for work, though that would change in a matter of days.

  Today Cammy got up late and decided to go shopping for the day on her own. While Cammy had told Brent that she had some clothes, it wouldn’t hurt to get some more for the office. Hers were mostly for school and fun, and she took the car that he’d purchased for her last year and headed to the mall. She found some great skirts and a few new shirts, as well as some comfortable, sexy slacks. Every time she tried something on, Cammy wondered if Brent would like it if she were smaller. Her mother had been skinnier than Cammy and from what she’d seen of the past women in his life, that is what he seemed to enjoy. Cammy was a firm size
sixteen, and he’d never complained, but she couldn’t help but wonder as she paid for her purchase with the credit card that he’d given her early on. Cammy took some bags to her car and locked it back up before she ventured inside of the mall again and looked around.

  Victoria’s Secret was right across from her, and Cammy smiled as she sauntered across the floor and paused in front of the door. “Cammy!” She turned her head to see a friend from college and waved as she felt her enthusiasm drain out of her body.

  “Hey, Kelly,” Cammy smiled as the redhead approached her and glanced at the store. “I heard they’re having a sale. I thought I might stock up.”

  “I’ll check it out too. How is your summer?” Kelly asked her as Cammy reluctantly followed her into the store.

  “I’ve just been relaxing at home for the most part. I am going to start working at my stepfather’s office next week to help him out so that’ll make time pass by. I was just buying some clothes for that.” They looked through the sale that Cammy had completely made up and selected a few things before Kelly got a text from her boyfriend and had to leave. Cammy took that opportunity to walk into the other part of the store. She found several items that she liked for Brent and tried everything on to narrow down her list. She had a woman assisting her and ended up with pretty corsets and thongs along with some short and skimpy items of lingerie. Cammy picked a few edgy items as well and tucked them into her pile before she paid and left with another giant bag. The cashier told her that she hoped her boyfriend loved everything and Cammy blushed as she thanked her.

  Lisa walked through the door as Cammy was leaving and she looked her friend over before her eyes rested on the bag in her hand. “You could’ve called me. I’d have shopped with you.”

  “It was last minute,” Cammy told her as Lisa nodded and asked her what she bought at Vicky’s. “Oh, just some stuff on sale. It was time to stock up.”


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