Filthy Cowboy

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Filthy Cowboy Page 154

by Amy Brent

  “I have not changed my mind. I’m a little nervous, but I think that’s normal. I would like us to take our time and not just jump into bed together. I have this feeling that we will get there eventually and maybe that anticipation will grow until we can’t keep our hands off each other. I know that I hunger for you and that my cunt is pretty much screaming at me to just give into it.” I followed him up the stairs and I looked back and knew that my life was just starting.

  There was no one there to save me. It was possible that Mitch was a freak and that I would feel trapped 1000 miles in the air. I couldn’t think like that or I would turn and run away. This was something that had been gnawing at me for quite some time. Mitch was the perfect one. He had given me food for thought by doing that in the bookstore in broad daylight. We were covered, but only by a few inches of wood between us and being discovered by the man that had given me a critical eye.

  I found his hand touching mine in a reassuring gesture of good faith. He smiled and all my trepidation vanished in the blink of an eye. That feeling of lust superimposed over my nervousness and gave me the courage to step through those doors to the future that was waiting for me.

  Chapter six

  It took a few moments for us to get into the air, but that gave us time to look at each other out of the corner of our eyes. I was expecting him to jump me and to force his will on an unsuspecting young girl that didn’t know any better. I could see that he was slightly jittery and looked like he didn’t have any clue how to proceed from here. I was one that had to take his hand. He looked at me with his eyes wide open. We kissed with the hum of the engine now vibrating underneath us.

  It was soft and gentle at first and then it became more passionate. Our tongues were twisting around each other and he was touching on the roof of my mouth and sending those signals down to where they were going to do the most good. When the all clear sign was made for us to take off our seat belts, it couldn’t have come fast enough for me.

  “We really don’t have to do this, Nikki. I would be very disappointed if we didn’t, but I would understand that you need time to think it over. You did jump into this and maybe you did it in such haste that you didn’t realize what you were giving up. It’s not every day that a woman loses her cherry. It’s usually with somebody that you care for deeply. I don’t want you to do this because you think that you owe me something. I would like to tell you that I find you to be a remarkable young woman. I’ve known from the moment that I saw you that you were being stifled and suffocated in a business that you didn’t have any real interest in.” I was unbuttoning his shirt and pulling it over his shoulders to look at his well defined muscles and the way that they were developed on a man that was above reproach.

  He lifted me easily onto his lap and I found myself grinding against an awakening giant between his legs. I smiled knowing that I had this spell over him. He was powerless to resist and the only thing that made any sense was to go all in. I wasn’t much for gambling, but this was a risk that I was willing to throw all of my cards on the table for. I felt like I had a good hand to play with. I was now unbuckling his belt and making him lift his body so that I could pull down his pants.

  His underwear got caught on his cock and I had to pull a little bit harder to get him loose. That bulge made this resounding smack against his stomach. “I don’t think that I have ever been surer about something in my life, Mitch. You have made it almost impossible for me to think of anything else besides the two of us doing the nasty. I do want your cock inside my virgin hole. I can’t even express to you how much it means to me that I found a man that was worthy of such a gift.” I was already juicy and dripping. There was no need to supply me with any kind of foreplay as going down on him had definitely done that.

  There was a golf ball size knot in my throat. I was ready, but my body had other ideas. I had to force myself to push past any kind of resistance. I had my skirt dropped to the floor and my panties were now hanging on his shoulder with the pungent aroma of my sexual desire lingering in the air.

  “You’re such a fine example of what a real woman should look like that I find it hard not to just throw you on this floor and slam you deep with my cock. I’ve always wondered if I would find anybody that would make me want to spend more than one night with them. I have this deep seated need to show you the world on a silver platter. I want to take you to those wondrous sites that I can see through your eyes for the first time. I don’t want to overwhelm you, but maybe this can be more than what it was supposed to be.” I was on my knees straddling his waist with that huge knob touching me in a not so subtle way.

  “I think that you are getting a little carried away, Mitch. We’ve only just met and there’s no telling if we are even going to be sexually…COMPATIBLE.” I stumbled over the last word as his knob had made entry and was slowly snaking its way past the lips and the gates of my libido. He went slowly and I was hoping for more of taking the band aid off fast than procrastinating. The pain was something that I’d never felt before and would never want to feel again. I bit into his shoulder, drawing blood with my teeth from the initial penetration through that thin membrane.

  “I know that it hurts, but I promise that it will feel a whole lot better sooner than you think.” He tore open my shirt and left me feeling vulnerable and at his mercy. The way that he devoured my nipples, pulling them with his mouth still attached was a good way to take my mind off the mind numbing blaze. He was very gentle and lifted me up over the head and then back down with only another inch finding its way against the walls.

  “I don’t even know what I’m supposed to do. I’m paralyzed with fear, but I know that you would never hurt me on purpose. You have been a shining example of what a real man is supposed to be. You may think that I don’t see it, but others may believe you to be ruthless, but underneath you are just a soft teddy bear.” I had my hands on top of the chair. If the pilot were to come out right now then he would probably see something that was not considered normal etiquette for fight travel.

  I was messing with the natural order of things by going against the conventional way of thinking about losing my virginity. This was no awkward moment. This was the kind of guy that every woman should elicit into taking them to heights that they can never imagine. I didn’t know it, but I looked down to see that he was smiling and then I followed his eyes to where he was balls deep. I had no idea how he could fit something of that kind of instrument inside me. I’d somehow found a way to lengthen that passage with the supplied moisture to guide him the rest of the way.

  We stayed connected like that for some time and then he started to move me like I was some puppet on a string. He drew my lips along his shaft and then popped free. It left me with a permanent reminder of how he had been the perfect gentleman. This time, he was not as caring. This was a deliberate act of one stroke that had him wrapping his arms around me as an onrush of emotions collapsed my legs.

  “I know that I shouldn’t say this, but I fucking love this. The pain is nothing compared to the pleasure of being with you, Mitch. Your fucking rod is deep in me and I don’t think that I could take another inch. You can feel my inexperienced pussy grabbing onto you for dear life. My juices are streaming down to your balls and congealing in the hairs that are found there.” I put my hands on his face and I kissed him as I got into a rhythm of my own. His hands fell away from my hips and I was now the one taking the power out of his hands.

  “I told you that… I would make this special. I’m hoping to give you a night that you can call upon when you write your autobiography many years from now. I don’t want to be just a footnote, but a full chapter of sexual pleasures. I have only just begun. This is a start of a journey that will awaken your sexual spirit. Nothing is going to hold you down, unless of course it’s me with my hands over top of yours to make sure that you don’t go anywhere.” Every time that I pushed down with my ass cheeks, he was right there to push his hips up against me for that even deeper penetration.

; “I’m sure that I would’ve done this a long time ago had I known that the horror stories that I’d heard in the past were only of their own recollection. They didn’t have the kind of teacher that I had. I felt sorry for anyone that had to take that clumsy effort or 1 minute that was over before they knew it.” I knew that we were both sweating our asses off, but it was well worth the physical exertion.

  “I think that it’s time that you found out what it’s like to have an orgasm with a cock inside you. I’ve been told that it only takes something like this…” He stopped in mid sentence and his finger made contact with my clit. I didn’t know that it could get any better.

  “Oh my god…tell me that you just didn’t…do…THATTTTTTT” I lost it completely with my arms and legs flailing with no control whatsoever. I was drooling like a madman like someone in an asylum rocking back and forth in the fetal position. My eyes rolled into the back of my head and the gripping sensation that he had felt at first entering me had now grabbed onto him like that of a vice being turned on a woodworking lathe.

  “I have to say that…fucking…a woman like you is a god given blessing.” He was losing the battle. I could see that that fuse that was lit was about to bring about the kind of explosion that would make any man happy.

  I tossed my hair around and this was the kind of no nonsense approach that had me begging for more. We stayed linked together and I could feel a reawakening that we had come by naturally. My wet pussy was still sending me those signals and in the process was striking a match to his genitals.

  “I have no idea what I’ve done without you and I have no reason to let you go. You are a refreshing change from those that are only after me for my money. It sounds a little trite when you think about it, considering how we got here.” He lifted me off of him and I could see the slime of my excitement coating him from one end to the other. I heard that wet sound and the pop that followed. “I feel that you are that piece of my heart that I need to make me whole.” It was sweet what he was saying, but what he had just done had just unchained the animal.

  “I’m sure that you’re waiting for me to say something that’s more poignant than…take me from behind you fucking stud.” I got on the floor and wiggled my ass in his ass. I was reaching back to pull my fleshy cheeks apart to let him see my lips all puffy from what he had just made me endure.

  “I thought that we were having a moment, but who am I to argue with a woman that has never had sex before. It must be like a shroud has been lifted and now that you can see, there’s no reason to go back to being blind.” I heard him behind me and then I could feel his hot breath on my neck. It reminded me what he had done earlier and it brought to the forefront a kind of pleasure and pain that could not be duplicated anywhere else.

  “Fuck me, slap my ass and pull my hair. I want to experience everything. I don’t want you to be shy about suggesting something even if you consider it to be taboo.” He lined up and was pushing forward with his knees scuffling across the carpet. He slid back in like that of a knife through warm butter. My sticky insides welcomed him with a wet kiss that was followed by the rest of the shaft getting the same treatment. He was burrowing in deep like a man possessed.

  “I thought of you often and I hate to admit that I got a little carried away with my fantasies. I will say that this first time has only made me anxious to try even more positions. I have a unique book that will come in handy for both of us to stretch sexually speaking.” He was giving sharp thrusts and ones that made us both compete to see who could reach their release first.

  “Fuck…fuck… I think that you are holding back for my sake and I don’t want you…fuck… to do that. Show me what it is like to be with a man and not some boy that is pretending to wear that mask. Show me what experience has over youth.” My black body was glistening. He was enjoying the plumpness of my ass pressed up against his crotch. I heard him sigh and it must’ve been from seeing the contrast in our colors. He was pale as a ghost and I was a cocoa brown that was hard to deny.

  The way that he was using my big ass and holding my thick thighs told me that he was enjoying more than just the normal kind of girl. He liked my curves and I was proud to say that I’d found a man that was able to fully appreciate the weight underneath my belt.

  It was that weight that I was using to slam back against him. Every time that we came together was like I could feel him coming out of my mouth. He was grunting with noises that could only come from a man that was in the throes of his own passion. He had the recipe to turn me into a wanton bitch with only my own pleasure in mind.

  “You have a lot more to hold than the average girl and I don’t think that I will ever go back to the way that things were. I do want to…yes… Oh my god…yes…all the way in and back out just like that.” I’d taken the initiative and I was now fucking him. He was staying completely still and I was using that stick between his legs to satisfy my curiosity. I was able to recover quickly after that first orgasm, but this one was even more intense. I thought for sure that I was losing my mind, but if this was the way to madness, then I had no reason to be sane.

  “I want you to call me black magic. I can do tricks and you can teach me more. Girls your own age would never want to be taught anything. They think that they know all there is to know. What they don’t realize is that everyman and everywoman is different in what they like and how they get to that moment where they can’t say no.” I called his name and I continued to throw out a litany of dirty words to really feed his need." Mitch… Mitch…Mitch… Mitch. It was like I couldn’t stop saying his name and I was screaming so loud that I thought for sure that the pilot would come forward to find out what the commotion was all about.

  All the blood from the rest of my body had now accumulated in one spot and that made me into an angry lover. We had no semblance of what was right and wrong and the only thing that mattered was giving as much pleasure as we could possibly give.

  “Oh yes…that’s how I like it…nice and deep and then back out and start all over again. Fuck…fuck… I never thought that you would be…fucking like this.” There was this emotional moment when we both let that moment overcome us at the same time. We were not only compatible, but I think that we were made for each other in more ways than one. My pocket sleeve was wrapped around him and his rocket had already launched with several quick spurts that caught me off guard. I wasn’t expecting him to cum inside me, but it felt too good to make him pull out at the last minute.

  We noticed that 2 hours had gone by and it felt like we had only just begun. We continued to push each other into different positions for the next hour, before finally needing time to catch our breath and to regain that energy that we had depleted. It was then that I noticed a young buxom blonde coming from the galley. There was no way that she didn’t witness any of that and the knowing smile on your face said that it wasn’t the first time that something like this had happened under her watch.

  He was sleeping soundly, lying there in his nudity and not even bothering to try to cover up. That young lady in question leaned down to give me a hand. I stumbled backward and landed on the seat next to him. “This is not his first time playing in the friendly skies, but this is the first time that I’ve ever seen him this happy. I believe that you might have an affect on him that goes beyond just sex. I would say that you were lucky, but I don’t think that I would be saying something that you don’t already know.” She gave me a glass of orange juice and I downed it in one shot, feeling parched and needing that refreshing beverage.

  I found out that I was pregnant a few days later and I had to say that the elation on Mitch’s face gave me every reason to believe that he wanted this child. He went on to tell me that he never had any aspirations to be a father, but with me he found that children were definitely going to have to be part of the equation. He had confessed that his childhood was not all that it was cracked up to be. I found his openness to talk about something that painful to be a testament to our bond together. We were going to ha
ve a child out of wedlock although he did present me with a ring and a promise that we would walk down the aisle before the baby was born.

  I knew that my mother would object and that she would fight the nuptials tooth and nail. That was the reason why we decided that we would elope and then spring the wedding and the child on her at the same time. I was almost giddy with anticipation. I had gotten everything that I wanted, but I had found something unexpected along the way…the love of a good man.

  Christmas with 3 cowboys


  Christmas had always been a bittersweet time for Shandy Price. Her parents, divorced since her birth, had always managed to turn the holidays into a parade of who was the bigger martyr and which one she should have loved more. It had not been an overly acrimonious divorce, as far as these things went, but Christmas always seemed to bring out the worst in them, rather than the best, and all she’d ever wanted was a merry Christmas. It had only gotten worse and worse the older she got, and by the time she left home she was of the opinion that Christmas was the worst season ever.


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