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Kael Page 4

by Lori Wilde

  Daisy labored to draw in a breath. Her bees were dead. Gone just as surely as her mother and father and Rose.

  Slipping from Kael’s grasp, she slumped to her knees, exhausted. Someone laid a comforting hand on her shoulder, but it didn’t ease her sorrow.

  The fire trucks bumped across the field. Volunteer firemen scurried like ants, battling the blaze.

  Looking up, she saw Kael and his father join the firefighters.

  “Here’s water.” Kael’s mother squatted next to Daisy.

  Daisy took the proffered water bottle and swallowed thirstily.

  Neela Carmody gave her a sympathetic smile. The woman looked as if she’d stepped from a ritzy catalog in her crisp white blouse, white linen pants, and expensive Italian sandals. Kael’s mother always wore the most fashionable clothes and never had a hair out of place. She was chic and sophisticated, everything Daisy was not.

  “What happened?” she asked.

  Swiping her sleeve against her forehead, Daisy pushed her bangs from her eyes and shrugged. “I don’t know. Aunt Peavy smelled smoke, and I spotted the fire in your alfalfa field. When I got here, Kael was trying to put it out with a horse blanket.”

  “Did it get to your bees?” Neela lifted a hand to her mouth.

  Daisy nodded. “They’re gone.”

  “Oh, honey. I’m so sorry. I know how important your bees are.”

  “Thanks,” Daisy croaked. What an understatement. The bees were vital to Hightower Honey Farm.

  “If there’s anything Chet or I can do, please ask.”

  “Thank you,” Daisy said, knowing full well she’d never ask them for anything.

  “I mean, with Kael being home and all...” Neela allowed her words to trail off as if realizing how silly she sounded.

  “Everything is over between Kael and me. Has been for a very long time.”

  “I know that. I thought, well... to tell you the truth, Daisy, I’m worried about his mental health. You know he hasn’t been the same since the accident. He’s brooding and moody. Not at all like his usual self.”

  From what Daisy had seen of him yesterday, Kael seemed fine.

  “I thought it might be nice if Kael had old friends he could turn to for moral support.”

  Daisy shook her head. “That’s not such a great idea. I’m sure Kael’s got plenty of other friends in Rascal.”

  “I suppose you’re right.” Neela sighed, stood up, and gazed at the firefighters through her pricey sunglasses.

  Daisy felt a little odd, sitting here talking to Kael’s mom. Even though they lived next door to each other, she rarely saw the Carmodys. They kept a condo on Padre Island, letting a manager oversee their ranch. They moved in different economic circles, making it unlikely that they would often cross paths.

  It hadn’t been hard avoiding Kael’s parents. Daisy was so busy. Their occasional contact comprised a low-key exchange of pleasantries whenever they met in town. Or a friendly wave when they passed on the road.

  The Carmodys were nice folks, and she hated the rift between the two families, but the last thing she wanted was a personal relationship with Kael’s family.

  Daisy watched glumly as the firemen gradually got the blaze under control. At least it hadn’t crossed the fence onto her property. But it really didn’t matter. The fire had wiped her bees out.

  What was she going to do now?

  Glancing at the ground, Daisy spied a bee carcass. Her bottom lip trembled. Reaching down, she scooped up the damaged insect and cradled the poor thing in her palm.

  Gulping back the tears burning her eyelids, Daisy stared at the creature that had worked so hard making honey for her.

  “Are you all right?” Neela asked.

  “Yes,” Daisy lied.

  It seemed life was always dishing her up a bowl of fertilizer. She wanted to leave, but she didn’t have enough energy to get up and go home. Telling Aunt Peavy about the bees would require more strength than she possessed at the moment.

  The fire chief, Kael, and Chet walked over to them.

  Daisy noticed Kael limped heavily, and her heart lurched.

  “I think it’s under control, Mrs. Carmody.” The ruddy-faced fireman wiped at his face with a cloth.

  “Thank you, Jim. We surely appreciate your quick response.”

  “We do our best.” He doffed his hat.

  “Yes.” Kael clasped the man’s hand. “Thank you.”

  “Got any idea what started this fire?” Jim looked from Kael to his father and back again. “You folks know there’s a burn ban on, dontcha?”

  “I do,” Kael admitted grimly. His jaw clenched as all eyes swung his way. “I caused it.”

  Daisy stared. Had she heard him correctly? Kael had started the blaze that killed her bees?

  “I was riding my motorcycle through the field. Apparently, the exhaust sparked and caught the dry grass.”

  Trembling, Daisy rose to her feet. She should have known. Here she’d been feeling sorry for him, worrying about his limp and his mental health, while he’d been gallivanting about on a motorcycle, oblivious to the problems he could cause.

  “Daisy.” He reached out to her, his eyes pleading for forgiveness.

  But she shied away, skirting a wide berth around him. “Don’t.”

  “You’ve got to know I didn’t mean for this to happen,” he said.

  She pressed her lips together in a cold, hard line. “Face facts, Kael, you’ll never grow up.”

  With that she pivoted on her heels and stalked across the burned, smoking alfalfa field, the dead bee’s body clutched in her fist.

  Chapter Four

  EVEN WHEN HE’D LAIN bleeding in the arena dirt at the PRC championship in Las Vegas, his knee mangled by the Texas Tornado, Kael hadn’t felt pain like this.

  After chasing the dream for seven years, he’d returned home to put his life back together only to repeat the same mistakes he’d made in the past. He’d let his rebellious nature rule his head.

  Forgetting the look of despair on Daisy’s face was impossible.

  Kael sat on the split-rail fence, raking his gaze over the destruction. The air stunk of burned alfalfa. He could taste the caustic flavor. The whole pasture was black. Hours later, smoke continued to spiral upward in lazy patches.

  Daisy had every right to her anger. He’d let her down.


  How different might his life have been if he had given up bull riding for the only woman he’d ever loved?

  But you didn’t.

  No. Instead, he’d let the best thing that ever happened to him slip through his fingers in favor of a career with no stability, no longevity, no guarantees. A career that had earned him a ruined leg and a lot of pain.

  If he had stayed, he and Daisy would probably have married by now. With two or three children of their own. Daisy wouldn’t have to worry about money. They would fill their lives with love and laughter instead of sorrow and loneliness.

  Kael cracked his knuckles and recalled the cocky young man he’d once been, so sure of himself. Confident that fame and fortune were the keys to happiness. Convinced that making a name for himself would prove to his successful father, once and for all, that he was a man.

  His recklessness had cost his parents an alfalfa field, but that was nothing. His folks had insurance. The toll was much higher for Daisy and her little family.

  He had to make amends. If he could just figure out how to approach her.

  “Ah, Daisy,” he whispered under his breath. “I never meant to hurt you.”

  Kael glared at the Harley still parked beside the fence. Daisy was right. It was about time he grew up and accepted responsibility. Now if she would only let him.

  Determined, Kael eased himself down off the wooden fence and mentally girded himself for task ahead.

  “WE’RE RUINED,” DAISY whispered.

  For once, Aunt Peavy had nothing to say. She sat at the kitchen table looking as shocked as Daisy. Her iron-gray hair, normally
well coifed, lay plastered against her head. Tears left makeup tracks down her plump cheeks. She smelled of the cinnamon buns she’d made for their breakfast that morning, but instead of cheering her, the sweet aroma stirred her sadness.

  She clenched her teeth. She could tolerate the pain for herself. But it hurt so badly to see how this turn of events affected her aunt.

  “Hightower Honey Farm has been a staple in Presidio County for three generations.” Aunt Peavy mopped her face with the tail of her apron. “I’m sorry to live to see this day.”

  “Now, Auntie.” Daisy got up and gave her a hug. “Don’t get upset. I’ll think of some way to save the business.”

  “How? Without bees, there is no honey.”

  “I’ll get more bees.”

  “With what? We’re flat broke.” Aunt Peavy wrung her hands. “We’re gonna end up on the street.”

  “I’m sorry I let you down.” The lump in her throat grew.

  “Heaven knows you’ve done your best, sweetie.” Aunt Peavy patted Daisy’s arm. “I’m not accusing you. If anybody’s to blame, it’s that no count rascal Kael.”

  Part of her agreed, but the kindhearted part of her knew Kael was hurting too. He’d lost his career, and he was at loose ends. He didn’t know riding his motorcycle in the alfalfa field would end up causing a fire. He was contrite. She’d seen it in his face.

  But she had bigger problems than making Kael Carmody feel better. He was on his own in the self-soothing department.

  “There’s no use crying over spilled milk. The bees are dead, and we’ve got to make a fresh start.”

  “What are we going to tell Travis?” Aunt Peavy fretted.

  “The truth.”

  “The poor little lad.” Aunt Peavy sniffled.

  “Travis is tough. He’ll manage, just like we will.”

  Daisy put up a brave front, but in her heart, she was as worried and frightened as Aunt Peavy. What were they going to do? Where would she get the money to pay the bills and buy new bees?

  The front doorbell rang.

  “I’ll get it. You collect yourself.” Daisy got to her feet.

  Mentally giving herself a shake, Daisy opened the front door.

  Kael stood on her porch, head hanging low, his Stetson in his hands.

  The sight of him took Daisy’s breath. No matter what the man had done, no matter the pain he’d caused her, she still could not seem to stop her heart from tripping over itself.

  “What do you want?”

  “To make amends.”

  “Oh, go ride your motorcycle,” she said. “It’s not up to me to relieve your guilt.”

  “Dammit, Daisy, give me a chance.”

  “Since when did the great Kael assume responsibility for his actions?”

  “Since now.” He rested his hand against the doorjamb as if to keep her from slamming the door in his face, and he looked her right in the eyes.

  She felt as if he’d sucked the essence from her marrow with his blistering gaze. “Yeah, right.”

  “Will you just hear me out...please?”

  She sighed. “What is it?”

  “May I come in?”

  “All right, but I can’t promise Aunt Peavy won’t swat you with her broom.”

  Kael moved ahead of her into the foyer. Daisy closed the door against the insufferable heat and watched him limp toward the living room. She motioned to the couch, and he eased himself down. Daisy sat beside him but put two cushions distance between them.

  “I talked to our insurance agent.”

  Daisy folded her arms across her chest. “Yes?”

  “Our policy will cover the loss of your bees.”

  Swallowing her pride, Daisy nodded. “It’s a beginning.”

  “I know I owe you much more than that. Money might buy you bees, but I realize there’s a lot of work involved in starting new colonies.”

  “Yes, there is.”

  “I’ll help.”

  “No way. I don’t need you hanging around causing more problems.”

  “It’s the least I can do,” he insisted, sliding across the couch toward her.

  Daisy leaned back. What was that warning spark in his eyes? “No. Absolutely not.”

  “You’ve got more than you can handle, running a business, raising a six-year-old, and taking care of an elderly woman.”

  “I’m not that old, young man!” Aunt Peavy scolded, shuffling into the living room. “And he’s right, Daisy. You’ve got to have help. Already you get up at five in the morning and don’t find your way to bed until almost midnight.”

  “Auntie,” Daisy spoke sharply. “I’ll handle this.”

  “The man wants to make amends. Who are you to deny him?”

  The woman whose heart he’d broken those many years ago, that’s who. Daisy couldn’t bear the thought of Kael constantly underfoot. The thought of Kael running around with his shirt off, doing physical labor, had her contemplating a cold shower.

  “Look, if you don’t let me help, I will go nuts. You’d be doing me a favor,” Kael said.

  “Why on earth should I do you a favor?”

  “Pity?” He gave her the grin that could melt any female within a hundred-mile radius. “I don’t have a thing to do. I’m sitting around at my parents’ house, waiting for my leg to heal, binge-watching Netflix and getting fat.”

  “Don’t forget starting fires in your spare time.”

  Heavens, how she wanted to say yes. But did she dare? This time could she keep her heart from harm’s way?

  KAEL FOLLOWED DAISY across her back pasture toward the beehives. He couldn’t believe she would let him help her. She must be in more pressing financial straits than he first believed. He knew from experience that this hardheaded woman rarely changed her mind about anything.

  “I haven’t checked the apiary since the fire. Come along. You might as well see the damage you’ve caused.”

  Her words added to the guilt already towering inside him.

  By the time they’d traveled the short distance to the apiary, sweat plastered his shirt to his back, and his leg thumped with pain, but he refused to give in to it. This was the high desert. He’d dry soon enough.

  Daisy stopped short. She placed her hands on her hips and gazed at the dormant hives, eyes widening and bottom lip trembling.

  Gone was the normal hive hustle and bustle. A few frantic bees circled, nervous and unsettled; the remaining bees raised their heads from the hive and lined up between the tops of the frames.

  Stepping to the work shed, Daisy went inside, then returned with two white veil hats and a bee suit.

  “Here,” she said, handing him the bee suit. “Put this on. They’re upset and more likely to sting.”

  Nervously, Kael donned the zippered, white coveralls, tugging them on over his clothes. Who normally wore the coveralls? They were far too big for Daisy.

  Was there a man in her life?

  Jealousy stabbed through him. Joe told him Daisy hadn’t been dating, but Joe didn’t know everything in Rascal. Perhaps she had a secret beau.

  “Whose coveralls?” he asked.

  “Aunt Peavy’s. But she rarely helps with the bees anymore. Her eyesight is too poor.”

  “Oh.” His spirits lifted.

  Daisy removed more equipment from the shed. She carried a contraption that resembled bellows and another tool. Settling the bee veil over her head, she crouched and struck a match to light the smoker. Walking past Kael, she approached the hive, coming at it from the side and taking care to avoid the flight line of the remaining bees.

  He watched, fascinated.

  She moved with practiced ease. The afternoon sun glinted off her hair, shining like some glorious crown. A deep, abiding ache started in his gut and fled upward.

  Daisy Hightower was more beautiful than ever. Her skinny girlish shape had rounded into womanly curves. Her freckles had lightened, and her face had grown to fit those wide green eyes.

  He’d been such a silly fool seven
years ago. He’d thrown away their budding love affair for bull riding. Then that awful incident with Rose had capped off his sins. Now, by starting the blaze and killing Daisy’s bees, he had blown any chance he might have had at rekindling their old flame.

  “Pay attention.” Daisy turned her head to stare at him. “If you’re sincere about helping me rebuild, then you’ve got to know what’s going on. I’m checking on each queen and seeing exactly how many bees I’ve lost.”


  Bees gathered around the opening, buzzing angrily. Kael winced and steeled himself.

  With the smoker clutched in her right hand and the hive tool in her left, Daisy blew two smoke puffs into the hive entrance.

  The smoke calmed the bees.

  Daisy removed the hive’s outer cover and blew a puff of smoke into the center of the opening. Taking the hive tool, she pushed it gently into the inner hive.

  Realizing he’d been holding his breath, Kael forced himself to suck in the air that smelled of smoke and charred alfalfa. She worked slowly, gently removing each frame and examining hive activity. He watched, fascinated by Daisy, the bees, the whole process.

  Sighing, Daisy replaced the frames and then the cover. When she turned to face him, he saw tears glistening in her eyes.

  “Daisy?” Alarm raced through him.

  “This hive is almost completely wiped out. The queen is okay, which is good. But I’ve lost at least fifty thousand workers.”

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

  “I know they’re bees and not people.” Her bottom lip trembled. “But they meant a lot, you know?”

  “I...I...” He had no idea how to respond. Her tears hit him like a solid punch to the solar plexus. He’d caused this—her anguish, her grief, her despair.

  “I can’t bear to look at the rest. Not now. Maybe later.” She stepped away from the hives and stripped the veil from her face.

  She wiped at her cheeks with the back of a hand.

  He removed his veil and went to her. “Daisy, I can’t tell you how I regret what I’ve done.”

  Tilting her head, she angled him a green-eyed glance that had Kael thinking crazy, illogical thoughts. How he wished for a time machine where he could return to the past and do things over. If God granted him a second chance with her, he’d do his level best not to fumble again.


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