Drawn to You: Lover to Stepbrother

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Drawn to You: Lover to Stepbrother Page 2

by J. L. Ostle

  “You two staring at his hand on your arm. I swear that boy likes you.” We both turn around and see Colin and Aaron talking not that far behind us and, like he knows I’m looking at him, his eyes connect with mine and something I didn’t expect shines from them.


  I quickly look away, staring directly in front of me. “You’re crazy.” I laugh it off then bite my lip as I wonder if what I just saw was real. I take my seat in my next class with Karen next to me and I grab my notebook and pen and once again starting to jot down some lyrics that have started running through my head.

  Your eyes burn into mine.

  The heat that soon spreads inside.

  Trust me, that part of me is hard to find.

  This is something I never felt or knew.

  It had to be you that makes me want this.

  A guy who looks at me once.

  Daring me to give him one teasing kiss.

  But I know it will never be.

  As he will never truly want me.

  I sigh as I look at the paper. I’ll admit, I did have a crush on Colin when I was younger but as we got older, the cliques of this school separated us into two groups. The popular and the unpopular and I am okay with that. You don’t always get with your crush and I’ve moved on from it.

  At least I thought I did.

  I’m looking back over the words I just wrote, trying to hum a tune for the lyrics when Nicole and her best friend Sissy sits down in front of us giggling and looking to the back of the room. I saw Nicole and Colin leaving before the last class started and it doesn’t take a genius to know what the two of them were doing.

  “So, you fucked him?” Sissy asks. Sissy, just like Nicole, has blonde hair, blue eyes, big boobs, and long legs. Just two of the Goddesses who walk the halls.

  “Yeah, and fucking hell Sissy, that boy can fuck. I swear my vagina felt so full of his cock that I have no idea how he got the whole thing in.” Sissy giggles and I roll my eyes.

  “He’s that big?” Nicole nods.

  “My toes curled when I got off and, trust me, I saw stars. Best fuck ever.” She annunciates each word, making sure they are clearly heard.

  “Wow, you lucky bitch.”

  “I know.”

  “Okay, I know the two bimbo-queens just said he fucked bimbo queen number one but I still go by what I said,” Karen whispers in my ear.

  “So, you think Colin is crushing on me but fucking other girls?” I can’t help but smile at her; it makes no sense.

  “Men are weird. The only time they aren’t going to fuck another girl is when they are in a relationship, but I guess some still fuck other girls when they do have a girlfriend but those guys are just assholes.”

  “And you are saying Colin isn’t one?”

  “Maybe,” she says, lost in thought.

  “Yeah, I’m convinced now that you explained it all to me. Colin and I are going to fall madly in love and live happily ever after now that you convinced me he likes me even though he fucks around.”

  “Do you know how many times we’ve said fuck in the last five minutes?”

  “Probably a lot.” I lean back in my seat.

  “We do like saying it.”

  “Or maybe it’s our self-conscious telling us we need to get fucked.”

  “Probably.” We both laugh. “We need to lose our V-cards before college or I swear I will feel like a total loser.”

  “You saying you don’t feel like one already?” She nudges my shoulder with hers.

  “Ha, ha, ha. Just because we are classified as nerds doesn’t make us ones. I think we’re hot, just not in an obvious way. We need to expand our horizons and fuck someone and soon,” Karen says, completely serious.

  “What about…”

  “If you say Phillip, I will hurt you,” she interrupts me and I pretend to zip my lips and throw away the key. “They say the first time is always shit so I may just find someone with no strings attached. Like…” She looks around the room. “Aaron.” My mouth hangs open.

  “Aaron as in Aaron Scott? Colin’s best friend? He is a complete tool. He’s, like, the class clown, no one can really take him seriously.” I try and convince her not to go there. “He is a player.”

  “Exactly. He knows what he’s doing and there would be no feelings involved. Just straight A fucking.” I roll my eyes.

  “Come on, how many movies and TV shows have we watched that involve no string attached relationships? It doesn’t work.”

  “It would only be one night and that’s it. I haven’t even fully decided on Aaron, I was just picking someone at random.” I turn around and look to Aaron and, yeah, he is good looking. Messy brown hair and brown eyes. With him being on the football team, he obviously has a good body, but he’s a joker.

  “Do you really want to lose your virginity to someone like him? Shouldn’t your first time be special?”

  “Hey, missy, you want to lose your virginity status, too. First times are never what they say in books. If you find Mr. Right, then yeah, it’s a bonus, but we haven’t and we don’t know when we will and like hell I will be a virgin when I find him. Knowing my luck, I’ll be in my twenties and he’ll want to be with a girl who knows what she is doing.” Everything she is saying is exactly how I feel. I was hoping before I graduated high school I would have ended up in some sort of a relationship and lost my virginity to them, even if we did break up. I at least wanted to give it to someone I connected with in some way, but like hell am I going to wait and end up a thirty-something virgin who ends up too scared to have sex because she waited too long. That’s why I made sure I got the implant last year, just in case it ever did happen.

  I want to make sure I’m fully prepared.

  “Whoever you pick, just make sure he respects you and doesn’t treat you like a blow-up doll.” She sticks out her hand for me to shake.

  “Deal.” We shake hands. “So, who are you going to fuck?” I don’t mean to, but my eyes wander back to Colin. His eyes connect with mine and I know this time I’m not seeing things. His gaze stays trained on mine.

  “Hello, class.” Mrs. Prepp, the principal’s secretary, walks into class. “Those organizing the talent show or participating, please head to the gym now.” Karen and I stand up, gathering our things.

  “Oh, sweet, we get to get out of classes. I guess this isn’t going to be so bad after all,” I hear Aaron say and I turn around just to bang into someone’s hard chest, their hands going to my arms, steadying me.

  “You really need to start looking where you’re going, Sasha.” Colin chuckles. His hands are still on me and I notice mine have landed on his chest, and fucking hell it is hard. My dirty mind goes to other things that could be hard.

  “Sorry,” I apologize.

  “It’s no problem.” I look up to see him smiling down at me and I feel him pulling my body a little closer to his. I swear I can feel every hard muscle of him against me.

  “Why are you and Aaron coming? You guys aren’t on the committee.” I feel his thumbs once again stroking my skin, the contact making me break out in goosebumps.

  “Since this morning, we were told we are. Guess we’ll be spending more time with each other.” I step back.

  “You both are on the committee?” Karen asks.

  “Yup, doll face, aren’t you the lucky ones?” Aaron smiles at her and Karen bites her lip. I quickly push her behind me.

  “This can’t be right. I’m in charge. Someone would have told me.” My voice raises a little. I worked so hard on this, and with a couple of weeks to go, like hell I am having these guys goof off while the rest of us work our butts off.

  “Ask Mr. Atkins, he’s the one forcing this.” Colin pulls his fingers through his thick, dark brown hair, causing his bicep to tense up and I shake my head, forcing my thoughts out of the gutter.

  “I will,” is all I manage to say as I storm off to the principal’s office. I’m so pissed off that I want to act like a child and stomp my foot.
/>   They are not going to ruin my show.

  I’m still storming down the hall when I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket and I take it out, seeing my mother’s name on the screen. Why is she calling me knowing I’m at school? I hit accept and answer.

  “Honey, shouldn’t you be in class?” I roll my eyes.

  “If you know that then why are you calling me?”

  “Is everything okay?” I hear the concern in her voice.

  “I’m pissed off right now that a few asshole jocks are trying to be a part of the talent show that I have worked so hard to prepare and organize.” I huff. I hear feet behind me so I know they are following me.

  “Honey, I know you worked so hard on this but maybe…”

  I interrupt her. “Mom, you’re supposed to be on my side and hate whoever I hate.”

  “Hate is a pretty strong word,” Colin says next to me and I glare at him.

  “Honey, who’s that?”

  “Nosey much?” I spit at him. “Mom, it’s one of the asshole jocks I was telling you about.” He smiles at me, shaking his head.

  “Is he hot?” I stop walking and am pushed forward by Karen bumping into me. I would have fallen on my face if I wasn’t quickly swished up into Colin’s arms.

  “You really need to stop trying to get into my arms, sweets.” He pulls my body flush against his.

  “You’re in his arms?” I hear my mom ask over the phone. “I bet he’s hot,” she says again and Colin’s smile goes bigger hearing it.

  “Mom, he heard you.” I press the phone again against my ear.

  “He must be pretty close to you for him to have heard me,” she says playfully.

  “She’s pressed up against him, Marie,” Karen shouts out, smiling at us both.

  “Oh, are you sweetie?” mom teases.

  “You are both as bad as each other.” I groan.

  “Bet you’re still in his arms, though.” I look to Colin who is still smiling and I quickly step out of his embrace.

  “Can my day get any worse?”

  “Probably,” Karen and my mom say at the same time.

  “I have to go, I need to set my anger on the principal.”

  “Don’t be too hard on him. By the way, I called to say I won’t be home when you get in. I have another date.” She sighs dreamily on the word date. She’s been seeing this man for the last six months and she is so smitten. I promised her that I will meet him once my talent show is over with and he’s free from work. Mom says he’s a very busy man, but he always has time for her.

  “Be good and I’ll see you when you get home.”

  “I may not be coming home tonight if he plays his cards right.”

  I scrunch up my face. “Too much info, Mom. Have fun, wear protection.”

  “Yes, Mom,” she mimics me. “Love you.”

  “Love you, too.” We hang up and I look to everyone and they are all staring at me.

  “So, your Mom is getting some?” Aaron waggles his eyebrows. “She’s quite loud,” he explains. I growl and start stomping back down the hall. When I stop suddenly, to collect my momentum my body is once again pushed forward.

  What is it with today?

  I turn to see Colin chuckling at me.

  “You two are already doing my head in.” I huff.

  “I’m glad I’m doing something in for you.” Colin winks at me.

  “You are disgusting.”

  “You’ll like it.” He winks at me and I roll my eyes and start walking again. When we all get to Mr. Atkins office, I walk past his secretary and knock on his door.


  I have never met someone as fiery as this girl. I know she’s angry, but the way she bites her lip, which I’m positive she doesn’t realize she’s doing, is making me think of her mouth, and the way she talks to me makes me want to push her against the wall and cover her mouth with mine.

  She is one big tease and she doesn’t even mean to be.

  Walking down the corridor, my eyes keep landing on her fine ass. I love that she is so accident prone; I’ll take any excuse to have her body pressed up to mine. I love touching her smooth, soft skin. It’s like feeling silk.

  She knocks on Mr. Atkins door and he calls out for us to enter. We all walk in, well Sasha storms in, and I lean my body against the wall as I watch her take out her frustration. Poor Mr. Atkins doesn’t know where to look or how to act.

  “I swear to God, this isn’t acceptable. The talent show is literally around the corner and now you let them take part? They’re going to find any way to do nothing but take credit for the work being put in. I will quit the whole entire thing before I let these nimwits ruin it.” Her chest rises as her voice gets higher and my mind wanders off; thinking of her in my bedroom. If she is this passionate about a show, I bet she is a wild horse in the sack trying to reach her next orgasm.

  “Miss Bennett, please take a breath, you know I am relying on you to make this show one hundred percent perfect.”

  “Then get rid of those two.”

  “It’s not just us two,” Aaron adds in with a cheery tone. “We have two other guys helping out.”

  “What?” Sasha shouts. “Are you trying to sabotage this?” She waves her hands in the air and I’m enjoying watching her; it’s taking so much not to laugh since I know she would kill me on the spot if I did.

  “Mr. Baxter is being punished and he is making up for what he did by lending a hand.”

  “Make him do something else.” Mr. Atkins stands and looks out his window.

  “I tell you what, since you are in charge, Miss Bennett, I am going to let you be the boss over them, they have to do what you say when you say or the alternative punishment will stand.” He looks to me. Panic already starts to kick in again.


  Sasha folds her arms and looks up to the ceiling. “Fine, but if any of them think they can slack off, they have another thing coming.”

  “They won’t.” She nods.

  “Okay, right, let’s head to the gym and get this over with.” She walks past us all and leaves the office. I watch as Aaron and Karen do the same, and I am right behind them when Mr. Atkins calls out my name.

  “Remember, Mr. Baxter, if you mess this up, you won’t be playing the next game and that suspension will be in place.” I sigh and leave without saying a word.

  “Fuck, man, Sasha is our boss. Already I can tell she is power mad. She is fucking crazy.” He shakes his head, staring at her.

  “Let’s just do what she says and the next couple of weeks will fly by.” God, at least I hope they do.

  We all head to the gym where half the room has been closed off for the stage area. I see lights placed on top of it, sheets blocking the back of the stage, which I’m guessing is for people to be ready for when they do perform.

  I see all the music nerds working away, setting things up, or making stuff. I see Karen and Sasha head towards the stage and a guy, I think his name is Phillip, jogs over to them and gives Karen a hug before twirling Sasha around causing her to squeal and laugh.

  “I bet they’re fucking.” Aaron laughs, pointing at them. I push him, not wanting to get that image in my head.

  Maybe she isn’t a virgin. That would make my life so much easier if I do decide to make my move. I just hope she isn’t fucking this idiot.

  “You think everyone is fucking.” I head towards Sasha.

  “Most people are, and if they aren’t, they should.” Karen turns and looks Aaron up and down. He gives her a wink, causing her to blush and look away. “She wants me.”

  “Of course she does,” I say sarcastically. “Sasha, where do you want us?”

  “On top of her,” Aaron whispers and I push him again.

  “Ummm, well, I hope you're good with DIY because you will be putting things together.” I nod. “Please be careful.”

  I place my hand over my heart. “You’re worried about me.”

  “I’m worried about the stuff you’ll be making.” She puts her
hand on her hip, giving me a stern look, and I know she is trying to be serious but, damn, all I’m thinking about is being inside her. Karen whispers something in her ear and she rolls her eyes and climbs on stage, going through random things, and Phillip leads us to the side of the stage where we need to be.

  An hour or so have gone by and me and Aaron made sure we did what we were told and worked hard on what we are doing. I am a little pissed off with Danny and Nathan since they should be here helping out but never showed.

  The pricks.

  “Okay, that’s enough for today,” Sasha shouts out. “Let’s get some lunch.” She claps her hands and people start putting away whatever they were working on and start leaving the room, heading to the cafeteria.

  “You coming, man?” Aaron asks me.

  “I will in a bit.” I continue finishing off getting the old lights to work.

  “Okay.” He walks away and I stay sitting on the floor. This piece of shit in front of me is starting to annoy me; why can’t we get some new lighting?

  “The school money always goes to the athletic departments,” Sasha says behind me, knowing what I was thinking. I turn and look up at her. “We have to make do with what we have.” She sits next to me. “Even though a lot of important people are coming to this, we still need to make do.” She looks to her hands.

  “I didn’t realize.” Her eyes connect with mine.

  “Why should you? Anything creative or artistic isn’t important in this school, these lights are probably over fifteen years old, but with a bit of tweaking they work just fine.” She grabs one of the lights Aaron was working on and gets to work. After a few minutes, it switches on.

  “You’re good at this.”

  She giggles. “Loads of practice.” I smile at her and she smiles back. “I’m sorry if I acted like…”

  “A crazy bitch?” I interrupt and she laughs.

  “Yeah, one of those.” She shakes her head. “I just want this to be perfect. Like I said, a lot of important people are coming to this, they probably aren’t interested in the show and just feel obligated to be here, but I want to try and make an impression, even if it’s with one person.”

  “Why?” She leans back on her hands and I follow suit as we both look to the stage.


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