Drawn to You: Lover to Stepbrother

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Drawn to You: Lover to Stepbrother Page 6

by J. L. Ostle

  “What makes you think that?” I joke, patting down my hair. I move so I’m standing to Colin’s side again.

  “Apart from his tongue being down your throat, it's already gone viral. Saw it on my newsfeed a couple of minutes ago. Who would have thought a music nerd and a footballer would get together? It’s like a movie or something.” I shake my head.

  “Or something.” I laugh.

  “You look so good, too.” Karen walks around me. “You guys do look really good together, it’s scary.” We start walking into school, Colin’s fingers still entwined with mine, and people keep staring but I try to keep myself distracted by either talking to Colin or Karen. Karen is loving all the attention that is being shoved my way.

  “I’m going to walk you to class,” Colin says, interrupting us.

  “Okay.” I smile.

  “You two are gross.” Karen makes gagging sounds. “I’ll see you at lunch.” She gives me a wink and walks off.

  “Catch you later,” Leo says as he walks away with Brady, both waving as they leave.

  “Is it bad that I hate sharing you with your friends?”

  I laugh. “Yes.” He chuckles.

  “Okay, well I can’t wait to have you to myself again, then.” He twirls me until my back hits the wall. His hand goes around to the back of my neck and he pulls my face towards his and kisses me again. After a moment, I wrap my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

  “We’re going to be late,” I whisper. He nods against my forehead.

  “Come on, let's go.” He holds my hand as he walks me to my class, but when we get there, he kisses me hard for a minute before stepping back. “So everyone knows your mine.” He winks and I watch him walk backward so he is still looking at me before he rounds the corner.

  The day drags, I feel like I have withdrawals. I need to see Colin and I need him to kiss me. At lunch, I walk quickly to the cafeteria and stand in the middle of the room, looking around me trying to spot him, but I don’t. I’m about to get in line to get something to drink when I feel tingles hitting the back of my neck.

  I turn to see Colin standing near the doors. His eyes are dark and he walks towards me like a man on a mission. My heart starts beating a million times a second. I move towards him and when we are in front of one another, we both pull each other in.

  His lips are on mine and it's hard and fast. It’s like we haven’t seen each other in days and not just hours. I am so consumed by him. His hands glide over my back, my ass, it’s like he wants to touch me everywhere but doesn’t know where to start.

  My fingers dig in his hair and we both groan into each other’s mouths. He lifts me and I wrap my legs around his waist until he is laying me on a table. Feeling his body on me, his heat radiating off him, it's making me feel dizzy. I want so much more.

  I’ve forgotten where I am, who is around, until I feel our bodies being shaken. We both stop, our breathing coming in fast, and I turn my head to see Karen looking at me like a stern mother.

  It then clicks that I was making out in the middle of the lunch room.

  There are guys cheering and whistling and a few have formed a circle, watching us like we are some TV show. I have never felt so embarrassed in my life.

  “Oh, my God.” I sit up and notice that the table we were laying on is also occupied. “Sorry,” I tell the guys sitting at the table and from the look of them, they are freshman and their eyes are shapes of saucers.

  “It’s okay,” one says, his voice husky.

  “Oh, God,” I say again. Colin helps me stand and I place my head on his chest. “I want a hole to form and suck me in.”

  “I think we took that a little far.” I feel his body vibrate so I know he is laughing. I look up to him and his eyes are playful.

  “How can you be okay right now? We basically just gave the whole school a show.”

  “I am a little embarrassed, but I definitely know that everyone knows we belong to each other.” I hit his arm and he pretends that I hurt him.

  “Of course that’s all you care about.” I shake my head, looking around the room; people are still watching us.

  He grabs my chin so I’m facing him again. “I’m not saying sorry because we want each other, that a little time apart makes us crazy. I like that you want me as much as I want you. These fuckers are just jealous that we have something so rare.” He’s right. Why should I be ashamed? I’m still embarrassed, but I’m not angry.

  “You’re right.”

  “I know I am.” We laugh. “Come on, let's go sit with your friends.” He starts to pull me towards my table but I don’t move. He looks to me confused.

  “You want to sit at the nerd table?” I ask, surprised.

  “I’m starting to hate you being called a nerd. I want your friends to like me, I know they mean a lot to you. I don’t care what people think of me. Come on.” He pulls me again and I start walking with him until we get to my table. He kisses my forehead and says he’s going to get us drinks. I watch him go.

  “You both have it bad,” Karen says, taking a bite of her apple.

  “Big time,” Phillip says. I notice his eyes go to Karen before he looks away.

  “We like each other,” I say.

  “I think it’s more than like. I saw the whole thing you know. You both acted like he just came back from the war and you haven’t seen him in years. You were in your very own bubble. If I hadn’t stopped it, I don’t even want to know what else would have happened. My eyes almost bug out as I think about that. What if she didn’t stop me? What if we started dry humping in front of everyone? I moan into my hands.

  “It’s okay, Sash, I thought it was hot,” Leo says, laughing. I grab one of Phillips chips and throw it at him.

  “Glad you thought so, pervert.”

  He shrugs. “You shouldn’t do live shows if you didn’t want people to watch.” I stand and climb over the table, leaning forward to mess up his styled hair. “You are one mean girl.” He pouts, causing us all to laugh.

  “What the fuck is that?” Karen’s eye goes straight to my chest and everyone looks to my hickey.

  “It’s nothing.” I lift my tank a little, covering it.

  “That’s not nothing. Colin Baxter marked you, on your chest. When did that happen?” She looks to my face. “Holy shit, you had him in your house. Did you sleep with him?” I glance around at my friends and they are looking at me with wide eyes.

  “No, I didn’t sleep with him. What do you take me for?”

  “A girl who just heavily made out in a high school cafeteria,” Phillip says and I glare at him. He quickly looks away.

  “I’m not going to sleep with him until I know I’m ready. I’m still a virgin, remember?”

  “You’re a virgin?” I turn to see Colin holding a tray of drinks and food. He sits next to me, his eyes never leaving mine.

  “Yeah, is that a problem?” He looks around the table and back to me. I bite my lip. He uses his fingers to untug it.

  “I have no problem. I like being with you. It’s not just sex. I had an inkling but wasn’t sure, but no I don’t mind that you’re a virgin. It makes you more special.” I close my eyes and then feel his lips softly press against mine, then his forehead is on mine. “I really like you, Sasha.”

  “I like you, too,” I say quietly. He sits back and squeezes my hand.

  “Well, I got coke, sprite, chips, mixed fruit. I didn’t know what you would like so got a little bit of everything.” I lean forward and kiss his cheek.

  “Thank you.” He pecks my lips and we dig in to lunch.


  Colin waited for me after school, saying he had another practice and asked me to come, so Karen and I said we would watch. We take a seat on the bleachers and I cheer whenever his side makes a goal. Seeing him in action is amazing. Football I always found boring. Men running up and down the field over a ball is not interesting, but watching Colin do it sure is.

  It’s hot.

  “Now that you
tamed Colin, do you think I have any chance getting with Aaron?.” I roll my eyes that she is still going on about him.

  “I can’t believe you still want to lose your virginity with that ass.”

  “He has a very hot ass.” Her eyes go to him.

  “I just think you can do better.”

  “At least I could say I slept with a hot footballer.”

  “It’s up to you. You can make your move at the party tonight.” She squeals.

  “I can’t believe I forgot about the house party. I can get all sexed up, he isn’t going to know what hit him.”

  “I was joking. You want to lose it at some house party? That’s not really special.”

  “First times hurt, it's messy, it sucks. I think I’d rather say I lost it to a footballer than an awkward scene. It’s a memory I can hold on to when I’m old and gray.” I shake my head, nothing I say will change her mind. “What about you? Now that you’re in a relationship, with the star footballer, when are you going to give up your V-card?”

  “I wouldn’t say I’m in a relationship.”

  “What has he classified it as?”

  “That I’m his and he’s mine.”

  “That’s him saying you’re in a relationship. I swear, girl, you can be so smart and yet so stupid.”

  I scoff. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.” She smiles innocently at me and I nudge her arm.

  We’re still watching practice when a few of the cheerleaders walk towards us. Seeing them in their tiny uniform, their glossy hair perfect, makes me cringe. Why do cheerleaders always look amazing? You see it in movies, in books, and in real life.

  It’s just not fair.

  “I heard you and Colin are a thing,” Nicole says, looking at me like I’m beneath her. I realize then that this is the girl I overheard talking about sleeping with Colin and my stomach starts to turn.

  “What’s it to you?” Karen answers her.

  “Just giving you some friendly advice. It won’t last. Colin is a player. I would hate if he broke your heart after he gets what he wants. He sees you as a challenge, something he can’t have. You should end it before you get in too deep.” She places a hand over her heart. I know she will say anything to break me and Colin up, but a part of me is thinking about what she said.

  What if he is only with me because he sees me as a challenge? He may think it could be something when it’s really not. What if we sleep together and then realize the spark is gone?

  “You need to get lost. Spew your poison somewhere else.” Karen stands up.

  “Nicole didn’t have to come over here. She was actually doing a nice thing. You do know Colin fucked her just a few days ago?” Sissy, Nicole’s best friend, adds in.

  Yeah, I do know.

  “You mustn’t be that good if he went elsewhere.” Nicole glares at her.

  “It’s up to you, but he’ll get what he wants and go to the next girl or get bored of waiting around and leave, or worse, cheat. We are only in high school, he isn’t going to want to settle down now, he’s going to the pros and where does that leave you?” I look to the ground and Karen stands in front of me, blocking me from the girls.

  “Fuck off or I will break that perfect nose of yours,” Karen growls at them.

  “Fine, we are going. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. If you were really her friend, you would know everything I am saying is true and change her mind.” They walk away and tears start to form.

  “Don’t listen to those jealous bitches.” She hugs me.

  “They are right though, aren’t they? What if he leaves me? I’m already falling for him and its only been a couple of days. What will it be like in a month?” A tear falls.

  “We can’t live on what ifs. Remember what your dad said to you. Follow your heart. Your heart will always lead you in the right direction.” Karen was like a second daughter to my parents. She was always at my house growing up. She was just as devastated when he passed. “What is your heart telling you now?”

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath and all I see is Colin smiling at me. I open my eyes again and look to Karen. “I really like him.” She nods.

  “Then be with him. He is head over heels, any fool can see that. You watched all those chick flicks with me, bitchy girls will say and do anything to try and get the guy. But, the guy always goes for the good girl, the leading lady, and in this story, you are the leading lady.”

  “This isn’t a story.” I laugh.

  “You watched Never-ending Story, everything is a story.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “I know. It’s what makes me special.” We both laugh.

  We watch the rest of the game and when they are finished, just like yesterday, Colin jogs over to us. With him is Aaron and I see Karen standing up straighter; it’s almost funny.

  “You guys played well,” Karen says sweetly.

  “This guy would be shit without me.” Aaron claps Colin on the shoulder and he just rolls his eyes. He smiles at me and I smile back.

  “You do look like you’re in control on the field.” We can’t see their faces from here, but Aaron seems to be eating up every word.

  “Yeah, you have to. Don’t want our star to get hurt. I have to keep my eyes open and know my surrounding.” Aaron winks at her and she giggles. Oh, God.

  “That is amazing. You’ll have to tell me more at the party. Tell me everything you do on the field.” She takes a step forward and he smirks at her, which she returns.

  “You’re on. See you at the party.”

  “Yes, you will,” she purrs and he gives her a nod and starts to walk backward.

  “You coming, man?” he asks Colin. Colin was watching the whole thing as well. He leans forward and pecks my lips.

  “I’ll see you later?” I nod.

  “Yes, you will,” I repeat Karen’s words and he laughs. Karen and I watch them head to the locker rooms.

  “I would love to have sex in the locker room,” Karen says as we head to her car. Colin and I decided that Karen will take me home so we can get ready, and I think we both know that we won’t be getting ready if he was there.

  “Colin liked me before the other day,” I blurt out once we leave the school parking lot.

  “He liked you longer?”

  “Yeah. He saw me getting dressed once in the girls locker room and he said ever since then, he hasn’t been able to get me out of his head.”

  “Aww, that is so… wait, what was he doing in the girls locker room?” I give her a look and her mouth goes in an O shape. “At least he liked you before you went all crazy on his ass for helping out in the talent show.” She laughs.

  “I wasn’t that bad, was I?”

  “No, no, of course not. You were just like a five-year-old stomping her foot because someone was touching her toy.” I groan. “Like I said, good thing he liked you before then.”

  “You really know how to make me feel better about stuff.”

  “That’s what friends are for.”

  “Thanks for earlier by the way. For dealing with the cheer squad.” She waves me off.

  “No one messes with my best friend. I would cut a bitch if I had to.” I burst out laughing.

  “You watch too much TV.”

  “Hey, Orange is The New Black is amazeballs.” I will admit, I’m just as obsessed with the show as she is.

  We made sure to eat and then Karen got ready at my place. We showered and she went with a tight, black dress. She said it will be easy access for Aaron later. I went with a red, halter neck dress that is backless. I made my hair wavy, giving it that sex hair look. Karen’s words, not mine. I did smoky eyes and natural lips. If I’m going to be kissing, like hell I’m wearing lipstick.

  We call a cab to take us there as neither of us wants to drive. I’m hoping Colin and I can walk home so that we can talk and get to know each other better without the kissing part that we can’t seem to stop.

  Pulling up to the address we were given, it l
ooks like the party is already in full swing. People are standing outside with red cups, talking. When I step out of the cab, everyone’s eyes land on mine. I freeze and Karen notices it as she leans into my side a little.

  “I guess this is practice.” I look at her, confused.


  “For when you're famous. Everyone is always going to be looking at you.” I link my arm with hers and we start heading inside and just like outside, everyone is watching me. “There’s Brady and Leo.” Karen points to the far end of the room and we head that way.

  They see us and wave us over and not long after, Phillip arrives with a few red cups and passes the guys one. “Sorry, I didn’t know you were here.” His face blushes when he checks Karen out.

  “It's fine. We’ll get ours. Be right back.” Karen takes hold of my hand and we head to the kitchen. We stop suddenly when we hear Colin talking with his friends.

  “She invited the whole nerd crew,” a guy says. I think it was Danny.

  “They’re her friends, stop calling them that. If you want them to leave, I’ll leave with them.” I feel proud he is sticking up for my friends.

  “You being serious?”

  “Yeah, I am. I’m with Sasha, which means that includes her friends. Just like she has to accept you assholes.” Aaron and another guy there, Nathan I think, both laugh.

  “We’re popular, of course she is going to like us,” Nathan says. I walk in and their eyes bug out as I step into Colin’s side. He wraps his arm around my waist like it was a natural thing to do.

  “I think you’re pigs. I don’t care if you are a part of the ‘popular’ crew.” I raise my fingers, doing air quotes. “If you’re a dick, you’re a dick. But I will deal, like Colin said, you are his friends and while I’m with him I have to like you.”

  “We didn’t mean any offense,” Nathan says sheepishly.

  “Us music nerds are happy in our skin, we don’t care what you think of us, even if you think we do. If you want us to go, just say.” I look at Danny and he looks to me and to Colin.


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