Hot SEALs: Knight's SEAL (Kindle Worlds) (Dangerous Curves Series Book 1)

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Hot SEALs: Knight's SEAL (Kindle Worlds) (Dangerous Curves Series Book 1) Page 3

by Donna Michaels

  The commander pushed through another door in the far corner of the kitchen and led them down a small hall to yet another door. A locked door with a keypad. After punching a quick series of buttons, the lock clicked open, and they stepped inside another hall. A darker hall with rich wood paneling, dim lighting and no windows. No doors. Nothing.

  Just a brown leather armchair next to a table with a lamp, magazine, and plant.

  Commander Knight flicked the switch on the already lit lamp. The lighting didn’t change, but a panel slid open to reveal an elevator. Intrigued, Sam stepped on behind the commander, who hit the button to take them down, instead of up.

  “KA runs the gamut of assignments—infiltrate, retrieve, protect, and investigate,” his new boss finally answered, which meant they must be in a highly secured area. “We’re not sanctioned by the government, so the Knight Agency isn’t bound by their rules, nor do we worry about politics or being brought up in front of a congressional committee.”

  Damn. No committee? That sounded good. Real good.

  Too good.

  Sam eyed the commander, that niggling in the back of his mind increasing to a throb. “What aren’t you telling me, sir?”

  He chuckled. “You always were on the ball, Gentry. You’re right. There is something important I haven’t told you yet. The agent accompanying you is my eldest daughter, Elisabeth.”

  Ah hell. His stomach clenched tighter than finishing two sets of crunches.

  “I expect you to keep her safe,” her father stated. “She’s a virgin.”

  His heart shot up so damn fast his head jerked back. The man blinked at him…with those all-knowing blue eyes that could see right into your soul, rooting out guilt and...

  “A mission virgin,” Commander Knight continued as if Sam hadn’t tried to give himself whiplash. “Make no mistake, Lisa is highly trained, capable, and lethal. But she’s still my little girl. I wouldn’t trust her with just anybody. Think you can handle her?”

  He already had. Several times, and with great care and attention.

  A curse threatened his lips, but he swallowed it down, along with a shaft of unwanted desire at the memory those thoughts resurrected.

  Training kept his features neutral; he nodded once. “Yes, sir.”

  He was in deep, deep trouble. All hopes of working for his former commander without ever running into Lisa just bit the dust. Hopefully, he had time to come up with a game plan on how to handle her.

  “Good, because she’s here waiting for us.” His boss delivered that bomb just as the door slid open. “Welcome to Camelot.”

  Chapter 3


  It felt more like walking into a gauntlet to Sam, because he was going to have to jump through hoops, and duck to avoid fallout from this assignment. Not only that, he’d have to call on all of his SEAL training to keep the reactions currently assaulting his body at the sight of his former lover from reaching his face.

  Even more beautiful than he remembered, the woman getting up from the round table in the middle of the large room still had the ability to steal his breath.

  Damn. That was going to be a problem.

  Her hair was piled up on top of her head in some type of knot and skewered with pencils, while silky brown strands framed the heart-shaped face he sometimes saw at night when he closed his eyes. Her mouth curved into a smile, and his body immediately heated, remembering the feel of her wicked kisses on his skin.

  “This is Lieutenant Commander Sam Gentry,” the commander introduced to the three people halting before him, bringing his mind back to the present. “You already met Brooke. This is TJ Lynch, our computer wizard.”

  Happy for the distraction, he nodded to the thin man, a little surprised by his strong grip as they shook hands.

  “Nice to meet you, Sammy, or do I call you by your code name Bors?” The red-head smiled at his frown. “Ah, you haven’t gotten the skinny on your code name yet. No problem. The boss will fill you in.”

  He was looking forward to that.

  “And this is my oldest daughter, Elisabeth.”

  With the exception of his initial observation, he’d managed to keep his attention off the one person he’d wanted to avoid. The woman whose presence he could feel like a prickling wave of heat on his skin. With supreme effort, he kept his expression neutral as she stared at him through those mesmerizing, green/brown eyes with tiny flecks that sometimes glowed gold when heavy lidded with desire. Unlike right now. Her gaze was friendly, but indifferent.

  Didn’t she recognize him?

  He hadn’t changed that much in five years. Had he?

  “Hello, Sam. I’m Lisa,” she said, courteous tone matching her gaze.

  A flash of irrational annoyance shot through his gut. How the hell had she forgotten him when he’d spent plenty of hours in one hell-hole after another, reliving their recreational maneuvers in order to get through some of the nightmares he’d faced? At times, she’d been his saving grace. The only good thing in his life that had stuck to his soul.

  To discover he hadn’t had the same affect was like a sucker punch to his gut.

  The soft hand, curling around his, shook slightly, sending a jolt to his insides and instantly erased his irritation. She did remember him. The tremor was the only indication, and he realized what she was doing. The sweet woman was trying to protect him. Still.

  “Nice to meet you, Lisa.”

  Feeling better, he released her and shoved his hand in his pocket to combat the need to touch her longer. Which proved he had a death wish, since they were in clear view of her father. Still, Sam had to admit he wasn’t unhappy to note Lisa’s ringless left hand. The satisfaction of that discovery warmed his blood, until common sense kicked in—she wouldn’t wear a wedding band on an undercover op.

  The thought of her being married, of another man touching and loving her, caused a sharp piercing to his chest that stole his breath.

  Realizing the others were watching their interaction, he cleared his throat and nodded. “I understand you’ll be assisting me.”

  Proud to hear his tone sounded just as neutral and courteous as hers, he congratulated himself for keeping his cool.

  A slight flush colored her cheeks. “Yes, apparently I’m posing as your wife.”

  “My what?” He felt his brows rise into his scalp as his gaze shot to her father and turned into a frown. “What’s going on, sir? I thought this was a retrieval.”

  The commander nodded. “It is. Everyone sit, so I can brief you all at once.”

  “Didn’t you already brief us, boss?” TJ’s gaze narrowed.

  “Partially. Take your seats.” The man waved toward the table before disappearing into another room.

  Grateful to have the other two present to run buffer, he kept a lid on his control, and his gaze from Lisa…his wife.

  But he was only prolonging the inevitable. Sooner or later, they’d need to talk.

  “Your chair’s next to mine, Sam,” she said, sitting on the one labeled Galahad.

  And that’s when he got a clue. He let his gaze make a quick pass around the table, noting each spot was named after a knight.

  TJ dropped into the one labeled Percival. “Yeah, Bors, you’re on Galahad’s left.”

  Of which he’d already noted, and Lisa had pointed out. His luck was running true. Bad. Of all the vacant seats, the one labeled Bors just had to be next to hers.

  Holding his discontent inside, he nodded and took his seat, grateful the commander’s reappearance saved him from having to speak to the woman whose hazel eyes regarded him under thick lashes.

  “Now that we’re all assembled, let’s get down to it.” Commander Knight passed out folders before settling into the chair marked Merlin.

  Sam hid a smile. Of course the commander didn’t sit in the King Arthur spot. Everyone knew Merlin was the one with all the answers. Lisa’s and TJ’s code names made sense, while Brooke’s surprised him. The capable woman hadn’t claimed Lancelot’s c
hair, but instead, had occupied the one labeled Excalibur.

  “Knight Agency has been hired to complete two missions. A retrieval and take down.”

  “Who are we retrieving?” Lisa beat him to the question.

  He noted a hesitation and slight softening in the commander’s features as he stared at his daughter. “Navy Intelligence Officer, Lieutenant Nicole Locke.”

  She sucked in a breath and stiffened next to him, emitting the responses he held in check. Four years ago, Sam had worked several ops with Nikki, but wasn’t aware his former lover knew the NIO, too.

  “Nikki? What happened? Is she okay?”

  By the woman’s rapid fire questioning, he assumed Lisa hadn’t known her friend had been missing.

  “Sort of.”

  His boss’ closed gaze sent alarm skittering down Sam’s spine.

  “Nine hours ago, Lieutenant Locke managed to contact her superiors.”

  Brooke leaned closer, gaze dark and alert as she transferred it from the file she’d opened to their boss. “Define, managed?”

  Sam read reluctance in the slight stiffening of the commander’s shoulders as his attention shifted to the other woman.

  “Nicole got her hands on a burn phone and called her superior to fill him in on all that has happened. She didn’t disappear at will. One of the cartel leaders she’d analyzed two years ago has been keeping her prisoner. Santiago Rojas.”

  Lisa stiffened. Tension tightened her jaw and had her fists clenched on her lap.

  Sam’s insides knotted. The thought of Nicole held prisoner made him as sick as the sight of Lisa in such distress. He wanted to offer comfort, but couldn’t without raising eyebrows. The best he could do was shift closer and press his arm and thigh against hers to offer support.

  TJ frowned. “Couldn’t the lieutenant sneak a call or a text or an email to alert someone sooner? I mean, you said it’s been two years.”

  Commander Knight shook his head, his jaw tight. “No. Apparently, he’s been holding her in one of his secluded villas. The bastard threatened to kill her fiancé if she tried to leave or contact anyone, providing regular updated photos, proving he knew how to reach the man.”

  “That’s why she broke up with Cage.” Lisa blew out a breath and slumped against her seat.

  Her father nodded. “So it would seem.”

  Brooke leaned forward. “What did she say in her message?”

  “She said Rojas made her wear a disguise and brought several wigs and contact lenses for her to keep changing her appearance.”

  They could rule out finding her in her natural, medium brown hair color and brown eyes.

  “They’re at the Sunset Beach Resort in California to meet with an old Russian business acquaintance and a Kyrgyzstan she recognized that has ties to Akmal El-Mofty—number three on the terrorist watch list.”

  Lisa sat up and slapped the table. “That’s why Rojas risked bringing her to the States. Nikki speaks several Middle Eastern languages, including Kyrgyz.”

  Her father nodded. “We need to act quiet, but swift, because Rojas plans to take her back to his villa in Colombia Sunday night.”

  “Not going to happen,” Brooke stated with a lift of her chin.

  “That’s less than forty-eight hours away.” TJ ran a hand through his hair and shook his head. “Doesn’t give us much time.”

  “It’s plenty,” he said, speaking for the first time. “I’ve drawn plans and coordinated rescues in a lot smaller windows.” And he sure as hell was going to succeed in grabbing Locke from the bastard’s clutches before Sunday night.

  “Rojas will be dead by dawn.”

  The commander’s gaze snapped to Brooke’s. “No, he won’t. It’s not that type of takedown. We want him alive.”


  “Those ties to the number three terrorist. Homeland wants to question him.”

  Anger flushed the agent’s features. “That’s bullshit. Let them question the Russian.”

  Special Forces training must suck out brain cells. Why else would the woman push Commander Knight? He and his team would’ve never dared.

  “Look, Brooke, I know this hits close to home,” the commander said. “But you need to promise me you’re not going to skewer him.”

  Close to home?

  The suggestion of anyone holding the capable, lethal woman against her will, or any prison keeping her was laughable. Instinct told him neither was possible. Still, he couldn’t help but wonder what had happened in her past to warrant that statement from the commander.

  Brooke folded her arms across her chest and clenched her jaw so tight the sound of it cracking echoed around them.

  “Excalibur?” The frown creasing the commander’s face would’ve had his SEALs quaking in their boots.

  Apparently, the former Special Forces woman didn’t own any, or care, because she continued to square off with their boss.


  She sat up and stabbed the table with her pointer finger. “I’m not going to hand him over to the Feds so they can make a deal that will set him free. That’s not happening, sir.”

  “It is if I say so.” The commander’s gaze darkened further. “You have a black belt in every form of martial arts imaginable. Know exactly where to place blows to the human body that are lethal…and not so lethal. I have faith that you’ll complete the mission to a satisfactory conclusion without breaking orders.”

  Sam knew the instant the commander’s words sunk in to the disgruntled woman’s brain. Gratification gleamed in her dark gaze and put the first full smile he’d seen on her lips. He shivered, almost feeling sorry for Rojas. The drug lord was in for some unbearable pain at Brooke’s hands.

  Considering what the bastard had, no doubt, been putting Nikki through, he hoped Brooke took her time.

  Lisa drew in a breath, and he felt her body straighten before she cleared her throat. “What exactly do you need me to do?”

  A wave of admiration warmed his blood. She was Jameson Knight’s daughter all right, putting her feelings aside to concentrate on the mission. He was glad. Getting in and out undetected with minimal manpower would be tricky enough without having to hold her hand through the operation. Not that he wouldn’t. His gut was too twisted inside at not being able to offer her comfort, but keeping it to a minimum, and maybe getting it out of the way before the op would be best.

  The commander sent Brooke one last look then turned his attention to his daughter. “The resort is a couples-only resort near La Jolla. Since you both know Nikki, it’ll be easier for you to spot her in whatever disguise Rojas cooked up, so you and Sam will pose as a married couple enjoying your second anniversary.”

  This just turned into the most dangerous mission of his life.

  Lisa glanced sideways at him before she faced the commander. “He won’t allow her to walk freely. I had to analyze his operation as part of a joint mission a few years ago. Santiago Rojas never goes anywhere without at least eight of his elite guards. Even though it’s a couples-only resort, he’ll have them bring women, I’m sure.”

  Her father gave a single nod. “I agree. And the lieutenant won’t be alone, even if Rojas has a meeting where she isn’t needed, he’ll have her guarded. It’ll be up to you and Sam to get close and get her out. There are over a hundred guests staying there this weekend, and half as many staff. Our mission is to retrieve Nikki and take down Rojas and the two men he’s meeting, without any civilian casualties.” The commander delivered that last part while staring pointedly at Brooke.

  The dark-eyed agent lifted a shoulder. “The only ones I’ll be putting a hurt on is Rojas and his men.”

  “Sir.” When the commander met his gaze, Sam continued. “Is there a reason Homeland doesn’t just have DEVGRU deal with this?”

  They were trained for snatch and grabs, takedowns, hostage situations. This op appeared to be all of the above and cake for a team of SEALs.

  “Yes. Several,” Knight replied. “First one is Locke and h
er disguise. We need you and Elisabeth to find and identify her.”

  “I’m betting it won’t be so hard if she has a tail,” he stated. “What else?”

  A smile twitched the commander’s lips. “Always thinking ahead, Gentry. The what else would be the Russian and the man with ties to El-Mofty. Homeland has the Russian under surveillance now. But I’ll wager Elisabeth could fill in some holes.”

  “Me?” She blinked. “What’s his name?”

  “Uri Kozlov.”

  She stiffened. “Yes. I can. He’s Russian mafia. One of Vasilyev’s underbosses. If he’s in the country, there must be a shift in command, or maybe he’s getting ready to make a play for control.”

  “Why do you think that?” TJ frowned at her. “Is there something specific I can search for?”

  She nodded. “New associates. Who has he been in contact with this year? Check the names against the guest list at the resort.”

  “Will do.”

  She rubbed her chin. “If Uri is planning to take over, he could be meeting with Rojas to secure weapons, and his terrorist connection to do it.”

  The commander muttered a curse. “Not exactly what I wanted to hear you say, but it makes sense.”

  Too much damn sense. This simple extraction just got bigger.

  “All right, you all have your assignments for now. It might very well change while in progress. Keep alert. Use code names while out in the field. TJ, tap into the resort’s video surveillance. I want to be able to have eyes on the place at all times. Also, check on those associates and send a copy to Elisabeth. Maybe she’ll recognize someone.” The commander stood, and looked pointedly at Sam and Lisa. “We’re going wheels up in less than two hours. That’ll put Mr. and Mrs. de Ganis at the resort by seven p.m. Your IDs and everything you need for the cover is in your envelopes.”

  Sam hoped like hell his had a few extra helpings of control. He was going to need it if he was expected to share a hotel room and pretend to be married to the sexy beauty.

  Hell, he’d only been close to her for twenty-three minutes, and his body was already hot to reclaim her as his own.


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