Colliding With You

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Colliding With You Page 5

by Kelli McCracken

  “If you say so. Long dresses aren’t my style, but I didn’t have a choice in the matter.”

  “It’s all good. Dresses slip off no matter how long they are.”

  Jesse tightened his hand around his beer. Was Mike insinuating something or was he working on his tip? It was hard to say at this point, which made keeping silent even harder. He knew Cori wasn’t interested in Mike, but he’d be damned if the guy didn’t treat her like a lady.

  “Always smooth-talking the ladies, aren’t ya, Mike?”

  Cori leaned on her elbows, mimicking Mike’s stance. When he nodded, she moved even closer. Mike did the same. “Just stating the truth, sugar.”

  “Well, since you’re being honest tonight, I have a question for you.”

  Cori’s voice sounded sexy. Jesse couldn’t help but look at her. Pretending he didn’t know her was hard. Mike wasn’t paying attention to him anyway. He was focused on Cori’s mouth.

  “Ask away, doll.”

  A halfhearted laugh came from Cori as she tugged on her purse and cracked it open. A second later, she pulled out the letter Mike had sent. Then one of her brows rose higher. “Mind telling me why you sent this letter to my sister, on her wedding day to boot?”

  Mike didn’t say anything. He was too busy glaring at the paper in Cori’s hand. “Where did you get that?”

  “Don’t play stupid, Mike. I don’t know how you did it, but you managed to get this letter to my sister’s wedding reception.”

  “So she read it?”

  Jesse noticed a spark of hope in Mike’s eyes. Part of him felt sorry for the guy. The Clarke girls were mesmerizing. He could understand how Mike grew infatuated with Cassie. Each time Jesse looked at Cori, he felt the same way. Still, he was messing with Jesse’s friends. That couldn’t happen.

  “Sweet Jesus,” Cori whispered while shaking her head. “You’re a daft one, Mike. How did anyone make it to twenty-seven on as little intelligence as you have?”

  “Are you insulting me?” Mike pushed away from the bar and crossed his arms over his chest.

  Cori pinched the bridge of her nose. She didn’t say anything at first, but when she finally lowered her hand, she narrowed her gaze at Mike. “My sister hasn’t read this letter. I intercepted it, which is why I’m here. Leave my sister alone, Mike.”

  “I can’t. She’s going to wake up one day and realize she made a mistake. You know how musicians are, Cori. He’s going to cheat on her.”

  It took every ounce of Jesse’s resolve to stay seated on the stool with his mouth closed. This asshole had no clue what he was talking about. Not every musician was the stereotypical shithead who slept around or cheated. Besides, this idiot didn’t know Theo.

  His friend had been in love with Cassie since they were young. Of the few relationships he’d had, he’d never cheated on a girl. Sure, he’d made plenty of boyfriends jealous. Hell, they both had, but no way in hell had either of them ever cheated on a girl they were seeing.

  Some people had morals. Some didn’t.

  Cori gripped the edge of the bar, still glaring at Mike. “I’m not going to argue with you on things you’re clueless about. You’re not going to mess up things for my sister.”

  “Cori, I—”

  “I don’t want to hear it. It’s over, Mike. She’s with her true half. They’re going to have a child together. Move. On.”

  Sliding off the stool, Cori came to a stand. She turned to leave when Mike grabbed her arm. Then a bomb began ticking inside Jesse. If Mike didn’t remove his hand, he was going to break his fingers.

  Cori jerked away and parted her mouth to say something, but Mike waved his hand. “Hold on. Did you say that Cassie’s pregnant?”

  “Yes,” Cori stepped closer. “So get this idea of you and her being together out of your head. She’s happy, Mike. I’m not going to let you—”

  “How far along is she?” The sharpness of Mike’s voice made the hairs on Jesse’s neck stand up. Was this asshole getting an attitude? He wanted to speak up, but he promised to let Cori handle things. She was doing a great job. Perhaps she should be the one worried about staying out of jail because of Jesse’s actions, not the other way around. Mike sure as hell was grating his last nerve.

  “She’s close to five months. If you think it doesn’t matter, believe me, it matters a hell of a lot.”

  “Oh trust me, I know. I can’t help but wonder if the child she’s carrying is her new husband’s or the result of our last night together.”

  “Beg your pardon?” Cori’s hands fisted at her hips as she sported a disgusted expression. It only seemed to feed into whatever sick game Mike was playing.

  “Maybe I need to head over to this reception and demand your sister take a paternity test. I want to know if that child is mine.”

  This time, Jesse couldn’t contain his anger. He slid the stool back as he stood. “You step so much as one foot near that reception and you’ll be dealing with me, not her.”

  Mike’s mouth gaped for a split second, then he clenched his teeth together. “Who the fuck are you?”

  “You keep that attitude up and I’ll be your worst nightmare.” Jesse formed fists. He was ready for Mike if he decided he wanted to turn this confrontation into a physical one. Dumbfuck.

  “Jesse, I got this.” Cori moved beside him. “Remember what we said before we came inside?”

  He knew she was referring to the promise she made about behaving and not doing something that would land them in jail. While he intended to honor that promise too, he wasn’t going to allow Mike to go anywhere near the reception. If that meant knocking him out and going to jail, so be it. Theo and Cassie’s happiness was worth it.

  “Don’t worry about who I am, Mike. Just know this. I’ve known Cassie and Theo a hell of a lot longer than you. I also know what you said to Theo the day Cassie told you it was over.”

  Mike puffed out his chest like he was showing off his muscles right along with his bad attitude. “And what did I supposedly say?”

  Jesse’s body tensed. He wanted to knock the smug look off Mike’s face. He may have caved and done just that if not for Cori. When she pressed her body against his and held onto his arm, Jesse calmed down.

  “You insinuated that Theo should wrap his dick before fucking Cassie. You said you were glad you always did. There’s no way that baby could be yours.”

  Mike didn’t bat an eye when he responded, “Maybe I was bluffing. People say things they don’t mean when they’re angry.”

  “Dude, I’m not playing your fucking games. This is your warning. Leave my friends alone. This won’t end well for you.”

  It seemed as though Mike wanted to punch Jesse as much as Jesse wanted to punch him. That feeling grew when Mike changed his focus to Cori. He ran his eyes over her body and gave her a sinister smile before looking back at Jesse.

  “We’re cool, dude. I don’t want to be a dad anyway. There are too many hotties in the world to settle down, you know? Yeah . . . you know.” Mike scoffed at his own response then leered at Cori again. “You know what, bro? I think I picked the wrong sister.”

  The bomb ticking inside Jesse finally exploded. He reached over the bar, grabbing Mike’s shirt in his fist. “If you so much as look at Cori the wrong way, I’ll break every bone in your face. Got it, bro?”

  A silent stare down began before Jesse released his grip on Mike. Stupid motherfucker. He didn’t know how lucky he was. As much anger as there was flowing in Jesse’s body, he would have unleashed on this idiot.

  Still, he didn’t want someone’s hospital admittance on his shoulders. The publicity would be horrible. It would draw in the bottom feeders, a.k.a. the paparazzi. He didn’t want to be followed by those assholes right now.

  “Jesse, we need to go. I think someone is getting one of the bouncers.”

  The urgency in Cori’s voice broke through the anger-fueled haze, reaching Jesse’s senses. He backed away from the bar, glaring at Mike with each step. Before he turned to
leave, he gave Mike a final warning.

  “Forget the Clarke sisters ever existed, or I won’t be the only one showing back up to settle this.”

  Chapter 6

  Cori didn’t waste time getting out of Jesse’s car or sneaking back into the reception hall. Nothing about the room had changed. The dance floor was still full of people, and the gifts were spread about the receiving table.

  Hopefully, she managed to get lucky. If no one noticed her absence, or Jesse’s for that matter, they were home free. Thank goodness too, because Cassie could be relentless when she thought someone was lying to her. Cori wouldn’t have any other choice if Cassie asked where she’d gone.

  She didn’t plan to keep the information from her forever, just until her sister and brother-in-law went on their honeymoon. When they returned, and the time was right, she’d tell Cassie what went down from the time she found the letter to the moment she ushered Jesse out of the bar.

  His footsteps slowed just behind her. She spared him a glance but couldn’t face him for any length of time. The entire ride back to the reception hall was tense. Part of it stemmed from the fear of explaining to Cassie where she’d gone. The whole point of going was to prevent her sister’s day from being ruined. To think she’d have to confess left her fidgeting in her seat.

  Still, it wasn’t the only reason. Her close proximity to Jesse weighed on her mind twice as much. As if his lips weren’t enough to draw her in, the scent of his cologne drove her mad. The bold notes were intoxicating. Some were sweet and fruity. Some were so crisp they bit her nose. Sitting by him had been a struggle when she wanted to plant her nose in his neck and just breathe.

  That tension coupled with what she’d witnessed at Midnight Blues. She had seen Jesse’s fierce side years ago, but never the protective part. Today, he’d stood up for his friends, and even crazier, he’d threatened Mike over her.

  And he thought she’d be the one to land them in jail. Not even close, but him . . . Yeah, he’d come extremely close to getting them into a world of trouble. Depending on Mike’s reaction now that they were gone, there was no guarantee they were safe. Both had made threats to Mike. If he wanted to be a complete ass, he could file a report with the police.

  “You okay?” Jesse’s voice was low. She barely heard it over the music. Had he not leaned down to her ear, she wouldn’t have known he was speaking.

  “I’m fine. Just glad we didn’t miss anything. I won’t keep this from Cassie, but now is not the time.”

  “Couldn’t agree more.”

  When he grew silent, Cori turned to face him. His lips were crooked, showing off an impeccable smile. She’d seen it plenty of times when she was a kid. It hadn’t made her heart thump in her chest like it did now.

  “Something on your mind, Woods?”

  He snickered. “Yeah, I guess so. I was just going to say that you handled yourself really well. You didn’t let Mike get the best of you. No one can deny you’ve grown up, Cori.” His eyes passed over her body again. “You’re definitely one hundred percent bad ass. I wouldn’t expect anything less of a Clarke.”

  Her face was on fire. She fought not to let it show and quickly played off his remark. “You weren’t too bad yourself.”

  It didn’t work. Jesse stared at her as if he knew he’d stunned her with his flattery. She couldn’t say that about too many people. Most of the time, she was the one stunning a guy with her wit.

  This was Jesse’s fault. He wasn’t supposed to look at her with those stormy eyes or that contagious smile of his. He never had before. This whole thing was messing with her head. She needed to put an end to it.

  When the music stopped, Cori saw the crowd dispersing. Cassie and Theo were discussing something while pointing to the table. Guess it was time for them to open the gifts.

  It was the perfect time to put a safe amount of space between her and Jesse. Once they left tonight, they would barely see each other. If he were any other guy, she’d give in to her carnal desire and soothe that ache in her core. There would be no repercussions afterward.

  That wasn’t the case with Jesse. They’d been connected for years. Though she wouldn’t see him much, she would definitely see him again. She couldn’t risk sleeping with him and making things awkward.

  She sure as hell couldn’t chance developing feelings from it.

  Cori disposed her plate into the trash, wasting the tiny piece of cake she’d been given. All she’d managed to do is pick at it while Ally and Jonah toasted the newlyweds. She was glad Cassie hadn’t asked her to be her maid of honor. The eloquent speech Ally gave was far better than anything she could have said. Jonah was great too. He recited all the good qualities about his baby brother, Theo, qualities Cori was all too familiar with.

  There were plenty of good reasons why she developed a crush on Theo, and just as many wicked ones.

  None of it mattered now. Cassie was happy. She married the man of her dreams and was pregnant with his child too. It made losing any chance Cori had with Theo worth it in the end. She knew that. Her heart still hadn’t agreed with her head, but in time, it would all work out.

  At least Cassie did an excellent job of shoving the cake in Theo’s face after they cut it. Theo didn’t seem to mind, especially when he returned the favor. Seeing them enjoying their special day made her feel better about confronting Mike. It wasn’t the smartest thing she ever did, but it was necessary. The smile on her sister’s face said as much.

  “Cori?” Her mother’s voice called to her. She stood by the outer row of tables, midway between Cori and the large group standing on the dance floor. “Are you going to join the rest of the girls?”

  Flinching at the thought, she opened her wristlet and reapplied her lipstick. “I already told you, Mom, I’m not participating in that silly tradition. Besides, I don’t want to be the next to get married.”

  “Maybe not, but your sister will be upset if you’re not out there. Remember, this day is about her, not you.”

  The quip left Cori dazed as she watched her mother walk away. Did she really feel like she needed to remind her whose day it was? Her mom wouldn’t be saying that if she knew what Cori had done.

  Despite how frustrated her mother’s comment made her, it wasn’t Cassie’s fault. Guess caving into her sister’s wants wouldn’t hurt. Cassie would be upset if Cori weren’t among the single ladies ready to catch the bouquet.

  She cringed at the thought of what happened next. Theo had the gents ready and waiting to catch the garter he’d removed from Cassie’s thigh. There was no way to know who would end up with it until the spectacle was over, but the victor would have the pleasure of sliding it up the leg of whoever caught the bouquet.

  By the time she made it to the group of women that had gathered close to her sister, Mariah joined her. “There you are. I was looking for you earlier. Where did you sneak off to?”

  Saying a silent prayer, Cori was glad that she hadn’t run into Mariah before now. At least all the chattering women made it hard to hear what everyone was saying. The last thing she needed was for Cassie to overhear Mariah asking for her whereabouts.

  “I’ll tell you later. Now is not the time.”

  Mariah flashed her a confused look, but Cori couldn’t say more. Besides, Cassie was signaling for everyone to get prepared. She held her bouquet in hand, poised and ready to launch it into the air.

  By the time she did, a sea of hands raised. The bouquet bounced about a few times as fingers reached desperately. It seemed to zigzag through the group before it popped up and dove back into the crowd. Many hands reached for it, causing a collision of bodies, hers included. They grabbed, pulled, and pushed each other. A few even voiced complaints of pinching.

  When it was all said and done, each took a step back to see who’d been the successful assailant. A few people gasped. Others whispered. Many stared. Cori hated the feel of their eyes on her. No one could be more shocked than she to discover the bouquet smashed between her arm and her tits. Did tha
t even count?

  “Sorry, ladies,” Cassie teased from above them. “No one stands a chance against a Clarke girl.”

  Damn it.

  Cori cursed inwardly as some of the guests mumbled responses. A few gripes could be heard through the room, but most of them congratulated Cori on catching the bouquet. She didn’t want to catch it in the first place, especially knowing some random guy had to put the garter on her.

  Shouting and cheers echoed from Theo’s friends and relatives. A group of guys started chanting, “Jesse. Jesse. Jesse.”

  Surely not. Life couldn’t play this cruel of a joke. Yet somehow it had. Her ears had not deceived her. When she examined the group standing on the opposite side of the room, she noticed Jesse. The garter dangled from his finger while he sported a devious grin.

  “Come on, Clarke.” He teased her as he approached the chair sitting in the center of the room. It was the one she was supposed to sit on while he raised her dress and slid on the garter.

  Fuck. There was no getting out of this.

  Why her? Why now? And why the hell with him?

  Jesse clung to the garter, determined not to let anyone else claim it. He hadn’t planned to fight for it, but the instant he saw the bouquet cradled in Cori’s arm, he wasn’t about to let some other guy get it. That meant they would have the opportunity to touch her.

  No way in hell.

  If anyone was sliding their hands up her leg, it would be him. The only way for that to happen was to get the garter. It didn’t take nearly as long for Theo to send it flying into the air, and it didn’t get bounced around like the flowers, which was probably why he waited to toss it until the women were finished.

  Once Jesse approached the chair, he called out to Cori, doing his best to make light of the situation. If he seemed too eager, she would know. He had to be cool about this, despite how much he would enjoy it.

  As Cori eased onto the chair, she stared into his eyes. There was definitely humor in hers, yet there was something else. Uncertainty. He didn’t know why, and he didn’t care at the moment. He chalked it up to embarrassment. Many women would feel unsure about a stranger, or even an acquaintance, raising her dress and copping a feel.


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