Act of Brotherhood: Paranormal Security and Intelligence (PSI-Ops) an Immortal Ops World Novel

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Act of Brotherhood: Paranormal Security and Intelligence (PSI-Ops) an Immortal Ops World Novel Page 22

by Mandy M. Roth

  In one giant leap, she and Clara cleared the wall and landed, hand in hand, crouched in the neighbor’s yard. It was something she’d seen in superhero movies. Not something she thought she or her best friend could ever do. Yet they had. There was no time to soak in how that had worked or what had made them able to jump so high.

  Clara stared at her with wide eyes. “Holy shit! The spoon worked!”

  “Right?” Nicolette was operating on pure adrenaline. “I didn’t even think about it. I just did it. Why did I do it?”

  “Because the pint of pity ice cream was out of reach,” replied Clara, as if this type of thing happened to her daily.

  Nicolette took a deep breath. “Shifters are real.”

  “Yep,” said Clara before swallowing hard. “Want your mind totally blown? Vampires are real too. Your uncle is one. And before you freak, know that you and I aren’t human. We were cooked up in a lab. Run now. Freak out about it all later.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Garth looked up just as Edee, a hot-tempered redhead who had started working for PSI about two weeks ago, entered the training room, sashaying past the table full of pizza and beer. The men had made a serious dent in it so far.

  Edee glanced at the mess on the table and rolled her eyes. Best friends with Malik’s mate, Brooke, Edee had become family of sorts to the men and women of PSI in an extremely short period of time.

  He’d first met her five years prior while on a mission in Egypt. She’d been outspoken, carefree, and something of a wild child then. It had been refreshing and endearing. Much had changed in the five years since. Her life had taken a dark twist, and the young woman who came out on the other side was so strong, yet so vulnerable.

  It broke what was left of his heart.

  It didn’t help that Garth knew his presence unnerved the female.

  Not that he could blame her.

  His brother Grid had spent months torturing the young woman. Inflicting horrors upon her the likes of which Garth would never know the full truth. He knew Edee couldn’t help but look at him and see the monster who terrified her for so long.

  A monster who he not only shared blood with but also shared a face.

  Shame filled him.

  Garth nodded to Auberi. “Time out.”

  The vampire, under normal circumstances, would have told Garth to go fuck himself right before he attacked again. When Auberi glanced over to find Edee there, he nodded and took a step back. He was also very aware of what the young woman had endured, and that it had been at the hands of Garth’s brother.

  While they might hate one another, Edee was more important than their grudge.

  Malik stepped closer to her. “You’re here late tonight. Want me to give you a ride home?”

  Edee was living with Malik, his mate, and his daughter Bethany for the time being. It was for the best. The Corporation would make a play for her again, Garth knew that much. They weren’t ones to back down with ease. It was important Edee be protected at all times. While at work, she was surrounded by endless alpha males willing to sacrifice themselves for her. And while home, she had Malik and all that his protection entailed.

  Each time Garth looked at the young woman, guilt consumed him. Had he properly dealt with his brother long ago, when Grid had shown signs of being beyond redemption, she wouldn’t have suffered. The sad truth that the world would be a better place without his brother in it had struck him hard when he’d learned what Edee had endured.

  Edee’s blue gaze slid momentarily to Garth. Her pulse quickened, and the smell of fear emanated from her. He knew all the males in the room could sense and smell the changes in the woman’s body.

  Malik eased closer to her, clearly aware that she needed to feel safe. He provided that.

  “Auberi, your cell was on Malik’s desk.” She held it out for him. “It kept ringing. I thought it might be important. I didn’t mean to interrupt whatever it is you guys are doing. Wait. What are you guys doing?”

  Gram waved to her. “Dying of boredom in place of injuries. The two meatheads before you were fighting.”

  “Again,” added Striker for good measure. “And we’re still trying to convince Viking that he was high last week. He’s stubborn and does nae believe us.”

  Corbin sat on the floor, his legs crossed, eating a slice of pizza. He grinned, and Garth second-guessed thinking the man was the least man-child-like of Team Five.

  Hans shrugged. “It’s what they do. You get used to it.”

  “Want some popcorn?” asked Striker.

  Edee groaned. “No. I don’t like the smell of popcorn. And it’s all over your beard.”

  Striker sat up straight in the chair, flung the bowl at Gram, and then began to rub his beard in an attempt to free the kernels from it. He glanced at Hans and lifted his chin. “Better?”

  Hans grunted. “Yes, but since the beard is still attached to you, that’s as good as it will get.”

  Striker chanced a glance in Edee’s direction once more and set about adjusting his clothing to look less like he’d slept in it (which he probably had), and the act wasn’t lost on Garth. The giant Scotsman seemed to be on better behavior around the woman and he acted as if he cared what she thought of him.


  Corbin motioned with his hand and looked at Striker’s shirt. Striker did the same and spotted some popcorn still stuck to his shirt, right above the word “Sparkle.” He flicked it off quickly.

  Malik leaned in towards Edee. He lowered his voice. “You love popcorn.”

  She winked. “I know but messing with him is too much fun. And it was all over his beard and his shirt. Was he in that same shirt yesterday?”

  “Knowing Striker, yes.” Malik shrugged.

  “Is it me or is he actually sparkling? Is that glitter on him?” she asked, a well-defined brow arching.

  Striker’s cheeks reddened. “Och, no. Okay, maybe. I do nae know how it got there.”

  “Strip club,” said Jannick, doing a fake cough as he did.

  Edee shook her head.

  Striker bit his lower lip. “I’ve no idea what they’re talking about. I’d never go to a strip club.”

  Auberi’s cell rang once more. He answered and tipped his head, listening as the other person spoke. “Why do you want to know the Viking’s whereabouts? He’s here with me. We were, um, having a friendly discussion about our differences. No. We were not fighting again. I swear. Would I lie to you?”

  Garth quirked a brow.

  “Landros,” said Auberi to Garth, before concentrating on the phone call once more.

  The vampire fell silent as he listened to what was being said. Tension began to radiate from Auberi, so much so that Malik noticed.

  Malik slid closer to his friend and put a hand on the man’s shoulder.

  “You have my word. The Viking and I will grab the jet and head to Georgia now. I suspect the others will want to assist. We’ll stay in contact. Yes. Send the information to Laney here at Division B. We will keep this among those I trust. Of course, old friend.”

  Auberi hung up the phone and looked directly at Garth. “Landros requires our assistance.”

  “What’s in Georgia?” he asked, not really caring. He’d go regardless because it would give him a chance to get to Nicolette and check on her.

  Auberi tipped his head slightly. “His niece and her friend were abducted.”

  Malik drew back. “Landros has a niece? Since when?”

  “Apparently so. This is news to me as well,” said Auberi.

  “Yes, he has a niece,” said Blaise from the back of the room. “He pretty much raised her. And before anyone asks, no. She doesn’t know what he really is or about any of this stuff. He has gone out of his way to appear human to her, wanting her far from this life.”

  “He has a human niece?” asked Edee. “Isn’t Landros a vampire who’s like, old as dirt? No offense, Malik.”

  Malik, who was old as dirt, snorted. “None taken.”

  Auberi nodded. “Yes, Landros is a vampire. And from what he just told me, his niece means the world to him.”

  “I’m confused.” Edee looked to Malik.

  Malik shrugged. “You and me both.”

  Blaise sighed. “Think of her in terms of old. As a ward. Landros sees her as a niece. She sees him as an uncle. She’s important to him.”

  Auberi cast a pensive look over the crowd of people in the room. “From what he just told me, she lives in Savannah, and Landros is unable to get there quickly as he’s overseas. He said he was on the phone with her when he heard her being taken. He also said Grid was involved.”

  Garth stiffened. “W-what?”

  Auberi nodded. “Your brother had a hand in abducting Landros’s niece.”

  Corbin glanced around the room. “Anyone else starting to wonder if maybe, just maybe, Garth wasn’t hallucinating? That he might have really had a run-in with Grid while in Savannah?”

  Garth felt as if he’d been kicked in the stomach. He bent and took long breaths in an effort to keep from being sick. “Ohmygod, he’s close to Nicolette. And he’s hurt two more women.”

  Edee cupped her mouth and cried out softly.

  Striker was up and out of the chair in record time, making it to the redhead’s side. He drew her back against him and rubbed her upper arms. He looked to Auberi. “Tell us everything you know. We’ll assist.”

  “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” asked Hans of Gram, as he tried to get out of the hospital bed.

  James went to Gram and used one finger to push the man back into the position he’d started in. It was testament to just how weak the alpha-male shifter was while recovering. “Nice try, Campbell. You’re in no shape to be going anywhere.”

  Gram’s blue gaze shifted quickly to amber. That was actually a good sign. It meant he was finding his way back to being able to shift forms. It also meant he didn’t like being told no.

  “Corbin, reach out to your contacts there and have them pick up Nicolette. I want her safe during this,” said Garth firmly, done listening to everyone else.

  Corbin nodded, withdrew his phone and began making calls.

  “What, exactly, happened?” asked Garth of Auberi, wishing he’d spoken directly with Landros instead. He needed details on Grid’s activities and whereabouts. He had to stop his brother before he could hurt anyone else—and he had to get to Nicolette by any means possible.

  “From what I was told, Landros had one of his bad vibes.” As Auberi said it, all the men in the room drew in sharp breaths. They’d all been around the vampire when he’d suffered from a bad vibe. Things always went to hell in a handbasket quickly whenever that happened. Garth had never questioned Landros’s gut feelings. Though, Garth got the sense that it was something Landros had always been able to do, prior to being sired. He never asked.

  Auberi swallowed hard. “He phoned his niece to check in on her since he’s in London right now working with PSI on a case. He said he heard a scream, and then Grid came on the line. That was it. The line went dead.”

  Malik pulled his cell from his back pocket. “My sweet, I need a favor. It involves hacking government systems.”

  Garth watched as Malik spoke to his mate, Brooke, who also happened to be a computer genius. She’d been the one Garth had reached out to for help trying to find the missing children from twenty years ago.

  James lifted his chin. “Malik, I’ll take Laney to your house. She and Brooke can see if they can find any digital traces of the women or what went on.”

  Duke cracked his knuckles. “I think it would be wise for all of our mates to be in one location while we help to find Landros’s niece. I want to know the women are safe while we’re out there fixing this.”

  “Let’s be honest, I’m all for protecting the women, but they aren’t exactly helpless damsels in distress, and I think they’d like that noted.” Boomer grunted. “Marlow, your wife can turn people inside out. Mine has a pet guard panther. Malik’s mate is from one of the most powerful Fae lines ever. Corbin’s can sing and make a guy lick his own balls.”

  “I do nae require song,” said Striker, earning him an elbow from Edee. He grinned. “Come, lass. I’ll take you home and watch over all of you while the others go to assist.”

  Edee stood perfectly still. “No.”

  Had Garth not been looking at her, he’d have never heard the hushed whisper.

  “Och, what do you mean, no?” demanded Striker. “I’ll have you know I’m verra capable of protecting you and the other women.”

  She reached back and touched his forearm. “It’s not that. I’m not going back to Malik’s. I’m going with all of you. I’m going to help find Landros’s niece and her friend. And I’m going to see with my own eyes that the woman Garth cares about is safe from that monster Grid.”

  “No. Yer not.” Striker’s jaw set.

  Edee spun, and whatever look she gave Striker made the man’s face go pure white. He put his hands up in surrender. “Fine. But I’m goin’ too then. The Germans can watch over the women.”

  Garth knew why Striker had volunteered Jannick and Hans. If Grid was behind the abductions, there was a high likelihood The Corporation was as well. And the twins didn’t need to be exposed to more testing rings.

  The twins stood and moved to stand next to one another. They nodded in unison. It was Hans who acted as the spokesman. “We would be honored to protect the women and Malik’s little one.”

  Gram made a pained noise. “I can’t be here doing nothing.”

  James rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Fine. What if we have all the women and Malik’s daughter brought here? I can call in more favors from men we trust. We can lock this place down.”

  Malik, Duke, Corbin (who was still on the phone), and Boomer all stared at one another for a pregnant moment. It hit Garth then that they were all the men in the room who were mated. They were clearly speaking on their connected mental pathways.

  “That will work,” said Duke. “Anything tries to come near them…”

  Gram lifted a hand and magik shot forth from it, knocking the card table over. “No one will come near them. I can turn people inside out too.”

  James grinned. “That’s the spirit. Now, let’s get everyone in one place.”

  Corbin hung up the phone.

  “I can stay and help watch over everyone,” said Malik.

  Corbin shook his head. “No. You’re needed on the mission. You’re one of the few men who can get Auberi and Garth to behave in a room together for longer than five minutes. The fact that Landros called Auberi directly and specifically asked him and Garth for help tells me we may require a referee.”

  Auberi nodded. “It’s true. I can phone Armand and the rest of my team. They can help watch over Brooke and the others.”

  Garth took a deep breath. “Recall some Shadow Agents as well. Only the ones we trust. Malik, ready the jet. We need to hurry before the situation gets worse—and it’s bad enough as it fucking is.”

  Corbin worried his jaw. He looked at Garth. “Do not lose control when I tell you this. It involves the woman you wish to get back to.”

  Garth felt faint. “What happened? She’s dead, isn’t she? Oh god, she’s dead because of me.”

  Corbin came to him, grabbed him by the shoulders, and shook him. “Garth, stop. The detail that was assigned to look over her was ambushed. Apparently, the Outcasts were attacked as well. They’re injured, but alive. The Para-Regs have men on the scene. As best they can tell, the woman has been taken.”

  Garth roared.

  It was Edee who came at him fast, slipping by everyone else. She stood before him and touched his cheek gently. “Don’t give in to the animal right now. Your woman and Landros’s niece and friend need you to be strong. Of all the people here, you’re the one who will be able to figure out what your brother’s next move is. You can’t help the women if you’re stuck in wolf form again.”

  She was right.


  Striker licked his lips. “How about we feed you something before you lose it and try to eat one of us instead?”

  “Asshole,” snapped Garth.

  “I try,” returned Striker with a wink.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Garth took a seat on the private jet, his thoughts on Nicolette. The very idea that his brother had her left him fighting his wolf. At the idea she might be gone, Garth growled, knowing he would kill Grid without hesitation.

  He should have never lost control to start with. If he’d have held himself together a week ago, he could have handled his brother then, making sure Nicolette was safe and sound.

  Instead, he’d been as weak as Auberi liked to point out he was.

  He’d given in to his beast.

  Edee walked by Garth on the jet and touched his shoulder as if she sensed his fight to stay in control. She gave him a small squeeze before she went to a large bag she’d made Striker carry onto the jet. She hadn’t backed down once on her insistence to join them on the hunt for the missing young women, no doubt sensing a bond after the ordeal she’d lived through.

  Garth watched as Edee pulled a number of small black computer tablets from the bag. She made her rounds on the jet, handing them out. She stopped before getting to Garth. “Okay, everyone, Brooke and Laney pulled all this together for you. They’re waiting for James to track down the rest of the medical records on both ladies.”

  “Medical records?” asked Garth. “Why is it we need them?”

  Edee glanced around the jet. “Because apparently, Landros’s niece and her friend are no strangers to the PSI system. They have a history—and it involves testing.”

  Garth tensed.

  Edee cast him a soft look and took a seat that faced Garth. She had a tablet on her lap. “They’ll send the records as soon as they get their hands on them. If you give me any details you have on your woman, I’ll make sure the girls begin mining the off-the-books sites for any chatter that might involve her.”

  Garth lowered his head, doing his best to stay in control of his wolf. It was far harder than it should be.


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