Act of Brotherhood: Paranormal Security and Intelligence (PSI-Ops) an Immortal Ops World Novel

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Act of Brotherhood: Paranormal Security and Intelligence (PSI-Ops) an Immortal Ops World Novel Page 24

by Mandy M. Roth

  “His bloodline continued throughout the centuries. And we all know Landros was something more than human before becoming a vampire. We just don’t know what,” added Duke. “All of this means it’s entirely possibly whoever Nicolette’s mother was, was in fact blood relation to Landros, even if distant.”

  Edee stilled. “Who is Seth?”

  “He’s high up in the Shadow Agent Division,” said Striker. “He’s older than Tut even and is also Egyptian.”

  Malik nodded. “He was one of the founders of the Crimson Ops Division.”

  Striker looked pained. “I cannae imagine what he must have felt having to give away his sister’s child, especially if he’d been close to her.”

  Malik nodded. “From what Seth told me, his sister was his entire world. He’d basically raised her by himself. Being sired was a huge blow, but losing his sister nearly did him in. Auberi is the only one of us here who knows what it’s like to suddenly wake up one day with a demon inside you. That can’t be easy.”

  “It’s not,” said Auberi, staring at the floor. “Centuries ago, Landros and myself happened upon a little girl while we were in Greece. He’d been a vampire a long time by then. When he saw the child, he froze and he said one name.”

  Malik let out a long breath. “Let me guess…Nicolette?”

  Auberi nodded. “When the little girl turned to look at us, she smiled and Landros compelled her to hurry home to her parents, for the night was full of dangers. He then looked me dead in the eyes and told me she reminded him greatly of someone he’d loved and lost.”

  “Anyone want to put bets on his dead sister being named Nicolette?” asked Malik, sounding less than thrilled by the news.

  Auberi looked pained. “I have no child. I cannot be a father to anyone.”

  “Well, let me see if this situation is as fucked up as it seems.” Duke lifted the tablet and turned it around more than once. “The damn screen keeps flipping around.”

  Rurik went to the man and assisted, but it took more than one try. Neither man was very tech savvy. He pointed to the tablet. “Now look.”

  Duke did, and he gasped. He whipped around and looked at Auberi. “Congratulations, it’s a girl. She’s totally yours. In fact, there is like zero room for error on these results.”

  “No,” whispered Auberi, staggering back more until he fell into a seat and stared down at the floor. “Landros would have told me. He wouldn’t have kept something as huge as that from me. It’s so rare for a vampire to have a child that it’s something that is cherished, not hidden away.”

  Malik went to the man and bent. He put his hand on Auberi’s shoulder. “Old friend, Landros has known you far longer than I’ve known you. I’m guessing he knew you wouldn’t have been open to hearing the truth. You’re barely able to wrap your mind around it now.”

  Auberi reached for a tablet and flipped through the report. He cursed, looking directly at Garth. “He’s known the truth of it since the lab incident. The one where we found the children twenty years ago.”

  Garth stiffened. “What? Are you saying he knows what happened to the kids from the experiment?”

  Edee touched Garth’s arm. “Nicolette and Clara are children from the experiment. Look…it says so here. Landros knows what happened to nearly all of the children from it. And it looks like he’s the reason the trail went cold. He saw to it the information was hidden and the children were safe.”

  Garth didn’t look. He didn’t have to. He already knew the truth. Nicolette was the little girl from long ago. The child he’d worried about for two decades. “Her eyes. I knew I’d seen them before. I kept thinking of the little girl when I looked at her.” Another thought hit him. “Her eyes are just like Auberi’s. I noticed it twenty years ago, and I noticed again last week. She’s tall like Auberi and has features similar to his. Odin’s fury, it was right in front of me. The truth was there. I chose not to see it.”

  “But she’s not a full vampire,” said Edee, reading the chart. She would understand it all with her science background. “She evidently has a large amount of vampire DNA in her makeup, but not enough to require her to live off blood. Though if I’m reading this right, blood would certainly help her feel better. There is a compound mentioned in here. Some sort of energy mix or drink that has extra vitamins and nourishment that she requires in place of blood.”

  Garth’s entire body tightened. “The gray drinks.”

  “What?” asked Edee.

  “She has something she calls a gray drink that she mentioned making in the blender. Something she told me her uncle helped create.”

  Edee glanced at the tablet and nodded. “Yes. This combination would yield something that was gray, and it would be administered orally. Looks like Landros spent a lot of time coming up with the recipe. There are notations in the chart about her suffering from fatigue. This probably helps with that. Her system requires more than normal foods, but it doesn’t need blood.”

  Auberi shook his head. “She’s not a slave to the blood needs?”

  “No,” said Garth, answering for Edee. “She didn’t need blood the entire time I was with her. You’d have needed to feed over that time. She didn’t. She eats normal foods. Well, if you don’t count the cupcakes.”

  Auberi gave him a questioning look.

  “Pray you never find out what I’m talking about,” said Garth. He grunted. “She tasted my blood the first night we were together and the next day she made a comment about normally needing a gray drink in the morning for energy, but that she hadn’t craved one.”

  Edee eyed him. “I’m guessing even a small amount of your blood would be powerful enough to help her. Makes sense she wouldn’t need the drink if she had you.”

  Auberi glared at him. “You dared to bed her?”

  Garth knew lying was pointless. “Yes.”

  Edee paged through the tablet more. “There are old notes in here that are more than likely from the scientists who did the testing on her to start with when she was born. They noted that she seemed to have a sixth sense. And it says here that she has the power of compulsion with her voice. That they had to drug her to keep her from being able to use it on them. And if this is all right, she’s immune to other vampires influencing her in any way. She’s got Fae in her. So does Landros if this is correct.”

  Garth cursed and ran his hands through his hair. “I knew I sensed Fae magik around her. It was faint, but there. Right before I lost control and claimed her, she looked at me and when she spoke to me, I swear I didn’t have a choice but to obey.”

  Edee nodded. “Makes sense.”

  “You lost control with her?” asked Striker, looking horrified.

  “Yes and no. I claimed her, but I didn’t hurt her in any way. I ran and got away from her right before I surrendered to the wolf fully. That was when I saw Grid and then Cody and Wheeler got to me.”

  Striker calmed. “Guid. It’s bad enough the lass suffered at the hands of The Corporation. It wouldnae sit well with me if she suffered by the hands of her mate as well. I’d have been forced to kill you, Viking, friend or no.”

  Edee reached out towards Striker and touched his arm lightly. “Under all of that hair is a really sweet man.”

  Striker grunted. “Do nae be spreading that around, Red.”

  She rolled her eyes.

  Anger coursed through Garth as he thought about how underfed Nicolette had been long ago. The memory of all of the lab children was seared into his brain. As he thought back to them he remembered the little girl who had made the cup of juice float.


  He saw the resemblance now from the photos Nicolette had of her friend and the little girl from long ago.

  His mind raced with the memory of seeing Nicolette back then. He remembered seeing her stop breathing and thinking she wouldn’t make it. He’d seen her skin blistering and wiping away. He’d heard her heart cease to beat. She’d been so tiny. So helpless. Another thought hit him. He stared at Auberi. “You gave h
er your blood. You never hesitated. It’s like you knew in your bones that she needed blood to live. And before that, you kissed her forehead and called her something in French.”

  “He also lost his shit just like you did,” said Rurik. “He needed to be removed from the scene the same as you back then. I’d never seen a vampire let his demon overtake him before then. It was a sight you don’t forget.

  Auberi blinked several times.

  Edee sighed. “Auberi, it sounds to me like on some level, you recognized who she was to you, and you did what any father would. You fought to save her life and did what had to be done. And look at you now. You’ve been at Garth’s throat about her and you’re not pleased he claimed her. No man is good enough for her—your daughter.”

  Duke snorted—and then broke into a full-blown laugh.

  Everyone stared at him like he was nuts.

  “Think about it,” said Duke, still laughing. “This means Auberi is Garth’s father-in-law. When Garth has kids, Auberi will be their grandfather. They hate each other, and they’re going to have to spend eternity learning to get along.”

  Edee smiled and then tried to wipe it away quickly. It didn’t work.

  Malik chuckled too.

  Rurik shrugged. “What I want to know is if this means we now have a Mrs. Captain?”

  Garth soaked in what Rurik was asking. He looked up at Auberi from across the jet. “I have a wife.”

  “I have a daughter,” returned Auberi.

  Striker grunted. “Great. They’ll be repeating this shite the rest of the way. I say we encourage a fight to the death between them just to get this to end.”

  Edee elbowed him again, something it seemed she did often.

  He stiffened. “Ouch. You’ve a bony elbow.”

  Garth shook his head, unable to believe it all. He thought about the pain he’d felt in his chest while in Nicolette the last time. It had been accompanied by the feeling of being stitched together with her. He’d really claimed her. “I have a wife.”

  “Yep. You do,” said Duke. “I’d make fun of you, but I was in your shoes not long ago. Let it sink in and then come to terms with the fact your father-in-law is a vampire. And your mate is part-vampire. Hey, you might have already gotten one past the goalie. You claimed her and we all know that means there wasn’t nothing between the two of you in bed. She could be pregnant already. If she is, that means Auberi is going to be a grandpa before he has a chance to be a real father to the girl.”


  Garth was aware of Auberi’s shouting as the vampire continued to announce that Nicolette was nothing to Garth. The vampire also insisted he be permitted to end the “Swedish Dick-cicle.”

  “Och, I’m nae allowing you to kill the Viking, regardless how fun it may seem,” said Striker. “But I may be willing to allow you to maim him. All in favor?”

  “Striker!” scolded Edee.

  “Never mind. Red is giving me the evil eye, and I do nae want her threatening to castrate me again. Someone else maim the Viking.”

  “I’m in!” added Boomer loudly, near Auberi once more, pinning the vampire to the seat. “Rurik, want to join me?”

  “He’s my captain,” said the Russian. “I should say no.”

  Boomer laughed. “That didn’t sound like a no to me.”

  “It wasn’t,” returned Rurik.

  Auberi snarled more.

  Boomer eyed him. “Dude, it could have been worse. Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t you watch as I claimed my mate because of some fucked-up vampire clan politics? You could have had to watch the Viking claiming your daughter. I’ve been in that spot. Remember, my mate is from your line of vampires, which makes her like family to you. That means I get stuck with you too. At least you didn’t have to be a witness for your daughter’s mating.”

  Auberi went nuts.

  Duke was forced to help pin him in place. “Kitty, your help is not helpful in the least.”

  Boomer grinned. “I know.”

  Garth nearly commented on the entire ordeal but stopped, his gaze going to Edee. A couple of weeks back she’d warned him that his mate was in danger. Garth had thought she was nuts. He didn’t think he had a mate then. But Edee knew. She knew, and she’d tried her best to protect Nicolette without ever having met her. “You warned me. You told me my mate was in danger. That my brother had been watching her all her life. I thought you were nuts. I didn’t want to believe you. And he has her now.”

  Edee moved to him quickly and offered a warm hug. “We’ll find her, Garth. I know we will.”

  “Aye, Viking, we’ll find yer mate. If for no other reason than we’ll finally get a blood match between you and old Sparkles back there,” said Striker.

  Auberi stopped struggling and went eerily still. “Will Grid kill her?”

  Garth closed his eyes and then nodded. “Yes. But I think he’d rather do it where I have to see it happen. It would have the most impact. Killing her out of my line of sight will lessen the dramatics he’s known for.”

  Edee nodded. “It’s true. He’s sick like that. He’ll want Garth to see it happen.”

  Auberi looked in the direction of the window. “I have a daughter who is in need of my help and I’m powerless right now to assist her.”

  Garth understood the man’s pain. He felt the same way. He walked to the back of the jet, near Boomer and Duke, and nodded to them. “Go. We’re fine.”

  “Yeah, you might be, but he’s going to tear your throat out first chance he gets,” said Boomer of Auberi.

  “If he does, he’ll be killing his daughter’s mate,” said Edee with a warning tone.

  Auberi’s sighed. “I’ll refrain from killing the Viking. For now.”

  Boomer and Duke shared a look before they gave up and let Garth through. The other two men returned to their seats.

  Auberi faced Garth. “Tell me of her.”

  Garth’s throat constricted as he fought his emotions. “She’s funny. And beautiful. There is a sweet innocence to her. She has socks with inspirational phrases on them and she teaches preschool. The children love her. And her heart is big. She loves all of them.”

  Auberi’s eyes grew moist as he hung on Garth’s every word.

  Malik’s phone rang and he answered. Within seconds, he was next to Auberi and Garth, his eyes wide. “Brooke says they got a hit off one of the girls’ credit cards. It was just used at a motel.”

  A thought hit Garth and hope swelled in him. “Grid doesn’t have them. They got away and are on the run.”

  Auberi snarled. “And if we have tracked their steps, you can bet The Corporation has as well.”

  Garth looked to Auberi. “Save the rage for the enemy. For now, we focus on getting to Nicolette and Clara. Then we focus on killing Grid.”

  Edee let out a choked sob and smiled through her tears at the men.

  Garth tipped his head. “What?”

  “You just got along! It was adorable. She’s the common ground the two of you have needed to mend whatever’s between you.”

  Garth’s shoulders slumped. “Over a century ago, Auberi tried to kill Grid. He told me my brother was a monster. He said he was sick and twisted when it came to women and others. I didn’t listen.” He tensed. “I stopped him from taking the killing blow. I didn’t let him stop Grid when he could have. Had I not stopped him, none of this would be happening. You wouldn’t have been hurt by Grid, he wouldn’t have Nicolette and Clara. Auberi was right. I was wrong. I’ve ruined lives because of my need to protect my brother.”

  Auberi patted Garth’s back in a friendly manner. “You’re not the only one who has stood up for a man they believed to be innocent, only to find out later they were anything but. And you’re not the first to defend his brother. You shared a womb with the man. The bond you had was strong, but I don’t sense it there now. If I’m right, you’ve more than come to grips with the idea Grid has to die.”

  Garth nodded. “I will kill him myself. He’s a monster. And I’m
not far from him. I could have prevented all of this by letting you do what you wanted back then. Your daughter, my wife, along with Clara would be safe. Edee wouldn’t have been hurt by him. And who knows how many more women would have been spared?”

  Edee was suddenly before him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and gave him a tight hug. “You are not your brother. You are nothing like him. Yes, I hate him. Yes, I want him dead, but I don’t blame you for what you did a hundred years ago. You’re not that man anymore, and you couldn’t have known Grid would fall as far as he did.”

  He gave her an awkward hug back, worried he’d scare her somehow if he moved too fast.

  Auberi stared at him. “She’s right. Had I stopped to listen to reason back then, we could have perhaps found an alternative way to assist Grid. He might have been savable. I saw only one solution. I was blinded by rage. It would seem we both could have done things differently.”

  Striker eased Edee from Garth and hugged her.

  Garth faced Auberi. “Agreed. But this doesn’t mean you and I are going to be besties or anything.”

  “Oh hell no!” shouted Auberi.

  Boomer snorted. “Aww, look at that. Male bonding at its finest. Now, let’s take a look at a map and figure out our next move. We’re about to land.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Nicolette sat on the edge of one of the two queen beds in the seedy roadside motel they’d ended up at. She didn’t want to think about what might be crawling on the bed or what a blacklight might reveal if placed over the comforter. A broken alarm clock sat on a table that was attached to the wall. Everything in the room looked to have been from the sixties. The carpet was worn, something close to what probably started as lime green, and smelled like mildew.

  Clara was in the shower, though Nicolette had warned her against it when she’d seen the amount of mold in the thing. The entire room was a health-code violation of some sort. Maybe more than one.


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