Dirty Mechanic (Hard and Ready Book 1)

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Dirty Mechanic (Hard and Ready Book 1) Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  She couldn’t think.

  He completely surrounded her, but she also didn’t care.

  Whenever she was with Tyler, she always thought of what it would be like if he actually saw her, and right now, she was getting to see that not only did he see her, but he also wanted her.

  “I want you to come for me, Eliza. Come for me.”

  He pinched her clit and smoothed out the pain with his fingers, driving her arousal higher.

  She’d never been with a man, but she had a wild imagination. Anyone who ever found her diary would know that.

  Being with just any man had never appealed.

  Eliza was awkward, and when she didn’t have anything to say, or couldn’t think of something witty, she often resorted to complete silence. She’d been on some of the hardest dates she could ever remember. In fact, a dating website she joined up with had actually cancelled her subscription as men had complained she wasn’t trying hard enough.

  She didn’t know if they were allowed to do that, but she was messing with their statistics, and she’d been in the process of deleting her account anyway.

  The way he teased her clit, driving her arousal higher, she knew she was getting close to her orgasm.

  Glancing down, she watched as he sucked her nipple hard before moving to the next one, flicking the tip before using his teeth to create just the right amount of pain for it to almost be too much pleasure.

  It was out of this world, taking her to the next level.

  She gasped, crying out his name, and her release took her completely by surprise as she came standing against the wall with Tyler’s hands all over her.

  He didn’t stop right away, allowing her to ride the wave of pleasure to completion, and only when she couldn’t stand anymore did he pull his hand away and press a kiss to her nipple.

  She watched, somewhat dazed as he licked the fingers he’d touched her pussy with. “Delicious.”

  Her cheeks heated, and she simply stood as he buttoned up her shirt after putting away her tits.

  “Don’t worry about the cost. I wanted to make sure that you were safe, and your car is now safe enough for you to drive home.” He reached into his drawer and pulled out a set of keys. “Here you go, baby. This is all for you.”

  She glanced down at his pants, and saw his cock, which looked huge, pressed against the front.

  There was no way her cheeks could be any more on fire than they already were. Not only was he aroused, but what she was supposed to do about it?

  Should she ask him if he wanted her to take care of it?

  Leave it?

  So, going back to her comfort zone, she remained silent, somewhat dazed about what happened.

  If it wasn’t for her body feeling so good, she was sure she’d just imagined the entire thing.

  Tyler left the office and she followed him, not saying a word as he showed her to the car.

  He took the keys from her and placed them in the ignition. She loved a manual car, so he reached in to make sure it wasn’t in any gears before turning over the ignition. Her baby purred to life, and she smiled. Just the sound offered her some comfort.

  She’d earned this car, proving to her father over and over again that she could drive. He’d make her take him every single place.

  For a long time, it had only been her and her father.

  Her mother had skipped town years ago, hating it.

  Eliza loved her father so much.

  “Jump in,” Tyler said.

  She climbed behind the wheel. Her hands shook a little bit, and she was also a little annoyed with herself as she’d become mute after what had just happened.

  “If you have any trouble with her at all, bring her straight back.” He held out a card. “Call me the moment you get home so I know you got there safely.”

  He gave the car a tap and shut the door.

  She waited for him to step away before leaving his shop parking lot completely.

  On the road, she released a breath, finally finding her words.

  “What the hell just happened? Tyler Hard, the sexy mechanic, just had his hands on my pussy, and what did I do? I came and said nothing. I’m a total idiot. Oh, my God, Tyler touched me. He brought me to orgasm in one of the best moments of my life, and instead of saying thank you, or something else, what did I do? I went silent as if it didn’t happen.”

  She slapped the wheel of her car and shook her head.

  “I’m a crazy person. Completely, stupid, crazy.”

  There was no other way to describe her.

  Pulling up to her home, she glanced up at her place, smiling. What did she do now? Would she see Tyler again so soon?

  “Next time I see him, don’t freeze up. Have words ready. Talk to him.” Yes, this happened often. Whenever she had a disastrously silent date, she’d often spend the entire drive home, berating herself. “This is why you’re alone with no chance of ever having a family or giving your father grandkids. You talk to yourself, rather than the men who’d like to hear you.” She dropped her head onto the wheel. “I’m a total loser.”

  But when she got home, she made sure to send him the text that he’d asked for.

  Chapter Three

  Now Tyler wasn’t the kind of man to listen to gossip, but it just went to show after last night, that some gossip was worth listening to. Eliza had been on a few dates. He’d even heard she signed up for a dating website, but what had interested him was some of the tales that came from those dates.

  A couple of the men around town mentioned that she didn’t talk at all. In fact, she often just smiled, listened to them talk, and always placed the conversation on them. He’d heard that she stayed silent, even when men didn’t talk to her.

  After the other night, and from knowing her in high school, Eliza didn’t talk when she was nervous or worried. Last night, he’d broken through whatever barrier she had up, and with it, she’d become silent.

  He didn’t mind.

  The first part in his “claiming of Eliza” plan had worked as far as he was concerned.

  He’d gotten to touch her, to bring her to orgasm, and to feel those amazing curves pressed against him. That was what he fucking relished out of the entire situation.

  She’d felt so good, and he’d wanted more.

  Touching her was nowhere near enough.

  He wanted to fucking possess and own her, which was why three days later, he entered the diner where he knew she ate once a week after visiting with her father. Tyler intended to get her to open up to him.

  Tyler glanced around the busy diner and spotted her in the back, book in hand. She didn’t even look up at anyone who entered, and for some crazy reason, he found this to be the most charming thing he’d ever seen.

  Ordering a large burger, chili fries, and a big pot of coffee, he stood at the counter, waiting. One of the waitresses tried to flirt with him, but he wasn’t interested. His gaze was on the beauty in the corner.

  She still hadn’t looked up from her book, and she didn’t attract any kind of attention. He couldn’t see the book she was reading. The pages were flat on the table, and her head bowed over it. She occasionally picked at a fry on her plate.

  There was no rush to her.

  She took her time, enjoying her food.

  Once his order was ready, he carried the tray over to her table. A couple of people said hello to him on his way, and he did the same back.

  As he placed the tray onto the counter, Eliza suddenly jerked up. Her eyes flared when she caught sight of him, and he winked at her.

  He loved watching her cheeks turn a pretty pink.

  The table she sat at was somewhat secluded, and he liked that.

  “Evening, beautiful.” He picked up a fry and popped it into his mouth.

  “H-hey … h-h-hello.”

  Tyler saw her grit her teeth and glance past his shoulder, shaking her head.

  “What ya reading?” he asked, leaning forward.

  “A book. A romance book.”r />
  Without waiting for her to say another word, he took the book and began to read the page. She was on a dirty, sexy scene, and he smiled, glancing over the top of the book, watching her squirm.

  “Can I have my book back?” she asked.

  “Of course. First I want you to tell me how your day with your father was.”

  “How did you know I was with my father?”

  Her father had suffered a stroke a year ago, and even though he was perfectly fine, everyone in town always tried to help him out by mowing his lawn or driving him where he needed to be.

  Eliza didn’t work on Fridays, so she could spend the day grocery shopping or cleaning his home.

  “It’s a small town, Eliza. I know you’re not a bitch, and you care about your father.”

  She sighed. “It was good. We went shopping, and I baked his favorite chocolate chip cookies. He’s fine, you know. Healthy. It wasn’t a full-blown heart attack. It was a stroke. Just stress.”

  He earmarked the page, closed the book, and slid it across the counter. “That wasn’t so hard, was it? Tell Mr. Small that if he ever wants to do any more accounting work, I’m looking for someone to help out at the shop.”

  “Really?” Eliza asked.

  “Yep. If you want I can take some paperwork over to him next week. See if he can handle it.” One day he hoped to expand the business and have several shops in different towns across the country. That was his dream and his ambition.

  He was already turning a profit and taking the business to new strengths.

  “He’d love that. I know he hates doing nothing. He volunteers at the hospice, chatting with the residents, and things like that. He hates not doing something.”

  “Totally understand. I’m always working,” Tyler said.

  He picked up his burger, taking a large bite out of it.

  “Thank you for asking about him. It means a lot to me.”

  And it had gotten her to talk.

  “How does your pussy feel?” he asked, changing tactics.

  She’d been drinking her milkshake, which she must have swallowed down wrong as she began to cough into her fist.

  Her cheeks, already red, were now brighter than a neon sign.

  Taking a fry, he waited for her to finish.

  “What are you trying to do?” she asked.

  He leaned in close, and twirled one of her ebony locks around his finger. “I’m trying to fuck you, Eliza. I want that pussy of yours to be mine, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen.” He gave her lock a little tug and winked at her. “Now, are you going to make this hard for me, or easy?”

  “This is crazy, Tyler.”

  “It’s not crazy. Do you want to fuck me or not?” He put another fry into his mouth, watching her.

  She was so fucking beautiful, and he loved taking her by surprise. He intended to shock her some more.

  First, he had to break down those walls, the ones that made her withdrawn and nervous.

  He was going to do it.


  Eliza didn’t know if she should pinch herself to believe that this was really happening. That Tyler Hard was sitting with her in a diner, and had just told her he wanted to fuck her. This kind of stuff never happened to her, and yet, her arousal was there.

  Her pussy was wet and desperate to feel him, even though she’d never been with a man before.

  Tyler was nice.

  Even though he’d been the most popular guy in school, he’d not been a grade A asshole. No, he’d been an all-around great guy.

  Everyone liked him, and he had that charm that just drew people to him, herself included.

  “You know that’s not a nice thing to say to a lady.”

  “Yeah, well, everyone knows that a lady likes to get fucked, Eliza.”

  His words should offend, but in fact they sent butterflies to her stomach.

  He reached across the table, and his fingers began to stroke over her hand. “You liked me touching you the other day, Eliza. After all, I did fix your car so you didn’t have to worry about a thing.”

  If it was anyone else, she’d scream sexual harassment, but this was … she wanted this. She loved having Tyler’s attention, and knowing that he wanted her.

  For the past three days, she’d been curious about his cock.

  What kind of a lady thought about a man’s cock?

  She stared at him, wishing she knew how to do this, how to flirt.

  “You’re seriously saying right now that out of all the women you could have, you want me?”


  He took hold of her hand, and she stared at them together. They were so different.

  The librarian and the mechanic.

  There were not many jobs around, and her love of books had landed her a job while she was still in high school.

  “Have you ever done anything so irrational, so crazy, that it is almost too good to believe ever happened?”

  “Yes, the other day in your office.”

  “I’m delighted I was the one to show you.”

  “Be serious right now, Tyler. None of this makes any sense.”

  “You want me to be serious?” he asked, the playful smile dropping from his lips.

  She missed that smile the moment it was gone, but she was done playing games. She’d never been good at them, and she preferred to deal with facts. Cold, hard facts.


  “I’ve been wanting to fuck you for some time. I’ve always noticed you, Eliza, in high school in fact. You’d have seen my interest in you if you’d not spent so much time with your nose in a book.”

  This made her mouth open.

  “Working on your car, I’ve decided that I’m fucking tired of waiting. I’m tired of wondering what your pussy is going to feel like around my cock, or how you’re going to feel in my arms. Is that serious enough for you?”

  Okay, she hadn’t been expecting that.

  She glanced down at the book beside her, at her meal, which was getting colder by the second.

  She’d never been with a man, and she’d always wanted to be. Could Tyler be that guy? She’d had a crush on him in high school, and then of course she’d watched him work on cars. Whenever her father needed a touch up, they’d wait at the shop, and she’d wait outside while Tyler’s father taught him the ropes. She’d sit, pretending to read a book or think, but really, she’d be watching him.

  This had been happening for years.

  Her father had always dealt with the cars, but after the problems with his health, she’d had to deal with everything.

  Biting her lip, she glanced around the diner. No one was paying them any attention, and she wondered if this was a joke.

  No, Tyler never played jokes on anyone.

  She’d seen him get angry when cruel jokes had been played on people in high school.

  He was an all-around good guy.

  “What do you want?” she asked.

  “I want you to come to my place tonight. I won’t hurt you, and if you don’t want anything to happen, it won’t. I want you to hang out with me, take some time. Get to know one another, where you’re not silent, or making your date work for it.”

  She couldn’t help but chuckle. “I don’t do that on purpose.”

  “You get nervous,” he said.

  This made her look up again. “Yes.” No one ever understood her nerves, but hearing him say it, she felt … relieved.

  “I heard about some of your failed dates. How you’d freeze up. It’s a good job I listen to gossip, as otherwise I’d have been a little offended by what happened at my shop.”

  She tensed up, and he shook his head.

  “Nope, you can’t get nervous right now. You’ve got to keep on talking to me, Eliza.” He gave her hand a little squeeze.

  “Okay, fine. I will come home with you. Nothing is going to happen though.” She wasn’t going to have sex with him, or do anything wild. “I need to go and get my car,” she said.

  “Nope. I know you walked here. I’ve got my truck. You’re going to be at my mercy, baby.” He winked at her again, and she loved that look so much. It was wicked, sinful, and made her think of all the delightful things he could do to her body.

  They finished their food, and she was surprised by how fast Tyler ate. They paid their bill, and she refused to let Tyler pay for her. This was her meal, and she could pay for it.

  Once outside, she saw his large red truck waiting.

  He opened the door, and helped her inside, his hand grazing her butt as he did so.

  There was no going back now.

  Locking her hands together, she tried not to get nervous. She didn’t know what was going to happen, but she also didn’t want to screw it up either.

  Chapter Four

  Tyler lived on the outskirts of town in a large house that had a garden in the back. He also had a warehouse where he kept parts that he got delivered as he also worked on machines at home and a great many other projects as well.

  He loved to create and build.

  His love of fixing things had also extended into a love of making his own furniture. The old ranch home had been in serious need of repair. When his father found out that he’d put an offer on it, his old man had gone crazy, thinking he was sinking money into a disaster. All it had taken was one visit to the old ranch, and to tell his father what he hoped to create, and he’d helped put a down payment on the rebuild of his home. He was young, at twenty-seven, to own his home, but he had drive and ambition.

  People in town and online often asked for pieces of work to be created for them, and he did it. From tables to chairs, to anything, he was always willing to take on a challenge.

  Eliza hadn’t spoken during the drive to his home, and as he opened her car door and took her hand, he wondered if it would be a challenge to get her to open up.

  “I remember when you bought this place a few years ago,” she said, surprising him.

  He had hoped the beauty of his home, and of course the gossip, would help her talk.

  “Yeah, I remember it, too.”

  “A lot of people thought you should have gone to some kind of loony bin, I think they called it,” Eliza said.


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