Only Her

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Only Her Page 3

by Carolyn Faulkner

  She hadn't thought of a Dom as such, but she supposed he was right.

  "Well, when you put it that way… All right, all right! Yes."

  It was said with just about as much enthusiasm as she had accused him of lacking when she'd tried to leave.

  His fist unclenched against that very sensitive area, and she was once again claimed by him a very primitive manner, even to the point of slipping his thumb into her, slowly, as he covered her clit.

  "I don't think I heard you, Anna." Those calm, neutral words only made what little movements she could make just that much more desperate as his hand began to slip back and forth. "Tell me who you want me to be for you."

  "Devon! Oh, fuck, Please!"

  That wasn't what he'd wanted to hear, and the movements stopped.

  Anna was being driven very slowly out of her mind. With a huge effort, she managed to cobble together some semblance of intelligence and said, as clearly as she was capable of doing at the moment, panting between every word, body taut as a bowstring, "Yes, I want you to be my Dom, please. Please. Please!"

  As soon as she finished, she felt him tighten his grip on her wrists, and he began stroking her again – not fast and furious, not even very demandingly, but in an extremely controlled rhythm that could have been inspired by a metronome. He had one speed and one speed only.


  The buildup was heart attack inducingly acute. Anna didn't think she'd ever been subjected to anything like this before. It went on forever.

  "You may come now, Anna."

  And just like that, as if some part of her had been waiting for him to give her his permission, she snapped – every bit of her snapped and what was coming was so intense, so overwhelming that, just before it hit, she begged him to stop.

  And he never missed a beat.

  The first note of an ear-piercing scream escaped before she buried her face in the soft sofa cushions. But once there, she let it all out – full throated howls and animalistic grunts as he continued – throughout it all – to caress her in exactly the same way, riding out her bucking and writhing, and bringing her relentlessly to four more peaks before he allowed her to collapse down onto the couch like a wet rag.

  From somewhere near her, she heard the sounds of his belt being undone, but it barely registered, and she didn't notice anything until he lifted her from under her arms, turning her so that she was facing away from him, bending her down and filling her up at the same time.

  Full to overflowing in one massive, powerful stroke that was just the beginning. Her legs were parted to accommodate his so she was totally open and defenseless, and her arms were his again – he was using them to keep her from being able to move forward to absorb the tremendous energy of his thrusts.

  Eventually, he loosed her wrists in favor of pulling her up by her hair, searching and finding those lightly hair covered folds, prying them roughly open and flicking her furiously.

  Her privates were so stretched, her little clit so exposed to his touch that, seconds later, she convulsed around him, barely completing one orgasm before she was forced into the next.

  And the next.

  And the next.

  Her hands found their way to his big one between her legs, trying to dislodge him before she succumbed to death by orgasm but caught in the throes of one anyway as she tugged futilely at him.

  Dev's heavy breath blew in her ear as he nipped her earlobe. "I can see I need to buy a pair of cuffs to keep you from interfering with my use of you. And that just earned you another spanking."

  Her hand let go of his as if she was scalded, but Anna knew it was too late.

  Seconds later, she was bent back over, face in the cushion, arms held high up her back, just to the point of discomfort as he continued to stab himself into her. Even in that demeaning position, she felt the familiar rising of her desire, and the orgasm that built within her this time was probably the hardest she had experienced with him so far, so much so that the squeezing of her tightness around him made him lose control and he bit off a groan as he emptied himself within her.

  "Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit."

  That was not really what she wanted to hear from the man she had just had sex with. Although Anna could barely remember her own name, she knew his lament was probably not indicative of anything good.

  "What?" she barely had the capacity to breathe at him as she collapsed in an indelicate lump on the sofa, not far from where he'd left her when he'd pulled out to begin to pace and run his hand through his hair.

  Dev came to stand next to her and she opened one eye, saw how massive his equipment was even at rest and shut it again. At his agitated sigh, she reopened it and looked questioningly up at him.

  "We didn't use birth control. You make me so crazy that I didn't even think to ask, or, better yet, to go and get a condom, which is literally ten feet away from me."

  "Yay for irregular periods. On the pill. No worries." Closed again. Alarmingly near sleep.

  "Yes, but what about STDs?"

  Pried very slowly – and with great effort – open again. "You think I'm going to give you an STD?"

  He laughed, gathering her onto largely still clothed lap, thoroughly enjoying the feel of her – the weight and softness of her – in his arms. "You? The nun? I don't think so. I was worried for you."

  At that, Anna forced herself to sit up and open both eyes to look down at him. "You mean you have an STD?"

  "No, I don't, but –"

  Her head was already back on his shoulder and she looked as if was about to fall asleep.

  "I'm worried for you. I mean –" He sighed and kissed her forehead, then both cheeks, then her lips. "I mean, I'm sorry."

  A Devon apology was akin to seeing Bigfoot, and her eyes met his. "What are you sorry about? That you don't have an STD?"

  "No, I'm sorry I didn't take better care of you. That's the kind of thing I need to remember to think about."

  Her soft, dreamy smile somehow made him feel a bit better, even though he knew he wouldn't let himself off the hook quite that easily. "That's very sweet."

  He was glad she thought so. She looked so innocent, lying there in his arms, where he'd pictured her so many times. His cock rose again beneath her bottom, but he could see dark circles under her eyes and she was obviously exhausted.

  As he lifted her off the couch and brought her into his room, to his tiny double bed that barely fit him, much less the both of them, he was thinking that this Domming thing was going to be hard work.

  But as he watched her settle against him, within the circle of his arms, cradled by his big body, he knew that any amount of work would be more than worth it in order to hold her like this.

  Chapter 3

  At first, Anna worried a bit that this relationship – or whatever it was – wasn't going to pan out because of the fact that they already worked so closely together. She thought they'd get tired of each other quickly, maybe start to get on each other's nerves, and perhaps she'd even end up having to leave, which would have devastated her.

  But that was not what happened at all.

  He'd mentioned it when he'd fucked her that first time, but she was so distracted by what he was doing to her – that any of it was happening between them at all, really – that she hadn't retained it. Dev didn't want their currently merged private lives to affect work, and, for the most part, it didn't.

  She still went home to her own place, if they got together on a weeknight – and, although, at first, he tried to restrict their dates that weren't dates to the weekends, it inevitably began to bleed into the rest of the week. But Anna always got up and went home – always on two legs that could barely hold her after hours of him alternately scourging and fucking her – often in the middle of the night, which meant that he got up, too, and followed her home, regardless of her protests that he didn't need to do that.

  And she secretly loved it when he was that protective of her.

  They met in his office first thing
in the morning every morning, went over figures, talked about what was going on for the day, and tackled everything together, just like they always had. If something cropped up that she couldn't handle herself, she brought it to Dev's attention, but otherwise, she had full rein to do what he knew she needed to do. She was good at what she did, and he trusted her implicitly.

  Just as she was beginning to trust him when they were together. He did his best to remember to be cognizant of the facts that this was a completely new type of relationship for her on many levels, and although they'd been friends, this was different from that – this was a completely different kind of trust, one deeper seated even than being lovers. She, essentially, put her life in his hands when he held her immobile, or bound her to the bed – in order to truly let go and commit to the experience whole heartedly, she had to know, without the slightest concern, that he wasn't going to take her to a bad place or abuse her in any way.

  Not that he didn't test her limits, he did. But she was always at the forefront of his mind. He didn't start out tying her down, or whipping her, or being severe with her in any way. Strict, yes. Severe, no. He knew that she needed to feel that what he did came from a place of affection and caring – not that he was just trying to get his jollies with her.

  Dev had always paid attention to everything; he was a detail-oriented man and that had served him well in business. He was a young businessman on his way up, and he had his fingers in a ton of different pies – all of which he kept flowing smoothly by listening and remembering the fine points of contracts and policies. He had a very intense personality, and, at first, Anna sometimes had a hard time when those heavy black eyes landed on her while she was talking to him at work or sitting in a meeting with him. She'd fidget and lose her train of thought and rearrange herself in her seat, and he wasn't one to just ease up on her or move on to something or someone else. He made her get her shit together when she spoke to him, never letting her off the hook easily.

  As he didn't in their personal life together.

  And he liked knowing that he disturbed her like that – because he did it deliberately, at least once a day, just to see her get flustered in a way she never used to with him. She had always been so self-possessed before, but now he could disrupt her thoughts, simply by looking at her intently.

  She'd always known he had a strong protective streak – she'd been on the receiving end of it occasionally, usually when he was bitching about where she lived – but she'd never known how much of a caretaker he was until, not long after they'd gotten together, he'd summoned her to his place rather than picking her up. They were going to a party at a mutual friend's house, and he usually swung by her place to pick her up on the way, but he wanted to see her beforehand.

  Dev had told her that he was going to make it one of her rules that she must always be in a skirt or dress when they were together, but he didn't want to cause her a financial hardship and had offered – in what he thought was a gentlemanly fashion – to buy her some new dresses.

  He had been soundly smacked for his efforts and informed, in no uncertain terms, that although he was her Dom, he was not her sugar daddy and he never would be and that she would accommodate him as best she could, without any financial assistance from him...

  He had redeemed himself almost instantly as he'd brailed his way to his favorite moist, hot spot on her body by telling her that he liked to have her wear dresses and skirts, which she didn't usually, because he said she had great legs and it was easier to get between them if she wasn't in pants.

  Far from being insulted by him saying such a thing, she had always just blushed in a manner that he seemed to find charming, but she knew was completely unbecoming and made her look like a stop light with hair – although she knew better than to say something like that to him.

  He was quite likely to spank her for it, as she'd found out previously.

  Anna had arrived the way he had told her she was required to – in a loose, pretty sundress. She hadn't taken more than one step into his place before he drew her into a hug, but then he held her at arm's length immediately, scrutinizing her closely and giving her a concerned look, pressing his hand to her forehead as if he was checking to see if she had a fever. "You don't look like you feel very well, honey."

  "I don't," she admitted, slumping against him as if she was too tired to hold herself up.

  But she didn't need to – that was what he was for – and she found herself swung up into his arms.

  "What's the matter, pretty girl?" he asked, more worried than he wanted to admit as he walked with her – bridal style – into his bedroom. Anna was never sick. He didn't think she'd taken a sick day since he'd hired her. She was like him – she thrived on work. Hell, he'd had to take her home once when she'd come in with walking pneumonia, the little fool!

  "Nothing serious, I'm fine," came her lackluster answer.

  He put her down in the middle of the big king-sized bed he'd bought just a few weeks ago. The first time they'd actually slept in it together had immediately made him wonder if he hadn't made a mistake – besides the fact that there was barely enough room to walk around it. Yes, his feet didn't hang off the end like they had with his other one, which was probably about as old as he was, but its tiny area had forced her to sleep within arm's length of him, which he found he enjoyed and missed when the enormous new bed allowed her to sleep quite separate from him.

  An arm around her waist kept her close to him as he lay down next to her and turned her face to his. "Don't lie to me," he warned, and she had learned to listen carefully when he said something like that in that tone. He rarely yelled – he didn't need to – he was, when he needed to be, a big, physically imposing man, and when he thought the situation warranted it, he didn't hesitate to throw his weight around. But he had never yelled at her in their work or, now, their private lives together.

  As her Dom, if she did something that displeased him, he took it out of her hide, impressing upon her very quickly that disobeying would have very real, serious consequences beyond his displeasure with her.

  "I'm not. It isn't serious, and I am fine."

  His eyes narrowed and her heart began to thump against her ribs. "Spill, Stinkerbell. You're so white you look as if you're about to pass out any minute."

  She was blushing now, and that confused him. Very little made her blush – except the intimate things she did with him or he made her do to him or he wouldn't allow her to stop him from doing to her.

  After heaving a put upon sigh, she avoided meeting his eyes as she admitted, "Okay, okay. I'm having cramps. Happy?"

  One bushy eyebrow went up. "I could do without the sarcasm, young lady," he chided. "Especially since I'm just trying to make sure you're not sick."

  "I'm sorry." She really was. Bitchiness wasn't her strong suit. Snark, yes. Bitchiness, no.

  Dev held her chin in his hand, tilting it up so that he had her eyes. "Is this the most comfortable position for you?" he asked solicitously.

  One bad habit she had – that had become more apparent with the new aspects of their relationship – that he was trying to break her of was that she hated to inconvenience anyone, especially him, in even the smallest of ways. She hated to be the center of attention, and now she was always the center of his. He didn't know if it stemmed from low self-esteem or what, but he wasn't about to put up with it, regardless.


  "On your side with your legs up?" he suggested, gently arranging her that way without waiting for her to answer. "I want you to get into whatever position is the most comfortable for you and relax as much as you can."

  "But we'll be late to for Putt's party – I know how you hate to be late for anything." Putt was the head of security, and his parties were legendary. Anna struggled to sit up, but lay back down immediately at the stern look he gave her from where he was standing at the end of the bed.

  "Putt throws a party damned near every weekend. We'll make it to the next one. You should have called me
and let me know you weren't feeling well, baby girl."

  Even through her misery, she clenched at that tone, and, as much as she didn't want to admit it, at that nickname, which made her heart swell when she knew it shouldn't.

  "I would have picked you up and brought you back here with me. I'm going to take care of you, and you're going to be a good girl and do exactly as you're told, aren't you?"

  "Well, when you put it that way…" she pouted.

  "I am putting it that way, missy, and don't you forget it. All you need to do this evening is relax and do exactly as you are told and feel better. You don't even have to think. I'll take care of everything, especially you." His eyebrow was up, and that was never a good sign. "In what position should you be, little one?" he asked pointedly.

  "My most comfortable one," she parroted back, knowing that was what she was supposed to do.

  Both eyebrows up, because she was still half sitting up, grumbling not so quietly under her breath – but not saying anything intelligible – she arranged herself on her right side with her legs up. It did ease the ache in the small of her back, as well as lessening the cramps themselves a bit.

  "Good girl," he praised quietly. "Now, what pain reliever works best for your cramps? I got 'em all. Tylenol? Motrin? Aleve? Aspirin?"

  "Motrin, please."

  His palm appeared before her eyes moments later, with two familiar looking pills in it. She sat up again, just a bit, surprised when he handed her a glass of wine with which to wash them down.

  "Is this a good idea?" she asked, hesitating a bit.

  Dev smiled. "Well, I'm not trying to kill you, if that's what you're concerned about. If you were going to take a huge handful of Motrin and swallow them down with a vat of wine, then no, but you won't have any more painkillers for six to eight hours, and this is one small glass of wine. I don't want to get you soused; I'm just using it as a muscle relaxer."

  When she was through, he put the wine glass in the headboard where it would be convenient to her.


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